The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

the majority of Jews are a Zionist Manufactured People........and have little actually NOTHING to do with Jews of the bible

Really? Defend this statement. Describe the Jews of the bible. Then describe the "Zionist manufactured people". What makes the one different from the other?
You have NEVER been to Israel then.

WTF? So, anyone walking around Israel would understand the difference between Zionist manufactured people and Jews from the bible? How so? Come on, tell me.
the majority of Jews are a Zionist Manufactured People........and have little actually NOTHING to do with Jews of the bible

Really? Defend this statement. Describe the Jews of the bible. Then describe the "Zionist manufactured people". What makes the one different from the other?
You have NEVER been to Israel then.

WTF? So, anyone walking around Israel would understand the difference between Zionist manufactured people and Jews from the bible? How so? Come on, tell me.
Well I don't believe you have been to Israel.......You need to speak to Real Jews who have been in the Holy Land for generations living in harmony with the Palestinians...Like I have....then you would know.......steve
Well I don't believe you have been to Israel.......You need to speak to Real Jews who have been in the Holy Land for generations living in harmony with the Palestinians...Like I have....then you would know.......steve

Let's just say I want to talk to a Real Jew. How would I know I found one, Steve?
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy
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Thats right a non Jew zionist, just like mo'mad was originally when he declared that palestine was Jewish and the muslims should allow them to live in peace. Not all zionists are Jews you know, just as not all muslims are arabs
Very well and the younger generation is following with the same intent and passion. However the Jewish way isn't to argue for survival with the enemy but to 'go in' and get a deeper sense of our heritage, multiply and fight when necessary.

And ironically all these people attacking our identity today only strengthen our motivation to keep drinking from the roots. Our collective identity transforms and gets stronger than that of the last 5 generations or so.
Yes but what REAL IDENTITY,Jews in Israel after 1948 are a manufactured nation,the kibbutz system saw to that.....that they have little or NO semblance of Jews of the bible........the overseas Jews came to Palestine as a majority of Jewish converts to Judasium sic and are Tartars,Turkic and Central Asians not Jews at all,no direct link to Abraham........."Fight was the operative word in you post,considering the huge amount of Palestinian Men, WOMEN AND CHILDREN YOU HAVE SLAUGHTERED AND MAIMED"You are completely disgusting and shameful.....deeper sense of your heritage>>>>MY ASS
Tut tut.

Your ass is telling you not to read those hate sites about the Jews being Khazars. Most of the Jews living in Israel are Mizrahi Jews straight from the Middle East who have the same DNA as the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.. Can you get back to us after we see your book on the best selling list regarding the DNA of the Jews? Naturally the book after this will be about the Muslims invading all those countries in the Middle East, such as Egypt and Iraq, and killing the people who refused to convert to Islam. You certainly don't want readers to think you are not evenhanded so you have to cover all bases even though it might be hard for you to do. As for shameful and disgusting, look in your mirror.
Hoss,I can be very cutting with my comments.........with good reason,I don't subscribe to the Zionist DNA propaganda like you,to say that Ashken nazi Jews have the same DNA as Sephardic Jews is completely erroneous,the nearest peoples to the Shephardic DNA is the you full well know....even you and I would have more Jewish blood in us than the Ashkenazi's ......... Stop all this Mirror on the wall semantics you create to forward your inaccurate posts regarding this Tut,Tut Indeed

Is that why the palestinians refuse to have DNA tests done, because it will show they are actually from Egypt and Syria. Now about your claims that have already been shown to be a pack of lies, why do you keep repeating them ?
OK,let the Jews of Israel/Palestine and the Palestinians have DNA test.........And only those who have over 50% actual Jewish Blood/DNA can stay and the majority can go back to their country of Origin, if you want to fcuk around with that type of thing,I personally believe this sort of thing is wrong but if you do know Pheo,that the Palestinians would be the purer race

And at the same time DNA test every arab muslim claiming to be a palestinian to see if they are. Less than 85% match and they leave for good. ( 85% is the cut off point for DNA matching homo sapiens ) So when the arab muslims turn out to be not even arab and from far away then they will lose everything. You will lose your argument when the Jews show an 89% match or better, and prove once and for all that they are related to the Jews of the Bible. Those who converted will of course be allowed to stay as youcant alter international law to suit your POV .

Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

The palestinian people in this case being the Jews of course, or didn't you want to post that part of the story. And as you say they have always exported Oranges from Jewish orange groves owned by the Jaffa family. The arab muslims could not even grow enough to feed their own families never mind a surplus to sell. What zionist terrorists are these then, as you have failed to prove any link between zionism and terrorism and still spout the LIE.

