The tea party is the wrong way

You are talking to your mirror.

Matthew is right on with his comments.

read post #17. You and Matt are totally wrong----------or totally brainwashed. You tell us which.

Whoever is writing for Rota is merely a sociopath trying to justify the unjustifiable: TP and neo-conservatism are the surest way to pull this country down into the quagmire.

Not going to happen.

Post #17 exposes your lie.
Wild, partisan speculation and exaggeration with nothing factual to support it.

You've made up a fantasy scenario, using imaginary people doing fabricated things that you invented to "support" your weak premise.
Yeah..that's a great debate tactic. :doubt:

Nothing made up about it, right wing people love the riot squad and really get off on using them, it is not even debatable as even rural departments are eagerly accumulating military style hardware for riot control, who do you think that stuff is for? You?
I think it's for the assholes that riot. DUH. That is not the TEA Party folks, it's the anarchists, occupiers, dopers, anti-capitalists, vandals, etc. The liberals get off on being victims and will ALWAYS blame everything on somebody else. It's what they do.

Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.
Nothing made up about it, right wing people love the riot squad and really get off on using them, it is not even debatable as even rural departments are eagerly accumulating military style hardware for riot control, who do you think that stuff is for? You?
I think it's for the assholes that riot. DUH. That is not the TEA Party folks, it's the anarchists, occupiers, dopers, anti-capitalists, vandals, etc. The liberals get off on being victims and will ALWAYS blame everything on somebody else. It's what they do.

Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.

Are you talking about the filthy trash the left used for political purposes? Drugs, robberies, RAPE, trash everything. Your kind of gang?
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The left wing ignorance about the tea party is quite evident. Either they have no idea what its about or it scares the shit out of them because it supports the exact same concepts that this country was founded on.

Young Matthew brings up things like the weather service and the highway system as constitutional successes or liberal government. But never mentions things like NSA spying, VA incompetence, IRS political targeting, deficit spending, and international intervention.

Taxed Enough Already = TEA party

Thats all it is.

Bringing gay marriage into every debate just shows how obsessed the left is with that one issue. Why must gay committments be called marriages? What is it about the word "marriage" that is so fricken important to the gay agenda? Answer: its not about equality or rights---its about forced societal acceptance of an abnormal lifestyle.

They don't even realize that it is big government rules and regulations that causes the inequality in the first place.
More freedom from government would allow them to marry or not marry, to have equality in what their partners want for each other. They would be able to have recognition of their own marriage certificates.
Get rid of the old tax law that causes them to not have equality in giving an inheritance to their partners.
You are talking to your mirror.

Matthew is right on with his comments.

read post #17. You and Matt are totally wrong----------or totally brainwashed. You tell us which.

Whoever is writing for Rota is merely a sociopath trying to justify the unjustifiable: TP and neo-conservatism are the surest way to pull this country down into the quagmire.

Not going to happen.

Right, individual freedom and responsibility are terrible ideas and will destroy the country :cuckoo::cuckoo:
I think it's for the assholes that riot. DUH. That is not the TEA Party folks, it's the anarchists, occupiers, dopers, anti-capitalists, vandals, etc. The liberals get off on being victims and will ALWAYS blame everything on somebody else. It's what they do.

Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.

Are you talking about the filthy trash the left used for political purposes? Drugs, robberies, RAPE, trash everything. Your kind of gang?

Actually I am talking about how eagerly the right defended everything they claim to hate because it was being done to people they hate.
Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.

Are you talking about the filthy trash the left used for political purposes? Drugs, robberies, RAPE, trash everything. Your kind of gang?

Actually I am talking about how eagerly the right defended everything they claim to hate because it was being done to people they hate.

you are so screwed up---------the right does not hate anyone. The haters are you lefties. You hate corporations, rich people, conservatives, libertarians, bikers, the military, the GOP, Fox, talk radio, and everyone else that does not bow down to your kenyan messiah.
I believe the tea party's belief in anarchism and libertinism is bad for our country. My belief is that we already walked down this road during the 19th into the early 20th century blindly accepting the ugly face of capitalism without regulations.

1. We're all better off with a government that we vote for regulating and preventing monopolies within the private sector.
2. We're all better off with clean air and water standards that are world renown....Most of the world want to be here!
3. We're all better off with a minimum wage. I understand that a business must be profitable, but if they're not profitable at the point of allowing a person to eat a meal??? What kind of country are we??? The right to union and the minimum wage was the reason behind the large middle class of the mid 20th century. Do you really want to go back to the early 20th century??? MEXICO, anyone??? Vote tea party for mexico! And, no I don't believe we should pay people 20 bucks per hour as it would do great harm. This is called economics!
4. We wouldn't have computers, railways, highways, freeways or much of the overall infrastructure of civilization if it wasn't for government. Time to get serious! Time to spend some serious bucks on what's important.
5. The nws, nasa, cdc, fda, nsf, etc all make us the evy of the world when it comes to science. No way in hell can the private sector do what the nws does and be as open as they're. Thousands of people a year saved from live threaten weather events that would like wise die.
6. Every child should have exist to public education!

I propose waking up and smelling the coffee. I rather enjoy civilization! Once you do, well, see to it that the public sector has its place in our society.

