The third evil: Not voting at all


Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all
having a choice of bad (hiLIARy) or worse (Drumpf) is not a choice shortbusknife
You can't make a difference when the elites own both parties, the media, the corportacracy, when they own it all. You are fooling yourself if you think your vote makes a difference.

I beg to differ....Trump is the example. The people have pushed their choice down the throats of the Establishment for a change. People can make a difference.
Hopefully, one day, a POTUS will be elected with less than 50% of the vote, then all Americans will realize that the new POTUS has no electoral legitimacy because the ruling elites, the MSM, and the establishment offered them no viable alternatives.

The key, is to refuse to support this corrupt system.
Sorta like all these states are stepping up and tellin' Barry what he can do with his transgender bathroom mandates. :p

Don't let tertiary issues distract you. That is why the MSM is putting those issues in front of your low info. mug every night. It's so you won't be aware of how much gold China is stock piling, so you won't know about the fact that Russia and China are now buying oil directly from oil producing nations w/o using the dollar.

If you focus on dumb ass issues like that, you will have no clue what a sorry shape the US dollar, and all the other fiat currencies pegged to it actually are in.

The people that are staying home don't give a shit about trans issues. They know, no matter what comes of it, trans folks are always going to use what ever bathroom they like. It's a GD distraction. The fact is, elites in both parties and the media are in on it. It keeps the low IQ, star struck, mass entertainment consumerists distracted. It draws in ratings, it's controversial and brings in the ad dollars, and makes suckers vote. But in the end, it doesn't mean shit. When the dollar collapses and store shelves are empty, no one is going to give a shit if a guy that looks completely like a woman uses a public restroom. Hell, nobody will have a job, or any money to go to any store or restaurants anyway. So what does it matter? :dunno:
You can't make a difference when the elites own both parties, the media, the corportacracy, when they own it all. You are fooling yourself if you think your vote makes a difference.

I beg to differ....Trump is the example. The people have pushed their choice down the throats of the Establishment for a change. People can make a difference.
That is what you are supposed to think. It all comes down to exposure. The person the elites cover the most generally is who the plebes pick.
2016 Presidential Media Blackouts: Not Just Conspiracy
2016 Presidential Media Blackouts: Not Just Conspiracy – Decision Data
Judging from that chart, if things keep on the way they have been, I'd say the CFR has decided they want Trump to be the POTUS. Wouldn't you?

I don't mind when people choose not to vote. It just irritates me to no end when those same people try to open their mouths to bit@h, whine, and complain. Oh, NO - sorry, you forfeited that right when you sat your ass down on the sidelines and chose to do nothing.

Why ? So what if someone didn't cast a meaningless vote for some 3rd or 4th party on a cold fall Tuesday that they worked all day and have to fight traffic home .

Are they exempt from paying taxes if they don't vote too?
If you don't try to make a difference and you choose to sit back and let someone else decide then you have no right to complain. Being allowed to vote, no matter if you are working, is a legal right. And you are seriously going to bitch about working all day, it being cold, ect? Once freed, Iraqis stood in huge lines, literally put their lives on the line standing in those lines to vote. yet did it happily and proudly. Wow, some Americans are so spoiled...

When ever Tim posts on USMB to voice his opinion, to tell folks how he see things transpiring, he is doing more to help change the nation than the futile act of casting a ballot.

If both parties candidates are owned by the Deep State and the establishment, and it makes no difference. Raising awareness about the system does more good than casting a meaningless vote.


Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.


Whatever. At least I won't have blood on my hands. Psychopath.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
^ that

not voting sends a msg that we have a modicum of dignity left

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.


Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

sound familiar manifold? ;)

RUSH LYRICS - Freewill
I don't mind when people choose not to vote. It just irritates me to no end when those same people try to open their mouths to bit@h, whine, and complain. Oh, NO - sorry, you forfeited that right when you sat your ass down on the sidelines and chose to do nothing.

Why ? So what if someone didn't cast a meaningless vote for some 3rd or 4th party on a cold fall Tuesday that they worked all day and have to fight traffic home .

Are they exempt from paying taxes if they don't vote too?
If you don't try to make a difference and you choose to sit back and let someone else decide then you have no right to complain. Being allowed to vote, no matter if you are working, is a legal right. And you are seriously going to bitch about working all day, it being cold, ect? Once freed, Iraqis stood in huge lines, literally put their lives on the line standing in those lines to vote. yet did it happily and proudly. Wow, some Americans are so spoiled...

