The tea party is the wrong way

Anyone who opposes government expasion is obviously an anarchist, but I think that is only common since. :lol:
You're confused.

The only thing I am confused about is why you people buy this idea that tea party politicians are something other than easily corruptible politicians. The sheer faith you put in these people to transform government into something good is mystifying.

Look at the faith liberals have in Obama, he can do no wrong, he is beyond reproach.
I don't faith in politicians to me Democrats and Republicans are all corruptible.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Everyone is guilty of believing in their "side" far too much, the only side I really have is to totally distrust the politicians who tell people to be afraid rather than courageous and treat optimism itself as an impossible luxury, the rest of them get a healthy measure of skepticism.
Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.

speculation and fantasy.
Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.

Its been explained to you several times, if you are incapable of comprehending, that is your issue, not ours.

The TP wants freedom for everyone, freedom from an oppressive government, freedom from high taxes, freedom to succeed and freedom to fail-----what awful ideas :D
You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government.

Oh crap, we're not? That's horrible. I mean when you started accusing them then clearly it was our job to convince you. You've been here with an open mind, and we've utterly failed. I'm so disappointed.

LOL, what a bozo...
Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

The dirty little secret is that the low information left wishes that the Tea Party would just sit down and shut up but that pesky 1st Amendment keeps getting in the way. No political group is more polite or respectful or conscious of the law than the blue haired little old ladies and bald headed Vets who constitute most of the Tea Party. They even clean up after their rallies. The bigoted left seemed to tolerate and even encourage the unlawful behavior of neo-fascists in the Occupy Wall Street rabble but for some unknown reason possibly related to ignorance they hate the Tea Party.
The Repubican ELITES are attacking the TEA Party as well. They need to wake up.
I believe the tea party's belief in anarchism and libertinism is bad for our country. y.

Matthew i agree with you.

SOCIALISM is the answer, it worked in Somalia, Cuba, Venezuela the former USSR.

Here in the US where the politicians have been closely adhering to the Communist Manifesto's command " The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…" The national debt is 17 TTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion and increasing, government controls everything, we have had a depression since 2008, we have troops all over creation
Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.

Your Major Malfunction is that you believe the Government is an entity on to itself. We the People are supposed to be the Government, not the other way around. The TEA PARTY is part of WE THE PEOPLE. We are not going away, and will continue the Rhino Hunt.....Didn't bag many this time, but Eric Cantor is on the Wall.............Taxidermist had trouble stuffing the bloated head though. Hope to Mount Thad's head on the wall as well.

The Status Quo got us in this mess. They have had decades to do something about it, but they continue us down the path to Economic Ruin. They have to go.............

Low information left wingers are so blinded by hatred that they don't even know what they are arguing about. You may not agree with the Tea Party agenda but any sane person has to agree that the grass roots methods the Tea Party is certainly the way to go. What else is there? Riots and demonstrations and bombs? That's the way radical left wing politics works.

Talk about low information...most teapers can't even explain why they are teapers. I started a CDZ thread asking teapers to express their views without the vitriol, and they couldn't even explain their belief system. The best response was a link to a blog.
They couldn't explain it or they refused to agree with your dumb ass? I've never heard of anyone that couldn't explain why they support the movement. Lower taxes, less government, fiscal responsibility, etc. It isn't rocket science, junior.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.

Its been explained to you several times, if you are incapable of comprehending, that is your issue, not ours.

The TP wants freedom for everyone, freedom from an oppressive government, freedom from high taxes, freedom to succeed and freedom to fail-----what awful ideas :D

They would be awesome ideas if they had any intentions of doing any of that, instead it's just the lie that gets another group of plutocrat toadies near the DC corporate feed trough.
You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.

Its been explained to you several times, if you are incapable of comprehending, that is your issue, not ours.

The TP wants freedom for everyone, freedom from an oppressive government, freedom from high taxes, freedom to succeed and freedom to fail-----what awful ideas :D

They would be awesome ideas if they had any intentions of doing any of that, instead it's just the lie that gets another group of plutocrat toadies near the DC corporate feed trough.

wrong again, dude. But if they turn corrupt we will kick their asses out too. What we know for sure is that the corrupt assholes like Reid and Pelosi must be removed from power. And its OK if some GOP assholes get kicked out at the same time. Cantor is a good start.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.
Lots of emotion there, not much else. You don't even know what you're talking about. Supporting a smaller more fiscally responsible less intrusive government is NOT anti-government. YOU define it that way because you are like a spoiled brat that isn't getting his way so you resort to extreme hyperbole and associations. "They are just like...they would do this...they would do that...etc" The arguments of a child. I can't convince you to grow up, only you can do that.
Its been explained to you several times, if you are incapable of comprehending, that is your issue, not ours.

