The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....

No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....

Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

It is estimated that about two million people are cocaine addicts in the United States, and that between 22 and 25 million people have used cocaine at least once.

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?

Every cocaine user started with cigarettes Its the natural progression for someone addicted to uppers.
If anything potheads are more likely to go into psychedelics like shrooms and lsd.

Personally I know 3 people who regularly (maybe twice a month) snort cocaine. One of them does every drug (cigs, alcohol, weed, molly, lsd, shrooms, dmt), the other two don't touch weed but are chain smokers who also drop molly from time to time.

Cigarettes are the real gateway drug.
yep good point.....the people i knew who did Coke or Speed all smoked cigs.....only a few pot smokers i knew smoked cigs.....most beer drinkers i knew smoked cigs too....
Last, there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of anyone dying or being made sick from marijuana.

Well, not quite true.
To claim that, you have to exclude the drug users' stupidity, and they're very stupid.
That's the big thing everyone seems to miss out when it comes to drug users - they're all fucking idiots.

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths - NBC News

During each shift at her drive-through window, once an hour, Cordelia Cordova sees people rolling joints in their cars. Some blow smoke in her face and smile.

Cordova, who lost a 23-year-old niece and her 1-month-old son to a driver who admitted he smoked pot that day, never smiles back. She thinks legal marijuana in Colorado, where she works, is making the problem of drugged driving worse — and now new research supports her claim.

"Nobody hides it anymore when driving," Cordova said. "They think it's a joke because it’s legal. Nobody will take this seriously until somebody loses another loved one."

As medical marijuana sales expanded into 20 states, legal weed was detected in the bodies of dead drivers three times more often during 2010 when compared to those who died behind the wheel in 1999, according to a new study from Columbia University published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
what other drug was also detected Fred?...i bet alcohol was there.....its funny how that was not mentioned....
So it's not a gateway drug because it can't be a gateway drug unless every lasholt person started with marijuana. :slap:

BTW we are talking about illegal drugs not alcohol.
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....

No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....

Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

It is estimated that about two million people are cocaine addicts in the United States, and that between 22 and 25 million people have used cocaine at least once.

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?
Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

you have to ask how?.....people who did the drug and liked it and kept on doing it......and lots of them were doing diet pills first.....many and i mean many pot smokers who gave it a try......did not go on....i tried it....and like many others said......"a twenty minute rush? aint worth it".....and never did it again.....why those who stuck with it is beyond me....

Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

Cocaine is a very serious drug and getting the idea to try it won't come casually, unless of course it was purely from peer pressure which can be the case sometimes.

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Last, there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of anyone dying or being made sick from marijuana.

If pot doesn't make you sick, why were 376,000 visits to the emergency room for it in 2009?

Drug Abuse Warning Network 2009 National Estimates of Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits

  • cocaine was involved in 422,896 visits, or 43.4 percent;
  • marijuana was involved in 376,467 visits, or 38.7 percent;
  • alcohol was involved in 291,553 visits, or 29.9 percent;
  • heroin was involved in 213,118 visits, or 21.9 percent;
  • stimulants, including amphetamines and methamphetamine, were involved in 93,562 visits, or 9.6 percent;
Again, there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of marijuana having harmed anyone. What you've posted here is federal propaganda lacking any supportive medical data.

If there is any truth to those numbers you may rest assured it probably derives from the use of "ditchweed," i.e., immature plant material which has been spiked by a bootlegger with some substance (liquified heroin, etc.) to produce a euphoric effect and boost the price. Improperly done this can be toxic.

Also, it is not uncommon for "ditchweed" to be sprayed with toxic and carcinogenic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones (e.g., gybirillic acid), some of which can be very harmful. This problem is analogous to the "bathtub gin" produced by bootleggers during alcohol prohibition which resulted in many deaths as well as emergency room visits.