Have you run for office ? Cause if you haven't than you have nothing to complain about!!

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

This is a great good though, if you were gonna vote for crooked Hillary.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

Voting is a choice and a right, not some wonder device that makes one any more intelligent, nor any more American.

What you suggest is to ignore the often putrid choices handed to you, but you should choose one anyway. That doesn't even make bad sense. All you've done is play into the corporatist duopoly.

African-Americans don't vote for republicans for very good reasons. Thus, if the democrat running is unacceptable to black voters, the choices are vote 3rd party or don't vote at all.

If this country was serious about elections, it would remove the impediments to 3rd party growth and give voters real choices on who to support.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all
having a choice of bad (hiLIARy) or worse (Drumpf) is not a choice shortbusknife
It is good that such a choice does not exist.

The statements about not choosing or not voting all have the same false supposition - that we have a duopoly and you can only vote D or R.

It is sad because the same pathetic excuse is used over and over for third parties - people do not vote there because it would be 'throwing' your vote away. In a sick twist in reality, the only reason that this is so because so many people prescribe to it that those parties are unable to garner grater number of votes.

Generating votes effects the national politics EVEN IF THOSE THIRD PARTIES LOSE. It sends a clear message to the other parties that they need to adjust the message/platform to win those votes back or they may lose to much support. Not voting at all does absolutely nothing. All the parties care about is winning and if only 10% vote but vote for them then there is nothing to address - they are winning and will continue to do so.

Less than half the eligible voters actually vote. The portion that does not vote because they are sick of the political bullshit is rather large. If they bothered to vote a 3rd party it is likely that 3rd party would easily win. Not going to happen but it may in the future if you vote for them now and build on that base to make it a viable party. I grantee that the Ds and Rs would respond to any buildup of support for any 3rd party run and adjust accordingly.

Why do you think that Bernie is still running?
Why do you think that Bernie is still running?

Because he's waiting to see the outcome of the FBI investigation.
Bernie cannot win and there is not going to be an outcome before Hillary is nominated. After her nomination, the party picks the candidate if she drops out.

Bernie is not going to be the nominee. He remains in the race for influence and the more votes he gains - even when losing - the more influence he gains within the party and the messaging.

Absolutely! Throwing away your voice because you're in a snit over the choices only gives the one you dislike most the chance to win. Only about 25% of eligible American voters actually decide who the president will be. So, every single vote counts.

Essay @ The third evil: Not voting at all

Voting is a choice and a right, not some wonder device that makes one any more intelligent, nor any more American.

What you suggest is to ignore the often putrid choices handed to you, but you should choose one anyway. That doesn't even make bad sense. All you've done is play into the corporatist duopoly.

African-Americans don't vote for republicans for very good reasons. Thus, if the democrat running is unacceptable to black voters, the choices are vote 3rd party or don't vote at all.

If this country was serious about elections, it would remove the impediments to 3rd party growth and give voters real choices on who to support.

There is nothing stopping anybody from running a third party. The problem is any third party candidate running would be leaning to one side or the other. A vote for that candidate is a red carpet to the White House for the candidate that is opposite of their view.

If Sanders loses and decides to run a third party, that would guarantee a Trump win. If Trump gets upset with the Republicans and decides on a third party run, that guarantees a Hillary win.

That's just the way our politics is and it's not going to change in our lifetime. The best anybody can do is vote the worst person out.
Bernie cannot win and there is not going to be an outcome before Hillary is nominated. After her nomination, the party picks the candidate if she drops out.

Bernie is not going to be the nominee. He remains in the race for influence and the more votes he gains - even when losing - the more influence he gains within the party and the messaging.

I disagree. Yes, Bernie knows he's not going to get the nomination. But.......if would be foolish on his part to drop out of the race--have Hillary get recommended for charges, and she drops out leaving nobody there. It's a shoe-in for Sanders.

Now if the investigation turns out she did break laws and committed crimes, and the Democrats opt for somebody besides Bernie, it would completely destroy the Democrat party. They simply can't do that without the risk of losing many of their constituents. It would guarantee a Trump win no matter what.
Ever heard of a Hobson's choice? Voting maters only when you actually have a free choice, not a choice between the lesser of two evils. I would rather NOT participate in that than perpetrate it. Not voting itself IS a statement.

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