The three main goals of libertarianism


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Can you define Libertarianism?

Right now the number one thing destroying wages and savings is the inflation of the US dollar, a direct result of the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars, something that Libertarians want to abolish...

Oh yeah, once again, do you even know what Libertarianism is? At least the basics? You need to UNDERSTAND your enemy before you can oppose it. It seems like you're opposed to CORPORATE NEO-CON pigs, just like Libertarians are.
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The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Can you define Libertarianism?

Yes. See the OP. I outline its three main goals there.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Actually, you may wish to look up the meaning of that word.

What you've described in your post is pretty much what the GOP wants, and it's not liberty, its more of a description of slavery.

Sorry.......................but I spent 20 years of my life defending this country, and I don't want to see some idiot corporation (that will never serve in a war zone) deciding what is good for my country or not.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Can you define Libertarianism?

Yes. See the OP. I outline its three main goals there.

gj ignoring the rest of my post
Oh man, not one of you got it right. We believe that liberty is the ultimate form of political expression. We believe in individual liberty, voluntary association and political freedom. We do not espouse the ideals of hating the rich or promoting them. We just want them to be allowed to be rich. See we believe it is the right of any person to to own their own property and make their own money, without the thing of government rigging the entire process. We want to limit government to the point where it is no longer coercive but cooperative with it's people. We would much rather have it work for us than us for it. We don't want to sell it out to anyone, we want it to do what it was originally designed to do, protect us from coercion and violent threats.

OohPah is just launching a smear campaign on me and members of my party, with piddly liberal class warfare rhetoric. How lame. I cannot believe it, you guys are more scared of us than you are the Republicans. Go on, we won't be going anywhere. Our movement is growing, now more than ever since this government has gone completely out of control.
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If liberty is the ultimate form of political expression, then tell me this....................

Why is it easier for a rich man to influence the politicians than it is for the people who actually elected them?

I hope Boehener, McConnell and Cantor all lose their next elections............................
The ONE main goal of libertarianism: Sell out all of America to a small group of oligarchs.

Too bad you folks did a good job of selling us out to china and outsourcing tons of jobs overseas. Yes, Granny, our corporate taxes are the highest in the world. Who in their right minds would want to set up shop here, and employ people when they would never be able to survive the pressure of our business environment?

The main goal of liberalism is to tax the rich out of existence, make everyone prosper the same, equality in everyone and everything. Forgive me, but you people sound more like a bunch of utiopianists. You have more to do with communism and socialism than you do with capitalism. It's written all over your party's platform.
If liberty is the ultimate form of political expression, then tell me this....................

Why is it easier for a rich man to influence the politicians than it is for the people who actually elected them?

I hope Boehener, McConnell and Cantor all lose their next elections............................

Why is it so easy for you to forget the the men you vote for are just as susceptible to the corruption of the rich man as the three men you named? It isn't just happening to Republicans, it's happening to Democrats as well. Your bias is obvious. You are not concerned with removing corruption, just attacking the other side.

I hope Obama is mortally wounded by these scandals, and I most certainly hope the American people wake up from the cognitive dissonance being perpetuated by the two parties. Everyone in our political system is susceptible to corruption. This whole "power" thing has gone to their heads. The people no longer are able to be free from the government that's supposed to be keeping them free.

Liberty is a thing nobody in your mindset can grasp. You won't even take the time to research the the goals of my party, you would much rather deride us and dismiss us. Granted, sooner than later, you may wind up regretting that.

The ultimate form of political expression is when the people throw these people out and demand that the government be run as it should be. It will be when political parties stop bickering with one another and work as a team, although that is quite out of the question right now.

If liberty were the ultimate form of expression, why do you give in to the demagoguery of your own party? Aren't you capable of thinking for yourself? Do you need to be told what to think? Or would you rather be controlled by a collective of propagandists and demagogues?
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The ONE main goal of libertarianism: Sell out all of America to a small group of oligarchs.

Too bad you folks did a good job of selling us out to china and outsourcing tons of jobs overseas. Yes, Granny, our corporate taxes are the highest in the world. Who in their right minds would want to set up shop here, and employ people when they would never be able to survive the pressure of our business environment?

The main goal of liberalism is to tax the rich out of existence, make everyone prosper the same, equality in everyone and everything. Forgive me, but you people sound more like a bunch of utiopianists. You have more to do with communism and socialism than you do with capitalism. It's written all over your party's platform. the 1950's and 1960's, there was enough money for everyone. One of the main perks of serving a company for 20 or 30 years was you got a gold watch and a pension when you hit those marks.

