The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

I smoked a lot of pot from 18 to about 23 - pretty much daily. I have to question this claim;

{Those who try to stop taking cannabis often suffer anxiety, insomnia, appetite disturbance and depression, he found. Even after treatment, less than half can stay off the drug for six months.

Read more: Cannabis study by expert demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless Daily Mail Online
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My daughter was born when I was 23 and I quit. I mean, I just stopped doing it. I never had withdrawals or any of the symptoms listed. It wasn't a big deal, my priorities had changed and I didn't want to spend the money on pot.

When I stopped smoking tobacco - I had SERIOUS withdrawals. There was no comparison, cigarettes are addictive, pot is not.
i stopped smoking after doing it a lot longer like 20+ years just because it was getting to be a pain in the ass getting it.....and i never experienced any of that stuff either....every now and then i got an urge....but that got further and further apart..... ...this part....

Even after treatment, less than half can stay off the drug for six months.
....there is more than just Pot involved here with these people.....just more anti-pot bullshit.......
That is probably because those that smoked pot and became mentally ill became isolated from your peer group.

oh is that what happened?....i knew them even beyond the smoking mental illness....try again....

That's not what I meant. You aren't friends with anyone mentally ill, right? If you are, ask them if they smoked pot before they got ill.
no one i knew who just smoked pot became mentally ill.......BUT....i knew some guys who also along with pot did speed quite often ....drank beer a lot.......did coke ....most of those guys seem to have mental as well as physical problems,some even passed.....but i repeat.....NO ONE i knew who just stuck with pot had problems that held them back....

Which means what?
I could not afford to smoke chronically, I can afford about 10 days a months worth..the other 20 days are dry...
If there were any substance to this latest federal anti-pot "report" there would be so many mentally ill Americans at large the Nation could not function.

A small percentage of the population will become mentally ill, and likewise a small percentage of those who smoke marijuana will become mentally ill from it, but it would be absolutely devastating to be one of those. The high from marijuana just isn't worth that risk, also considering all the other problems involved like de-motivation and cognitive impairment, which affects everyone to one degree or another.
I could not afford to smoke chronically, I can afford about 10 days a months worth..the other 20 days are dry...

It must have been cheaper in the 70's. I could get an ounce of Colombian for $50 - that lasted about a month. Rent on a 2 bedroom apartment was $325 - so if the same apartment is $1,400 today, would be roughly $235 an ounce. Is that what pot costs now?
gateway drug?.....most of the guys i knew were either smoking cigarets or drinking before we seen pot in our first year of collage...some of them were doing "whites" before pot too....the word gateway is over exaggerated....

Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
gateway drug?.....most of the guys i knew were either smoking cigarets or drinking before we seen pot in our first year of collage...some of them were doing "whites" before pot too....the word gateway is over exaggerated....

Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.

The real gateway drug is cigarettes - always has been.
Good weed today was around in the 1970's when I smoked Columbian red or gold bud.. that would waste 4 guys smoking in a '66 Impala..

Panama dope is red, not Columbian....amateur. :eusa_snooty:
Well I can see you have a limited experience in the mater.

Never heard of it...up in Detroit it was either Acapulco gold or Panama red. As for ol Harry well, we used to trade Colt .45s for weed down in Mehico....I spent part of a day watching this dude spray rum on a brick to form it....amateur that ya weenie. :eusa_eh:
People claiming cannabis is harmful are the same people who say climate change isn't man-made or even happening. It's the 1.5% of people getting 98% of the coverage being the most outrageous lunatic fringe.

Marijuana isn't harmful at all. :rofl:

Oh yeah! Global warming has been found to be closely tied to drug use. News at 11. :lol:
If there were any substance to this latest federal anti-pot "report" there would be so many mentally ill Americans at large the Nation could not function.

