The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless


You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Marijuana does not create drug addicts. Drug addicts include marijuana in the list of substances they use during the process of becoming addicted to something.

They also like chocolate -- which could be said leads to marijuana use.

Yea, pot doesn't create them but contributes.
And I suggest you read the many studies I have already posted that conclusively state pot causes mental illness in many. By saying it does no harm, you have totally ignored them.
I started using marijuana in 1957 and I continued using it until 1982 when Ronald Reagan's escalation of Nixon's drug war made it made it a practical idea to quit, so I did. And so did my wife and several of our friends.

Marijuana has never caused me, or my wife, or our friends, any kind of problems. I was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps in 1960. I have post-graduate degrees, I'm retired from a management-level civil service occupation, my late wife was a clinical psychologist in private practice, and we very successfully raised three healthy, well-educated, well-married girls. So how do you expect me to respond to the kind of cliched Reefer Madness nonsense which you unfortunately tend to agree with?

There is a reason why you are so inclined to believe this propaganda. I know what that reason is and I've already suggested that you look into it, yourself.

Have you ever heard the old saying; "There are no reformers like reformed drunks?"

It's very true.

They are legitimate studies. If you want to hold onto the idea that there is some conspiracy against pot, have at it.
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Let's keep pot banned. We need Big Gubmint to control our lives and tell us what to do.

At the same time let's let anyone drive a car, fly a plane, and do whatever they feel like doing....You have a plan there, go with it!

We know that you Big Gubmint conservatives love to control people's lives.

No doubt you support the banning of cigarettes and junk food as well.

Of course not, we hope you fagerals get cancer and die quickly of heart disease!
whats funny is the people who take care of themselves are the "fagerals" who usually drop dead from a heart attack...
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.

Let's keep pot banned. We need Big Gubmint to control our lives and tell us what to do.

At the same time let's let anyone drive a car, fly a plane, and do whatever they feel like doing....You have a plan there, go with it!

We know that you Big Gubmint conservatives love to control people's lives.

No doubt you support the banning of cigarettes and junk food as well.

Of course not, we hope you fagerals get cancer and die quickly of heart disease!
whats funny is the people who take care of themselves are the "fagerals" who usually drop dead from a heart attack...

I think I would play the odds and do things accounting for genetics!
the great majority of pot smokers do not move on to the hard stuff......even those who have tried them.....and that is fact....

Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

It is estimated that about two million people are cocaine addicts in the United States, and that between 22 and 25 million people have used cocaine at least once.

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?
Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

you have to ask how?.....people who did the drug and liked it and kept on doing it......and lots of them were doing diet pills first.....many and i mean many pot smokers who gave it a try......did not go on....i tried it....and like many others said......"a twenty minute rush? aint worth it".....and never did it again.....why those who stuck with it is beyond me....

Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

Cocaine is a very serious drug and getting the idea to try it won't come casually, unless of course it was purely from peer pressure which can be the case sometimes.

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

how do you think?....someone who had some....

If someone had some, they willingly put themselves in that position to join in or could have easily avoided it if they really wanted to. So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine.

i knew lots of Pot smokers and at parties someone always seemed to have some Cola on i said.....not many smokers that i knew fell for coke.....i am sure many tried it....but staying with it.....not many that i knew of.....know as far as people who did a lot of Coke.....and or can tell who they were,i knew them in passing but did not hang with any.....were not my cup of tea so to speak.....wired people made you feel uncomfortable....too nervous i guess is the word im looking for....

But you didn't answer the question. Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot? You got to believe it is 10% or more. You can say well, at least 20% of them. Then I will say, for at least 20% of them, marijuana was a gateway drug. My guess is at least 50% of them started with pot.
So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?
you are at a party....someone has some Coke.....they offer you a line or are either going to try it or not and if you are either going to like it or not....

Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot

i have no idea.....i did "whites" and drank Beer before i tried pot....
Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

Cocaine Use Facts - Cocaine Statistics on Addiction and Abuse

How many of those millions do you think started with pot?
Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

you have to ask how?.....people who did the drug and liked it and kept on doing it......and lots of them were doing diet pills first.....many and i mean many pot smokers who gave it a try......did not go on....i tried it....and like many others said......"a twenty minute rush? aint worth it".....and never did it again.....why those who stuck with it is beyond me....

Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

Cocaine is a very serious drug and getting the idea to try it won't come casually, unless of course it was purely from peer pressure which can be the case sometimes.

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

how do you think?....someone who had some....

If someone had some, they willingly put themselves in that position to join in or could have easily avoided it if they really wanted to. So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine.

i knew lots of Pot smokers and at parties someone always seemed to have some Cola on i said.....not many smokers that i knew fell for coke.....i am sure many tried it....but staying with it.....not many that i knew of.....know as far as people who did a lot of Coke.....and or can tell who they were,i knew them in passing but did not hang with any.....were not my cup of tea so to speak.....wired people made you feel uncomfortable....too nervous i guess is the word im looking for....

But you didn't answer the question. Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot? You got to believe it is 10% or more. You can say well, at least 20% of them. Then I will say, for at least 20% of them, marijuana was a gateway drug. My guess is at least 50% of them started with pot.
So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?
you are at a party....someone has some Coke.....they offer you a line or are either going to try it or not and if you are either going to like it or not....

Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot

i have no idea.....i did "whites" and drank Beer before i tried pot....

If you can't guess, your drug knowledge is suspect.
Then how did we get millions of cocaine addicts?

you have to ask how?.....people who did the drug and liked it and kept on doing it......and lots of them were doing diet pills first.....many and i mean many pot smokers who gave it a try......did not go on....i tried it....and like many others said......"a twenty minute rush? aint worth it".....and never did it again.....why those who stuck with it is beyond me....

Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

Cocaine is a very serious drug and getting the idea to try it won't come casually, unless of course it was purely from peer pressure which can be the case sometimes.

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

how do you think?....someone who had some....

If someone had some, they willingly put themselves in that position to join in or could have easily avoided it if they really wanted to. So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine.

i knew lots of Pot smokers and at parties someone always seemed to have some Cola on i said.....not many smokers that i knew fell for coke.....i am sure many tried it....but staying with it.....not many that i knew of.....know as far as people who did a lot of Coke.....and or can tell who they were,i knew them in passing but did not hang with any.....were not my cup of tea so to speak.....wired people made you feel uncomfortable....too nervous i guess is the word im looking for....

But you didn't answer the question. Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot? You got to believe it is 10% or more. You can say well, at least 20% of them. Then I will say, for at least 20% of them, marijuana was a gateway drug. My guess is at least 50% of them started with pot.
So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?
you are at a party....someone has some Coke.....they offer you a line or are either going to try it or not and if you are either going to like it or not....

Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot

i have no idea.....i did "whites" and drank Beer before i tried pot....

If you can't guess, your drug knowledge is suspect.
my drug knowledge is suspect?.....and yet you are here asking me how one comes into contact with Cocaine? said you smoked for 5 years....i smoked for around that time i came into contact with speed,coke,LSD, peyote,downers, PCP, Opium,
I would support decriminalization but of course, not legalization. Many states already give only a fine at most for having pot. Legalization sends a message to inexperienced young people that there is nothing dangerous to pot.
The only thing capable of preventing adolescents from using marijuana or any other mind-altering substance is a credible explanation of the truth, which is it will negatively affect their mental development (memory, reasoning, math skill, etc).

Legal marijuana will produce an immediate tax windfall. Some of this money should be applied to an intensive public education program which includes intelligently presented medical facts directed at adolescents. This will serve to effectively caution most kids but there always are the ten percent who will march to their own drum no matter what.

You should know that since the Netherlands decriminalized marijuana in 1976, which for all intents and purposes is no different from legalization where the Dutch are concerned, one positive effect has been a marked reduction in use by adolescents.


The results of a new study published in the journal, Addiction, earlier this month challenged the United States' "provincial" drug policy rhetoric, especially as it relates to youth. The study compared data on cannabis use among US teens to newly available numbers on usage rates in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. The results: The Dutch have about 700 adults-only clubs that openly sell 50 to 150 metric tons of cannabis per year, yet Dutch teens report lower levels of weed usage and availability than youth in the United States. The author of the study, Robert J. MacCoun, a professor at UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy and Boalt School of Law, shared with Legalization Nation some thoughts on what's going on:

Going Dutch Teen Marijuana Use in the US vs. Netherlands 8212 the Full Interview with Cal Professor Robert MacCoun Legalization Nation East Bay Express


My offhand presumption is this effect is owing to elimination of the lure of the illicit, in that the forbidden fruit aspect no longer tempts or interests the kids.

