The tea party is the wrong way

Low information left wingers are so blinded by hatred that they don't even know what they are arguing about. You may not agree with the Tea Party agenda but any sane person has to agree that the grass roots methods the Tea Party is certainly the way to go. What else is there? Riots and demonstrations and bombs? That's the way radical left wing politics works.
Harry Reid got his gang together to harass citizens. Why can't you guys use your goons to stop the flood of illegals coming in?

Do I take it that given the means you would use some more direct and forceful means of stemming the "flood" than is currently being done regardless of the political fallout and harm to our society? Thanks for proving my point that tea party supporters are fascist to the core.

Thanks for agreeing with me that Harry Reid is a fascist goon.

Probably, but no tea party politician in the same position would be any better, what's this stupid faith you people have in these political opportunists you've elected? They are politicians and therefore inherently untrustworthy and self-serving.
Low information left wingers are so blinded by hatred that they don't even know what they are arguing about. You may not agree with the Tea Party agenda but any sane person has to agree that the grass roots methods the Tea Party is certainly the way to go. What else is there? Riots and demonstrations and bombs? That's the way radical left wing politics works.

Talk about low information...most teapers can't even explain why they are teapers. I started a CDZ thread asking teapers to express their views without the vitriol, and they couldn't even explain their belief system. The best response was a link to a blog.
the motives of the tea party are not the motives of liberals. your attempt to put your motives in the minds of others fails.

the vengence motive resides with the left and its attempts to "fundamentally change" the country. Why do you idiots think that the greatest nation in history needs fundamental change? WTF is wrong with you?

The tea party is the group that legally challenges and most wants to amend the constitution, if that shit is not fundamental change I do not know what is. At most all the liberals want to do is make sure no one goes hungry, has acess to healthcare and gets a good education. TP conservatives are the ones trying to set the clock back to 1950 when life was apparently perfect.

are you fucking crazy? not a word of that post is correct. You are a lying asshole.

He's an Obama occupier stooge..probably one who was taking over the people's property like parks and state capitals..
probably paid
Do I take it that given the means you would use some more direct and forceful means of stemming the "flood" than is currently being done regardless of the political fallout and harm to our society? Thanks for proving my point that tea party supporters are fascist to the core.

Thanks for agreeing with me that Harry Reid is a fascist goon.

Probably, but no tea party politician in the same position would be any better, what's this stupid faith you people have in these political opportunists you've elected? They are politicians and therefore inherently untrustworthy and self-serving.

You're confused.
Low information left wingers are so blinded by hatred that they don't even know what they are arguing about. You may not agree with the Tea Party agenda but any sane person has to agree that the grass roots methods the Tea Party is certainly the way to go. What else is there? Riots and demonstrations and bombs? That's the way radical left wing politics works.

Democracy is frequently messy while fascist coups are frequently bloodless and sanctioned by the economically powerful. The tea party has been willfully co-opted by the powerful, it's why they got senators rather than public beatdowns and media blackouts.
I believe the tea party's belief in anarchism and libertinism is bad for our country. My belief is that we already walked down this road during the 19th into the early 20th century blindly accepting the ugly face of capitalism without regulations.

1. We're all better off with a government that we vote for regulating and preventing monopolies within the private sector.
2. We're all better off with clean air and water standards that are world renown....Most of the world want to be here!
3. We're all better off with a minimum wage. I understand that a business must be profitable, but if they're not profitable at the point of allowing a person to eat a meal??? What kind of country are we??? The right to union and the minimum wage was the reason behind the large middle class of the mid 20th century. Do you really want to go back to the early 20th century??? MEXICO, anyone??? Vote tea party for mexico! And, no I don't believe we should pay people 20 bucks per hour as it would do great harm. This is called economics!
4. We wouldn't have computers, railways, highways, freeways or much of the overall infrastructure of civilization if it wasn't for government. Time to get serious! Time to spend some serious bucks on what's important.
5. The nws, nasa, cdc, fda, nsf, etc all make us the evy of the world when it comes to science. No way in hell can the private sector do what the nws does and be as open as they're. Thousands of people a year saved from live threaten weather events that would like wise die.
6. Every child should have exist to public education!

I propose waking up and smelling the coffee. I rather enjoy civilization! Once you do, well, see to it that the public sector has its place in our society.
YOU support a Socialist POLICE STATE.