Another possibility is ignorantly attempting to make edible marijuana products, like brownies, which is increasingly common and can make one sick. Some people think the way to do this is just grind up some leaf and bud and mix it in with cake batter, which can seriously clog the intentines. There is a specific process involved in extracting THC oil to make "pot butter," and it calls for experience and some level of expertise.

Please note that all of the above problems are consequences of prohibition, which facilitates public ignorance.

If you would like to learn the truth about marijuana and no longer be receptive to the kind of Reefer Madness propaganda which clearly has misled you, Jack Herer has made most of the text of his interesting, well-documented book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, available on-line -- and FREE! Just go here: The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer - Read It Here

This is a fun read as well as extremely educational. You will learn a great deal and you will know what you are writing and talking about. Most of all you no longer will be receptive to misleading anti-pot propaganda.
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You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Marijuana does not create drug addicts. Drug addicts include marijuana in the list of substances they use during the process of becoming addicted to something.

They also like chocolate -- which could be said leads to marijuana use.
Last, there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of anyone dying or being made sick from marijuana.

If pot doesn't make you sick, why were 376,000 visits to the emergency room for it in 2009?

Drug Abuse Warning Network 2009 National Estimates of Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits

  • cocaine was involved in 422,896 visits, or 43.4 percent;
  • marijuana was involved in 376,467 visits, or 38.7 percent;
  • alcohol was involved in 291,553 visits, or 29.9 percent;
  • heroin was involved in 213,118 visits, or 21.9 percent;
  • stimulants, including amphetamines and methamphetamine, were involved in 93,562 visits, or 9.6 percent;
Again, there is no record anywhere in the annals of medical science of marijuana having harmed anyone. What you've posted here is federal propaganda lacking any supportive medical data.

All drugs have harmful side effects.

If there is any truth to those numbers you may rest assured it probably derives from the use of "ditchweed," i.e., immature plant material which has been spiked by a bootlegger with some substance (liquified heroin, etc.) to produce a euphoric effect and boost the price. Improperly done this can be toxic.

Also, it is not uncommon for "ditchweed" to be sprayed with toxic and carcinogenic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones (e.g., gybirillic acid), some of which can be very harmful. This problem is analogous to the "bathtub gin" produced by bootleggers during alcohol prohibition which resulted in many deaths as well as emergency room visits.

Another possibility is ignorantly attempting to make edible marijuana products, like brownies, which is increasingly common and can make one sick. Some people think the way to do this is just grind up some leaf and bud and mix it in with cake batter, which can seriously clog the intentines. There is a specific process involved in extracting THC oil to make "pot butter," and it calls for experience and some level of expertise.

Please note that all of the above problems are consequences of prohibition, which facilitates public ignorance.

If you would like to learn the truth about marijuana and no longer be receptive to the kind of Reefer Madness propaganda which clearly has misled you, Jack Herer has made most of the text of his interesting, well-documented book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, available on-line -- and FREE! Just go here: The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer - Read It Here

People that want to get high have no bias. :laugh:

I got high for 5 years and know exactly how incredibly obsessed people get with getting high. That's good. Have fun. But don't pawn that attitude on the public.

This is a fun read as well as extremely educational. You will learn a great deal and you will know what you are writing and talking about. Most of all you no longer will be receptive to misleading anti-pot propaganda.

Those are the statistics or do you think it is some conspiracy? I can easily find them elsewhere.

Almost 400,000 visits in one year, and you think you can explain them all. :laugh:
there are people here saying pot is what got all those hard drug users going....thats bullshit.....and if someone under 21 is drinking....then that Alcohol is illegal....

No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....

Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

It is estimated that about two million people are cocaine addicts in the United States, and that between 22 and 25 million people have used cocaine at least once.

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?
Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

you have to ask how?.....people who did the drug and liked it and kept on doing it......and lots of them were doing diet pills first.....many and i mean many pot smokers who gave it a try......did not go on....i tried it....and like many others said......"a twenty minute rush? aint worth it".....and never did it again.....why those who stuck with it is beyond me....

Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

Cocaine is a very serious drug and getting the idea to try it won't come casually, unless of course it was purely from peer pressure which can be the case sometimes.

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

how do you think?....someone who had some....

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine.

i knew lots of Pot smokers and at parties someone always seemed to have some Cola on i said.....not many smokers that i knew fell for coke.....i am sure many tried it....but staying with it.....not many that i knew of.....know as far as people who did a lot of Coke.....and or can tell who they were,i knew them in passing but did not hang with any.....were not my cup of tea so to speak.....wired people made you feel uncomfortable....too nervous i guess is the word im looking for....
I got high for 5 years and know exactly how incredibly obsessed people get with getting high. That's good. Have fun. But don't pawn that attitude on the public.
What you know is how incredibly obsessed you got with getting high. Please don't speak for me and the many millions of others who have enjoyed the euphoric, tranquilizing, mind-expanding effects of marijuana without any kind of negative experience, or addiction, or inclination to use any other recreational substance.

I suggest you start researching the psychological phenomenon known to the behavioral profession as the addictive personality. I think you'll find it extremely interesting.
You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine.

And there are some who start using cocaine and go on to marijuana and heroin.

Marijuana is not a "gateway drug."

Some people who use marijuana go on to using addictive drugs. Most do not. Those who do have a need to feel narcotized. They try marijuana and find it does not satisfy their need so they go on to something stronger. Such individuals are addictive personalities. The vast majority of marijuana users harbor no such compulsive disorder.
You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine.
And there are some who start using cocaine and go on to marijuana and heroin.

Marijuana is not a "gateway drug."

Some people who use marijuana go on to using addictive drugs. Most do not. Those who do have a need to feel narcotized. They try marijuana and find it does not satisfy their need so they go on to something stronger. Such individuals are addictive personalities. The vast majority of marijuana users harbor no such compulsive disorder.
i agree with ya Mike....but ya got the wrong persons quote up there.....:wink_2:
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Let's keep pot banned. We need Big Gubmint to control our lives and tell us what to do.

At the same time let's let anyone drive a car, fly a plane, and do whatever they feel like doing....You have a plan there, go with it!
yep good point.....the people i knew who did Coke or Speed all smoked cigs.....only a few pot smokers i knew smoked cigs.....most beer drinkers i knew smoked cigs too....
When I was fourteen my buddy swiped a marijuana "joint" from his sister. He was fifteen and he smoked cigarettes and was already experienced with pot. I didn't smoke cigarettes and had never even seen marijuana.

We went up to the roof stairs of his apartment building where he lit the joint took two hits, showed me how to inhale, and handed it to me. I drew a big mouthful, attempted to inhale it -- and I nearly fell down the stairs. It was like trying to swallow a ball of fire. I had a terrible coughing fit and tears were pouring from my eyes. I never wanted to see another marijuana joint.

The following year I fell in love with Marie, who smoked Chesterfield cigarettes. Back then (early fifties) smoking was considered cool for girls and macho for boys. In fact, Ronald Reagan, the movie star, said smoking was good for you.


Marie taught me how to smoke. (". . . little bitty puffs, then inhale"). Within a month I was addicted to Lucky Strikes and was a real cool guy. I even had a Ronson lighter.

After the horrible experience on Lenny's roof-stairs some years before, my next exposure to marijuana took place in 1958 in the quonset-hut barracks I lived in at Napunja Marine Corps Base on Okinawa. But by then I was an experienced (fully addicted) cigarette smoker and had no trouble inhaling a few hits from the joint my buddy passed to me on Christmas Eve. I recall it felt incredibly relaxing, euphoric, and it made for a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Bottom line: Were it not for the cigarettes I never would have started smoking marijuana. Still, I do not regard cigarettes as a "gateway," because all cigarette smokers do not smoke marijuana and all marijuana smokers didn't start with cigarettes.

The fact is there are no "gateways" to drug addiction. One either has an addictive personality or does not. I do not, which is why I was able to quit smoking cigarettes after 35 years.
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Let's keep pot banned. We need Big Gubmint to control our lives and tell us what to do.