A small percentage of the population will become mentally ill, and likewise a small percentage of those who smoke marijuana will become mentally ill from it, but it would be absolutely devastating to be one of those. The high from marijuana just isn't worth that risk, also considering all the other problems involved like de-motivation and cognitive impairment, which affects everyone to one degree or another.
Anyone who shares those concerns should obtain some form of marijuana edible, preferable a brownie. Take one bite -- no more, and wait for an effect (5 - 10 minutes). If nothing negative happens, take another bite, wait, then another until a satisfying level of euphoria and pleasant state of mind occurs. Then stop.

Within a few hours the ultimate effect will be known, as well as the potency level of the sample.

Always test the potency level of a newly obtained marijuana product. One of the problems occurring under prohibition is someone buys "some weed" from a dealer, rolls up "a joint," and smokes the whole thing. Then, when a bad effect results, the blame goes to "marijuana." Improper use, or contamination, are not even considered.
gateway drug?.....most of the guys i knew were either smoking cigarets or drinking before we seen pot in our first year of collage...some of them were doing "whites" before pot too....the word gateway is over exaggerated....

Overwhelmingly, it is pot first which then leads to much further curiosity. I know from experience.
that depends on the person and what he is exposed too....i seen hard drugs before i even seen a joint.....i knew guys who never did pot because they did not care for it but did speed ...way to much.....but pot wasnt these guys gateway pills called black beauties were.....i knew guys who got drunk before trying pot....which they did not care for.......these were the guys i was referring to who had problems years later.....the abusers.....did things to extreme....

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.

The real gateway drug is cigarettes - always has been.

I'm not saying alcohol and tobacco cannot be gateway drugs. I'd agree they are, because if you go from beer to pot, that's going from one extreme to another, but going from pot to cocaine is also going from one extreme to another. It's hard to focus on both.
I'm not saying alcohol and tobacco cannot be gateway drugs. I'd agree they are, because if you go from beer to pot, that's going from one extreme to another, but going from pot to cocaine is also going from one extreme to another. It's hard to focus on both.

Never had any draw to cocaine - it was a rich mans drug at the time. People I knew who smoked pot, only smoked pot. I didn't even drink alcohol in those days. The two didn't mix well, as far as I was concerned.
The only "mentally ill" characteristic associated with marijuana is its prohibition: The war against pot has been vigorously waged since Nixon declared it. At least a trillion dollars has been spent on arresting and prosecuting Americans for selling and possessing it, effectively ruining their lives. Yet there is no credible, scientifically established evidence that any of the Reefer Madness claims made about it are true. In spite of this irrefutable proof that marijuana is not only relatively harmless but is beneficial in many ways, the same pointlessly redundant "war" continues to be waged against this natural plant. And what is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result known as. . .?

I would support decriminalization but of course, not legalization. Many states already give only a fine at most for having pot. Legalization sends a message to inexperienced young people that there is nothing dangerous to pot.
Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.
Everything is sure to kill you as everyone will eventually die and marijuana does not confer immortality.
I'm not saying alcohol and tobacco cannot be gateway drugs. I'd agree they are, because if you go from beer to pot, that's going from one extreme to another, but going from pot to cocaine is also going from one extreme to another. It's hard to focus on both.

Never had any draw to cocaine - it was a rich mans drug at the time. People I knew who smoked pot, only smoked pot. I didn't even drink alcohol in those days. The two didn't mix well, as far as I was concerned.

We are talking about people that do harder drugs and how they got there. If you don't know any, fine, but it's irrelevant. Most people doing harder drugs started with pot. It is only common sense.
Still not as bad as smoking, as nicotine is 100% sure to kill you, whereas marijuana plays with your head. No contest which is worse, ironically the former is legal.

Nicotine will kill you?

the old timers love their drugs of choice but like to deny anyone else theirs..I think I'll take my meds for arthritis so I can have a higher chance at a heart attack or damage to my rectum and spleen..

Ummmm, I support legalization kid.

Now explain how nicotine kills
Like how stuff like lead or asbestos kills. If you take enough over a long period of time, it gradually reaches a point where the body can no longer fully repair the damage.

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