The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.
Everything is sure to kill you as everyone will eventually die and marijuana does not confer immortality.
Let people choose their poison. If they want to smoke, get drunk, or take drugs, then it is their choice to make.

Slams? They sure hit it hard. LOL

But one of the creators of Milton Keynes Cannabis Social Club, which has a community Facebook page with nearly 1000 members, argued: “Firstly, the idea that cannabis is a ‘gateway drug’ is flawed.

“Most people I knew tried tobacco or alcohol before cannabis, so are they not the 'gateway drugs' if such a theory is even true?

“Much of the report is based around effects of cannabis smoked as a teenager. With a government controlled regulation of the market and with the use of licensed shops or cafés we could see cannabis available to citizens 18 plus only.

“Also, even this 'damning' report states the chance of a fatal overdose is ‘very small’ and cannabis was ‘not as harmful as other illicit drugs such as amphetamine, cocaine and heroin’, with which it is classified under the law in many countries.”

This is all it says about the report.
Let's ban alcohol. What do you think?

Please tell me the advantages of drinking alcohol.

Off topic. But step off your pedestal for a second and remember what happened the last time we banned it.

Let's ban alcohol. What do you think?

Off topic. You started with the alcohol, so don't fucking accuse me of going off topic, idiot.

I firmly believe, ALL drug dealers, regardless of the drug they're pushing, should be executed.
I have a softer approach to users as they're just brain dead fucking idiots.
They should be forced into rehab, regardless of the drug they abuse.
They should then have their previous addiction posted on the internet so potential employers can see they may be taking a fucking idiot into their company.
I firmly believe, ALL drug dealers, regardless of the drug they're pushing, should be executed.
I have a softer approach to users as they're just brain dead fucking idiots.
They should be forced into rehab, regardless of the drug they abuse.
They should then have their previous addiction posted on the internet so potential employers can see they may be taking a fucking idiot into their company.

Great idea. Please don't ever run for office :thup:
I would support decriminalization but of course, not legalization. Many states already give only a fine at most for having pot. Legalization sends a message to inexperienced young people that there is nothing dangerous to pot.
The only thing capable of preventing adolescents from using marijuana or any other mind-altering substance is a credible explanation of the truth, which is it will negatively affect their mental development (memory, reasoning, math skill, etc).

Legal marijuana will produce an immediate tax windfall. Some of this money should be applied to an intensive public education program which includes intelligently presented medical facts directed at adolescents. This will serve to effectively caution most kids but there always are the ten percent who will march to their own drum no matter what.

You should know that since the Netherlands decriminalized marijuana in 1976, which for all intents and purposes is no different from legalization where the Dutch are concerned, one positive effect has been a marked reduction in use by adolescents.


The results of a new study published in the journal, Addiction, earlier this month challenged the United States' "provincial" drug policy rhetoric, especially as it relates to youth. The study compared data on cannabis use among US teens to newly available numbers on usage rates in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. The results: The Dutch have about 700 adults-only clubs that openly sell 50 to 150 metric tons of cannabis per year, yet Dutch teens report lower levels of weed usage and availability than youth in the United States. The author of the study, Robert J. MacCoun, a professor at UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy and Boalt School of Law, shared with Legalization Nation some thoughts on what's going on:

Going Dutch Teen Marijuana Use in the US vs. Netherlands 8212 the Full Interview with Cal Professor Robert MacCoun Legalization Nation East Bay Express


My offhand presumption is this effect is owing to elimination of the lure of the illicit, in that the forbidden fruit aspect no longer tempts or interests the kids.

One of the ways my late wife (a clinical psychologist) imparted a pot deterrent to our three girls (all grown now) was the very real problem of the munchies and the inevitable weight gain.

Truth works.
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I would support decriminalization but of course, not legalization. Many states already give only a fine at most for having pot. Legalization sends a message to inexperienced young people that there is nothing dangerous to pot.
The only thing capable of preventing adolescents from using marijuana or any other mind-altering substance is a credible explanation of the truth, which is it will negatively affect their mental development (memory, reasoning, math skill, etc).