At the same time let's let anyone drive a car, fly a plane, and do whatever they feel like doing....You have a plan there, go with it!

We know that you Big Gubmint conservatives love to control people's lives.

No doubt you support the banning of cigarettes and junk food as well.
I got high for 5 years and know exactly how incredibly obsessed people get with getting high. That's good. Have fun. But don't pawn that attitude on the public.
What you know is how incredibly obsessed you got with getting high.

LOL Did you know me? But no, I was much less fascinated with getting high than some of my friends, but I did embrace it too. With many guys I smoked with, it was like a culture to them. Of course, words cannot always describe things totally and adequately.

Please don't speak for me and the many millions of others who have enjoyed the euphoric, tranquilizing, mind-expanding effects of marijuana without any kind of negative experience, or addiction, or inclination to use any other recreational substance.

Then don't misrepresent the truth about how much damage marijuana can do to many individuals.

I suggest you start researching the psychological phenomenon known to the behavioral profession as the addictive personality. I think you'll find it extremely interesting.

And I suggest you read the many studies I have already posted that conclusively state pot causes mental illness in many. By saying it does no harm, you have totally ignored them.
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Let's keep pot banned. We need Big Gubmint to control our lives and tell us what to do.

At the same time let's let anyone drive a car, fly a plane, and do whatever they feel like doing....You have a plan there, go with it!

We know that you Big Gubmint conservatives love to control people's lives.

No doubt you support the banning of cigarettes and junk food as well.

Of course not, we hope you fagerals get cancer and die quickly of heart disease!
No one said all of them. But if someone is smoking pot, it dramatically increases their susceptibility to harder drugs. Again common sense.
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....

Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

It is estimated that about two million people are cocaine addicts in the United States, and that between 22 and 25 million people have used cocaine at least once.

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?
Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

you have to ask how?.....people who did the drug and liked it and kept on doing it......and lots of them were doing diet pills first.....many and i mean many pot smokers who gave it a try......did not go on....i tried it....and like many others said......"a twenty minute rush? aint worth it".....and never did it again.....why those who stuck with it is beyond me....

Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

Cocaine is a very serious drug and getting the idea to try it won't come casually, unless of course it was purely from peer pressure which can be the case sometimes.

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

how do you think?....someone who had some....

If someone had some, they willingly put themselves in that position to join in or could have easily avoided it if they really wanted to. So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine.

i knew lots of Pot smokers and at parties someone always seemed to have some Cola on i said.....not many smokers that i knew fell for coke.....i am sure many tried it....but staying with it.....not many that i knew of.....know as far as people who did a lot of Coke.....and or can tell who they were,i knew them in passing but did not hang with any.....were not my cup of tea so to speak.....wired people made you feel uncomfortable....too nervous i guess is the word im looking for....

But you didn't answer the question. Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot? You got to believe it is 10% or more. You can say well, at least 20% of them. Then I will say, for at least 20% of them, marijuana was a gateway drug. My guess is at least 50% of them started with pot.
And I suggest you read the many studies I have already posted that conclusively state pot causes mental illness in many. By saying it does no harm, you have totally ignored them.
I started using marijuana in 1957 and I continued using it until 1982 when Ronald Reagan's escalation of Nixon's drug war made it made it a practical idea to quit, so I did. And so did my wife and several of our friends.

Marijuana has never caused me, or my wife, or our friends, any kind of problems. I was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps in 1960. I have post-graduate degrees, I'm retired from a management-level civil service occupation, my late wife was a clinical psychologist in private practice, and we very successfully raised three healthy, well-educated, well-married girls. So how do you expect me to respond to the kind of cliched Reefer Madness nonsense which you unfortunately tend to agree with?

There is a reason why you are so inclined to believe this propaganda. I know what that reason is and I've already suggested that you look into it, yourself.

Have you ever heard the old saying; "There are no reformers like reformed drunks?"

It's very true.

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