The threat to Christianity is real

There is dislike and there is hatred.....what we see now is more like hatred in most cases and extreme hatred in a lot of cases which is growing.

In the same vein that German Nazis dislliked/hated Jews.

Or the same vein that Christians (for decades) hated gays, other religions and anyone who disagreed with them?
The final chapter of the Bible tells us things. And part of it is buy and sell. I am not a religious person but I have a religious background. The gay movement was for respect and dignity. Not it is on maxidrive for every way of non hetero living possible. So if the Christians get it, you will be soon after.

I have never met a gay man or lesbian that was against me or my lifestyle.

That does not say much about you or your lifestyle boyo. Take a hike.

It says that I have not called for them to go back in the closet, or worse.

I love to hike! But I am not leaving. that case I can help you....just keep reading my writings.
Or the same vein that Christians (for decades) hated gays, other religions and anyone who disagreed with them?
The final chapter of the Bible tells us things. And part of it is buy and sell. I am not a religious person but I have a religious background. The gay movement was for respect and dignity. Not it is on maxidrive for every way of non hetero living possible. So if the Christians get it, you will be soon after.

I have never met a gay man or lesbian that was against me or my lifestyle.

They are so against Christian lifestyles they hunt down Christian bakeries on purpose, demand wedding cakes, and then have hissy fits when they get even the most polite refusals. BTW, the hissy fits take the form of shutting down the bakers' and florists' livelihoods.

If they have a business that is open to the public, they have to abide by the laws governing them.

One Law is that "Government Shall Make No Law Respecting The Establishment of a Religion."

That means if a Christian Baker does not want to bake a Gay Wedding Cake, The Government cannot make him do it

Exactly....The Supreme Court has made that clear. I posted the link on that case.
Has there been any attempt to herd Christians into concentration camps, or restrict where they can live?
The groundwork must first be laid. I'm not saying this is definitely coming and Christians will be treated like the Jews in 1938 Germany but these things happen incrementally and the first step is to demonize Christians, make them seem ridiculous and isolate them.
Once society has normalized the second class treatment of religious people (not the Muslims, however...they are protected by the left, at least for now) it will be possible in theory to ghettoize them, or worse, at some future point.


So funny that Penelope agreed with that since she at least grew up Christian and can't stand the Jews, for pity's sake.

There is a lot of coinfusion regarding Judaism and Christianity.

So funny that Penelope agreed with that since she at least grew up Christian and can't stand the Jews, for pity's sake.

There is a lot of coinfusion regarding Judaism and Christianity

Presbyterians Declare War on the Jews - Commentary
Christianity is the last target for approved hate. THAT is the threat. It's not only acceptable, it's actually GOOD to hate Christians--particularly if they are white and male.

If you can't see that, open your eyes.

So people disliking Christians is a threat? Wow

You wanna build strawmen and knock them down? Do it on photoshop or something, don't bother me about it.

Not a strawman. I asked exactly how Christianity was being threatened. And you answered that is was good to hate Christians.

I cannot see people hating Christians as destroying Christianity.

Well then let me suggest you neither have much imagination or knowledge of history. When the Europeans--specifically, the Nazi Europeans--hated the Jews hard enough, they began to destroy them. And they almost, yes, eradicated the entire population of Jews from Europe. When you destroy the adherents of the religion, you destroy the religion itself.


Has there been any attempt to herd Christians into concentration camps, or restrict where they can live?

or to shut them up when they FALSLEY claim they are being persecuted?
Christians themselves will be the downfall of Christianity. Pedophile priest and racist radical fundamentslist and cracked tv evangelist. Christianity is a dying religion
I know many who have called themselves Christians who are appalled by those so-called CRCs supporting the Political Right in this country.
Christians themselves will be the downfall of Christianity. Pedophile priest and racist radical fundamentslist and cracked tv evangelist. Christianity is a dying religion
It’s a good thing no atheists are serial rapists, mass murderers and human slave traders.

Oh wait. Almost all of them are atheists.
Of course, excusers tell themselves that.
liberals are waging war on christians and the ONLY WAY to defend your lives and your beliefs is to STRIKE FIRST and kill ALL the liberals!
Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?'--God
And CRCs support donnie.
I say in Sunday school class that the Word of God is the Law and I am immediately told that we are not under the Law, we are under grace. They seem completely oblivious to the consequences of what they are saying. Grace can not be separated from Law. The Church used to understand that. Modern Sunday school classes are nothing more than pamphleteers peddling Pablum.
Sounds like you are in support of christian sharia.
Christianity is the last target for approved hate. THAT is the threat. It's not only acceptable, it's actually GOOD to hate Christians--particularly if they are white and male.