The military still gives a person a pension at 20 years. I know, because I'm living on one right now.

And......................I don't have to work for some corporation now, because I'm able to make it on my pension (and still have enough for a dinner out every now and again, as well as a vacation once a year). want to know what is killing capitalism? It's not the communists or the socialists....................

It's the greed at the top in the form of CEO's and "corporate managers".
The ONE main goal of libertarianism: Sell out all of America to a small group of oligarchs.

Too bad you folks did a good job of selling us out to china and outsourcing tons of jobs overseas. Yes, Granny, our corporate taxes are the highest in the world. Who in their right minds would want to set up shop here, and employ people when they would never be able to survive the pressure of our business environment?

The main goal of liberalism is to tax the rich out of existence, make everyone prosper the same, equality in everyone and everything. Forgive me, but you people sound more like a bunch of utiopianists. You have more to do with communism and socialism than you do with capitalism. It's written all over your party's platform. the 1950's and 1960's, there was enough money for everyone. One of the main perks of serving a company for 20 or 30 years was you got a gold watch and a pension when you hit those marks.

The military still gives a person a pension at 20 years. I know, because I'm living on one right now.

And......................I don't have to work for some corporation now, because I'm able to make it on my pension (and still have enough for a dinner out every now and again, as well as a vacation once a year). want to know what is killing capitalism? It's not the communists or the socialists....................

It's the greed at the top in the form of CEO's and "corporate managers".

Yanno, back in the 1950's and 60's, we didn't have a rogue government either. It was flawed, but at least it thought more of people's (given the racial divide then) rights than they do now.

I'm glad you get a pension. But you don't get much else, soldier. I know what's killing capitalism. A lack of motivation, a want for laziness instead of effort, government subsidies to folks who could just as easily get off their asses and work. A sense of entitlement instead of work ethic. Apathy and ill will for the prosperous are more things.

However, you throw these class warfare arguments in my face as if they apply to me or my party. You assume and attack what you don't understand. You try to define us in within the scope of your own hopelessly limited frame of mind.

Like I told someone else yesterday, you liberals despise prosperity, you to control it, redistribute it. You folks are motivated by jealousy and contempt, not unlike some Conservatives I've seen. Altruism is an emotion, similar to compassion, you people think you can just force it out of someone. How desperate. A CEO of a company is not instantaneously evil when he amasses great wealth, he more likely than not worked to make a living like any other person before he obtained his riches. Why do you think that way? What if you were to become insanely rich? You would be the epitome of everything you currently despise.

You people are pathetic.

Greed is when you demand your reward before you put forth any effort to earn it.
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First's SAILOR, not "soldier". Never been a ground pounder or a bullet sponge (Army and Marines) nor do I ever wish to become one. When I first joined in 1982, I thought camping as a hobby was fine, but as a lifestyle left much to be desired (which is why I didn't join the Army).

I also thought that being on the front lines and getting fired at was not exactly what I wanted as well, which is why I joined the Navy.

Being on the front lines (like Beruit, Desert Storm for both Pt. 1 and 2, as well as Kosovo) was exciting enough, but in addition to going to battle stations, I could get a decent hot meal later.

Want to know what's killing capitalism? It's idiots like Mittens RobMe and his ilk. They don't care about the workers or what they produce or how well it's done, they just want to fortify their bottom line and make more cash.

And yeah..................Mittens RobMe isn't a slash about his failed campaign, it's about the people who think like him.
I agree with the three points made by the OP, but I would also add -

- reduce environmental standards and controls

- reduce workers rights and benefits

- reduce oversight and control over private companies operations, finances and marketing. In a Libertarian world, companies must be able to think, do and claim whatever they like about their products.

- sale and privatisation of all state assets - roads, schools, water treatment, policing and many military services.

There is a very good reason why Liberatarianism has never been tried - it won't work, it can't work and where tried, it has not worked.
[ want to know what is killing capitalism? It's not the communists or the socialists....................

It's the greed at the top in the form of CEO's and "corporate managers".

Um, those CEO's and corporate managers are the Communists and Socialists and Fascists, notice how much they donate to BOTH parties.

They want a globally decentralized world of corporate communism. It combines the worst of Fascism and Communism into one global empire.
First's SAILOR, not "soldier". Never been a ground pounder or a bullet sponge (Army and Marines) nor do I ever wish to become one. When I first joined in 1982, I thought camping as a hobby was fine, but as a lifestyle left much to be desired (which is why I didn't join the Army).

