The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

The only "mentally ill" characteristic associated with marijuana is its prohibition: The war against pot has been vigorously waged since Nixon declared it. At least a trillion dollars has been spent on arresting and prosecuting Americans for selling and possessing it, effectively ruining their lives. Yet there is no credible, scientifically established evidence that any of the Reefer Madness claims made about it are true. In spite of this irrefutable proof that marijuana is not only relatively harmless but is beneficial in many ways, the same pointlessly redundant "war" continues to be waged against this natural plant. And what is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result known as. . .?

I would support decriminalization but of course, not legalization. Many states already give only a fine at most for having pot. Legalization sends a message to inexperienced young people that there is nothing dangerous to pot.
i was for legalizing it because of the hypocrisy of alcohol and tobacco.... but because of the assholes who abuse every fucking thing they get their hands on i am for just decriminalizing it.....and that is for the responsible smokers.....out here it has basically been decriminalized since the late 80's and they have not had the problems in the magnitude that was promised by the Katz of the world....what i gathered from talking to HS kids on my route in the 90's....pot was easy to get.....but it was what?.....many kids i found out did not do drugs or did them only at parties.....
Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.
Everything is sure to kill you as everyone will eventually die and marijuana does not confer immortality.
no one said it does.....are you know going to say some "addicts" say it does?....
That is probably because those that smoked pot and became mentally ill became isolated from your peer group.

oh is that what happened?....i knew them even beyond the smoking mental illness....try again....

That's not what I meant. You aren't friends with anyone mentally ill, right? If you are, ask them if they smoked pot before they got ill.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
Could be they started off drinking Pepsi Cola.

When I read
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
im sure some did......some people are abusers.....should everything that is abused be banned?.......

No but some things should be banned. IMO, based on what I've read and what people I know have experienced, pot should be one of those things. The mental health aspect is the number one reason why I'm against it.
It seems where recreational drugs are concerned you've been exposed to too many of the wrong kind of people and not enough of the other kind.

There is absolutely no good reason to ban marijuana. All that is needed to correct everything which is wrong with this grossly misunderstood natural euphoric tranquilizer is effective public education. But rest assured that in spite of any effort made in the positive direction, there are and always will be a percentage of stupid and self-destructive individuals who will manage to do the wrong thing with everything. And nothing, including a ban, will deter them.

I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.

thats like saying ban guns because of the few that may grab one and start shooting.....people who text and drive are a danger to themselves and society,once again,the abusers......should cell phones be banned from cars because of them?...
That's not what I meant. You aren't friends with anyone mentally ill, right? If you are, ask them if they smoked pot before they got ill.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
Could be they started off drinking Pepsi Cola.

When I read
All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
im sure some did......some people are abusers.....should everything that is abused be banned?.......

No but some things should be banned. IMO, based on what I've read and what people I know have experienced, pot should be one of those things. The mental health aspect is the number one reason why I'm against it.
It seems where recreational drugs are concerned you've been exposed to too many of the wrong kind of people and not enough of the other kind.

There is absolutely no good reason to ban marijuana. All that is needed to correct everything which is wrong with this grossly misunderstood natural euphoric tranquilizer is effective public education. But rest assured that in spite of any effort made in the positive direction, there are and always will be a percentage of stupid and self-destructive individuals who will manage to do the wrong thing with everything. And nothing, including a ban, will deter them.

I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.

thats like saying ban guns because of the few that may grab one and start shooting.....people who text and drive are a danger to themselves and society,once again,the abusers......should cell phones be banned from cars because of them?...

I disagree. Guns and cell phones serve a great benefit to society. Pot, while having some medicinal purposes, is in large part harmful to society. No one who uses it recreationaly is better off for doing so.
I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.
I've been around for awhile, and I, too, have known all types of pot users (I'm from Brooklyn). But I have never known, or known of, anyone who became psychotic and dangerous to others or themselves from using marijuana.

Methamphetamine, yes. Alcohol, most definitely. Marijuana -- absolutely not.

The only effect I've ever seen or been aware of from using marijuana is the diametric opposite of violent behavior. In fact, there is no more effective tranquilizer than THC -- which is one reason why the pharmaceutical industry contributes to NIDA. If marijuana is legalized one of their most profitable (and addictive) products will soon be pushed aside.