If you can't see that, open your eyes.

So people disliking Christians is a threat? Wow

You wanna build strawmen and knock them down? Do it on photoshop or something, don't bother me about it.

Not a strawman. I asked exactly how Christianity was being threatened. And you answered that is was good to hate Christians.

I cannot see people hating Christians as destroying Christianity.

Well then let me suggest you neither have much imagination or knowledge of history. When the Europeans--specifically, the Nazi Europeans--hated the Jews hard enough, they began to destroy them. And they almost, yes, eradicated the entire population of Jews from Europe. When you destroy the adherents of the religion, you destroy the religion itself.


Has there been any attempt to herd Christians into concentration camps, or restrict where they can live?

Yes, all over the world, especially in many Islamic Countries.
Funny thing is the Bible says this would happen

True Conservatives understand this all too well....yet so many folks...not just liberals are refusing to face up to it.

Apathy is a huge,huge problem in America and if we are to defend ourselves, people must awake from their stupor and obsession with entertainment and sporting events.....invest some time in helping to insure that the America their kids will inherit is still around in a recognizable form....too many are arrogant and in their arrogance they assume there is no threat to America or to Christians. They could not be more wrong.

Glenn Beck is praising David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christianity in America.

David Horowitz, a Jew-- taking a stand to protect Christians.

David is a leading conservative and a Jew. He is speaking out about the growing persecution of Christians in America.

“The threat is frightening,” Horowitz says.

“I thought this book would be a warning about the future, but the plan to destroy Christianity is already underway and a real threat today,” Horowitz said, detailing why he wrote Dark Agenda.

Glenn Beck on Dark Agenda: Threat to Christians Real

let me guess.....

liberals are waging war on christians and the ONLY WAY to defend your lives and your beliefs is to STRIKE FIRST and kill ALL the liberals!

in self defense.....


Ann coulter said "we should shoot a few liberals"

rush limbaugh said "leave only a few liberals left alive"

which method do YOU subscribe to in DEFENDING your religion?

The best defense is a good offense.

I am not a doormat Christian...I am more of a Old Testament type Christian aka....Orde Wingate...and anyone who knows anything about him knows what I am speaking of.

Anyhow.....that is about as explicit as one can get on a message board.

Christians should immediately begin to prepare for the 'great persecution' if they have not done so already.

Some things Christians need to do....organize,organize,organize....each Christian Church should urge its members to arm themselves and form a militia...have a good defensive position they can all flee to when the time comes.....and stock up on essentials....enough for at least 7 yrs.

Paul McGuire | Articles on Israel, Middle East, New World Order, One World Government, Economic Crisis
Or the same vein that Christians (for decades) hated gays, other religions and anyone who disagreed with them?
The final chapter of the Bible tells us things. And part of it is buy and sell. I am not a religious person but I have a religious background. The gay movement was for respect and dignity. Not it is on maxidrive for every way of non hetero living possible. So if the Christians get it, you will be soon after.

I have never met a gay man or lesbian that was against me or my lifestyle.

They are so against Christian lifestyles they hunt down Christian bakeries on purpose, demand wedding cakes, and then have hissy fits when they get even the most polite refusals. BTW, the hissy fits take the form of shutting down the bakers' and florists' livelihoods.

If they have a business that is open to the public, they have to abide by the laws governing them.

One Law is that "Government Shall Make No Law Respecting The Establishment of a Religion."

That means if a Christian Baker does not want to bake a Gay Wedding Cake, The Government cannot make him do it

If there are anti-discrimination laws that say you cannot discriminate based on race, religion, or sexual orientation, they have to follow the law. Or get the law changed before a gay customer comes in.
True Conservatives understand this all too well....yet so many folks...not just liberals are refusing to face up to it.

Apathy is a huge,huge problem in America and if we are to defend ourselves, people must awake from their stupor and obsession with entertainment and sporting events.....invest some time in helping to insure that the America their kids will inherit is still around in a recognizable form....too many are arrogant and in their arrogance they assume there is no threat to America or to Christians. They could not be more wrong.

