The three main goals of libertarianism

The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Can you define Libertarianism?

Right now the number one thing destroying wages and savings is the inflation of the US dollar, a direct result of the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars, something that Libertarians want to abolish...

Oh yeah, once again, do you even know what Libertarianism is? At least the basics? You need to UNDERSTAND your enemy before you can oppose it. It seems like you're opposed to CORPORATE NEO-CON pigs, just like Libertarians are.

At least he understands that libertarianism is his enemy, just as FDR understood that the Constitution was his enemy.
I agree with the three points made by the OP, but I would also add -

- reduce environmental standards and controls

- reduce workers rights and benefits

- reduce oversight and control over private companies operations, finances and marketing. In a Libertarian world, companies must be able to think, do and claim whatever they like about their products.

- sale and privatisation of all state assets - roads, schools, water treatment, policing and many military services.

There is a very good reason why Liberatarianism has never been tried - it won't work, it can't work and where tried, it has not worked.

Nah, you're doing a lot of asskissing is what you're doing. What makes you think we advocate any of those things?

Do you see any of the things you contend we believe in our platform? I don't share them all but a great deal of them.

Platform | Libertarian Party

Apparently they want to distance and degrade the Libertarian party as much as possible in order to keep themselves off of the NDAA eneacted Obama's NSA compiled kill/torture-list.

You see this rabid attack that has been surfacing against Libertarians in the past few weeks is in direct response tot he Libertarian party actually becoming a CONSTRAINT on the Communist agenda, you know, just like the Constitution is a constraint.

They do this in acts of desperation. Both parties attack us this way. I find the lack of open mindedness on both sides to be disturbing.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Can you define Libertarianism?

Right now the number one thing destroying wages and savings is the inflation of the US dollar, a direct result of the Federal Reserve printing trillions of dollars, something that Libertarians want to abolish...

Oh yeah, once again, do you even know what Libertarianism is? At least the basics? You need to UNDERSTAND your enemy before you can oppose it. It seems like you're opposed to CORPORATE NEO-CON pigs, just like Libertarians are.

At least he understands that libertarianism is his enemy, just as FDR understood that the Constitution was his enemy.

Can you please explain this post in more detail? Why are we your enemy?
If liberty is the ultimate form of political expression, then tell me this....................

Why is it easier for a rich man to influence the politicians than it is for the people who actually elected them?

I hope Boehener, McConnell and Cantor all lose their next elections............................

If democracy is such a great form of government then why are turds like you always complaining about the results? If we didn't have 1/3 of the wealth of the entire country up for auction at every election, perhaps the rich wouldn't be so hard to get some of it. Actually all they are doing is trying to prevent the blood sucking ticks from squeezing them for all they have.
At least he understands that libertarianism is his enemy, just as FDR understood that the Constitution was his enemy.

Can you please explain this post in more detail? Why are we your enemy?

They are his enemy, not my enemy. He's a bootlicking fascist worshiper of the almighty state who wants to sell us all into slavery, so naturally he hates libertarians.

On the other hand, I am a libertarian.
At least he understands that libertarianism is his enemy, just as FDR understood that the Constitution was his enemy.

Can you please explain this post in more detail? Why are we your enemy?

They are his enemy, not my enemy. He's a bootlicking fascist worshiper of the almighty state who wants to sell us all into slavery, so naturally he hates libertarians.

On the other hand, I am a libertarian.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. My apologies for accusing you falsely. Glad you are a part of the cause, bripat! :)
At least he understands that libertarianism is his enemy, just as FDR understood that the Constitution was his enemy.

Can you please explain this post in more detail? Why are we your enemy?

I think he meant: Since Corporate Media has identified Libertarians as the ENEMY, he immediately identifies us as the enemy, regardless of why --- except that why is the CONSTITUTION.

Libertarians and the strict construction of the Constitution are inseparable.
At least he understands that libertarianism is his enemy, just as FDR understood that the Constitution was his enemy.

Can you please explain this post in more detail? Why are we your enemy?

I think he meant: Since Corporate Media has identified Libertarians as the ENEMY, he immediately identifies us as the enemy, regardless of why --- except that why is the CONSTITUTION.

Libertarians and the strict construction of the Constitution are inseparable.

Got it. :)
He's a bootlicking fascist worshiper of the almighty state who wants to sell us all into slavery, so naturally he hates libertarians.

On the other hand, I am a libertarian.

Given the fascism is libertarianism taken to an obvious extreme, I would say you are much closer to fascism than almost anyone else on this board. You've already complained about the perils of democracy and freedom once today.

(And yes, I am sure you still don't understand that statism can be both right and left wing.)
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Can you please explain this post in more detail? Why are we your enemy?

They are his enemy, not my enemy. He's a bootlicking fascist worshiper of the almighty state who wants to sell us all into slavery, so naturally he hates libertarians.

On the other hand, I am a libertarian.

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up. My apologies for accusing you falsely. Glad you are a part of the cause, bripat! :)

you guys should consider getting a secret handshake or something so that you can avoid these kind of mistakes.
If liberty is the ultimate form of political expression, then tell me this....................

Why is it easier for a rich man to influence the politicians than it is for the people who actually elected them?