I suggest those whom you believe were made psychotic by pot were in fact reacting to some other drug, or some existing psychosis, you were not aware of.
That's not what I meant. You aren't friends with anyone mentally ill, right? If you are, ask them if they smoked pot before they got ill.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
Could be they started off drinking Pepsi Cola.

When I read
All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
im sure some did......some people are abusers.....should everything that is abused be banned?.......

No but some things should be banned. IMO, based on what I've read and what people I know have experienced, pot should be one of those things. The mental health aspect is the number one reason why I'm against it.
It seems where recreational drugs are concerned you've been exposed to too many of the wrong kind of people and not enough of the other kind.

There is absolutely no good reason to ban marijuana. All that is needed to correct everything which is wrong with this grossly misunderstood natural euphoric tranquilizer is effective public education. But rest assured that in spite of any effort made in the positive direction, there are and always will be a percentage of stupid and self-destructive individuals who will manage to do the wrong thing with everything. And nothing, including a ban, will deter them.

I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.

thats like saying ban guns because of the few that may grab one and start shooting.....people who text and drive are a danger to themselves and society,once again,the abusers......should cell phones be banned from cars because of them?...

I disagree. Guns and cell phones serve a great benefit to society. Pot, while having some medicinal purposes, is in large part harmful to society. No one who uses it recreationaly istter off for doing so.
I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.
I've been around for awhile, and I, too, have known all types of pot users (I'm from Brooklyn). But I have never known, or known of, anyone who became psychotic and dangerous to others or themselves from using marijuana.

Methamphetamine, yes. Alcohol, most definitely. Marijuana -- absolutely not.

The only effect I've ever seen or been aware of from using marijuana is the diametric opposite of violent behavior. In fact, there is no more effective tranquilizer than THC -- which is one reason why the pharmaceutical industry contributes to NIDA. If marijuana is legalized one of their most profitable (and addictive) products will soon be pushed aside.

I suggest those whom you believe were made psychotic by pot were in fact reacting to some other drug, or some existing psychosis, you were not aware of.

You probably don't know many schizophrenics.
I disagree. Guns and cell phones serve a great benefit to society. Pot, while having some medicinal purposes, is in large part harmful to society. No one who uses it recreationaly is better off for doing so.
No one who sky-dives, base-jumps, or surfs is better off for doing so. And some people are killed or injured doing those things.

Beyond that, there are many, many creative persons for whom marijuana serves as an indispensable intellectual catalyst.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
Could be they started off drinking Pepsi Cola.

When I read
im sure some did......some people are abusers.....should everything that is abused be banned?.......

No but some things should be banned. IMO, based on what I've read and what people I know have experienced, pot should be one of those things. The mental health aspect is the number one reason why I'm against it.
It seems where recreational drugs are concerned you've been exposed to too many of the wrong kind of people and not enough of the other kind.

There is absolutely no good reason to ban marijuana. All that is needed to correct everything which is wrong with this grossly misunderstood natural euphoric tranquilizer is effective public education. But rest assured that in spite of any effort made in the positive direction, there are and always will be a percentage of stupid and self-destructive individuals who will manage to do the wrong thing with everything. And nothing, including a ban, will deter them.

I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.

thats like saying ban guns because of the few that may grab one and start shooting.....people who text and drive are a danger to themselves and society,once again,the abusers......should cell phones be banned from cars because of them?...

I disagree. Guns and cell phones serve a great benefit to society. Pot, while having some medicinal purposes, is in large part harmful to society. No one who uses it recreationaly is better off for doing so.
so its ok then if people are killed with these items of great benifit?.....let me ask you something Rocko.....what kills more people annually......Guns....cell phone car accidents or pot?.....
Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.

Nicotine will kill you?

the old timers love their drugs of choice but like to deny anyone else theirs..I think I'll take my meds for arthritis so I can have a higher chance at a heart attack or damage to my rectum and spleen..

Ummmm, I support legalization kid.

Now explain how nicotine kills
Like how stuff like lead or asbestos kills. If you take enough over a long period of time, it gradually reaches a point where the body can no longer fully repair the damage.


