The Texas Church Was Check Your Weapons at the Door Church


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Now things are making more sense how he was able to shoot so many.

No, I don’t have a link. Police friend just explained as we went thru our church security in response to the trend.
Just goes to show you, when people are told to obey a rule or law, you can't count on the criminals or the demented to obey. For goodness sakes lets not take away our right to defend ourselves.
I have gone to Church most of my life and I was never checked for weapons. Please verify this story with a link as soon as you can.
Well? See? The hat makes my idea even better.

Just hand out guns at the door.

Churches, bars, schools, restaurants, stores ... Give out the gun, cock it and show them where the trigger is.

Except airplanes of course. But they could hand out stun guns. Think of it - no more of that little brat behind you, kicking your seat.

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If only they didn't have that darn sign everyone wouldve been packing in church
Being Texas, possible.

One reason mass murders pick schools, churches and places of work.

They are in for a shock should they try my church.
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So, this is the America that you desire. One where you have to pack everywhere, and look at everybody around you as a target or enemy. What a wonderful utopia that would be, right?
So, this is the America that you desire. One where you have to pack everywhere, and look at everybody around you as a target or enemy. What a wonderful utopia that would be, right?
No, I prefer an America free from murderous leftists and Muslims.
So, this is the America that you desire. One where you have to pack everywhere, and look at everybody around you as a target or enemy. What a wonderful utopia that would be, right?
My dad took his rifle to school often to go hunting afterwards.

Bible was removed from schools in 1964. How’s that worked out?

Oh ya, escalated violence.
So, this is the America that you desire. One where you have to pack everywhere, and look at everybody around you as a target or enemy. What a wonderful utopia that would be, right?
My dad took his rifle to school often to go hunting afterwards.

Bible was removed from schools in 1964. How’s that worked out?

Oh ya, escalated violence.

Having bibles in schools would just be giving up more freedoms. Unconstitutional to exclude other religions and we already cater christian's every whim. Special buildings they get tax free, tax funded holidays. You can practice your religion anywhere and everywhere. You just can't force others to.

We are trading freedom for guns.

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Don't tell them you're packing heat...they will forgive you when you have ventilated a crazed shooter.
Whether you agree with it or not, it's their steeple and therefore their rules. I am sure some are reevaluating that rule one way or the other as a result of this awful event.

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