The Three GOP Candidates' Faiths, Should it Matter to You

I don't care about their faith unless it is some twisted version of what is already a bogus belief system. Push it on me & my support is gone.
But this thread isn't for you. It's for the people who vote who already have faith and how each candidate's faith affects their vote.
No no no no! People are born wanting to have sex with another dude's anus and then teaching that to kids in school as OK! It's not really a lifestyle practice or cult dogma!

Just as people are born wanting to worship a fairy in the sky, and then teaching that to kids in school as OK.

Its not really a lifestyle practice or cult dogma!

You're an idiot.

Coming from you- that is a compliment.

Wow, so what. normally people call you worse? I can see that.

You know, food for thought.. when you go on a website and trash people of faith you really are no better than the people of faith who trash non-believers. You're the same person.

And when did I trash people of faith?

"wanting to worship a fairy in the sky" is a very condescending statement. Not to mention, we don't worship a "fairy in the sky". This just shows your ignorance.
Just as people are born wanting to worship a fairy in the sky, and then teaching that to kids in school as OK.

Its not really a lifestyle practice or cult dogma!

You're an idiot.

Coming from you- that is a compliment.

Wow, so what. normally people call you worse? I can see that.

You know, food for thought.. when you go on a website and trash people of faith you really are no better than the people of faith who trash non-believers. You're the same person.

And when did I trash people of faith?

"wanting to worship a fairy in the sky" is a very condescending statement. Not to mention, we don't worship a "fairy in the sky". This just shows your ignorance.

Read what I said- I said just as people are born wanting to worship a fairy in the sky- which doesn't apply to anyone.

You weren't born wanting to worship a fairy in the sky- were you?

My post was ironic- pointing out the fallacy of Silhouette's post.

People are not born believing in Christ or Buddha or Ywwh- people chose to worship how they will worship- and that is perfectly fine- just as it is perfectly fine if people chose not to believe in any 'god'.
Separation of church and state, should disqualify anyone that invokes any faith in any religion. Any religion that endorses any candidate should lose tax free status.
Separation of church and state, should disqualify anyone that invokes any faith in any religion. Any religion that endorses any candidate should lose tax free status.
Once in Office. But people vote with their faith hangover, do you deny that?
Separation of church and state, should disqualify anyone that invokes any faith in any religion. Any religion that endorses any candidate should lose tax free status.
Once in Office. But people vote with their faith hangover, do you deny that?
Some do- some don't.

When Mitt Romney was running for election, many Christians who believe that the Church of Latter Day Saints is really a cult and not a Christian religion voted for him anyway.

And many Jews vote for Christians- and vice versa.

Some people vote based upon their religion- and some vote based upon other things.
The only way in which religion applies to running for office is if the candidate panders his religion as if it's a basis to vote for him or her. That by definition means he/she is dishonest. It does on the other hand provide a quick and easy disqualification from any consideration.

It would not be dishonest if we were a theocracy. But we're supposedly not.
The only way in which religion applies to running for office is if the candidate panders his religion as if it's a basis to vote for him or her. That by definition means he/she is dishonest. It does on the other hand provide a quick and easy disqualification from any consideration.

It would not be dishonest if we were a theocracy. But we're supposedly not.
But realistically, many people do vote their faith. You can't control the minds of individual voters. This thread is for those who do vote their faith and actually care about that.
The only way in which religion applies to running for office is if the candidate panders his religion as if it's a basis to vote for him or her. That by definition means he/she is dishonest. It does on the other hand provide a quick and easy disqualification from any consideration.

It would not be dishonest if we were a theocracy. But we're supposedly not.
But realistically, many people do vote their faith. You can't control the minds of individual voters. This thread is for those who do vote their faith and actually care about that.

In that case our job is to show them the glaring error of their ways.
Apparently only three Republicans are running for office? Or don't you care about the democrat side? Kinda sad the threads that start out asking disingenuous questions.
"wanting to worship a fairy in the sky" is a very condescending statement. Not to mention, we don't worship a "fairy in the sky". This just shows your ignorance.

How many folks in upstate NY and the big city do you think consider themselves fundamentally loyal to a religion? Not every day in your face type God-drug stuff. Just basic folks who at their core still believe in God, Grace and Goodness?

Might make a difference if they learned Trump worships..well...himself actually. Certainly nothing else.
the constitution specifically prohibits a religious litmus test for office.

what your private religious beliefs are....should be your religious beliefs, not my political system

Nobody's ever proposed otherwise Jillian... and for the record, there is no litmus test to ensure one is devoid of any religious beliefs.

