The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

People claiming cannabis is harmful are the same people who say climate change isn't man-made or even happening. It's the 1.5% of people getting 98% of the coverage being the most outrageous lunatic fringe.
People claiming cannabis is harmful are the same people who say climate change isn't man-made or even happening. It's the 1.5% of people getting 98% of the coverage being the most outrageous lunatic fringe.
Go ahead and prove AGW and I'll try to overlook all the stoners I've known that have potatoes for brains.
People claiming cannabis is harmful are the same people who say climate change isn't man-made or even happening. It's the 1.5% of people getting 98% of the coverage being the most outrageous lunatic fringe.
Go ahead and prove AGW and I'll try to overlook all the stoners I've known that have potatoes for brains.

Don't need to use cannabis to be stupid...
People claiming cannabis is harmful are the same people who say climate change isn't man-made or even happening. It's the 1.5% of people getting 98% of the coverage being the most outrageous lunatic fringe.
Go ahead and prove AGW and I'll try to overlook all the stoners I've known that have potatoes for brains.
And you know no one with potatoes for brains who do not smoke pot? You must have potatoes for brains.
If there were any substance to this latest federal anti-pot "report" there would be so many mentally ill Americans at large the Nation could not function.

The only "mentally ill" characteristic associated with marijuana is its prohibition: The war against pot has been vigorously waged since Nixon declared it. At least a trillion dollars has been spent on arresting and prosecuting Americans for selling and possessing it, effectively ruining their lives. Yet there is no credible, scientifically established evidence that any of the Reefer Madness claims made about it are true. In spite of this irrefutable proof that marijuana is not only relatively harmless but is beneficial in many ways, the same pointlessly redundant "war" continues to be waged against this natural plant. And what is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result known as. . .?

So much for the federal claim.

This isn't a federal claim. This claim was never even reported in any American media. This claim is from the World Health Organization and came from England, published in the Daily Mail.
That is probably because those that smoked pot and became mentally ill became isolated from your peer group.

oh is that what happened?....i knew them even beyond the smoking mental illness....try again....

That's not what I meant. You aren't friends with anyone mentally ill, right? If you are, ask them if they smoked pot before they got ill.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
im sure some did......some people are abusers.....should everything that is abused be banned?.......

No but some things should be banned. IMO, based on what I've read and what people I know have experienced, pot should be one of those things. The mental health aspect is the number one reason why I'm against it.
well what i and millions of others have experienced with should at least be decriminalized,because it is not as bad as the anti-pot people make it out to be AND at the same time it is not as harmless as the pro-pot people make it out to be, BECAUSE of those who will abuse anything you put in their hands .....but you are always going to have abusers....look at how a simple thing like a cell phone is abused....texting while driving is just as bad as driving while high or drunk....
problem is it slows reaction time and causes more accidents.
The same as alcohol.

That you and others on the right are blind to how inconsistent you are comes as no surprise.

first off studies show it makes you a worse driver. Second of all the COMBINED effects of drinking and driving PLUS being high on pot would make the death rates skyrocket.
if you are saying doing and this "study" are wrong......yea i know ....."a study on pot wrong?"......yea go figure....
gateway drug?.....most of the guys i knew were either smoking cigarets or drinking before we seen pot in our first year of collage...some of them were doing "whites" before pot too....the word gateway is over exaggerated....

Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....
problem is it slows reaction time and causes more accidents.
The same as alcohol.

That you and others on the right are blind to how inconsistent you are comes as no surprise.

first off studies show it makes you a worse driver. Second of all the COMBINED effects of drinking and driving PLUS being high on pot would make the death rates skyrocket.
Some studies have shown that it does not make you a worse driver, in fact some people drove better. Which study do you listen to?

not true. It doesn't make you a better driver? How so? staring at the stop sign for 20 minutes? Laughing at the old lady you run over that you didn't see? Get real.
yea that just happens so often.....nothing like the anti-pot ever smoke any pot Ninja?.....remember lots of people in this thread...actually you wont be able to bullshit anyone except Katz....she will eat up what you say....
People claiming cannabis is harmful are the same people who say climate change isn't man-made or even happening. It's the 1.5% of people getting 98% of the coverage being the most outrageous lunatic fringe.
Go ahead and prove AGW and I'll try to overlook all the stoners I've known that have potatoes for brains.
will you overlook the "stoners" who have degrees and are pretty successful in life?.....
If there were any substance to this latest federal anti-pot "report" there would be so many mentally ill Americans at large the Nation could not function.

The only "mentally ill" characteristic associated with marijuana is its prohibition: The war against pot has been vigorously waged since Nixon declared it. At least a trillion dollars has been spent on arresting and prosecuting Americans for selling and possessing it, effectively ruining their lives. Yet there is no credible, scientifically established evidence that any of the Reefer Madness claims made about it are true. In spite of this irrefutable proof that marijuana is not only relatively harmless but is beneficial in many ways, the same pointlessly redundant "war" continues to be waged against this natural plant. And what is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result known as. . .?

So much for the federal claim.

This isn't a federal claim. This claim was never even reported in any American media. This claim is from the World Health Organization and came from England, published in the Daily Mail.
oh that makes it better.....i guess England has no anti-pot people.....
first off studies show it makes you a worse driver. Second of all the COMBINED effects of drinking and driving PLUS being high on pot would make the death rates skyrocket.

Hey why have traffic fatalities and underage use declined in Colorado since it began loosening it's marijuana laws and after it completely legalized it?

As Colorado Loosened Its Marijuana Laws Underage Consumption And Traffic Fatalities Fell - Forbes
and they found out that same thing here in California since 1996.....i have posted that 3-4 times but people like Katz just keep on jabbering away.....
Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.

Nicotine will kill you?

the old timers love their drugs of choice but like to deny anyone else theirs..I think I'll take my meds for arthritis so I can have a higher chance at a heart attack or damage to my rectum and spleen..
will you overlook the "stoners" who have degrees and are pretty successful in life?.....
Like who, Willie Nelson?
yea like about Gary Johnson......Phil Jackson....and the rights sweetheart Sarah lest she admits she inhaled....Steve Jobs....Carl Sagan.....Stephan J. Gould....Francis Crick....Margaret Mead.....Kary Mullis.....Oliver Sacks.....hey the list goes on....

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