The Temple Mount Myth Revealed

In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Oh please. No one is arguing that. No one is arguing for the rights of invaders to re-invade.

What we are arguing is that you, and others like you, should cease trying to delegitimize the right of the Jewish people to self-determination and sovereignty in their ancestral, historical and spiritual homeland.
In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Oh please. No one is arguing that. No one is arguing for the rights of invaders to re-invade.

What we are arguing is that you, and others like you, should cease trying to delegitimize the right of the Jewish people to self-determination and sovereignty in their ancestral, historical and spiritual homeland.

Jews have the right to leave peacefully in the region when after they return the lands to palestinians.

In few years palestinian population will overcome the number of jews in the region.
Go home in Europe and let Amerindians in their lands!

While not supporting the ethnic cleansing of the Americas and not requiring anyone to "go home", I absolutely support the rights of the First Nations peoples to self-determination and sovereignty in their ancestral, historical and spiritual homeland. To deny them that would be morally unjustifiable.

Do you also support the rights of the First Nations peoples?
In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Because we all know that the Arabs lack land.

Go home in Europe and let Amerindians in their lands!
As everyone can see, the radical Muslim propagandist has been so busy on this board, but you will never see him post that the Arabs should go back to the Saudi Peninsula and give the land back to the people they invaded. Since this propagandist has stated that he is not living in the West, he should go back to the land his Muslim ancestors originally came from. BTW, Freeman, what Muslim country are you living in now and which country did your ancestors come from before they started invading countries for Islam.
In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Because we all know that the Arabs lack land.

Go home in Europe and let Amerindians in their lands!
As everyone can see, the radical Muslim propagandist has been so busy on this board, but you will never see him post that the Arabs should go back to the Saudi Peninsula and give the land back to the people they invaded. Since this propagandist has stated that he is not living in the West, he should go back to the land his Muslim ancestors originally came from. BTW, Freeman, what Muslim country are you living in now and which country did your ancestors come from before they started invading countries for Islam.

I have not enough time like your zionazi team in the board, you are like flies around garbage!
In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Because we all know that the Arabs lack land.

Go home in Europe and let Amerindians in their lands!
As everyone can see, the radical Muslim propagandist has been so busy on this board, but you will never see him post that the Arabs should go back to the Saudi Peninsula and give the land back to the people they invaded. Since this propagandist has stated that he is not living in the West, he should go back to the land his Muslim ancestors originally came from. BTW, Freeman, what Muslim country are you living in now and which country did your ancestors come from before they started invading countries for Islam.

I have not enough time like your zionazi team in the board, you are like flies around garbage!

You are the garbage. Are you Arab/Muslime?
In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Because we all know that the Arabs lack land.

Go home in Europe and let Amerindians in their lands!
As everyone can see, the radical Muslim propagandist has been so busy on this board, but you will never see him post that the Arabs should go back to the Saudi Peninsula and give the land back to the people they invaded. Since this propagandist has stated that he is not living in the West, he should go back to the land his Muslim ancestors originally came from. BTW, Freeman, what Muslim country are you living in now and which country did your ancestors come from before they started invading countries for Islam.

I have not enough time like your zionazi team in the board, you are like flies around garbage!

You are the garbage. Are you Arab/Muslime?

Insult and racism are not good, try to be civil!
In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Most already do, so dont need to invade. But the Jews were invited to migrate to palestine so how did they "invade". And remember it was muslims that invited them first in 1850. Then the LoN invited them to migrate in 1923. So NO INVASION TOOK PLACE OTHER THAN THAT OF THE ARAB MUSLIMS
Because we all know that the Arabs lack land.

Go home in Europe and let Amerindians in their lands!
As everyone can see, the radical Muslim propagandist has been so busy on this board, but you will never see him post that the Arabs should go back to the Saudi Peninsula and give the land back to the people they invaded. Since this propagandist has stated that he is not living in the West, he should go back to the land his Muslim ancestors originally came from. BTW, Freeman, what Muslim country are you living in now and which country did your ancestors come from before they started invading countries for Islam.

I have not enough time like your zionazi team in the board, you are like flies around garbage!

You are the garbage. Are you Arab/Muslime?

Insult and racism are not good, try to be civil!

