The three main goals of libertarianism

Having fun... Love the avatar, Kelly's Heroes, is one of my fav movies.

Each time you post I hear oddball "It's a wasted trip baby..." "Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves..." "I only ride 'em, I don't know what makes 'em work." ROFL
Corporations produce products or services. There are costs involved. The corporations try to externalize as many of those costs as they can because it means more profit for themselves. If one corporation externalizes more costs than another, they have an unfair advantage. Taxes help neutralize that advantage. Then it is up to the consumer to patronize the company that provides the best product for the price with those costs included. See how that works?

Allow me to explain what JoeFuckTard just said:

Football teams compete. There is a game involved. Each time tries to score more than the other team. If one team manages to score more TD's and FG's, they have an unfair advantage. Refs should help "neutralize" that advantage to ensure that the better team does not win. See how that works?

Hey, guess what? There are penalties in football for things like pass interference, jumping the snap, unneccessary roughness... They all involve loss of yardage and they have nothing to do with one team outscoring another.

And JoeFuckTard huh? Wow, you've really put some work into your insults lately.

Hey, guess what? Everything you just mentioned are things that are illegal in football. And so to compare apples-to-apples (something you refuse to do because it proves how absurd your ideology is), there are penalties in business for illegal activity as well. Things like hiring people "under the table" for less than minimum wage, embezzlement, and fraud... they all involve criminal offenses which have nothing to do with your initial premise that government should punish a business for having more success... :cuckoo:

Want to keep going cup-cake? Because you're initial premise was so extremely and remarkably absurd, it is easy picking apart your weak arguments.
Corporations produce products or services. There are costs involved. The corporations try to externalize as many of those costs as they can because it means more profit for themselves. If one corporation externalizes more costs than another, they have an unfair advantage. Taxes help neutralize that advantage. Then it is up to the consumer to patronize the company that provides the best product for the price with those costs included. See how that works?

As opposed to what, internalizing costs?!? Don't use words that you don't understand in hopes of sounding "smart". A business doesn't try to "externalize" anything. That's as absurd as saying a business tries to "oxygenate" their costs :lmao:

A business tries to do one thing and only one thing - make a profit. They do that by earning more money than they spend. Now, if they are smart enough to reduce what they spend (or as you call it "externalize cost"), what is "unfair" about that? If they outsource labor with a 3rd party company at a better rate than having the labor internal, what is "unfair" about that? If they purchase materials for their product from a company that offers them a better price than their previous supplier, what is "unfair" about that?
Corporations produce products or services. There are costs involved. The corporations try to externalize as many of those costs as they can because it means more profit for themselves. If one corporation externalizes more costs than another, they have an unfair advantage. Taxes help neutralize that advantage. Then it is up to the consumer to patronize the company that provides the best product for the price with those costs included. See how that works?

This is a profound insight into the mind of the modern day libtard. The fact that you believe taxes are for "neutralizing" perceived advantages and/or punishing people is simply astounding.

Taxes are intended to generate the revenue necessary for government to operate. Nothing more.
Utter horse shit. Says who? What could be more idiotic than saying this spending over hear causes the deficit but not that spending over there? Spending is spending. It all contributes to the deficit.


"We constantly hear from Wall Street gangsters and from Republicans and an occasional Democrat that Social Security and Medicare are a form of welfare that we can’t afford, an “unfunded liability.” This is a lie. Social Security is funded with an earmarked tax. People pay for Social Security and Medicare all their working lives. It is a pay-as-you-go system in which the taxes paid by those working fund those who are retired.

Currently these systems are not in deficit."
Paul Craig Roberts - the father of Reaganomics

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Even Obama says that Medicare and Medicaid are the biggest drivers of the deficit, and Politifact agrees with hi,

PolitiFact | Obama says Medicare and Medicaid are largest deficit drivers. Yes, over the long term.

Hey Quantum scum bag, did you READ the article YOU posted?


But there's also some explaining to do about Obama's statement.

When he talks about Medicare and Medicaid driving the deficit, he's not talking about 2009. The 2009 deficit will be powered primarily by the economic downturn, both spending on stimulus and bailouts, and lost tax revenues from the lack of economic activity. The Bush tax cuts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the recent Medicare prescription drug benefit have also created gaps between spending and revenues in recent years.

But Obama's singling out of Medicare and Medicaid is true over a much longer window of time, say, over the next 50 to 75 years.
Allow me to explain what JoeFuckTard just said:

Football teams compete. There is a game involved. Each time tries to score more than the other team. If one team manages to score more TD's and FG's, they have an unfair advantage. Refs should help "neutralize" that advantage to ensure that the better team does not win. See how that works?

Hey, guess what? There are penalties in football for things like pass interference, jumping the snap, unneccessary roughness... They all involve loss of yardage and they have nothing to do with one team outscoring another.

And JoeFuckTard huh? Wow, you've really put some work into your insults lately.