Glenn Beck is praising David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christianity in America.

David Horowitz, a Jew-- taking a stand to protect Christians.

David is a leading conservative and a Jew. He is speaking out about the growing persecution of Christians in America.

“The threat is frightening,” Horowitz says.

“I thought this book would be a warning about the future, but the plan to destroy Christianity is already underway and a real threat today,” Horowitz said, detailing why he wrote Dark Agenda.

Glenn Beck on Dark Agenda: Threat to Christians Real

Marine fired for ‘bad conduct’ after refusing to remove a Bible verse from over her desk

How much would you have defended her if she had a Koran quote up on her desk? Or from some other religion?
So people disliking Christians is a threat? Wow

You wanna build strawmen and knock them down? Do it on photoshop or something, don't bother me about it.

Not a strawman. I asked exactly how Christianity was being threatened. And you answered that is was good to hate Christians.

I cannot see people hating Christians as destroying Christianity.

Well then let me suggest you neither have much imagination or knowledge of history. When the Europeans--specifically, the Nazi Europeans--hated the Jews hard enough, they began to destroy them. And they almost, yes, eradicated the entire population of Jews from Europe. When you destroy the adherents of the religion, you destroy the religion itself.


Has there been any attempt to herd Christians into concentration camps, or restrict where they can live?

Yes, all over the world, especially in many Islamic Countries.

Then there is a real threat in Islamic countries. Should we go to war over it?
Has the secular atheist above read Shults, Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism? That's the book that will clue up the prisoners about how xianity itself secretes atheism, so the move in Victoria's schools is something like taking Contac for a cold by relieving some of the symptoms of the pathology.
True Conservatives understand this all too well....yet so many folks...not just liberals are refusing to face up to it.

Apathy is a huge,huge problem in America and if we are to defend ourselves, people must awake from their stupor and obsession with entertainment and sporting events.....invest some time in helping to insure that the America their kids will inherit is still around in a recognizable form....too many are arrogant and in their arrogance they assume there is no threat to America or to Christians. They could not be more wrong.

Glenn Beck is praising David Horowitz’s new book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christianity in America.

David Horowitz, a Jew-- taking a stand to protect Christians.

David is a leading conservative and a Jew. He is speaking out about the growing persecution of Christians in America.

“The threat is frightening,” Horowitz says.

“I thought this book would be a warning about the future, but the plan to destroy Christianity is already underway and a real threat today,” Horowitz said, detailing why he wrote Dark Agenda.

Glenn Beck on Dark Agenda: Threat to Christians Real

Exactly HOW is Christianity being threatened?

By not allowing nativity scenes on public property? By not allowing school administrations to lead prayers?

Has any Christian been prevented from attending the church of their choice? Has anyone denied a Christian their right to worship?

Or has there been a push to follow the US Constitution, which forbids a national religion?
They are not allowed to push their christian sharia on the rest of us. That makes them persecuted.
liberals are waging war on christians and the ONLY WAY to defend your lives and your beliefs is to STRIKE FIRST and kill ALL the liberals!
Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?'--God
And CRCs support donnie.
What's a CRC. I don't speak God-Hater
liberals are waging war on christians and the ONLY WAY to defend your lives and your beliefs is to STRIKE FIRST and kill ALL the liberals!
Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?'--God
And CRCs support donnie.
What's a CRC. I don't speak God-Hater

Some shit, Plywood made Christian Sharia. Lol
You wanna build strawmen and knock them down? Do it on photoshop or something, don't bother me about it.

Not a strawman. I asked exactly how Christianity was being threatened. And you answered that is was good to hate Christians.

I cannot see people hating Christians as destroying Christianity.

Well then let me suggest you neither have much imagination or knowledge of history. When the Europeans--specifically, the Nazi Europeans--hated the Jews hard enough, they began to destroy them. And they almost, yes, eradicated the entire population of Jews from Europe. When you destroy the adherents of the religion, you destroy the religion itself.


Has there been any attempt to herd Christians into concentration camps, or restrict where they can live?

Yes, all over the world, especially in many Islamic Countries.

Then there is a real threat in Islamic countries. Should we go to war over it?

Maybe a better question would be why is Islam at war with Christianity? Why is Islam going to Western Nations and demanding Islam be adopted.

Shall we go to war over it? We are already at war with it.

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