The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

Is marijuana addictive National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA
It is estimated that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it.10 The number goes up to about 1 in 6 in those who start using young (in their teens) and to 25-50 percent among daily users.11,12 Moreover, a study of over 300 fraternal and identical twin pairs found that the twin who had used marijuana before the age of 17 had elevated rates of other drug use and drug problems later on, compared with their twin who did not use before age 17.13

Tut tut tut, weed is dangerous, does become addictive, and is a gateway drug.
So much for the idiot potheads that claim it's safe - they must be fucking stoned - oh, they are.
Why are you talking smack about me? Don't deny it I know it's true no matter what the I just wanna smoke weed folks think!

Yes, there are idiots about, selfish idiots that care little for the damage they do to their families, friends, and strangers caught up in the dealers' greed for profits.
Is marijuana addictive National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA
It is estimated that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it.10 The number goes up to about 1 in 6 in those who start using young (in their teens) and to 25-50 percent among daily users.11,12 Moreover, a study of over 300 fraternal and identical twin pairs found that the twin who had used marijuana before the age of 17 had elevated rates of other drug use and drug problems later on, compared with their twin who did not use before age 17.13

Tut tut tut, weed is dangerous, does become addictive, and is a gateway drug.
So much for the idiot potheads that claim it's safe - they must be fucking stoned - oh, they are.
so were you a smoker at one time Fred?....
Is marijuana addictive National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA
It is estimated that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it.10 The number goes up to about 1 in 6 in those who start using young (in their teens) and to 25-50 percent among daily users.11,12 Moreover, a study of over 300 fraternal and identical twin pairs found that the twin who had used marijuana before the age of 17 had elevated rates of other drug use and drug problems later on, compared with their twin who did not use before age 17.13

Tut tut tut, weed is dangerous, does become addictive, and is a gateway drug. So much for the idiot potheads that claim it's safe - they must be fucking stoned - oh, they are.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is a federal agency devoted to disseminating anti-drug propaganda. The following is just one recent example:


NIDA has drawn criticism for continuing to provide funding to George Ricaurte, who in 2002 conducted a study that was widely touted as proving that MDMA caused dopaminergic neurotoxicity in monkeys.[35] His paper "Severe Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity in Primates After a Common Recreational Dose Regimen of MDMA ('Ecstasy')" in Science[36] was later retracted after it became clear that the monkeys had in fact been injected not with MDMA, but with extremely high doses of methamphetamine.[37] A FOIA request was subsequently filed by MAPS to find out more about the research and NIDA's involvement in it.[38][39]

Alan Leshner, publisher of Science and former director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), has come under fire for endorsing the botched study at its time of publication... Leshner did help NIDA bring home the bacon: NIDA's budget for Ecstasy research has more than quadrupled over the past five years, from $3.4 million to $15.8 million; the agency funds 85 percent of the world's drug-abuse research. In 2001, Leshner testified before a Senate subcommittee on "Ecstasy Abuse and Control"; critics say Leshner manipulated brain scans from a 2000 study by Dr. Linda Chang showing no difference between Ecstasy users and control subjects. But NIDA insists it is independent from political pressures. "We don't set policy; we don't create laws," says Beverly Jackson, the agency's spokesperson.

National Institute on Drug Abuse - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


You will find many other examples of NIDA's rigged propaganda efforts on NORML's website: - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws including the one in which they hooked up four monkeys with breathing masks and pumped enough marijuana smoke into them to suffocate them -- which did in fact suffocate two. Then they used that phony example to publish a famous anti-pot "report" back in the 1970s.

If you wish to rely on NIDA's propaganda to support your anti-pot bias I know better than to attempt to correct your mindset, but I'm letting others know you serve a false prophet.
If this thread has reached its end I would like to add a closing observation by citing two recently famous Americans who have admitted to using marijuana.

Barack Obama used it "frequently" during (he says) his "younger years." And although he is a two-faced phony there is no question that he is highly intelligent and alert.

Michael Phelps, champion Olympic swimmer (8 gold medals), admits he's been smoking pot for years and insists its relaxing effect has been beneficial to him between training sessions.

Last, there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of anyone dying or being made sick from marijuana.

So those who have been influenced by pervasive anti-pot propaganda are urged to question all Reefer Madness condemnations of this natural plant.
Is marijuana addictive National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA
It is estimated that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it.10 The number goes up to about 1 in 6 in those who start using young (in their teens) and to 25-50 percent among daily users.11,12 Moreover, a study of over 300 fraternal and identical twin pairs found that the twin who had used marijuana before the age of 17 had elevated rates of other drug use and drug problems later on, compared with their twin who did not use before age 17.13

Tut tut tut, weed is dangerous, does become addictive, and is a gateway drug.
So much for the idiot potheads that claim it's safe - they must be fucking stoned - oh, they are.
so were you a smoker at one time Fred?....

I'm silly at times, but I've never been fucking stupid.
gateway drug?.....most of the guys i knew were either smoking cigarets or drinking before we seen pot in our first year of collage...some of them were doing "whites" before pot too....the word gateway is over exaggerated....

Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....