Hey, guess what? Everything you just mentioned are things that are illegal in football. And so to compare apples-to-apples (something you refuse to do because it proves how absurd your ideology is), there are penalties in business for illegal activity as well. Things like hiring people "under the table" for less than minimum wage, embezzlement, and fraud... they all involve criminal offenses which have nothing to do with your initial premise that government should punish a business for having more success... :cuckoo:

Want to keep going cup-cake? Because you're initial premise was so extremely and remarkably absurd, it is easy picking apart your weak arguments.

You don't seem to understand your own analogy. No big surprise I guess. So specifically tell me why you think my initial premise is that government should punish a business for having more success.
Corporations produce products or services. There are costs involved. The corporations try to externalize as many of those costs as they can because it means more profit for themselves. If one corporation externalizes more costs than another, they have an unfair advantage. Taxes help neutralize that advantage. Then it is up to the consumer to patronize the company that provides the best product for the price with those costs included. See how that works?

As opposed to what, internalizing costs?!? Don't use words that you don't understand in hopes of sounding "smart". A business doesn't try to "externalize" anything. That's as absurd as saying a business tries to "oxygenate" their costs :lmao:

A business tries to do one thing and only one thing - make a profit. They do that by earning more money than they spend. Now, if they are smart enough to reduce what they spend (or as you call it "externalize cost"), what is "unfair" about that? If they outsource labor with a 3rd party company at a better rate than having the labor internal, what is "unfair" about that? If they purchase materials for their product from a company that offers them a better price than their previous supplier, what is "unfair" about that?

It's pretty obvious that you haven't been keeping up with this thread and rather than recap everything that you've missed, why don't you do your own research on what externalized costs are.
Corporations produce products or services. There are costs involved. The corporations try to externalize as many of those costs as they can because it means more profit for themselves. If one corporation externalizes more costs than another, they have an unfair advantage. Taxes help neutralize that advantage. Then it is up to the consumer to patronize the company that provides the best product for the price with those costs included. See how that works?

This is a profound insight into the mind of the modern day libtard. The fact that you believe taxes are for "neutralizing" perceived advantages and/or punishing people is simply astounding.

Taxes are intended to generate the revenue necessary for government to operate. Nothing more.

That you think neutralizing unfair advantage is a bad thing is a profound insight into the mind of an ignorant conturd. Lying, cheating and stealing are all fine with you I guess.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Now tell us how it feels to go thru childbirth. :cuckoo: Kind of hard to explain something you don't understand isn't it?
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Actually, you may wish to look up the meaning of that word.

What you've described in your post is pretty much what the GOP wants, and it's not liberty, its more of a description of slavery.

Sorry.......................but I spent 20 years of my life defending this country, and I don't want to see some idiot corporation (that will never serve in a war zone) deciding what is good for my country or not.

That's what the joke on us is all about. We're subject to the draft but the corporations aren't, even though they're citizens as ruled by the republicans on the supreme court.
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Its costs are well more than 10X than was projected, when enacted in 1965.

Any private company that got its costs off by that much would have been out of business in less than a decade.

Or they would continue to raise premiums to meet costs and assure a profit albeit much less efficiently than Medicare.

They are both 3rd party payers their cost is mostly dependent on the health care provider.
And people would have ceased buying their insurance in sufficient numbers to make the practice economically unworkable.

But a private insurance company cannot take resources from its "investors" at gunpoint....Medicare can and has done so for over 50 years....They can do that because they aren't subject to the normal P/L analysis.

Which is why we need to get the profit motive out of taking care of people. Medicare for all or single payer. People are humans, not a P/L analysis to make sure a CEO gets millions a year and stock options.
Or they would continue to raise premiums to meet costs and assure a profit albeit much less efficiently than Medicare.

They are both 3rd party payers their cost is mostly dependent on the health care provider.
And people would have ceased buying their insurance in sufficient numbers to make the practice economically unworkable.

But a private insurance company cannot take resources from its "investors" at gunpoint....Medicare can and has done so for over 50 years....They can do that because they aren't subject to the normal P/L analysis.

Which is why we need to get the profit motive out of taking care of people. Medicare for all or single payer. People are humans, not a P/L analysis to make sure a CEO gets millions a year and stock options.

Sure, right after we take the profit motive out of feeding, clothing and sheltering people.
Corporations produce products or services. There are costs involved. The corporations try to externalize as many of those costs as they can because it means more profit for themselves. If one corporation externalizes more costs than another, they have an unfair advantage. Taxes help neutralize that advantage. Then it is up to the consumer to patronize the company that provides the best product for the price with those costs included. See how that works?

As opposed to what, internalizing costs?!? Don't use words that you don't understand in hopes of sounding "smart". A business doesn't try to "externalize" anything. That's as absurd as saying a business tries to "oxygenate" their costs :lmao:

A business tries to do one thing and only one thing - make a profit. They do that by earning more money than they spend. Now, if they are smart enough to reduce what they spend (or as you call it "externalize cost"), what is "unfair" about that? If they outsource labor with a 3rd party company at a better rate than having the labor internal, what is "unfair" about that? If they purchase materials for their product from a company that offers them a better price than their previous supplier, what is "unfair" about that?

Hmm... everything he said actually has some element of truth for particular points in time for some corporations. I would not assume that just because he was brief in his vernacular that he is ignorant or wrong..