I also thought that being on the front lines and getting fired at was not exactly what I wanted as well, which is why I joined the Navy.

Being on the front lines (like Beruit, Desert Storm for both Pt. 1 and 2, as well as Kosovo) was exciting enough, but in addition to going to battle stations, I could get a decent hot meal later.

Want to know what's killing capitalism? It's idiots like Mittens RobMe and his ilk. They don't care about the workers or what they produce or how well it's done, they just want to fortify their bottom line and make more cash.

And yeah..................Mittens RobMe isn't a slash about his failed campaign, it's about the people who think like him.

My apologies, Sailor, I merely thought that was a moniker. Thank you for your service at any rate.

Lmao, and the rest of your rant is not an answer. You answer me with "Mittens RobMe and his ilk are killing capitalism." Thing is I voted for Romney, but I soon realized it was a futile exercise voting for either one afterwards. I would have much rather have had The Good Doctor running the show than those two loons.

At any rate you aren't even arguing my point, and you have regressed from bashing us Libertarians to berating Mitt Romney. Can you prove to me (without launching into another senseless liberal tirade) how Mitt Romney never cared about his workers? Don't even try the Bain Capital angle on me, we both know that was a lie. Do you understand that without the rich guy, nobody at the bottom has a job? If it isn't for him, nobody gets paid a dime! But hey, I'm not the one who thinks rich people ought not to exist.

Sigh. You will spew more irrelevancies at me though. Just what compels you to think the way you do? Ah yes, swallow what the big guys in the Liberal establishment come up with. Very smart.
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I agree with the three points made by the OP, but I would also add -

- reduce environmental standards and controls

- reduce workers rights and benefits

- reduce oversight and control over private companies operations, finances and marketing. In a Libertarian world, companies must be able to think, do and claim whatever they like about their products.

- sale and privatisation of all state assets - roads, schools, water treatment, policing and many military services.

There is a very good reason why Liberatarianism has never been tried - it won't work, it can't work and where tried, it has not worked.

Reduce environmental standards and controls? Cool.............let's fuck up the environment and make it toxic.

Reduce workers rights and benefits? Cool................let's bring back slavery (oh wait......we already did that with the interns because they work for free and have no rights).

Reduce oversight and control over private companies? Cool..............let's let the corporations rape the land and fuck the workers.

Privatize the roads and the military? Cool.....................let those who deserve (i.e. pay the most money) have access to the roads, and let the military be sold to the highest bidder.

Only problem is........................can the highest bidder have control over all four branches, or, do they have to compete with others, making coordination almost impossible? Gonna be hard to invade, or even recon if that happens, because there's gonna be too many people trying to make decisions (to make themselves look good) who have zero experience in the battlefield.

You never served in the military, did you?
I agree with the three points made by the OP, but I would also add -

- reduce environmental standards and controls

- reduce workers rights and benefits

- reduce oversight and control over private companies operations, finances and marketing. In a Libertarian world, companies must be able to think, do and claim whatever they like about their products.

- sale and privatisation of all state assets - roads, schools, water treatment, policing and many military services.

There is a very good reason why Liberatarianism has never been tried - it won't work, it can't work and where tried, it has not worked.

Nah, you're doing a lot of asskissing is what you're doing. What makes you think we advocate any of those things?

Do you see any of the things you contend we believe in our platform? I don't share them all but a great deal of them.

Platform | Libertarian Party
I agree with the three points made by the OP, but I would also add -

- reduce environmental standards and controls

- reduce workers rights and benefits

- reduce oversight and control over private companies operations, finances and marketing. In a Libertarian world, companies must be able to think, do and claim whatever they like about their products.

- sale and privatisation of all state assets - roads, schools, water treatment, policing and many military services.

There is a very good reason why Liberatarianism has never been tried - it won't work, it can't work and where tried, it has not worked.

Nah, you're doing a lot of asskissing is what you're doing. What makes you think we advocate any of those things?

Do you see any of the things you contend we believe in our platform? I don't share them all but a great deal of them.

Platform | Libertarian Party

Apparently they want to distance and degrade the Libertarian party as much as possible in order to keep themselves off of the NDAA eneacted Obama's NSA compiled kill/torture-list.

You see this rabid attack that has been surfacing against Libertarians in the past few weeks is in direct response tot he Libertarian party actually becoming a CONSTRAINT on the Communist agenda, you know, just like the Constitution is a constraint.
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