Legal marijuana will produce an immediate tax windfall. Some of this money should be applied to an intensive public education program which includes intelligently presented medical facts directed at adolescents. This will serve to effectively caution most kids but there always are the ten percent who will march to their own drum no matter what.

You should know that since the Netherlands decriminalized marijuana in 1976, which for all intents and purposes is no different from legalization where the Dutch are concerned, one positive effect has been a marked reduction in use by adolescents.


The results of a new study published in the journal, Addiction, earlier this month challenged the United States' "provincial" drug policy rhetoric, especially as it relates to youth. The study compared data on cannabis use among US teens to newly available numbers on usage rates in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. The results: The Dutch have about 700 adults-only clubs that openly sell 50 to 150 metric tons of cannabis per year, yet Dutch teens report lower levels of weed usage and availability than youth in the United States. The author of the study, Robert J. MacCoun, a professor at UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy and Boalt School of Law, shared with Legalization Nation some thoughts on what's going on:

Going Dutch Teen Marijuana Use in the US vs. Netherlands 8212 the Full Interview with Cal Professor Robert MacCoun Legalization Nation East Bay Express


My offhand presumption is this effect is owing to elimination of the lure of the illicit, in that the forbidden fruit aspect no longer tempts or interests the kids.

One of the ways my late wife (a clinical psychologist) imparted a pot deterrent to of our three girls (all grown now) was the very real problem of the munchies and the inevitable weight gain.

Truth works.

I told my sons reefer would eventually turn their nuts into raisins.....LMAO! I heard the older one tell the younger one he'd heard that before and demanded a blood oath they'd leave that shit alone. And of course there is some truth to that.....reefer lowers the number of swimmers in your load....most dopers find nothing scary about that....weird. :cuckoo:

What Boomers fail to remember is that when we first were around reefer, we were in our late teens/early twenties. Had fully developed bodies, mostly developed brains (except for the hippies) and the country was rich and jobs were plentiful. You could "drop out" and then drop back in when you pleased....nobody missed ya. A kid toking at the age of 12 or 13 left unchecked these days will turn out to be a bum.
Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.

Nicotine will kill you?

the old timers love their drugs of choice but like to deny anyone else theirs..I think I'll take my meds for arthritis so I can have a higher chance at a heart attack or damage to my rectum and spleen..

Ummmm, I support legalization kid.

Now explain how nicotine kills
Like how stuff like lead or asbestos kills. If you take enough over a long period of time, it gradually reaches a point where the body can no longer fully repair the damage.


Damn dude, check your facts

Once again, how does nicotine kill everyone who uses it

Good lord the paranoia is thick
I would support decriminalization but of course, not legalization. Many states already give only a fine at most for having pot. Legalization sends a message to inexperienced young people that there is nothing dangerous to pot.
The only thing capable of preventing adolescents from using marijuana or any other mind-altering substance is a credible explanation of the truth, which is it will negatively affect their mental development (memory, reasoning, math skill, etc).

Legal marijuana will produce an immediate tax windfall. Some of this money should be applied to an intensive public education program which includes intelligently presented medical facts directed at adolescents. This will serve to effectively caution most kids but there always are the ten percent who will march to their own drum no matter what.

You should know that since the Netherlands decriminalized marijuana in 1976, which for all intents and purposes is no different from legalization where the Dutch are concerned, one positive effect has been a marked reduction in use by adolescents.


The results of a new study published in the journal, Addiction, earlier this month challenged the United States' "provincial" drug policy rhetoric, especially as it relates to youth. The study compared data on cannabis use among US teens to newly available numbers on usage rates in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. The results: The Dutch have about 700 adults-only clubs that openly sell 50 to 150 metric tons of cannabis per year, yet Dutch teens report lower levels of weed usage and availability than youth in the United States. The author of the study, Robert J. MacCoun, a professor at UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy and Boalt School of Law, shared with Legalization Nation some thoughts on what's going on:

Going Dutch Teen Marijuana Use in the US vs. Netherlands 8212 the Full Interview with Cal Professor Robert MacCoun Legalization Nation East Bay Express


My offhand presumption is this effect is owing to elimination of the lure of the illicit, in that the forbidden fruit aspect no longer tempts or interests the kids.

