The thinking surrounding the Hamas/Israel conflict is far too binary.

..i support Israel defending themselves....and what hamas did was more than just a terrorist attack.....hamas did that not caring about how many of their people were going to die....and they knew dam well this was going to happen...fuck hamas....

Yes, Hamas is evil and demonic.....and all sane people support any nation defending itself. I don't think anyone here is opposed to defense.

However, this whole situation is not as simplistic as many here seem to think it is. When you have a number of former IDF soldiers questioning what happened, I think people need to set aside emotion and tribalism, and not immediately believe whatever the MSM is saying, but think in a more objective way. Truth should always come first, above partisanship, tribalism, emotion, etc.

I posted this before, but if you haven't seen it, please watch this video, it's an interview with a woman who was in the IDF and understands how that border works.

Whether you agree with her or not, at the very least listen to what she is saying.

far too partisan? know all about that dont you jones?....
Conservatives are of course desperate to make it binary, polarized, oversimplified, and partisan – much of it has to do with the right’s bigotry and hate directed at Muslims. Conservatives also contrive and propagate lies about liberals being ‘anti-Semitic’ for some perceived partisan gain. And conservatives advance lies about Hamas and Palestinian civilians being ‘the same’ in a reprehensible effort to ‘justify’ the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians.
Conservatives are of course desperate to make it binary, polarized, oversimplified, and partisan – much of it has to do with the right’s bigotry and hate directed at Muslims. Conservatives also contrive and propagate lies about liberals being ‘anti-Semitic’ for some perceived partisan gain. And conservatives advance lies about Hamas and Palestinian civilians being ‘the same’ in a reprehensible effort to ‘justify’ the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians.
jones stop are one of the most partisan posters in this forum....and a hell of a lot of the shit you spew here about conservatives is just your partisan bullshit....
Lol. Wrong. They were dancing in NJ watching the towers fall.

Get informed.
read what i said.....what i just read was that when they heard about it in Palestine they started celebrating but Arafat shut it down because he did not want to be associated with Al Queda....maybe you should learn to read........
One should be able to recognize the recent, horrific acts by Hamas on the Gaza border and simultaneously acknowledge Israel's decades long mistreatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories without being accused of being a sympathizer of Hamas. Does Israel's oppression of Palestinians justify what Hamas did? Of course not. Is it something that needs to be addressed as part of any future negotiation between the two sides? Yes.
One step in the right direction would be for Israel to stop expanding the settlements in the territories along with sacking Netanyahu.

^^^Found another Hamas supporter!

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