Take heed of your own words and stop the insults and racism against the Jews
In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Oh please. No one is arguing that. No one is arguing for the rights of invaders to re-invade.

What we are arguing is that you, and others like you, should cease trying to delegitimize the right of the Jewish people to self-determination and sovereignty in their ancestral, historical and spiritual homeland.

Jews have the right to leave peacefully in the region when after they return the lands to palestinians.

In few years palestinian population will overcome the number of jews in the region.

What land as the palestinians were also the Jews and had the same rights as the arab muslims to declare independence on the land allocated to them. The arab muslims did not own any land as they signed ownership away as war reparations in 1917.
In conclusion so every people (Caucasians, Bretons, Vikings...etc) who lived in a region 4000 years ago should invade and return today to this land! :D

Because we all know that the Arabs lack land.

Go home in Europe and let Amerindians in their lands!
As everyone can see, the radical Muslim propagandist has been so busy on this board, but you will never see him post that the Arabs should go back to the Saudi Peninsula and give the land back to the people they invaded. Since this propagandist has stated that he is not living in the West, he should go back to the land his Muslim ancestors originally came from. BTW, Freeman, what Muslim country are you living in now and which country did your ancestors come from before they started invading countries for Islam.

I have not enough time like your zionazi team in the board, you are like flies around garbage!

You are the garbage. Are you Arab/Muslime?
Not only is he a Muslim, but a Sunni Muslim to boot. He hates those of other religions and even those of other Muslim sects who don't believe the same as the Sunnis do. He probably works under the Minister of Propaganda in some Sunni Muslim country.
There is no invasion, those people mostly converted to islam.

The argument that Hebrews lived some 4000 years ago in the region so they have the right to invade the cities 4000 years after is more than stupid! :arrow:

Same old tired hypocritical arguments, where the Jewish people are always wrong.

There was no invasion of the land when the Muslims came. The people there just mostly converted to Islam. It was an empty place and the Arabs just settled it and converted everyone. There was an empty mountain and the Arab Muslims just built a structure on it. No harm, no foul, right?

So let's play that game, then. There was no invasion of the land when the Jewish people returned to the land of their ancestors. A land with no people for a people with no land, right? The Jewish people just bought property and settled there. And the people there converted back to Judaism. No harm, no foul, right?

Ya can't have it both ways, Freeman.

You said "Land without people"! :biggrin:

It's too bad that Freeman couldn't have journeyed with Mark Twain. As a journalist, he took in everything he saw so that he could write about it. Can Freeman tell us what would have happened to the Arabs if the Zionists didn't come to the area and give his brethren jobs? Would they have stayed in their original poverty-stricken countries and let themselves and their families go hungry? Is that the reason you emigrated to the West, Freeman?
O Hoss,That's a really poor post from you.....take a deep breath friend,count to 20,that will clear all the Zionist SHIT out of your mind..steve
Since you have had nothing to say to Freeman, the Sunni Muslim propagandist with all his bashing of the Jews, you really would be smart to keep out of this. With you keeping very silent whenever he says something derogatory about the Jews, you are telling all the people viewing this forum just what you are. Maybe you think you are fooling all of the viewers, but they are smart enough to catch on.
Look here Hoss,you really have a bloody cheek,what you have to realise is that my time is very limited,I tend to respond to Alerts,that is why I nearly always reply as a % to your responses,I see Freemans post and on the whole he has fair and balanced responses to combat the Zionist Propaganda most of your side of the fence spew,you criticize Tinnie in the same way as you do Freeman,both are honest brokers of the truth.

Zionists only get BASHED as you put it because of their inert behaviour and let's not fcuk about they are a Terrorist Organization.

You Jews love to BASH the Palestinians at will but when the reverse is instituted you all Cry Änti-Semitism ....What total Hypocricy

This board is for peoples opinions.....well for our side it is fact,but for you it is more often corrupt opinion and Bull Shit Zionist Propaganda

I do NOT fool anyone,unless you think the TRUTH is a LIE....and therein lies the difference between us..........after 1948 the majority of Jews are a Zionist Manufactured People........and have little actually NOTHING to do with Jews of the bible

Your post has been noted and quickly PISSED ON.......and dissolved into nothingness.Dispite all this Hoss,I do like you but keep spewing Propaganda if it makes you Happy.........question,Why do you support the Zionists after all they have done??????steve
You said "Land without people"! :biggrin:

