The tip of the iceberg

Folks this is just getting started. We know that there were illegal efforts within the Trump Cult ranks to assist him in overthrowing the 2020 Presidential election and that the Justice Department is hot on the perpetrators trails.

The MAGA crowd, so supportive of law enforcement, should welcome these investigations since they know that Trump is so innocent that it hurts. Bigly!!!

Still not working on inflation, the border, wars in Europe, or gas prices?

Well over half.
I understand the admin's choice on what is permitted, but I would still prefer some changes.
we all would.

we all would prefer a lot of changes in the world.

you can either sit and whine the world doesn't revolve around you or you can get off your pompous ass and try to fit in as best you can, like the rest of us have to.
Of a crime.

I swear, at some point, America will need a translator to communicate with Trumpsters.
What crime?

You know I"m not a, "Ttumpster," just as I know you aren't a Biden bot. Stop with the name calling, it makes you look dumber than you are.
If any chickens are coming home its the cheating democrats house the are coming to... and I can't wait.... Please be here the day after the midterms....
A discussion is possible with you if you're willing to change your behaviour. See what that can gain you:
In my opinion the Democratic party will be nearly destroyed, but then not hold enough power to even sustain themselves as a political party. I need not get into the detalis now, but I will if asked.

Both of America's political parties are cheaters and totally corrupt. I look forward to the election but that won't tell the story on America's future. The story will be told in the following 6 months or so as democracy evolves into something not previously seen in the world.

I'm not ready to try to predict how that will play out between then and the 24 election. Too much will have changed regarding America and it's competitors.
I don't know. It was a "theoretical" question.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is so complicated for you folks. But still...
Theoretically, this whole circus is like all the other circuses in D.C., it is only meant to distract folks from important issues. Moot issue. Obama weaponized the deep state, Biden has done the same.
Of a crime.

I swear, at some point, America will need a translator to communicate with Trumpsters.
name the crime and law he broke.

all you gotta do. no speculation, no "according to sources familiar" crap.

name the crime. RUSSIA was total bullshit and all he said was happening, was. your going after trump while the left burns the constitution out from under us says all anyone needs to know about you.

and no - i am not defending trump. not a fan, actually. he can be every bit as divisive as the left. the problem is, the left will demonize ANYONE in their way. so is trump a true "demon" or just another leftist illusion they're selling for a quarter a view?
I don't know. It was a "theoretical" question.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is so complicated for you folks. But still...

You know this "hearing" isn't a trial or a legal proceeding of any kind, right? It's a reality show for dumb people like you.

Meanwhile, the administration you voted for is ignoring record high inflation, record high gas prices, a dysfunctional border, and a war in Europe they helped start. Good job!
Certainly you can walk, and chew gum at the same time?

Apples and oranges.

Neither interfere with the other! You can be against crime, and want justice served....

And still be pissed about inflation!!!!
but at what point to you accurately hold the proper people responsible.

as long as you are more or less the cheerleaders for a given side, anything you say is the purest definition of pointless.
I have to admit, I have not been following these hearings religiously, like I am sure the OP has been, but I have watched some highlights here and there.

One thing that has become apparent to me, is that the DNC, the establishment left media, and the folks in the DoJ & some in the FBI wish to establish, is that Trump knew, and was aware that he lost the election. This? IMO, is complete horseshit. I do believe that he sincerely believed, AND STILL BELIEVES, that there was corruption and funny business that went on, causing him to lose the 2020 election. Many election laws were changed at the last minute, some, under questionable circumstances, and private foundations got involved which, were later seen to have been. . . not quite on the up and up, those because of the pandemic, were not prosecuted.

The DNC and their select committee, is, of course, only presenting one side of this narrative, and is only calling on the folks that told Trump what he did not want to hear. I have no doubt that others told Trump other things, who knows what, but I doubt those folks will be called in front of this committee. There are other things that will not be called in front of this committee, things that put the Democratic side in not such a good light, I have no doubt.

Is Trump and folks friendly to him, being allowed to call witnesses? Of course not. This is called, "narrative control." They wish to establish, that Trump KNEW that the election was perfectly fair, and his efforts to stall certification, and/or, possibly get electors in place that were favorable to him, were and was, a clear crime. THIS? Is probably horseshit.

If Trump is to be indicted, there would have to be a crime specified, and a REAL trial held, I doubt this will actually happen. This whole congressional hearing? It is a circus. It is meant to get folks out to the polls in favor of Democrats, and to distract folks from the awful job the current administration and the ruling party is doing. You have below average IQ if you are falling for it.

. . . and of course, this narrative is complete and utter crap, unless that other side of this story is allowed to have a fair hearing, which, a fair minded, rational person, can clearly see, it is not.

Everyone is prone to biases and wants to believe what they want to believe. Who the hell knows what the truth is? But if anyone says that they know what the truth is? Either you have a bias and you are looking for someone that thinks like you do to tell you what you want to believe, or you a purposely not listening to, and considering things that might not accord to what you already believe.
Ya, neither do I. No one gets prosecuted our Vo is in the job now. We can just use Trump's road map to stay in power. I mean why not there no consequences for doing it. Time to fight fire with fire. Just win at all costs. All for it.

Folks this is just getting started. We know that there were illegal efforts within the Trump Cult ranks to assist him in overthrowing the 2020 Presidential election and that the Justice Department is hot on the perpetrators trails.

The MAGA crowd, so supportive of law enforcement, should welcome these investigations since they know that Trump is so innocent that it hurts. Bigly!!!

I don't care.gif

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