No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....
Is marijuana addictive National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA
It is estimated that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it.10 The number goes up to about 1 in 6 in those who start using young (in their teens) and to 25-50 percent among daily users.11,12 Moreover, a study of over 300 fraternal and identical twin pairs found that the twin who had used marijuana before the age of 17 had elevated rates of other drug use and drug problems later on, compared with their twin who did not use before age 17.13

Tut tut tut, weed is dangerous, does become addictive, and is a gateway drug.
So much for the idiot potheads that claim it's safe - they must be fucking stoned - oh, they are.
so were you a smoker at one time Fred?....

I'm silly at times, but I've never been fucking stupid.
so then your like a person who has never seen a particular movie.....telling everyone why it sucked....gotcha Fred....

I'm silly at times, but I've never been fucking stupid.
so then your like a person who has never seen a particular movie.....telling everyone why it sucked....gotcha Fred....[/QUOTE]

You don't have to put your hand into a fire to know it's hot, just see what it does to the bit of paper you trow into it.

Ever seen a young lad, trousers down, taking a poofter up his arse, just to get 10 quid for his next bag of snack?
I have, and I really don't want to see it again.

Some druggie idiot had just stolen my girlfriend's car stereo, smashing the BMW's window to get it. I went to the drug den, kicked in the door, fully expecting to see a junkie shooting up, with the radio on the floor next to him, but I walked in on that filthy scene.
That's the reality of drugs - the weak minded fools that take drugs will do anything to get their fix, including taking a man's dick up their arse.

No - I stand with my earlier answer - execute ALL drug dealers.
Last, there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of anyone dying or being made sick from marijuana.

If pot doesn't make you sick, why were 376,000 visits to the emergency room for it in 2009?

Drug Abuse Warning Network 2009 National Estimates of Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits

  • cocaine was involved in 422,896 visits, or 43.4 percent;
  • marijuana was involved in 376,467 visits, or 38.7 percent;
  • alcohol was involved in 291,553 visits, or 29.9 percent;
  • heroin was involved in 213,118 visits, or 21.9 percent;
  • stimulants, including amphetamines and methamphetamine, were involved in 93,562 visits, or 9.6 percent;
Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....

No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....

Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

It is estimated that about two million people are cocaine addicts in the United States, and that between 22 and 25 million people have used cocaine at least once.

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....

No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....

Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

It is estimated that about two million people are cocaine addicts in the United States, and that between 22 and 25 million people have used cocaine at least once.

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?

Every cocaine user started with cigarettes Its the natural progression for someone addicted to uppers.
If anything potheads are more likely to go into psychedelics like shrooms and lsd.

Personally I know 3 people who regularly (maybe twice a month) snort cocaine. One of them does every drug (cigs, alcohol, weed, molly, lsd, shrooms, dmt), the other two don't touch weed but are chain smokers who also drop molly from time to time.

Cigarettes are the real gateway drug.
Every cocaine user started with cigarettes Its the natural progression for someone addicted to uppers.

I already addressed that much earlier. Just quickly, going from cigarettes to soft drugs is one leap and then to hard drugs is another leap, two different gates.

A natural progression would be for the new drug user to take advantage of the widely and very easily available pot with a lower legal risk level than cocaine.
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Last, there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of anyone dying or being made sick from marijuana.

Well, not quite true.
To claim that, you have to exclude the drug users' stupidity, and they're very stupid.
That's the big thing everyone seems to miss out when it comes to drug users - they're all fucking idiots.

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths - NBC News

During each shift at her drive-through window, once an hour, Cordelia Cordova sees people rolling joints in their cars. Some blow smoke in her face and smile.

Cordova, who lost a 23-year-old niece and her 1-month-old son to a driver who admitted he smoked pot that day, never smiles back. She thinks legal marijuana in Colorado, where she works, is making the problem of drugged driving worse — and now new research supports her claim.

"Nobody hides it anymore when driving," Cordova said. "They think it's a joke because it’s legal. Nobody will take this seriously until somebody loses another loved one."

As medical marijuana sales expanded into 20 states, legal weed was detected in the bodies of dead drivers three times more often during 2010 when compared to those who died behind the wheel in 1999, according to a new study from Columbia University published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
so then your like a person who has never seen a particular movie.....telling everyone why it sucked....gotcha Fred....

You don't have to put your hand into a fire to know it's hot, just see what it does to the bit of paper you trow into it.

Ever seen a young lad, trousers down, taking a poofter up his arse, just to get 10 quid for his next bag of snack?
I have, and I really don't want to see it again.

Some druggie idiot had just stolen my girlfriend's car stereo, smashing the BMW's window to get it. I went to the drug den, kicked in the door, fully expecting to see a junkie shooting up, with the radio on the floor next to him, but I walked in on that filthy scene.
That's the reality of drugs - the weak minded fools that take drugs will do anything to get their fix, including taking a man's dick up their arse.

No - I stand with my earlier answer - execute ALL drug dealers.[/QUOTE]

you are talking about hard drugs fred.....the question was about pot....
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....

No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....

Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

It is estimated that about two million people are cocaine addicts in the United States, and that between 22 and 25 million people have used cocaine at least once.

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?
Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

you have to ask how?.....people who did the drug and liked it and kept on doing it......and lots of them were doing diet pills first.....many and i mean many pot smokers who gave it a try......did not go on....i tried it....and like many others said......"a twenty minute rush? aint worth it".....and never did it again.....why those who stuck with it is beyond me....

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