The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

will you overlook the "stoners" who have degrees and are pretty successful in life?.....
Like who, Willie Nelson?
yea like about Gary Johnson......Phil Jackson....and the rights sweetheart Sarah lest she admits she inhaled....Steve Jobs....Carl Sagan.....Stephan J. Gould....Francis Crick....Margaret Mead.....Kary Mullis.....Oliver Sacks.....hey the list goes on....
But Iceweasel has a much better IQ and social standing than these potato pot heads....
Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.

Nicotine will kill you?

the old timers love their drugs of choice but like to deny anyone else theirs..I think I'll take my meds for arthritis so I can have a higher chance at a heart attack or damage to my rectum and spleen..
yea but those drugs are they are are supposed to ignore the side effects.....

So the "gateway" nonsense is nothing but deceptive Reefer Madness propaganda.

I believe marihooch is a gateway drug simply because the dealers will sell you something else if they're not holding weed. I never saw hashish, speed, or the psychedelics being peddled as an exclusive...they were always sidelines of the pot dealers. In my buzzed days we usually popped a dexi and drank beers along with the smoke. When I smoked weed without the others, I didn't like it. Anybody who's had a traumatic incident (car wreck, crime victim, combat Vet) has to be careful playing with their brain chemistry for their own safety and those around them. Weekenders with normal lives, free of inherited stability issues, and in comfortable surroundings won't have problems with most marijuana. But I'd advise novices to do only a toke or two at first to gauge it's potency. :uhoh3:
will you overlook the "stoners" who have degrees and are pretty successful in life?.....
Like who, Willie Nelson?
yea like about Gary Johnson......Phil Jackson....and the rights sweetheart Sarah lest she admits she inhaled....Steve Jobs....Carl Sagan.....Stephan J. Gould....Francis Crick....Margaret Mead.....Kary Mullis.....Oliver Sacks.....hey the list goes on....
Willie has oatmeal for brains. The few others I have heard of aren't stoners.
will you overlook the "stoners" who have degrees and are pretty successful in life?.....
Like who, Willie Nelson?
yea like about Gary Johnson......Phil Jackson....and the rights sweetheart Sarah lest she admits she inhaled....Steve Jobs....Carl Sagan.....Stephan J. Gould....Francis Crick....Margaret Mead.....Kary Mullis.....Oliver Sacks.....hey the list goes on....
But Iceweasel has a much better IQ and social standing than these potato pot heads....
i just find it funny that to those who have very little REAL experience with Pot, actually tell those who have, that Pot smokers are all stupid people and wont accomplish anything......because of some anti-pot study they read....
will you overlook the "stoners" who have degrees and are pretty successful in life?.....
Like who, Willie Nelson?
yea like about Gary Johnson......Phil Jackson....and the rights sweetheart Sarah lest she admits she inhaled....Steve Jobs....Carl Sagan.....Stephan J. Gould....Francis Crick....Margaret Mead.....Kary Mullis.....Oliver Sacks.....hey the list goes on....
Willie has oatmeal for brains. The few others I have heard of aren't stoners.
sure they are not.....they may not abuse it but everyone that i mentioned smoked it either back when, or still occasionally guy Crick used to do acid on top of the weed....your problem Weasel is you refuse to accept anything that may not be a negative about pot.....but dont worry your ignorance is not confined to you alone....
sure they are not.....they may not abuse it but everyone that i mentioned smoked it either back when, or still occasionally guy Crick used to do acid on top of the weed....your problem Weasel is you refuse to accept anything that may not be a negative about pot.....but dont worry your ignorance is not confined to you alone....
I'm not worried and I wasn't born yesterday. However, yesterday's weed isn't today's weed and that something seldom brought up. Pot is definitely more along the lines of what a drug is than alcohol. Many or most adults drink to some degree and it doesn't alter their lifestyle. Pot use does somehow.

I remember a Joe Square kind of guy in the military that started smoking weed. The next thing we knew his car was painted every florescent color available, through lace doilies and was a changed man. How many beer drinkers do you know of that change like that. And it wasn't even good weed by today's standards.
Good weed today was around in the 1970's when I smoked Columbian red or gold bud.. that would waste 4 guys smoking in a '66 Impala..
Well, they had hash, Tai-sticks and PCP around too. Is the low test even available today? If pot is legal, why not hashish?
Well, they had hash, Tai-sticks and PCP around too. Is the low test even available today? If pot is legal, why not hashish?

I developed a fondness for's the drug of choice for warriors because it makes you feel powerful, not passive like reefer. I thought it tasted like soap smells.....and a gram of green or black hash and the tiny pipe was easily concealed. :eusa_shifty:
Good weed today was around in the 1970's when I smoked Columbian red or gold bud.. that would waste 4 guys smoking in a '66 Impala..

Panama dope is red, not Columbian....amateur. :eusa_snooty:
Well I can see you have a limited experience in the mater.

sure they are not.....they may not abuse it but everyone that i mentioned smoked it either back when, or still occasionally guy Crick used to do acid on top of the weed....your problem Weasel is you refuse to accept anything that may not be a negative about pot.....but dont worry your ignorance is not confined to you alone....
I'm not worried and I wasn't born yesterday. However, yesterday's weed isn't today's weed and that something seldom brought up. Pot is definitely more along the lines of what a drug is than alcohol. Many or most adults drink to some degree and it doesn't alter their lifestyle. Pot use does somehow.

I remember a Joe Square kind of guy in the military that started smoking weed. The next thing we knew his car was painted every florescent color available, through lace doilies and was a changed man. How many beer drinkers do you know of that change like that. And it wasn't even good weed by today's standards.
yea it was all because of the pot......knew hundreds of smokers over the years and out side of 1 or 2 every ones car had its normal paint are talking about someone who got caught up in the Hippie thing.....yea i knew a few too.....and yea beer drinkers change too.....every party i have ever been too when the Cops came it wasnt because of those loud rowdy "im going to kick your ass" pot smokers.....
Well, they had hash, Tai-sticks and PCP around too. Is the low test even available today? If pot is legal, why not hashish?
out here its because they say you are altering the pot.....especially if you extract oil from it.....
will you overlook the "stoners" who have degrees and are pretty successful in life?.....
Like who, Willie Nelson?
You might be surprised to know how many very successful and prominent people use marijuana. Even our two-faced bullshit artist President admitted to doing it "frequently" -- in spite of his refusal to discuss the issue after deceiving us into electing him.

Please understand there are powerful political and corporate forces diligently engaged in maintaining marijuana prohibition -- which has made some people immensely wealthy and continues to do so.
Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.

Nicotine will kill you?

the old timers love their drugs of choice but like to deny anyone else theirs..I think I'll take my meds for arthritis so I can have a higher chance at a heart attack or damage to my rectum and spleen..

Ummmm, I support legalization kid.

Now explain how nicotine kills

I smoked a lot of pot from 18 to about 23 - pretty much daily. I have to question this claim;

{Those who try to stop taking cannabis often suffer anxiety, insomnia, appetite disturbance and depression, he found. Even after treatment, less than half can stay off the drug for six months.

Read more: Cannabis study by expert demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless Daily Mail Online
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My daughter was born when I was 23 and I quit. I mean, I just stopped doing it. I never had withdrawals or any of the symptoms listed. It wasn't a big deal, my priorities had changed and I didn't want to spend the money on pot.

When I stopped smoking tobacco - I had SERIOUS withdrawals. There was no comparison, cigarettes are addictive, pot is not.

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