Let's break it down:

>>> Corporations produce products or services. There are costs involved.

Good so far.

>>> The corporations try to externalize as many of those costs as they can because it means more profit for themselves.

During times of economic distress corporations will often cut back on expenses, one of the major expenses is salary. Some corporations have particular expertise that pays a higher rate of return than other types of expertise that they spend money on. To improve the bottom line those companies often outsource things for which there is a low rate of return and/or things for which they do not have the core competency to do a good job. For example, many corporations outsource their accounting work, some outsource their IT work, some outsource low profit projects to 3rd party consulting firms.

>>> If one corporation externalizes more costs than another, they have an unfair advantage.

Other than his ascription of fairness he's also on target here. The fact is a company that focuses on profit return and core competencies actually can be a company that can "pounce" on new markets that are associated with their core competency. Let's call it the lean mean fighting machine analogy. An old company that reduces their payroll costs can more easily "buy" smaller companies and absorb the payroll increase.. this is akin to laying off the old folks to hire fresh-out only in much quicker fashion and without the added training expenses.

>>> Taxes help neutralize that advantage.

Odd statement based on his POV that taxes are good, but yeah if you tax corporate profits then that corporation cannot subsequently use the cash to buy smaller companies, and/or expand into new markets that may otherwise be filled by their competition, fat dumb or otherwise.

>>> Then it is up to the consumer to patronize the company that provides the best product for the price with those costs included.

Goes without saying that when allowed consumers will try to buy best products they can afford. He has not tied the previous steps to this step, but it's not hard to examine examples where government has created markets with taxpayer (including corporate) funds that compete with the taxpayer (in the example of the corporate tax.) For example, some state universities receive government grants and use those grants to build and sell. These universities compete with the corporations for sales. They have low cheap labor from the government assisted students, and grant money from corporate taxes. Yeah it sucks to be working on a corporate project that is shelved because the State decided to fund your competition with you profits.

>>> See how that works?

Yes, I suppose I do.
The three main goals of libertarianism

1) Decrease wages salaries and benefits for the poor and middle class as much as possible. Lower wages salaries and benefits for those who labor means those who own can profit more.

2) Decrease taxes on the wealthy as much as possible. No explanation needed.

3) Remove all regulations that make it harder for the wealthy to herd the poor like cattle - and remove all regulations that make it possible for a healthy middle class to exist. Regulation is the enemy of profit and profit is the only thing that matters.

That about sums it up!

Actually, you may wish to look up the meaning of that word.

What you've described in your post is pretty much what the GOP wants, and it's not liberty, its more of a description of slavery.

Sorry.......................but I spent 20 years of my life defending this country, and I don't want to see some idiot corporation (that will never serve in a war zone) deciding what is good for my country or not.

Sorry, but I spent 23 years of my life defending this country and dont want to see some elitist, progressive, left wing liberal panty waste POS president( who has never worn a uniform or served in a war zone) deciding whats good for my country.:cool:

23 years of your life that you got paid for from taxes paid by republicans and democrats, and I'm sure that a pension and benefits were a factor in putting in over 20 years. You say you were defending this country for what reason? So that a person that didn't serve in the military and is a liberal can't be president? What's good for our country is pretty subjective. And if a person is or isn't a POS is also.
And people would have ceased buying their insurance in sufficient numbers to make the practice economically unworkable.

But a private insurance company cannot take resources from its "investors" at gunpoint....Medicare can and has done so for over 50 years....They can do that because they aren't subject to the normal P/L analysis.

Which is why we need to get the profit motive out of taking care of people. Medicare for all or single payer. People are humans, not a P/L analysis to make sure a CEO gets millions a year and stock options.

Sure, right after we take the profit motive out of feeding, clothing and sheltering people.

So multimillion dollar packages for health care ceo's are ok but taking care of people isn't? There's less of a profit motive if the government runs the health care system and there's less overhead, although taxes would be higher because there would be more people being taken care of.
Which is why we need to get the profit motive out of taking care of people. Medicare for all or single payer. People are humans, not a P/L analysis to make sure a CEO gets millions a year and stock options.

Sure, right after we take the profit motive out of feeding, clothing and sheltering people.

So multimillion dollar packages for health care ceo's are ok but taking care of people isn't? There's less of a profit motive if the government runs the health care system and there's less overhead, although taxes would be higher because there would be more people being taken care of.

And why exactly is it that people can't take care of their damn selves?!? I mean, I realize you are like a helpless child and enjoy playing the victim. But you should realize that most people are NOT like you.

Cuba believes in everything you do. Why don't you go join them and experience your "take care of people" utopia first hand? No? Gee, I wonder why that is....
Which is why we need to get the profit motive out of taking care of people. Medicare for all or single payer. People are humans, not a P/L analysis to make sure a CEO gets millions a year and stock options.

I see. So medical professionals , hospitals , pharmacies should not get paid


There are tons of non-profit organizations that have paid employees.

The profit motive means that resources are not systematically wasted, as under the political motive, and that innovation, entrepreneurship, and hard work are rewarded


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