One of the ways my late wife (a clinical psychologist) imparted a pot deterrent to of our three girls (all grown now) was the very real problem of the munchies and the inevitable weight gain.

Truth works.

I told my sons reefer would eventually turn their nuts into raisins.....LMAO! I heard the older one tell the younger one he'd heard that before and demanded a blood oath they'd leave that shit alone. And of course there is some truth to that.....reefer lowers the number of swimmers in your load....most dopers find nothing scary about that....weird. :cuckoo:

What Boomers fail to remember is that when we first were around reefer, we were in our late teens/early twenties. Had fully developed bodies, mostly developed brains (except for the hippies) and the country was rich and jobs were plentiful. You could "drop out" and then drop back in when you pleased....nobody missed ya. A kid toking at the age of 12 or 13 left unchecked these days will turn out to be a bum.


Gone are the days when you could live on $250 a month AND go to college, if only you could cop a key a month to bag up and make some cash.

I was 18 and out of high school before I took the first toke.

Can't imagine how things would have turned out had I gotten high at 12.

Of course free weed and welfare is coming, so, I just advise young workers to be prepared to earn enough for themselves and two other sorry fucks that will not work.
You may discuss.....

It's not surprising that Michael Weiner (aka Michael Savage) has been prompted by his corporate sponsors to participate in the Reefer Madness propaganda effort. You might be interested in knowing the Mother Jones article he's spinning happens to be correct about the (electricity) cost of indoor (hydroponically) grown pot, but he ignored the part that explains the reason for most indoor pot growing is fear of discovery by police.

While it's true that certain exotic cannabis mutations can be achieved by indoor horticulture such meticulous attention isn't necessary. All that is needed for growing high quality, high potency marijuana plants is sunlight, rain, and the same level of care which is afforded the growth of tobacco. As previously mentioned, the most potent marijuana I ever had the pleasure of using was grown, presumably in a rice paddy, on Okinawa.
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People that want to get high have no bias. :laugh:

I got high for 5 years and know exactly how incredibly obsessed people get with getting high. That's good. Have fun. But don't pawn that attitude on the public.
The word "high" is an inappropriate adjective for describing the marijuana experience and it adds to the misunderstanding of this relatively benign drug. THC is a tranquilizer that brings one down, not up. It has a calming, relaxing, pleasurably introspective effect.

Stimulants, like cocaine, get one high. If marijuana "gets" you anywhere it is passive and thoughtful.
People that want to get high have no bias. :laugh:

I got high for 5 years and know exactly how incredibly obsessed people get with getting high. That's good. Have fun. But don't pawn that attitude on the public.
The word "high" is an inappropriate adjective for describing the marijuana experience and it adds to the misunderstanding of this relatively benign drug. THC is a tranquilizer that brings one down, not up. It has a calming, relaxing, pleasurably introspective effect.

Then why is the most popular magazine for stoners called "High Times"? "High" is the most popular way to describe marijuana intoxication far and away. Good luck on that one.

High Times
Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

Cocaine is a very serious drug and getting the idea to try it won't come casually, unless of course it was purely from peer pressure which can be the case sometimes.

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Of course, they liked it but how did they get the idea to try it?

how do you think?....someone who had some....

If someone had some, they willingly put themselves in that position to join in or could have easily avoided it if they really wanted to. So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine.

i knew lots of Pot smokers and at parties someone always seemed to have some Cola on i said.....not many smokers that i knew fell for coke.....i am sure many tried it....but staying with it.....not many that i knew of.....know as far as people who did a lot of Coke.....and or can tell who they were,i knew them in passing but did not hang with any.....were not my cup of tea so to speak.....wired people made you feel uncomfortable....too nervous i guess is the word im looking for....

But you didn't answer the question. Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot? You got to believe it is 10% or more. You can say well, at least 20% of them. Then I will say, for at least 20% of them, marijuana was a gateway drug. My guess is at least 50% of them started with pot.
So I'll ask yet a different way how did they get into the position to join in?
you are at a party....someone has some Coke.....they offer you a line or are either going to try it or not and if you are either going to like it or not....

Of the 2 million heavy cocaine users, how many started with pot

i have no idea.....i did "whites" and drank Beer before i tried pot....

