The threat to Christianity is real

True Conservatives understand this all too well....yet so many folks...not just liberals are refusing to face up to it.

Apathy is a huge,huge problem in America and if we are to defend ourselves, people must awake from their stupor and obsession with entertainment and sporting events.....invest some time in helping to insure that the America their kids will inherit is still around in a recognizable form....too many are arrogant and in their arrogance they assume there is no threat to America or to Christians. They could not be more wrong.

Glenn Beck is praising David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christianity in America.

David Horowitz, a Jew-- taking a stand to protect Christians.

David is a leading conservative and a Jew. He is speaking out about the growing persecution of Christians in America.

“The threat is frightening,” Horowitz says.

“I thought this book would be a warning about the future, but the plan to destroy Christianity is already underway and a real threat today,” Horowitz said, detailing why he wrote Dark Agenda.

Glenn Beck on Dark Agenda: Threat to Christians Real

Very hilarious thread: Christianity is being destroyed by those that claim to be 'Christian.'

People that claim the Christian faith yet they cheat on their spouses, they have multiple divorces, they swindle $$$$$$$$$$ from unsuspecting contractors & students, they continually lie to everyone, even those that elected them, etc.
That is what is killing Christianity when that type of person continually shits on the word of the Gospel, and is not called out on it but is rather supported by the larger community of faith.

It's the typical Judas complex ..........
True Conservatives understand this all too well....yet so many folks...not just liberals are refusing to face up to it.

Apathy is a huge,huge problem in America and if we are to defend ourselves, people must awake from their stupor and obsession with entertainment and sporting events.....invest some time in helping to insure that the America their kids will inherit is still around in a recognizable form....too many are arrogant and in their arrogance they assume there is no threat to America or to Christians. They could not be more wrong.

Glenn Beck is praising David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christianity in America.

David Horowitz, a Jew-- taking a stand to protect Christians.

David is a leading conservative and a Jew. He is speaking out about the growing persecution of Christians in America.

“The threat is frightening,” Horowitz says.

“I thought this book would be a warning about the future, but the plan to destroy Christianity is already underway and a real threat today,” Horowitz said, detailing why he wrote Dark Agenda.

Glenn Beck on Dark Agenda: Threat to Christians Real

Marine fired for ‘bad conduct’ after refusing to remove a Bible verse from over her desk

These guys you hold in so much disdain....Established America and have defended America for over 200 years......defeating the armed might of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in just 4 yrs.

Never underestimate your enemy....the first rule of war.

Been sayin that for years. They underestimate big time. Too many here on the Right arrogantly blow it off and keep saying the left is nothing but a joke and nothing to worry about.
Same ones who, 10 years ago laughed hysterically if you dared say China could become a military threat.
Same ones who think the diminishing (but guaranteed) right to have the pea shooter sitting in the closet is all it takes to "defend" their Constitution.
Same ones who think the Constitution will defend them, rather than the reality that it's the other way around.

Same ones who won't vote, won't speak up....but think they're Conservative "warriors"
Christians themselves will be the downfall of Christianity. Pedophile priest and racist radical fundamentslist and cracked tv evangelist. Christianity is a dying religion
It’s a good thing no atheists are serial rapists, mass murderers and human slave traders.

Oh wait. Almost all of them are atheists.
I'd love to see that statistic.
True Conservatives understand this all too well....yet so many folks...not just liberals are refusing to face up to it.

Apathy is a huge,huge problem in America and if we are to defend ourselves, people must awake from their stupor and obsession with entertainment and sporting events.....invest some time in helping to insure that the America their kids will inherit is still around in a recognizable form....too many are arrogant and in their arrogance they assume there is no threat to America or to Christians. They could not be more wrong.

Glenn Beck is praising David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christianity in America.

David Horowitz, a Jew-- taking a stand to protect Christians.

David is a leading conservative and a Jew. He is speaking out about the growing persecution of Christians in America.

“The threat is frightening,” Horowitz says.

“I thought this book would be a warning about the future, but the plan to destroy Christianity is already underway and a real threat today,” Horowitz said, detailing why he wrote Dark Agenda.

Glenn Beck on Dark Agenda: Threat to Christians Real

Very hilarious thread: Christianity is being destroyed by those that claim to be 'Christian.'

People that claim the Christian faith yet they cheat on their spouses, they have multiple divorces, they swindle $$$$$$$$$$ from unsuspecting contractors & students, they continually lie to everyone, even those that elected them, etc.
That is what is killing Christianity when that type of person continually shits on the word of the Gospel, and is not called out on it but is rather supported by the larger community of faith.

It's the typical Judas complex ..........

Regenerate Christians do not persist in horrid sins of adultery, swindling money from people and etc. That's how you know they're not regenerate.
Christians themselves will be the downfall of Christianity. Pedophile priest and racist radical fundamentslist and cracked tv evangelist. Christianity is a dying religion
It’s a good thing no atheists are serial rapists, mass murderers and human slave traders.

Oh wait. Almost all of them are atheists.
Proof of that?

Having worked in a prison for a long time I have seen how most criminals are in fact christians. They do not just find religion in prison either they come to prison with a basic belief and simply have more time to explore it and learn about it while incarcerated
I'm confused.
As I understand it...if you have faith you'll get your reward.
Isn't that all you need to know?
Why this whining about how the degenerate atheists or fake Christians live their lives?
I thought that a true Christian looks beyond this life.
True Conservatives understand this all too well....yet so many folks...not just liberals are refusing to face up to it.

Apathy is a huge,huge problem in America and if we are to defend ourselves, people must awake from their stupor and obsession with entertainment and sporting events.....invest some time in helping to insure that the America their kids will inherit is still around in a recognizable form....too many are arrogant and in their arrogance they assume there is no threat to America or to Christians. They could not be more wrong.

Guy, the world would be just fine if Christianity went away. Moving away from Bronze Age superstitions is a sign of progress.
One would have to suffer clinically terminal congnitive dissonance to think christianity and conservatism have anything in common ~S~
The bible says Snakes can talk.

So does J.K. Rowling.

True, but J.K Rowling isn't telling her followers to change the laws in this country.

Who knows, in 2000 years, maybe the Harry Potter books will become a religion.

One would have to suffer clinically terminal congnitive dissonance to think christianity and conservatism have anything in common ~S~

Well, that's kind of the fault of liberal Christians for NOT pointing out the things Jesus actually said about taking care of the poor.
Sorry, but Grace replaced the Law. They are polar opposites. The Law was for a specific people for a specific time. It led to judgment and death. Grace is favor we don't deserve, but receive abundantly from our Father. < not judge
Nonsense. If the judge gives you a break because you were unknowingly speeding, are you allowed to get right back in your car and speed?

Grace is not licence to break the law.

You've fallen victim to Protestent nonsense

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