Damn dude, check your facts
I answered your question, nicotine is just one of the potentially toxic substances found in cigarettes (and is the one that promotes addiction).

If you want to believe the tobacco company spin, you are more than welcome. Just don't expect anyone else to believe it.

I prefer coffee. :rolleyes-41:
Nicotine will kill you?

the old timers love their drugs of choice but like to deny anyone else theirs..I think I'll take my meds for arthritis so I can have a higher chance at a heart attack or damage to my rectum and spleen..

Ummmm, I support legalization kid.

Now explain how nicotine kills
Like how stuff like lead or asbestos kills. If you take enough over a long period of time, it gradually reaches a point where the body can no longer fully repair the damage.


Damn dude, check your facts
I answered your question, nicotine is just one of the potentially toxic substances found in cigarettes (and is the one that promotes addiction).

If you want to believe the tobacco company spin, you are more than welcome. Just don't expect anyone else to believe it.

I prefer coffee. :rolleyes-41:

I have no problem admitting the possible health effects of smoking. The point is, nicotine does not kill all that use it, which was the assertion.

Currently electronic cigs, a great product to help those who wish to quit smoking, is getting a bad rap because they contain nicotine.

People can die from the overdose of it, same is true of water
the old timers love their drugs of choice but like to deny anyone else theirs..I think I'll take my meds for arthritis so I can have a higher chance at a heart attack or damage to my rectum and spleen..

Ummmm, I support legalization kid.

Now explain how nicotine kills
Like how stuff like lead or asbestos kills. If you take enough over a long period of time, it gradually reaches a point where the body can no longer fully repair the damage.


Damn dude, check your facts
I answered your question, nicotine is just one of the potentially toxic substances found in cigarettes (and is the one that promotes addiction).

If you want to believe the tobacco company spin, you are more than welcome. Just don't expect anyone else to believe it.

I prefer coffee. :rolleyes-41:

I have no problem admitting the possible health effects of smoking. The point is, nicotine does not kill all that use it, which was the assertion.

Currently electronic cigs, a great product to help those who wish to quit smoking, is getting a bad rap because they contain nicotine.

People can die from the overdose of it, same is true of water
According to studies funded by those trying to sell it as safe, and nicotine still attacks your heart and increases blood pressure.
Ummmm, I support legalization kid.

Now explain how nicotine kills
Like how stuff like lead or asbestos kills. If you take enough over a long period of time, it gradually reaches a point where the body can no longer fully repair the damage.


Damn dude, check your facts
I answered your question, nicotine is just one of the potentially toxic substances found in cigarettes (and is the one that promotes addiction).

If you want to believe the tobacco company spin, you are more than welcome. Just don't expect anyone else to believe it.

I prefer coffee. :rolleyes-41:

I have no problem admitting the possible health effects of smoking. The point is, nicotine does not kill all that use it, which was the assertion.

Currently electronic cigs, a great product to help those who wish to quit smoking, is getting a bad rap because they contain nicotine.

People can die from the overdose of it, same is true of water
According to studies funded by those trying to sell it as safe, and nicotine still attacks your heart and increases blood pressure.

It, however may have some benefits that won't likely be fully realized while being demonized

Nicotine the Wonder Drug
gateway drug?.....most of the guys i knew were either smoking cigarets or drinking before we seen pot in our first year of collage...some of them were doing "whites" before pot too....the word gateway is over exaggerated....

Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....

No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
All those guys you know that ran in to troubles because of harder drugs, did they by chance start off smoking weed?
Could be they started off drinking Pepsi Cola.

When I read
No but some things should be banned. IMO, based on what I've read and what people I know have experienced, pot should be one of those things. The mental health aspect is the number one reason why I'm against it.
It seems where recreational drugs are concerned you've been exposed to too many of the wrong kind of people and not enough of the other kind.

There is absolutely no good reason to ban marijuana. All that is needed to correct everything which is wrong with this grossly misunderstood natural euphoric tranquilizer is effective public education. But rest assured that in spite of any effort made in the positive direction, there are and always will be a percentage of stupid and self-destructive individuals who will manage to do the wrong thing with everything. And nothing, including a ban, will deter them.