If you can't guess, your drug knowledge is suspect.
my drug knowledge is suspect?.....and yet you are here asking me how one comes into contact with Cocaine? said you smoked for 5 years....i smoked for around that time i came into contact with speed,coke,LSD, peyote,downers, PCP, Opium,

I smoked crack a fair amount too, but all I want is for you to answer my question. I am asking for a number. What is your guess of the percentage of heavy cocaine users who did pot beforehand? I said 50%. If you don't want to respond with a number, don't bother.

You can not possibly believe that NO pot smoker started with pot and then a good while later went on to cocaine. Not any. Then what do you believe the number is? 10% of pot smokers started with it and went on to cocaine? 20%? 30%?
Marijuana does not create drug addicts. Drug addicts include marijuana in the list of substances they use during the process of becoming addicted to something.

They also like chocolate -- which could be said leads to marijuana use.

Yea, pot doesn't create them but contributes.
Not any more than chocolate or Pepsi Cola does.

Those individuals who go on from marijuana to hard drugs do so only because they are not getting what they want from THC. Tranquil euphoria is not enough for them. They want (need) to be either as numb (heroin/alcohol) or super-energized (cocaine/methamphetamine) as they can get. These are addictive personalities and they will achieve their desired level of narcosis whether or not they ever try marijuana.

THC doesn't make the world go away. It just makes it feel nicer.

Further, there are millions of marijuana users, probably a few of them reading this thread, who have experimentally tried one or more hard drugs, found them undesirable and/or excessive in their effect, and never did them again. This is the the typical response of the non-addictive personality. They have no need for such extreme alteration of mood and bearing. All they want is to relax and to feel really nice for awhile. And that describes the vast majority of psychologically stable marijuana users.
People that want to get high have no bias. :laugh:

I got high for 5 years and know exactly how incredibly obsessed people get with getting high. That's good. Have fun. But don't pawn that attitude on the public.
The word "high" is an inappropriate adjective for describing the marijuana experience and it adds to the misunderstanding of this relatively benign drug. THC is a tranquilizer that brings one down, not up. It has a calming, relaxing, pleasurably introspective effect.

Then why is the most popular magazine for stoners called "High Times"? "High" is the most popular way to describe marijuana intoxication far and away. Good luck on that one.

High Times
Because "high" is the most commonly used adjective in describing the marijuana experience and High Times is a commercial enterprise -- not an academic text.

I was 18 and out of high school before I took the first toke.

Can't imagine how things would have turned out had I gotten high at 12.

Or drunk.

Things would have turned out not-so-good because the effect of the THC or alcohol, or any other neurologically affective chemical, would have limited your memory capacity -- thus your ability to learn.

The only known biologically negative effect of THC is that of limited short-term memory. In fully developed adults the effect is negligible and temporary. But, as with beverage alcohol and other psychoactive drugs, the effect is permanent in the undeveloped adolescent brain.

Kids should not use drugs, own guns, or play hookey.
you are the guy who said Moon is an amateur when he knew something you didnt....dont blame me for that....thats on you....

Because somebody found something in wiki doesn't mean he "knew it" and I didn't....most of the Panama and Michoacan weed are "red" (brown)......Bartglow is a fucking drunk and a troll....that's who I was referring to....I doubt he knows where his back door is. :doubt:
I smoked crack a fair amount too, but all I want is for you to answer my question. I am asking for a number. What is your guess of the percentage of heavy cocaine users who did pot beforehand? I said 50%. If you don't want to respond with a number, don't bother.
You might as well ask for the percentage of heavy cocaine users who drank Pepsi Cola beforehand. Do you believe these cocaine users would never have used that drug had they not used marijuana or drank Pepsi first?
I doubt you have ever been trolled or stalked in all your life,,

Since you left the Jarines, the ghey community...gheyest next to the Navy...

But MJ works on tight muscles, reluctant women...nagging dogs...and Panama Red was a more brownish water leaf to it...

Never been in the Marines ya pitiful drunk. I don't expect you to understand that so I won't bother repeating the story behind the name.
I doubt you have ever been trolled or stalked in all your life,,

Since you left the Jarines, the ghey community...gheyest next to the Navy...

But MJ works on tight muscles, reluctant women...nagging dogs...and Panama Red was a more brownish water leaf to it...

Never been in the Marines ya pitiful drunk. I don't expect you to understand that so I won't bother repeating the story behind the name.
Sorry I'm not near the drunks that Jarheads are..

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