One of the ways my late wife (a clinical psychologist) imparted a pot deterrent to of our three girls (all grown now) was the very real problem of the munchies and the inevitable weight gain.

Truth works.

I told my sons reefer would eventually turn their nuts into raisins.....LMAO! I heard the older one tell the younger one he'd heard that before and demanded a blood oath they'd leave that shit alone. And of course there is some truth to that.....reefer lowers the number of swimmers in your load....most dopers find nothing scary about that....weird. :cuckoo:

What Boomers fail to remember is that when we first were around reefer, we were in our late teens/early twenties. Had fully developed bodies, mostly developed brains (except for the hippies) and the country was rich and jobs were plentiful. You could "drop out" and then drop back in when you pleased....nobody missed ya. A kid toking at the age of 12 or 13 left unchecked these days will turn out to be a bum.

Then I must of had miracle Godsend ejaculations..produced more kids than I wanted,,,,but the penis rules,,until the T level drops off and your a cuddly Sugar Daddy...
A small percentage of the population will become mentally ill, and likewise a small percentage of those who smoke marijuana will become mentally ill from it, but it would be absolutely devastating to be one of those.
While it might seem somewhat trivial it is important to mention that no one becomes mentally ill from marijuana. But early manifestation of certain existing symptoms of mental illness can be induced by THC.

The high from marijuana just isn't worth that risk, also considering all the other problems involved like de-motivation and cognitive impairment, which affects everyone to one degree or another.
The potential for de-motivation and cognitive impairment is real but only if the drug is abused, which is a common consequence of the ignorance imparted by prohibition. When properly used, marijuana is a relatively safe and harmless euphoric tranquilizer.
Then I must of had miracle Godsend ejaculations..produced more kids than I wanted,,,,but the penis rules,,until the T level drops off and your a cuddly Sugar Daddy...

Yep, you're a real fuckin stud ain't ya? Your anecdotes aside, my posts aren't about you so how about you stop trolling them? :fu:
I doubt you have ever been trolled or stalked in all your life,,

Since you left the Jarines, the ghey community...gheyest next to the Navy...

But MJ works on tight muscles, reluctant women...nagging dogs...and Panama Red was a more brownish water leaf to it...
I firmly believe, ALL drug dealers, regardless of the drug they're pushing, should be executed.
I have a softer approach to users as they're just brain dead fucking idiots.
They should be forced into rehab, regardless of the drug they abuse.
They should then have their previous addiction posted on the internet so potential employers can see they may be taking a fucking idiot into their company.

Great idea. Please don't ever run for office :thup:

Over here, where people know drugs for what they are, that stance would probably get me the president's job.
You have to get real - If drugs were any good, there would be no need for rehab centres.

Answer that, fucker.
Yes typically I am in asshole, anyone who knows me will tell you that.

But no I don't smoke for escapism, If I feel like shit or had real bad day at work ill go to the liquor cabinet.
I smoke because it makes food taste better, makes running less tedious, making fucking feel better, makes TV more enjoyable. Why wouldn't I smoke?
I am soo sorry for you if the best you ever had was not your wife or girlfriend all natural.

I'm not saying alcohol and tobacco cannot be gateway drugs. I'd agree they are, because if you go from beer to pot, that's going from one extreme to another, but going from pot to cocaine is also going from one extreme to another. It's hard to focus on both.

Never had any draw to cocaine - it was a rich mans drug at the time. People I knew who smoked pot, only smoked pot. I didn't even drink alcohol in those days. The two didn't mix well, as far as I was concerned.

We are talking about people that do harder drugs and how they got there. If you don't know any, fine, but it's irrelevant. Most people doing harder drugs started with pot. It is only common sense.