It is you that FAIL AGAIN because you believe what the islamonazi propagandists say being a RABID JEW HATER.
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy

And what qualifies you to make this declaration then seeing as you have a 100% failure rate when it comes to the Jews. As much as you claim the majority of Jews are not real the DNA testing done so far shows them to be 99% real Jews. They even show which tribe of the Jews they belong to. The DNA testing of the arab muslim fakes show that they are mostly Syrian, Egyptian or Saudi and should be relocated back home.
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

The palestinian people in this case being the Jews of course, or didn't you want to post that part of the story. And as you say they have always exported Oranges from Jewish orange groves owned by the Jaffa family. The arab muslims could not even grow enough to feed their own families never mind a surplus to sell. What zionist terrorists are these then, as you have failed to prove any link between zionism and terrorism and still spout the LIE.

It is you that FAIL AGAIN because you believe what the islamonazi propagandists say being a RABID JEW HATER.
Pheo,you cannot assume that I can be influenced by Islamic Propagandist because I will NOT and never have been.....Give me a little Credit for are wrong about the Palestinians not being able to grow,produce and export foods Pheo and you know it....GO JAFFA ORANGES the real Palestinian Citrus,Originally Developed by Palestinian Farmers in 1850's.....for you all to view..Jaffa orange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read carefully Pheo,I am right and you Sadly again are WRONG.........the Jews thought that the Palestinian Agriculture was primitive but had to concede later that it was much better t6han the Jews and far more cost take the time to read properly Pheo

For the last time of saying I love Jews but detest Zionism.alright Pheo
Last edited:
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

Is it funny that the Arab muslims in Israel and the PA don't have a culture of their own yet call themselves a 'nation' while destroying all non- muslim cultural treasures?

However it's funny how you think that centuries old olive trees and crops planted by the Jews, or the numerous swamps dried and farms built were in any way the work of the Arabs.
Whole families were sent to Israel to reunite with the other Jews much before Zionism was officially created.
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

Is it funny that the Arab muslims in Israel and the PA don't have a culture of their own yet call themselves a 'nation' while destroying all non- muslim cultural treasures?

However it's funny how you think that centuries old olive trees and crops planted by the Jews, or the numerous swamps dried and farms built were in any way the work of the Arabs.
Whole families were sent to Israel to reunite with the other Jews much before Zionism was officially created.
Apart from being a Total Dumb Asshole,you know not the minute nor the hour,I find you tedious to say the least,you are just BORING,go stalk someone else.
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Trouble is Most of them are NOT REAL Jews,even your Ultras have a grading system of what a REAL JEW IS,and most don't QUALIFY.............Get it NOW

You'd be a Funny Man if you were not so Pathetic,spoken without Predudice

For Rylah,the UN JEW peoples Funny Boy

Well I guess there's just no balestinian culture or identity, otherwise you wouldn't have to attack the Jews ignoring the question about the the culture of Arabs who recently statred calling themselves 'filastinians'.

One thing though, a secular Jew is more Jew than a religious Muslim, for one simple reason- being a Jew is not a choice, you're born with a Jewish soul. It doesn't matter if he's righteous or even converted to Islam- he's a Jew for eternity.

I once met a group of Arabs in Europe, the introduction transformed into a violent 'discussion', because apparently the 2 Yemenite brothers had 3rd one in Gaza, who moved there 2 years before that and fought with Hamas against the Israelis...I guess since he's been there for 2 years HE'S THE REAL BALESTINIAN and his brothers who call themselves the same...

No shared culture of the place, no distinct identity, hatred towards anyone different and a feeling of entitlement without anything to show to the world....and you accuse the Jews of not being Jews??

Well after centuries of being prosecuted for merely BEING JEWISH by Europeans and Arabs- YOUR OPINION IS IRRELEVANT.
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

Is it funny that the Arab muslims in Israel and the PA don't have a culture of their own yet call themselves a 'nation' while destroying all non- muslim cultural treasures?

However it's funny how you think that centuries old olive trees and crops planted by the Jews, or the numerous swamps dried and farms built were in any way the work of the Arabs.
Whole families were sent to Israel to reunite with the other Jews much before Zionism was officially created.
Apart from being a Total Dumb Asshole,you know not the minute nor the hour,I find you tedious to say the least,you are just BORING,go stalk someone else.

Oh the personal insults and a muslim prophecy of the end times as a threat...i guess that's capitulation.:bye1:
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

The palestinian people in this case being the Jews of course, or didn't you want to post that part of the story. And as you say they have always exported Oranges from Jewish orange groves owned by the Jaffa family. The arab muslims could not even grow enough to feed their own families never mind a surplus to sell. What zionist terrorists are these then, as you have failed to prove any link between zionism and terrorism and still spout the LIE.