Maybe you are reading too many left wing blogs. An adviser and friend of the president was an anarchist. Mayby the modern left thinks that copies of the Constitution and the display of the Flag are subversive. The Tea Party didn't set bombs or occupy parks or disrupt traffic. Where have you people been? All they did was defeat an arrogant incumbent who was not responsive to his constituents. What has the democrat party done except create a bunch of robots who are afraid to speak out?
Are you talking about the filthy trash the left used for political purposes? Drugs, robberies, RAPE, trash everything. Your kind of gang?

Actually I am talking about how eagerly the right defended everything they claim to hate because it was being done to people they hate.

you are so screwed up---------the right does not hate anyone. The haters are you lefties. You hate corporations, rich people, conservatives, libertarians, bikers, the military, the GOP, Fox, talk radio, and everyone else that does not bow down to your kenyan messiah.

Give it a rest, without groups of people to hate and fear the tea party is nothing, less than nothing, just a pile of lobbyist cash. Take everything you think you believe in and try to do it without an aspect of insidious conspiracy or impending doom, it cannot be done.
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Being angry and discontented with the status quo is only good for right-wingers I suppose. People like you cheered when the goons beat people practicing their 1st amendment rights down like dogs on the streets of America. Rationalizing the use of police force on the rabble is the first step towards fascism and it's what we would get with people like you in charge. What happens to the patriotic right to protest the government when people like you get power? It becomes Anti-Americanism and is punishable by public beatdown.

Are you talking about the filthy trash the left used for political purposes? Drugs, robberies, RAPE, trash everything. Your kind of gang?

Actually I am talking about how eagerly the right defended everything they claim to hate because it was being done to people they hate.

Harry Reid got his gang together to harass citizens. Why can't you guys use your goons to stop the flood of illegals coming in?
Maybe you should have kept that talking point in your ass, it stinks dude

With a hypothetical tea party government, anti-government/anti-corporate protest would be practically illegal and a good way to be beaten and jailed, It's one of the things you guys thirst for, to sic the dogs on worthless libs who can't keep their discontent with plutocracy to themselves.

Dude, will you stop pulling that crap out of your ass? It smells like a sewer in here.
Occupied is an appropriate name.
You're dumb.

And a racist gimp!

Despite some of his reasoning, he is right. How can anyone support the tea party? A lousy canadian, Ted Cruz, is one of their leaders and he only cares about name recognition, not these United States.

Fuck Matthew, fuck canada, fuck Ted Cruz, fuck the Tea Party.
Actually I am talking about how eagerly the right defended everything they claim to hate because it was being done to people they hate.

you are so screwed up---------the right does not hate anyone. The haters are you lefties. You hate corporations, rich people, conservatives, libertarians, bikers, the military, the GOP, Fox, talk radio, and everyone else that does not bow down to your kenyan messiah.

Give it a rest, without groups of people to hate and fear the tea party is nothing, less than nothing, just a pile of lobbyist cash. Take everything you think you believe in and try to do it without an aspect of insidious conspiracy or impending doom, it cannot be done.

Liberals hate and fear what they claim are gun carrying TeaPartiers, that are about to go off the deep end, that's why we need gun laws. Liberals need to silence this threat, so they hate FOXNews and it needs to quit feeding all the violence that is about to erupt. Limbaugh and other radio shows need to stop the hate, we need The Fairness Doctrine to balance and control all the hate from the right. The right wants to suppress homosexuals, women, blacks, hispanics, the right wants in to private lives of people and on and on.

The fear the left spouts about the right is off the hook, spare me you diatribe, clean up your side and false fears before you attack others.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Actually I am talking about how eagerly the right defended everything they claim to hate because it was being done to people they hate.

you are so screwed up---------the right does not hate anyone. The haters are you lefties. You hate corporations, rich people, conservatives, libertarians, bikers, the military, the GOP, Fox, talk radio, and everyone else that does not bow down to your kenyan messiah.

Give it a rest, without groups of people to hate and fear the tea party is nothing, less than nothing, just a pile of lobbyist cash. Take everything you think you believe in and try to do it without an aspect of insidious conspiracy or impending doom, it cannot be done.

The Virginia primary says otherwise.
Cantor 5.1 million
Brat 206,000
Are you talking about the filthy trash the left used for political purposes? Drugs, robberies, RAPE, trash everything. Your kind of gang?

Actually I am talking about how eagerly the right defended everything they claim to hate because it was being done to people they hate.

Harry Reid got his gang together to harass citizens. Why can't you guys use your goons to stop the flood of illegals coming in?

Do I take it that given the means you would use some more direct and forceful means of stemming the "flood" than is currently being done regardless of the political fallout and harm to our society? Thanks for proving my point that tea party supporters are fascist to the core.
Once again, faggot marriage is not one of the items listed in the Constitution.

But the loony liberals / progressives act as though it is. .. :cool:

And most of the science institutions that make us a first world nation that's the envy of the world is CONSITUTIONAL. A central Banks is consitutional! A public educational system is constitutional.

Nasa is constitutional
Nws is constitutional
SSi for our old is constitutional!
Breaking up over powering assholes within the private sector is constitutional

Now please go back into the cave! ;)

None of that is in the Constitution. Check it out.
Actually I am talking about how eagerly the right defended everything they claim to hate because it was being done to people they hate.

Harry Reid got his gang together to harass citizens. Why can't you guys use your goons to stop the flood of illegals coming in?

Do I take it that given the means you would use some more direct and forceful means of stemming the "flood" than is currently being done regardless of the political fallout and harm to our society? Thanks for proving my point that tea party supporters are fascist to the core.

Thanks for agreeing with me that Harry Reid is a fascist goon.

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