Nor should there be.

and yes. The radical religious right very much wants their dogma enacted into law. I wish it wasn't the case

People on both sides want their dogma enacted into law... dogma is dogma.
Religious dogma is the worst. Who can argue with "God told me to..? "

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Exactly, such people are nuts!

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the constitution specifically prohibits a religious litmus test for office.
what your private religious beliefs are....should be your religious beliefs, not my political system
The COTUS certainly does not prohibit voters from considering religion when voting, which is obviously what the OP was getting at, your twisting aside.

I'm good if we get rid of the socons who worship God and the leftists like Jillian who worship Obama and the Democrat party and the rest of us can decide. That would be a huge improvement over what we have now

I'm just tired of morons who think that "separation of church and state" means that voters and politicians shouldn't be allowed to use their religious mores to try to shape policy. Being a religious person doesn't disqualify you or make your views less important.
So then they'll be shaping policy based on someone's religious understanding. Correct?

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How is that different than anyone else? Everyone has assistance in forming their opinions. Your religion is liberalism, so why is it fair that you vote then on what government should do when you're directly voting on your religion itself? You gotta ... think
That's not my religion buddy. I don't force my religious beliefs on any one. That's not Christlike, nor is it Biblical. Thanks.

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Republicans are at a constant disadvantage because their religious beliefs are under scrutiny. Whatever faith a democrat candidate claims to have doesn't seem to matter. For some historic perspective, Jimmy Carter was arguably the worst president in modern history but he was a born again Christian and had a stable marriage. Ronnie Reagan was a (former) Hollywood liberal who made no claim to strong religious beliefs and was married more than once. Yet Carter was a failure and Reagan went on to one of the most remarkable presidencies.
How does a Jewish or Christian politician differ from those who are not?

Well, first ,they are Jewish or Christian.

Aside from that, they have different kinds of values that are not fatalistic in nature and believe that mankind is made in the image of God and are thus humanistic.
First one doesn't make any sense. It's like saying they're good because they're good.

Second one is also very vague, and more specifically subjective.

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This country was buil;t on Judeo Christianity and to change that would effectively destroy the culture and create chaos on an unimaginable scale.

For the rest, see post #104

actually this country was created by deists who wanted the religious types as far away from government as possible.
Yep, they were running AWAY from religious persecution. And here today we have those who want to take us back to being persecuted for our religion.

Those who don't know history, are bound to repeat it.

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How does a Jewish or Christian politician differ from those who are not?

Well, first ,they are Jewish or Christian.

Aside from that, they have different kinds of values that are not fatalistic in nature and believe that mankind is made in the image of God and are thus humanistic.
First one doesn't make any sense. It's like saying they're good because they're good.

Second one is also very vague, and more specifically subjective.

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This country was buil;t on Judeo Christianity and to change that would effectively destroy the culture and create chaos on an unimaginable scale.

For the rest, see post #104
Judeo Christianity

No such thing as judeo christianity

The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values
How does a Jewish or Christian politician differ from those who are not?

Well, first ,they are Jewish or Christian.

Aside from that, they have different kinds of values that are not fatalistic in nature and believe that mankind is made in the image of God and are thus humanistic.
First one doesn't make any sense. It's like saying they're good because they're good.

Second one is also very vague, and more specifically subjective.

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This country was buil;t on Judeo Christianity and to change that would effectively destroy the culture and create chaos on an unimaginable scale.

For the rest, see post #104

actually this country was created by deists who wanted the religious types as far away from government as possible.

And most of those Deists were Christians.

Why do you think Deism and Christianity incompatible?
Deists were Christians


Deism Defined, Welcome to Deism, Deist Glossary and Frequently Asked Questions

Deism teaches there is a God. Deism rejects the "revelations" of the "revealed" religions such as christianity and the bible.

Theology: What is the difference between deism and theism? - Quora
In that case our job is to show them the glaring error of their ways.

You, an atheist, showing the faithful "the glaring error of their ways"? :lmao: Good luck don Quixote!

Where the fuck do you get "atheist"?
And why did you cut out the relevant post I was addressing? To make it look like it's about something completely different, that's why. Wimp.
How does a Jewish or Christian politician differ from those who are not?

Well, first ,they are Jewish or Christian.

Aside from that, they have different kinds of values that are not fatalistic in nature and believe that mankind is made in the image of God and are thus humanistic.
First one doesn't make any sense. It's like saying they're good because they're good.

Second one is also very vague, and more specifically subjective.

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This country was buil;t on Judeo Christianity and to change that would effectively destroy the culture and create chaos on an unimaginable scale.

For the rest, see post #104
What's a "Judea Christian"? As opposed to what other type of Christian? Break it down for me. Thanks.

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