I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.

thats like saying ban guns because of the few that may grab one and start shooting.....people who text and drive are a danger to themselves and society,once again,the abusers......should cell phones be banned from cars because of them?...

I disagree. Guns and cell phones serve a great benefit to society. Pot, while having some medicinal purposes, is in large part harmful to society. No one who uses it recreationaly is better off for doing so.
so its ok then if people are killed with these items of great benifit?.....let me ask you something Rocko.....what kills more people annually......Guns....cell phone car accidents or pot?.....

By your reasoning, we should ban life because its dangerous.

Doubling the risk of a car crash should fall under the No Shit Sherlock category. Seriously they didn't need a study for that, all they had to do was ask Snoop Dog,Willie Nelson or even me, I would have told them and saved some cash. J/S The difference is when your drunk you go fast, but when you're high you drive slow and paranoid and ask the passenger "am I driving OK'? every five seconds.
Could be they started off drinking Pepsi Cola.

When I read
It seems where recreational drugs are concerned you've been exposed to too many of the wrong kind of people and not enough of the other kind.

There is absolutely no good reason to ban marijuana. All that is needed to correct everything which is wrong with this grossly misunderstood natural euphoric tranquilizer is effective public education. But rest assured that in spite of any effort made in the positive direction, there are and always will be a percentage of stupid and self-destructive individuals who will manage to do the wrong thing with everything. And nothing, including a ban, will deter them.

I've been exposed to every type of pothead. I know the majority of people who use weed don't experience psychosis, but there are those that do and when smoking weed they're a danger to themselves and society, so I believe in keeping it illegal.

thats like saying ban guns because of the few that may grab one and start shooting.....people who text and drive are a danger to themselves and society,once again,the abusers......should cell phones be banned from cars because of them?...

I disagree. Guns and cell phones serve a great benefit to society. Pot, while having some medicinal purposes, is in large part harmful to society. No one who uses it recreationaly is better off for doing so.
so its ok then if people are killed with these items of great benifit?.....let me ask you something Rocko.....what kills more people annually......Guns....cell phone car accidents or pot?.....

By your reasoning, we should ban life because its dangerous. not as foolish as some in this thread and i think you know dam well i dont think that, but some people in this thread will give somethings that are more dangerous and kill more people than pot a pass, because they use those those things are just fine and we will tolerate their abuse....its called hypocrisy...we have covered this shit in other pot threads with the Cigarette smokers and the drinkers......
There also rehab centers for sex addictions and caffeine addictions.

I guess getting laid and having a morning cup of coffee is wrong too.
You must be on drugs to come up with an argument that shit.
If not, you should get addicted as you need an excuse for your stupidity.
hmm my older brother got hooked on weed when he ws about 14 and was never the same again. caused him to be extremely paranoid especialy later in life. constantly accused people of saying things they didnt, thought people were plotting against him, thought there were bugs in the walls, we ended up fighting battles over nothing. It was definatley the marijuana in his case. It was like night and day once he started smoking it, but at the time I didnt realize what it was. I basicaly lost my brother over that shit. I know other people who smoke it and have no problems, but the potential is there for a chemical imbalance
Why are you talking smack about me? Don't deny it I know it's true no matter what the I just wanna smoke weed folks think!
There also rehab centers for sex addictions and caffeine addictions.

I guess getting laid and having a morning cup of coffee is wrong too.
You must be on drugs to come up with an argument that shit.
If not, you should get addicted as you need an excuse for your stupidity.

Your logic was that there are people in need of rehab for cannabis, therefor is must be bad.

I was just pointing out the flaw in the your logic.

But thanks for immediately resorting to petty insults instead of explaining yourself.
Is it because you can't back up your argument?
Your logic was that there are people in need of rehab for cannabis, therefor is must be bad.

I was just pointing out the flaw in the your logic.

But thanks for immediately resorting to petty insults instead of explaining yourself.
Is it because you can't back up your argument?

Well, I was thinking about harder drugs, but there is a level of addiction to weed, much as many pot heads claim otherwise.
As for your point, if the drug was totally harmless, why would anyone want or need rehab?


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