The tea party is the wrong way

The tea party is the wrong way

Particularly since there is no ‘tea party.’

Otherwise, yes, the extreme, errant, and irresponsible policies advocated by the far right in the GOP are in fact the ‘wrong way.’ They’re the policies of ignorant, naïve, reactionaries who needlessly fear change and diversity; they adhere blindly to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.
Once again, faggot marriage is not one of the items listed in the Constitution.

But the loony liberals / progressives act as though it is. .. :cool:

And most of the science institutions that make us a first world nation that's the envy of the world is CONSITUTIONAL. A central Banks is consitutional! A public educational system is constitutional.

Nasa is constitutional
Nws is constitutional
SSi for our old is constitutional!
Breaking up over powering assholes within the private sector is constitutional

Now please go back into the cave! ;)
The tea party is the wrong way

Particularly since there is no ‘tea party.’

Otherwise, yes, the extreme, errant, and irresponsible policies advocated by the far right in the GOP are in fact the ‘wrong way.’ They’re the policies of ignorant, naïve, reactionaries who needlessly fear change and diversity; they adhere blindly to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

Post #17 shows the tea party platform.

I don't see any of the things you allege in there? I think you're an exaggerating hyperpartisan.

Your stream of negative language exposes your obvious bias.
The tea party is for turning this country into a third world shit hole.

So the United States was a third world shit hole in 1929 before it had any of the government you mentioned?

Let me see
1. America was breaking up monopolies
2. There was a national weather service
3. Central Bank
4. infastructure was being invested in by the federal government

The modern nation is what we ran into. You people don't like the fact that the public/private system is the way they work throughout the world.

1. The government broke up one company that was guilty of lowering the price of Kerosene every year it was in business. Yeah, that did wonders for Americans.

2. Oh, well, we would never know the weather if the national government didn't tell us what it was!

3. The Federal Reserve was created in 1914 and promptly caused the financial panic of 1929. Thanks federal government!

4. What "infrastructure" was the federal government funding?
The fear stated by some seems to be around the idea of allowing states and their residents a greater say in how they are governed. Switzerland is a good example of a country practicing what they term direct democracy in order to provide greater levels of self-determination to its citizens and regions (Cantons).

Switzerland has been able to make this work, which begs the question "why are states rights a bad thing"?

The fear stated by some seems to be around the idea of allowing states and their residents a greater say in how they are governed. Switzerland is a good example of a country practicing what they term direct democracy in order to provide greater levels of self-determination to its citizens and regions (Cantons).

Switzerland has been able to make this work, which begs the question "why are states rights a bad thing"?


This system has become completely dysfunctional. There is no difference between the parties.

I think proportional representation with multiple parties is a better way to govern.
In that type of system each party can take a percentage of the seats.
There would always be "majority" parties, but the "minority" parties would always serve as watchdogs to make sure the majority followed the law and didn't run any scams on the people...rather than the merry go round of corruption we have with 2 parties.

Maybe after the re set that could work. It certainly wouldn't be worse.
The tea party does not ultimately believe in anything except that they should be in charge and that those who opposed or scared them will pay dearly.
The left wing ignorance about the tea party is quite evident. Either they have no idea what its about or it scares the shit out of them because it supports the exact same concepts that this country was founded on.

Young Matthew brings up things like the weather service and the highway system as constitutional successes or liberal government. But never mentions things like NSA spying, VA incompetence, IRS political targeting, deficit spending, and international intervention.

Taxed Enough Already = TEA party

Thats all it is.

Bringing gay marriage into every debate just shows how obesssed the left is with that one issue. Why must gay committments be called marriages? What is it about the word "marriage" that is so fricken important to the gay agenda? Answer: its not about equality or rights---its about forced societal acceptance of an abnormal lifestyle.
Matthew, really?

good grief no one want's to go back to 19th Century...

what is it with these damn dramatics...
The fear stated by some seems to be around the idea of allowing states and their residents a greater say in how they are governed. Switzerland is a good example of a country practicing what they term direct democracy in order to provide greater levels of self-determination to its citizens and regions (Cantons).

Switzerland has been able to make this work, which begs the question "why are states rights a bad thing"?


This system has become completely dysfunctional. There is no difference between the parties.

I think proportional representation with multiple parties is a better way to govern.
In that type of system each party can take a percentage of the seats.
There would always be "majority" parties, but the "minority" parties would always serve as watchdogs to make sure the majority followed the law and didn't run any scams on the people...rather than the merry go round of corruption we have with 2 parties.

Maybe after the re set that could work. It certainly wouldn't be worse.

I agree. Another part of the problem and something that makes corruption easier at the Federal level is the complexity of the legislative process and the inability to assess the impact laws will have at a local/state/national level or even to to quantify the results of legislation in real terms once it has been passed.

It's also amazing that most politicians in Washington have trouble understanding the details of each piece of legislation they pass. Kinda of like the Pelosi statement that we'll figure out what's in the legislation once we pass it. Just insane.

The tea party does not ultimately believe in anything except that they should be in charge and that those who opposed or scared them will pay dearly.

Post #17 debunks all that hyperbole and DNC drivel.

That debunks nothing, human history says that the first thing hardline conservatives do upon gaining power is use every tool at their disposal (courts, spies, police and military) to settle scores and harass any opposition. How do you feel the TP is somehow different when vengeance minded right-wingers have always resorted to coercion and force to consolidate their position?
I believe the tea party's belief in anarchism and libertinism is bad for our country.

LOL, just reducing the burden of taxes and spending on our economy is "anarchism and libertinism." It's anarchy or Marxism! Those are our only choices? Why are those our only choices, Matty?
The fear stated by some seems to be around the idea of allowing states and their residents a greater say in how they are governed. Switzerland is a good example of a country practicing what they term direct democracy in order to provide greater levels of self-determination to its citizens and regions (Cantons).

Switzerland has been able to make this work, which begs the question "why are states rights a bad thing"?


This system has become completely dysfunctional. There is no difference between the parties.

I think proportional representation with multiple parties is a better way to govern.
In that type of system each party can take a percentage of the seats.
There would always be "majority" parties, but the "minority" parties would always serve as watchdogs to make sure the majority followed the law and didn't run any scams on the people...rather than the merry go round of corruption we have with 2 parties.

Maybe after the re set that could work. It certainly wouldn't be worse.

I agree. Another part of the problem and something that makes corruption easier at the Federal level is the complexity of the legislative process and the inability to assess the impact laws will have at a local/state/national level or even to to quantify the results of legislation in real terms once it has been passed.

It's also amazing that most politicians in Washington have trouble understanding the details of each piece of legislation they pass. Kinda of like the Pelosi statement that we'll figure out what's in the legislation once we pass it. Just insane.


another reason for term limits.

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