Cause and effect. It takes money to get people to actually elect the politician. The problem is not, and has never been, rich people buying politicians, it is, and always will be, the ability of politicians to have something to sell to rich men.

Politicians continually work to increase the amount of product they can sell by increasing their reach into our lives. The more control they have over our ability to prosper, the more need there is for their favors, and consequently an increased ability to sell those favors.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

It's a good recap of your delusions about libertarianism. No wonder is scares you.
"Definitions vary, but broadly speaking, libertarianism is the idea that people should be as free as possible from state coercion so long as they don’t harm anyone. The job of the state is limited to fighting crime, providing for the common defense, and protecting the rights and contracts of citizens. The individual is sovereign; he is the captain of himself."

Freedom: The Unfolding Revolution | National Review Online
He's a bootlicking fascist worshiper of the almighty state who wants to sell us all into slavery, so naturally he hates libertarians.

On the other hand, I am a libertarian.

Given the fascism is libertarianism taken to an obvious extreme, I would say you are much closer to fascism than almost anyone else on this board.

You've already proven over and over again that you don't have a clue what fascism is. For instance, libertarians oppose Obamacare, but Nazi Germany had something just like Obamacare.

You've already complained about the perils of democracy and freedom once today.

There's nothing about democracy that makes it incompatible with fascism. In fact, the former is virtually essential for the later to take hold.

(And yes, I am sure you still don't understand that statism can be both right and left wing.)

As always, what you understand is dead wrong. a right-winger is someone who supports limited government and the free market. Those are the exact opposite of statism.
BriPat -

There's nothing about democracy that makes it incompatible with fascism.

Then by all means provide a list of fascist states that were also democracies.

To save time, here is the list: -

No fascist state has ever held real elections, and never will.

a right-winger is someone who supports limited government and the free market.

That is YOUR definition, and unfortunately no dictionary agrees with it.

Limited government is a relatively recent, and very American concept. It did not exist in the 1940's, and is rarely referred to anyone except in the US even today.
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The ONE main goal of libertarianism: Sell out all of America to a small group of oligarchs.

Too bad you folks did a good job of selling us out to china and outsourcing tons of jobs overseas. Yes, Granny, our corporate taxes are the highest in the world. Who in their right minds would want to set up shop here, and employ people when they would never be able to survive the pressure of our business environment?

The main goal of liberalism is to tax the rich out of existence, make everyone prosper the same, equality in everyone and everything. Forgive me, but you people sound more like a bunch of utiopianists. You have more to do with communism and socialism than you do with capitalism. It's written all over your party's platform. the 1950's and 1960's, there was enough money for everyone. One of the main perks of serving a company for 20 or 30 years was you got a gold watch and a pension when you hit those marks.

The military still gives a person a pension at 20 years. I know, because I'm living on one right now.

And......................I don't have to work for some corporation now, because I'm able to make it on my pension (and still have enough for a dinner out every now and again, as well as a vacation once a year). want to know what is killing capitalism? It's not the communists or the socialists....................

It's the greed at the top in the form of CEO's and "corporate managers".

If there was "enough money for everyone" why was there a need for the Great Society and the War on Poverty?
Too bad you folks did a good job of selling us out to china and outsourcing tons of jobs overseas. Yes, Granny, our corporate taxes are the highest in the world. Who in their right minds would want to set up shop here, and employ people when they would never be able to survive the pressure of our business environment?

The main goal of liberalism is to tax the rich out of existence, make everyone prosper the same, equality in everyone and everything. Forgive me, but you people sound more like a bunch of utiopianists. You have more to do with communism and socialism than you do with capitalism. It's written all over your party's platform. the 1950's and 1960's, there was enough money for everyone. One of the main perks of serving a company for 20 or 30 years was you got a gold watch and a pension when you hit those marks.

The military still gives a person a pension at 20 years. I know, because I'm living on one right now.

And......................I don't have to work for some corporation now, because I'm able to make it on my pension (and still have enough for a dinner out every now and again, as well as a vacation once a year). want to know what is killing capitalism? It's not the communists or the socialists....................

It's the greed at the top in the form of CEO's and "corporate managers".

If there was "enough money for everyone" why was there a need for the Great Society and the War on Poverty?

both of which were massive expensive failures. our society has gone into the gutter and there are more people in poverty now than ever before. way to go, libtardians.
You forgot so many of our goals, it's almost like your heart wasn't in it.

How could you have possibly forgotten how we want victims of natural disasters to rot and die in the wreckage with nobody to help them?

Or how we want people to kill themselves using drugs?

Get your head in the game.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Actually, you may wish to look up the meaning of that word.

What you've described in your post is pretty much what the GOP wants, and it's not liberty, its more of a description of slavery.

Sorry.......................but I spent 20 years of my life defending this country, and I don't want to see some idiot corporation (that will never serve in a war zone) deciding what is good for my country or not.

The libertarians have co-opted the GOP. Did you know David Koch was the Libertarian Party's Vice Presidential candidate in 1980? Guess who was the Presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party in 1988? Ron Paul. They are Republicans now - and they are doing everything to advance the three goals outlined in the OP.

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