This is not true, they started with cigarettes and alcohol.
Over here, where people know drugs for what they are, that stance would probably get me the president's job.
You have to get real - If drugs were any good, there would be no need for rehab centres.

Answer that, fucker.

Someone's testy this evening. Hey your country should go ahead and ban alcohol. When the black market explodes maybe they'll reconsider.

You know who is terrified that weed might be widely legalized in the U.S.? The cartels in central and South America that have destroyed the nations and lives of the people there. They are the benefactors of the war on drugs. :cool:
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There also rehab centers for sex addictions and caffeine addictions.

I guess getting laid and having a morning cup of coffee is wrong too.
That is probably because those that smoked pot and became mentally ill became isolated from your peer group.

oh is that what happened?....i knew them even beyond the smoking mental illness....try again....

That's not what I meant. You aren't friends with anyone mentally ill, right? If you are, ask them if they smoked pot before they got ill.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
Could be they started off drinking Pepsi Cola.

When I read
That's not what I meant. You aren't friends with anyone mentally ill, right? If you are, ask them if they smoked pot before they got ill.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
im sure some did......some people are abusers.....should everything that is abused be banned?.......

No but some things should be banned. IMO, based on what I've read and what people I know have experienced, pot should be one of those things. The mental health aspect is the number one reason why I'm against it.
It seems where recreational drugs are concerned you've been exposed to too many of the wrong kind of people and not enough of the other kind.

There is absolutely no good reason to ban marijuana. All that is needed to correct everything which is wrong with this grossly misunderstood natural euphoric tranquilizer is effective public education. But rest assured that in spite of any effort made in the positive direction, there are and always will be a percentage of stupid and self-destructive individuals who will manage to do the wrong thing with everything. And nothing, including a ban, will deter them.

I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.
That is probably because those that smoked pot and became mentally ill became isolated from your peer group.

oh is that what happened?....i knew them even beyond the smoking mental illness....try again....

That's not what I meant. You aren't friends with anyone mentally ill, right? If you are, ask them if they smoked pot before they got ill.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

Which means what?
that the guys i knew who had problems be it mental or physical did more than just pot.....the ones who stuck primarily with pot seemed to be well and prospered in their lives....and the great majority of them gave it up when kids started coming along in their families....
gateway drug?.....most of the guys i knew were either smoking cigarets or drinking before we seen pot in our first year of collage...some of them were doing "whites" before pot too....the word gateway is over exaggerated....

Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....
Good weed today was around in the 1970's when I smoked Columbian red or gold bud.. that would waste 4 guys smoking in a '66 Impala..

Panama dope is red, not Columbian....amateur. :eusa_snooty:
Well I can see you have a limited experience in the mater.

Never heard of it...up in Detroit it was either Acapulco gold or Panama red. As for ol Harry well, we used to trade Colt .45s for weed down in Mehico....I spent part of a day watching this dude spray rum on a brick to form it....amateur that ya weenie. :eusa_eh:
you are the guy who said Moon is an amateur when he knew something you didnt....dont blame me for that....thats on you....
gateway drug?.....most of the guys i knew were either smoking cigarets or drinking before we seen pot in our first year of collage...some of them were doing "whites" before pot too....the word gateway is over exaggerated....

Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.

The real gateway drug is cigarettes - always has been.

I'm not saying alcohol and tobacco cannot be gateway drugs. I'd agree they are, because if you go from beer to pot, that's going from one extreme to another, but going from pot to cocaine is also going from one extreme to another. It's hard to focus on both.
I'm not saying alcohol and tobacco cannot be gateway drugs. I'd agree they are, because if you go from beer to pot, that's going from one extreme to another, but going from pot to cocaine is also going from one extreme to another. It's hard to focus on both.

Never had any draw to cocaine - it was a rich mans drug at the time. People I knew who smoked pot, only smoked pot. I didn't even drink alcohol in those days. The two didn't mix well, as far as I was concerned.
yea i tried it but i saw the writing on the wall real quick....a 20 minute high aint worth it......i knew guys who seemed to think it was though....

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