The tea party is the wrong way

The true test of devotion to freedom is how much do you value the freedom of people who disagree with you? The tea party does not display that very important component in their often apocalyptic visions of transforming America into something else more to their liking.

What evidence do you have for that claim?
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?
SAME could be asked of YOU. Just stow it Mr. Projectionist.:eusa_hand:
The true test of devotion to freedom is how much do you value the freedom of people who disagree with you? The tea party does not display that very important component in their often apocalyptic visions of transforming America into something else more to their liking.

What evidence do you have for that claim?
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

Obama vowed to "transform America" and went about that by sic'ing huge government agencies on his enemies. that's how much he values the freedoms of people he disagrees with.

you are an idiot. and you couldn't be more hypocritical if you tried; but you will try
What evidence do you have for that claim?
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

Obama vowed to "transform America" and went about that by sic'ing huge government agencies on his enemies. that's how much he values the freedoms of people he disagrees with.

you are an idiot. and you couldn't be more hypocritical if you tried; but you will try
Will try? How about DOES? Predictable.
I could give you a link to this topic as everything I've written is my opinion, if you don't like what I say and yet can't really say why then don't reply.

I've posted the tea party platform 2 or 3 times already. You won't go anywhere NEAR only want to push your bias and prejudice.

Care to discuss the platform and tell us what's wrong with it? We already know you don't "like" just can't give a valid reason why other than "your opinion".

The "platform" is as meaningless to me as it is to the people you are electing to advance it. What is there to discuss about it other than it being what they are using to get you to vote for them? All they have done so far is indiscriminately sabotage things and introduce doomed unconstitutional bills for political stunts.

the very richest Americans and ONLY the very richest have gotten ahead under Obama
the rich are getting richer FASTER under Obama and Dems than they were under Bush; and the Middle Class and the poor arr GETTING POORER FASTER under Obama; then they were before.
moron leftists absurdly try to call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

so you have NO BUSINESS talking about who is being used
The Repubican ELITES are attacking the TEA Party as well. They need to wake up.

That's true but the ace-in-the-hole for citizens of course is their vote. Since the Cantor defeat you can bet your ass(ets) that every liberal incumbent republican is looking over his/her shoulder and thinking about what the constituents want rather than what the D.C. cocktail circuit thinks. That's how it's done.
Let's hope you're correct...but then they have a habit of ignorance after they've been elected/re-elected. Their records better reflect them deserving being elected...otherwise? GONE.

WE THE PEOPLE are coming...

Nobody ever suggested that the Tea Party would take over the GOP. In some demographic areas republicans prefer a more liberal candidate and Tea Party members will hold their noses in November and vote for them rather than a fascist democrat. The point of the original post suggests that the Tea Party "is the wrong way". That doesn't even make sense unless your thinking is dominated by hatred instead of logic. You might not agree with the agenda but the grass roots Tea Party shows how it should be done within the system.
What evidence do you have for that claim?
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

Obama vowed to "transform America" and went about that by sic'ing huge government agencies on his enemies. that's how much he values the freedoms of people he disagrees with.

you are an idiot. and you couldn't be more hypocritical if you tried; but you will try

You are mistaking me for someone who has faith in any politician or party establishment to do anything except protect their position and line their pockets. One of the main beefs I have with the TP is this concept that these people have the final solution to any perceived flaw in the governance of our country, I can assure you that they do not.
That's true but the ace-in-the-hole for citizens of course is their vote. Since the Cantor defeat you can bet your ass(ets) that every liberal incumbent republican is looking over his/her shoulder and thinking about what the constituents want rather than what the D.C. cocktail circuit thinks. That's how it's done.
Let's hope you're correct...but then they have a habit of ignorance after they've been elected/re-elected. Their records better reflect them deserving being elected...otherwise? GONE.

WE THE PEOPLE are coming...

Nobody ever suggested that the Tea Party would take over the GOP. In some demographic areas republicans prefer a more liberal candidate and Tea Party members will hold their noses in November and vote for them rather than a fascist democrat. The point of the original post suggests that the Tea Party "is the wrong way". That doesn't even make sense unless your thinking is dominated by hatred instead of logic. You might not agree with the agenda but the grass roots Tea Party shows how it should be done within the system.
NOT their purpose...but rather to reign them in and bring them back to their senses and common sense...exercising correct judgment, rather than exercising what will keep the party in power, and people suffering loss of their liberty as a result.
I've posted the tea party platform 2 or 3 times already. You won't go anywhere NEAR only want to push your bias and prejudice.

Care to discuss the platform and tell us what's wrong with it? We already know you don't "like" just can't give a valid reason why other than "your opinion".

The "platform" is as meaningless to me as it is to the people you are electing to advance it. What is there to discuss about it other than it being what they are using to get you to vote for them? All they have done so far is indiscriminately sabotage things and introduce doomed unconstitutional bills for political stunts.

the very richest Americans and ONLY the very richest have gotten ahead under Obama
the rich are getting richer FASTER under Obama and Dems than they were under Bush; and the Middle Class and the poor arr GETTING POORER FASTER under Obama; then they were before.
moron leftists absurdly try to call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

so you have NO BUSINESS talking about who is being used

Never really get an attempt at self examination out of you people no matter how hard I try, even a thread on the methods and wrongful beliefs of the TP is all about Obama to some.
I've posted the tea party platform 2 or 3 times already. You won't go anywhere NEAR only want to push your bias and prejudice.

Care to discuss the platform and tell us what's wrong with it? We already know you don't "like" just can't give a valid reason why other than "your opinion".