The TP wants freedom for everyone, freedom from an oppressive government, freedom from high taxes, freedom to succeed and freedom to fail-----what awful ideas :D

They would be awesome ideas if they had any intentions of doing any of that, instead it's just the lie that gets another group of plutocrat toadies near the DC corporate feed trough.

wrong again, dude. But if they turn corrupt we will kick their asses out too. What we know for sure is that the corrupt assholes like Reid and Pelosi must be removed from power. And its OK if some GOP assholes get kicked out at the same time. Cantor is a good start.
Agreed. Occupado assumes WE are partisan hacks like himself. He refuses to believe in free untethered thought. He Needs permission to stray...:eusa_whistle:
You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.

Its been explained to you several times, if you are incapable of comprehending, that is your issue, not ours.

The TP wants freedom for everyone, freedom from an oppressive government, freedom from high taxes, freedom to succeed and freedom to fail-----what awful ideas :D

They would be awesome ideas if they had any intentions of doing any of that, instead it's just the lie that gets another group of plutocrat toadies near the DC corporate feed trough.

I see...You LIKE their ideas ....but you don't "think" they mean you're supporting the people who are slandering them...but you like their ideas...:lol:

You are a very confused hyperpartisan spinning around and around in circles....

Can you post a link to their "intentions" ? :lol:

Yeah..that's rational :lol:
You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government.

Oh crap, we're not? That's horrible. I mean when you started accusing them then clearly it was our job to convince you. You've been here with an open mind, and we've utterly failed. I'm so disappointed.

LOL, what a bozo...

The true test of devotion to freedom is how much do you value the freedom of people who disagree with you? The tea party does not display that very important component in their often apocalyptic visions of transforming America into something else more to their liking.
You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government.

Oh crap, we're not? That's horrible. I mean when you started accusing them then clearly it was our job to convince you. You've been here with an open mind, and we've utterly failed. I'm so disappointed.

LOL, what a bozo...

The true test of devotion to freedom is how much do you value the freedom of people who disagree with you? The tea party does not display that very important component in their often apocalyptic visions of transforming America into something else more to their liking.

So you believe that when you make up baseless accusations you are demonstrating a "devotion to freedom" and valuing the freedom of people who disagree with you?

And when I challenged you on what you made up but actually said, I'm not devoted to freedom because I'm disagreeing with what you made up.

Got it. LOL. You people have no self awareness...
You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.

Its been explained to you several times, if you are incapable of comprehending, that is your issue, not ours.

The TP wants freedom for everyone, freedom from an oppressive government, freedom from high taxes, freedom to succeed and freedom to fail-----what awful ideas :D

They would be awesome ideas if they had any intentions of doing any of that, instead it's just the lie that gets another group of plutocrat toadies near the DC corporate feed trough.

So the left want to continue the monopoly of the left wing media which presents only the left's views, and Fox is biased because they allow multiple viewpoints to be heard by the people who think them.

The left wants to shut down non-liberal radio with the "fairness doctrine" which eliminates the power of the marketplace and puts government in control of what's heard over public airwaves by private companies and citizens.

The left drives the insane political correctness war on anyone not liberal who dares to speak their view

Oh, it's the right that wants only their side heard and will use batons and tear gas on anyone who disagrees with them. LOL, you're a stooge...
Its been explained to you several times, if you are incapable of comprehending, that is your issue, not ours.

The TP wants freedom for everyone, freedom from an oppressive government, freedom from high taxes, freedom to succeed and freedom to fail-----what awful ideas :D

They would be awesome ideas if they had any intentions of doing any of that, instead it's just the lie that gets another group of plutocrat toadies near the DC corporate feed trough.

I see...You LIKE their ideas ....but you don't "think" they mean you're supporting the people who are slandering them...but you like their ideas...

You are a very confused hyperpartisan spinning around and around in circles....

Can you post a link to their "intentions" ?

Yeah..that's rational :lol:

They are awesome ideas, there may even be ways of making it happen but alas the tea party lacks any ability at bringing people who disagree with them over to their way of thinking. The level of political consensus and compromise required to do any of that without things being far worse or falling into martial law is alien to your kind. It's why I see you people not as freedom loving but dementedly hungering for fascism.
You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government.

Oh crap, we're not? That's horrible. I mean when you started accusing them then clearly it was our job to convince you. You've been here with an open mind, and we've utterly failed. I'm so disappointed.

LOL, what a bozo...

The true test of devotion to freedom is how much do you value the freedom of people who disagree with you? The tea party does not display that very important component in their often apocalyptic visions of transforming America into something else more to their liking.

Link to these "apocalyptic" "visions" you allege?

I posted the tea party platform earlier...I don't see anything like what you're saying. You're just making things up...again.

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