It's too bad that Freeman couldn't have journeyed with Mark Twain. As a journalist, he took in everything he saw so that he could write about it. Can Freeman tell us what would have happened to the Arabs if the Zionists didn't come to the area and give his brethren jobs? Would they have stayed in their original poverty-stricken countries and let themselves and their families go hungry? Is that the reason you emigrated to the West, Freeman?
O Hoss,That's a really poor post from you.....take a deep breath friend,count to 20,that will clear all the Zionist SHIT out of your mind..steve

Whereas it would take the full magazine of a .45 magnum to clear all the nazi shit out of yours
Phoe,Excellent Post,I have to admire you when you pull GEMS like that out of your Bag of Zionist Tricks 10 out of 10...steve

No bag of zionist tricks here abdul, it is all British ( or should that be English ) The only zionist trick is to believe that the Jews should have a homeland and the right to defend it from attack. Being a zionist I am defending against your attacks on the Jews homeland. Why dont you start packing to leave before you are evicted along with all the other muslim scum, it is just around the corner
A ZIONIST HEY,from a man? who claims he is NOT A JEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your threat to me is just that,a threat which I will crush with the truth Non Jew.....steve
the majority of Jews are a Zionist Manufactured People........and have little actually NOTHING to do with Jews of the bible

Really? Defend this statement. Describe the Jews of the bible. Then describe the "Zionist manufactured people". What makes the one different from the other?
It only makes a difference because Team Palestine uses it to argue against Jewish rights to sovereignty over any of the land and to usurp Jewish holy places and Jewish history.

While, I might agree with you that it ultimately makes no difference in terms of who has actual control over territory and actual sovereignty there, still I will not stand by and permit Jewish history to be denied or erased. Its a matter of principle.
Very well and the younger generation is following with the same intent and passion. However the Jewish way isn't to argue for survival with the enemy but to 'go in' and get a deeper sense of our heritage, multiply and fight when necessary.

And ironically all these people attacking our identity today only strengthen our motivation to keep drinking from the roots. Our collective identity transforms and gets stronger than that of the last 5 generations or so.
Yes but what REAL IDENTITY,Jews in Israel after 1948 are a manufactured nation,the kibbutz system saw to that.....that they have little or NO semblance of Jews of the bible........the overseas Jews came to Palestine as a majority of Jewish converts to Judasium sic and are Tartars,Turkic and Central Asians not Jews at all,no direct link to Abraham........."Fight was the operative word in you post,considering the huge amount of Palestinian Men, WOMEN AND CHILDREN YOU HAVE SLAUGHTERED AND MAIMED"You are completely disgusting and shameful.....deeper sense of your heritage>>>>MY ASS
Tut tut.

Your ass is telling you not to read those hate sites about the Jews being Khazars. Most of the Jews living in Israel are Mizrahi Jews straight from the Middle East who have the same DNA as the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.. Can you get back to us after we see your book on the best selling list regarding the DNA of the Jews? Naturally the book after this will be about the Muslims invading all those countries in the Middle East, such as Egypt and Iraq, and killing the people who refused to convert to Islam. You certainly don't want readers to think you are not evenhanded so you have to cover all bases even though it might be hard for you to do. As for shameful and disgusting, look in your mirror.
Hoss,I can be very cutting with my comments.........with good reason,I don't subscribe to the Zionist DNA propaganda like you,to say that Ashken nazi Jews have the same DNA as Sephardic Jews is completely erroneous,the nearest peoples to the Shephardic DNA is the you full well know....even you and I would have more Jewish blood in us than the Ashkenazi's ......... Stop all this Mirror on the wall semantics you create to forward your inaccurate posts regarding this Tut,Tut Indeed

Is that why the palestinians refuse to have DNA tests done, because it will show they are actually from Egypt and Syria. Now about your claims that have already been shown to be a pack of lies, why do you keep repeating them ?
OK,let the Jews of Israel/Palestine and the Palestinians have DNA test.........And only those who have over 50% actual Jewish Blood/DNA can stay and the majority can go back to their country of Origin, if you want to fcuk around with that type of thing,I personally believe this sort of thing is wrong but if you do know Pheo,that the Palestinians would be the purer race

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