The "platform" is as meaningless to me as it is to the people you are electing to advance it. What is there to discuss about it other than it being what they are using to get you to vote for them? All they have done so far is indiscriminately sabotage things and introduce doomed unconstitutional bills for political stunts.

the very richest Americans and ONLY the very richest have gotten ahead under Obama
the rich are getting richer FASTER under Obama and Dems than they were under Bush; and the Middle Class and the poor arr GETTING POORER FASTER under Obama; then they were before.
moron leftists absurdly try to call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

so you have NO BUSINESS talking about who is being used
The ELITE Political Class against the rest of us...Occupado is too stupid to realize that HE is spewing their points. Dumbass sheep are like that.
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Let's hope you're correct...but then they have a habit of ignorance after they've been elected/re-elected. Their records better reflect them deserving being elected...otherwise? GONE.

WE THE PEOPLE are coming...

Nobody ever suggested that the Tea Party would take over the GOP. In some demographic areas republicans prefer a more liberal candidate and Tea Party members will hold their noses in November and vote for them rather than a fascist democrat. The point of the original post suggests that the Tea Party "is the wrong way". That doesn't even make sense unless your thinking is dominated by hatred instead of logic. You might not agree with the agenda but the grass roots Tea Party shows how it should be done within the system.
NOT their purpose...but rather to reign them in and bring them back to their senses and common sense...exercising correct judgment, rather than exercising what will keep the party in power, and people suffering loss of their liberty as a result.

The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.
Nobody ever suggested that the Tea Party would take over the GOP. In some demographic areas republicans prefer a more liberal candidate and Tea Party members will hold their noses in November and vote for them rather than a fascist democrat. The point of the original post suggests that the Tea Party "is the wrong way". That doesn't even make sense unless your thinking is dominated by hatred instead of logic. You might not agree with the agenda but the grass roots Tea Party shows how it should be done within the system.
NOT their purpose...but rather to reign them in and bring them back to their senses and common sense...exercising correct judgment, rather than exercising what will keep the party in power, and people suffering loss of their liberty as a result.

The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.
I know. You're preaching to the choir.
Nobody ever suggested that the Tea Party would take over the GOP. In some demographic areas republicans prefer a more liberal candidate and Tea Party members will hold their noses in November and vote for them rather than a fascist democrat. The point of the original post suggests that the Tea Party "is the wrong way". That doesn't even make sense unless your thinking is dominated by hatred instead of logic. You might not agree with the agenda but the grass roots Tea Party shows how it should be done within the system.
NOT their purpose...but rather to reign them in and bring them back to their senses and common sense...exercising correct judgment, rather than exercising what will keep the party in power, and people suffering loss of their liberty as a result.

The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.

It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?
What evidence do you have for your observations except a lifetime of experience?

Obama vowed to "transform America" and went about that by sic'ing huge government agencies on his enemies. that's how much he values the freedoms of people he disagrees with.

you are an idiot. and you couldn't be more hypocritical if you tried; but you will try

You are mistaking me for someone who has faith in any politician or party establishment to do anything except protect their position and line their pockets. One of the main beefs I have with the TP is this concept that these people have the final solution to any perceived flaw in the governance of our country, I can assure you that they do not.

you cant possibly "assure" anybody somebody else has a workable solution or not unless you think you know what the "real" solution is. in that case you are exactly what you're whining about
I never heard anybody from the Tea party say they had the "final solution" to anything
so you're creating a straw man

NOT their purpose...but rather to reign them in and bring them back to their senses and common sense...exercising correct judgment, rather than exercising what will keep the party in power, and people suffering loss of their liberty as a result.

The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.

It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?

"......telling you what to care deeply about"

that assumes we didn't care about those things before there was a Tea party

more stupidity
the more you post the bigger the fool you make of yourself
NOT their purpose...but rather to reign them in and bring them back to their senses and common sense...exercising correct judgment, rather than exercising what will keep the party in power, and people suffering loss of their liberty as a result.

The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.

It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?

How much money do Soros and the union bosses funnel into the dem machine? Do you even know who is talling you what to care about?

I cannot believe how naive you are. Sure, all political ideologies have financial support. What citizens need to do is look at them all and THINK about what each would mean to them personally and to the future of the country.
The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.

It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?

"......telling you what to care deeply about"

that assumes we didn't care about those things before there was a Tea party

more stupidity
the more you post the bigger the fool you make of yourself

He/she/it is a typical liberal, its what they do best.
NOT their purpose...but rather to reign them in and bring them back to their senses and common sense...exercising correct judgment, rather than exercising what will keep the party in power, and people suffering loss of their liberty as a result.

The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.

It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?

No it doesn't. The left has been whining about political funding since the Supreme Court ruled that money = speech. The Tea Party spent practically nothing on the campaign to unseat Cantor. The structure concocted by the poorly written hastily passed "campaign finance reform" dictates how political funding is handled and it tends to favor incumbents. Violate it at your peril if you are a republican. Look what happened to Dinesh DiSouza.
The Tea Party isn't a political party. There is no structure or convention. It's just a loosely knit bunch of people who want candidates to pay attention to their constituents. If the candidate refuses to abide by the will of the majority the Tea Party tries to work within the system to get a better candidate. Just when the left thought the Tea Party movement was dead they took down an arrogant politician who thought he was immune from political pressure. The fact that the left thinks the Tea Party isn't "the way to go" indicates ignorance of the political system fueled by hatred.

It has structure enough to funnel millions into various campaigns and buy massive airtime on all media, someone has to be setting the agenda, do you even know who is telling you what to care deeply about?

"......telling you what to care deeply about"

that assumes we didn't care about those things before there was a Tea party

more stupidity
the more you post the bigger the fool you make of yourself

Has the question of where all that stuff came from never occurred to you? Who funds and commissions all stuff you read that confirms your fears and legitimizes your prejudices? Why the hell the right needs so many "think tanks" when they claim that everything is self evident? You are being led by people and you do not even know their names.

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