Fuck off Matt. YOU are an idiot and NO friend to true liberty.:eusa_hand:
Low information left wingers are so blinded by hatred that they don't even know what they are arguing about. You may not agree with the Tea Party agenda but any sane person has to agree that the grass roots methods the Tea Party is certainly the way to go. What else is there? Riots and demonstrations and bombs? That's the way radical left wing politics works.

Talk about low information...most teapers can't even explain why they are teapers. I started a CDZ thread asking teapers to express their views without the vitriol, and they couldn't even explain their belief system. The best response was a link to a blog.

The Tea Party wants constitutional government. Don't you?
"The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791. The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or the people."

States rights. Something that everyone should be able to appreciate.

nutz said:
Wait a are gay. A racist, gimp, fag...WTF!

You are just a confused little boy.

And a racist gimp!

Thanks for the thoughtful, erudite and meaningful reply. It's an excellent display of your level of intelligence and maturity.
Well done.
Nothing made up about it, right wing people love the riot squad and really get off on using them, it is not even debatable as even rural departments are eagerly accumulating military style hardware for riot control, who do you think that stuff is for? You?
I think it's for the assholes that riot. DUH. That is not the TEA Party folks, it's the anarchists, occupiers, dopers, anti-capitalists, vandals, etc. The liberals get off on being victims and will ALWAYS blame everything on somebody else. It's what they do.

Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.
Thanks for agreeing with me that Harry Reid is a fascist goon.

Probably, but no tea party politician in the same position would be any better, what's this stupid faith you people have in these political opportunists you've elected? They are politicians and therefore inherently untrustworthy and self-serving.

You're confused.

The only thing I am confused about is why you people buy this idea that tea party politicians are something other than easily corruptible politicians. The sheer faith you put in these people to transform government into something good is mystifying.
I think it's for the assholes that riot. DUH. That is not the TEA Party folks, it's the anarchists, occupiers, dopers, anti-capitalists, vandals, etc. The liberals get off on being victims and will ALWAYS blame everything on somebody else. It's what they do.

Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

And oddly enough? TEA Party rallies are peaceful...and as an added bonus? They leave the areas where they protest cleaner than when they found it. Imagine that?
Probably, but no tea party politician in the same position would be any better, what's this stupid faith you people have in these political opportunists you've elected? They are politicians and therefore inherently untrustworthy and self-serving.

You're confused.

The only thing I am confused about is why you people buy this idea that tea party politicians are something other than easily corruptible politicians. The sheer faith you put in these people to transform government into something good is mystifying.

Look at the faith liberals have in Obama, he can do no wrong, he is beyond reproach.
I don't faith in politicians to me Democrats and Republicans are all corruptible.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
I think it's for the assholes that riot. DUH. That is not the TEA Party folks, it's the anarchists, occupiers, dopers, anti-capitalists, vandals, etc. The liberals get off on being victims and will ALWAYS blame everything on somebody else. It's what they do.

Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

The dirty little secret is that the low information left wishes that the Tea Party would just sit down and shut up but that pesky 1st Amendment keeps getting in the way. No political group is more polite or respectful or conscious of the law than the blue haired little old ladies and bald headed Vets who constitute most of the Tea Party. They even clean up after their rallies. The bigoted left seemed to tolerate and even encourage the unlawful behavior of neo-fascists in the Occupy Wall Street rabble but for some unknown reason possibly related to ignorance they hate the Tea Party.
You're confused.

The only thing I am confused about is why you people buy this idea that tea party politicians are something other than easily corruptible politicians. The sheer faith you put in these people to transform government into something good is mystifying.

Look at the faith liberals have in Obama, he can do no wrong, he is beyond reproach.
I don't faith in politicians to me Democrats and Republicans are all corruptible.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
BOTH are human and equally susceptible to hold their power over others. They are after all human...corruptible. And YES they are corrupt.
I think it's for the assholes that riot. DUH. That is not the TEA Party folks, it's the anarchists, occupiers, dopers, anti-capitalists, vandals, etc. The liberals get off on being victims and will ALWAYS blame everything on somebody else. It's what they do.

Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
The Occutards? They weren't beaten, they were removed from private and public property for illegally taking it over. It's for all people, not just the malcontents. The TEA Partiers protest too, the fact that a retard like you can't figure out the difference IS the problem. But it isn't my problem.

You are not doing anything to convince me that that the tea party would value anti-government protests as a god-given right if they happened to be the government. Your rationalizations for taking the plutocracy's side in the OWS protests are the same ones that the tea party would use to squash protests against them. I do not know why there is even an argument here, you all know that you would sic the dogs on a group of hippies no matter what their beef happens to be.

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