It is you that FAIL AGAIN because you believe what the islamonazi propagandists say being a RABID JEW HATER.
Pheo,you cannot assume that I can be influenced by Islamic Propagandist because I will NOT and never have been.....Give me a little Credit for are wrong about the Palestinians not being able to grow,produce and export foods Pheo and you know it....GO JAFFA ORANGES the real Palestinian Citrus,Originally Developed by Palestinian Farmers in 1850's.....for you all to view..Jaffa orange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read carefully Pheo,I am right and you Sadly again are WRONG.........the Jews thought that the Palestinian Agriculture was primitive but had to concede later that it was much better t6han the Jews and far more cost take the time to read properly Pheo

For the last time of saying I love Jews but detest Zionism.alright Pheo

So Jaffa is not Jewish then but arab muslim. The Oranges are as Jewish as gefilter fish.

LIAR as the records show that Jewish agriculural methods increased the output of the land by 300% over the arab methods that destroyed the fertility of the land in 5 short years.
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

Is it funny that the Arab muslims in Israel and the PA don't have a culture of their own yet call themselves a 'nation' while destroying all non- muslim cultural treasures?

However it's funny how you think that centuries old olive trees and crops planted by the Jews, or the numerous swamps dried and farms built were in any way the work of the Arabs.
Whole families were sent to Israel to reunite with the other Jews much before Zionism was officially created.
Apart from being a Total Dumb Asshole,you know not the minute nor the hour,I find you tedious to say the least,you are just BORING,go stalk someone else.

So no counter argument to the truth so you resort to your nonsense phrase trying to look intelligent
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

Is it funny that the Arab muslims in Israel and the PA don't have a culture of their own yet call themselves a 'nation' while destroying all non- muslim cultural treasures?

However it's funny how you think that centuries old olive trees and crops planted by the Jews, or the numerous swamps dried and farms built were in any way the work of the Arabs.
Whole families were sent to Israel to reunite with the other Jews much before Zionism was officially created.
Apart from being a Total Dumb Asshole,you know not the minute nor the hour,I find you tedious to say the least,you are just BORING,go stalk someone else.

Oh the personal insults and a muslim prophecy of the end times as a threat...i guess that's capitulation.:bye1:
You are a Foolish Boy
Wanna know who are real Jews?
Check the land...

Those so called balestinians claim to be here for centuries. yet they barely could feed themselves of that land..not to mention develop themselves into modern age or have any distinct culture.

Then those 'fake' Jews come and suddenly the land starts nurturing the people it accepts, and a leading modern state emerges in no time..while those 'real' balestinians are still in the dark ages.

Anyway you look, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have this prophecy of Jews coming back to THEIR lands.

p.s. still waiting for any REAL distinct culture from the Fakestinians
Funny Post really,when you consider that the French President at the time in 1886,Thanked the Palestinian people for sending tonnes of wheat and cereals to France thus preventing wide spread FAMINE in southern France,Palestine has always been an Exporter of Oranges(JAFFA),Olive Oil,Crops Various etc.,a bread basket......for Centuries and Centuries before Zionist Terrorists were even thought of.......Rylah.....YOU FAIL YET AGAIN.....your posts border on the totally IGNORANT and other words like many of your ilk,you are a Moron and a LIAR.theliq...Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure of the facts and truth

The palestinian people in this case being the Jews of course, or didn't you want to post that part of the story. And as you say they have always exported Oranges from Jewish orange groves owned by the Jaffa family. The arab muslims could not even grow enough to feed their own families never mind a surplus to sell. What zionist terrorists are these then, as you have failed to prove any link between zionism and terrorism and still spout the LIE.

It is you that FAIL AGAIN because you believe what the islamonazi propagandists say being a RABID JEW HATER.
Pheo,you cannot assume that I can be influenced by Islamic Propagandist because I will NOT and never have been.....Give me a little Credit for are wrong about the Palestinians not being able to grow,produce and export foods Pheo and you know it....GO JAFFA ORANGES the real Palestinian Citrus,Originally Developed by Palestinian Farmers in 1850's.....for you all to view..Jaffa orange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Read carefully Pheo,I am right and you Sadly again are WRONG.........the Jews thought that the Palestinian Agriculture was primitive but had to concede later that it was much better t6han the Jews and far more cost take the time to read properly Pheo

For the last time of saying I love Jews but detest Zionism.alright Pheo

So Jaffa is not Jewish then but arab muslim. The Oranges are as Jewish as gefilter fish.

LIAR as the records show that Jewish agriculural methods increased the output of the land by 300% over the arab methods that destroyed the fertility of the land in 5 short years.
Propagated by Palestinians if you bothered to read my Wiki Jaffa orange,you would have seen the truth...BUT like you Zionist Filth always try to do,is claim that it is them who forward advancement in all things..YOU ARE are a excuse for Zionist Terrorism,300% Idiot Bullshit,You claimed that these Oranges were Jewish inspired and own by Jews Idiot Bullshit.......Pheo why do yo show yourself up in this pathetic manner..steve you are a MANUFACTURED NATION,ask any REAL JEWISH person.

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