The Terrorism of Gossip - Pope's Biggest Concern?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
You simply cannot make it up! This man that wears the title "Pope" of the Roman Institution appears to be at the door to enforcing the Doctrine of Lea used to silence "the Pestilence" by any means necessary for the good of the Roman Church. How was that done? They went after 62 million people - burning many at the stake - burying them alive - anyone who opposed them and spoke against the Vatican was considered the pestilence - Jews - Protestants and any Catholic who gained a conscience and tried to prevent their murders. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw his greatest concerns voiced here about his Roman Catholicism Institution! See for yourselves. This is just amazing. This man is going after our freedom of speech. Keep in mind he is a Jesuit and the Jesuit General is the Black Pope so they have their bases covered. No wonder Obama is looking to enforce internet neutrality - he's being "told" to do it! He's surrounded by Jesuit trained people and it does appear most Americans haven't wised up to that fact yet.

Pope urges cooperation with Vatican reform from cardinals - Yahoo News

Opening the meetings, Francis said the aim was to encourage greater harmony and collaboration in "absolute transparency," to help the church spread the faith and reach out to others.

"Certainly, reaching that goal won't be easy. It needs time, determination and above all the collaboration of everyone," he said.

Francis made clear what he considered was wrong with the Vatican Curia last December, when he ticked off 15 ailments that can afflict its members. He cited "spiritual Alzheimer's," lusting for power and the "terrorism of gossip" as diseases that must be cured for the church to be a healthier and holier place.
Notice the word - collaboration? Interesting - this Jesuit white Pope's - choice of words - reaching the goal won't be easy - it needs "time", "determination" and ABOVE ALL THE COLLABORATION OF EVERYONE!

With the Jesuit Black Pope behind him giving the orders! Wake up, America!
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To give a clear understanding of what is going on and what the agenda of the Roman Vatican (under direction of the Black Pope - Jesuit General) listen to this video and learn what the history of this Institution is and what their agenda is for the future. When you listen to this entire video? You'll understand how it ties directly into the OP.

Far more have suffered and died because of evil speech than anything else. Coming down the mountain about it isn't original or out of line. Look at how we talk about Islam to see this real well.
Jeremiah, is the Patriot's football team part of the Jesuit conspiracy to rule the world? ..... :cool:
You simply cannot make it up! This man that wears the title "Pope" of the Roman Institution appears to be at the door to enforcing the Doctrine of Lea used to silence "the Pestilence" by any means necessary for the good of the Roman Church. How was that done? They went after 62 million people - burning many at the stake - burying them alive - anyone who opposed them and spoke against the Vatican was considered the pestilence - Jews - Protestants and any Catholic who gained a conscience and tried to prevent their murders. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw his greatest concerns voiced here about his Roman Catholicism Institution! See for yourselves. This is just amazing. This man is going after our freedom of speech. Keep in mind he is a Jesuit and the Jesuit General is the Black Pope so they have their bases covered. No wonder Obama is looking to enforce internet neutrality - he's being "told" to do it! He's surrounded by Jesuit trained people and it does appear most Americans haven't wised up to that fact yet.

Pope urges cooperation with Vatican reform from cardinals - Yahoo News

Opening the meetings, Francis said the aim was to encourage greater harmony and collaboration in "absolute transparency," to help the church spread the faith and reach out to others.

"Certainly, reaching that goal won't be easy. It needs time, determination and above all the collaboration of everyone," he said.

Francis made clear what he considered was wrong with the Vatican Curia last December, when he ticked off 15 ailments that can afflict its members. He cited "spiritual Alzheimer's," lusting for power and the "terrorism of gossip" as diseases that must be cured for the church to be a healthier and holier place.
Notice the word - collaboration? Interesting - this Jesuit white Pope's - choice of words - reaching the goal won't be easy - it needs "time", "determination" and ABOVE ALL THE COLLABORATION OF EVERYONE!

With the Jesuit Black Pope behind him giving the orders! Wake up, America!
What does the Pope telling his cardinals to do have to do with freedom of speech?
In what could be considered the utter height of hypocrisy for this Jesuit Pope and His Black Pope Jesuit General - they fail to see that they are the ones using Gossip and slander as terrorism - targeted against all who expose what their true History - agenda - Spy agency and assassins - the Jesuits - and the people who are targeted? People such as Dr. Alberto Rivera - ex-Jesuit who exposed their secrets - Jack Chick who exposed the truth of the false teachings of Roman Institution that are no where found in the Holy Bible. Rebecca Brown who exposed the Baal god they serve and wrote about them in her book - Prepare for War - they slandered her through PFO - another Jesuit tool. Make sure to view the video and see the list of names in PFO. You'll be shocked. Look at the truth of who is behind the slander of Christians and uses Gossip and Slander as a weapon against true Christians. Here they are! Examine of the evidence uncovered - its' undeniable - if there is a terrorism of Gossip? It was crafted by the Jesuit run Vatican itself! It's okay for them to have an entire army of Jesuits out to destroy the reputation of Protestants and make war against those who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ but it is not okay to speak against Rome. (The Jesuits attempted to murder Dr. Alberto Rivera at least 5 times - they are cold blooded killers ) That is the message here. Listen to it.

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Jeremiah, is the Patriot's football team part of the Jesuit conspiracy to rule the world? ..... :cool:

If Jesuits plan on ruling the world they're gonna have to loosen up on 12 years of Jesuit study above and beyond whatever advanced degree you may already have. :)
It's been the plan all along. Listen to Jack Chick video I posted here Smokescreen and take note of their definition of "Temporal Power of the Pope"! Every single Muslim in the world should listen to that video and realize that they have been duped! They should be buying every Alberto Rivera book they can get their hands on and learn the truth about the Roman Institution and what they are plotting!
It's been the plan all along. Listen to Jack Chick video I posted here Smokescreen and take note of their definition of "Temporal Power of the Pope"! Every single Muslim in the world should listen to that video and realize that they have been duped! They should be buying every Alberto Rivera book they can get their hands on and learn the truth about the Roman Institution and what they are plotting!
...............^^^ :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
What does the Pope telling his cardinals to do have to do with freedom of speech?

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