The tip of the iceberg

To be fair, Xiden does NOT personally kill anyone. He just entices them to their deaths. A more subtle way satisfying the liberal desire to murder. But it does require thinking of those dead as just the beneficiaries of somewhat-late-term abortions.
Biden is already damaged enough to make him an insignificant factor in politics. The only value in doing him more dirt would be to stop his headlong rush into US foreign policy that could lead to nuclear war.

Otherwise, stop pretending that you care about migrants. Or anybody else for that matter!
Murder Donald... he is killing migrants everyday.... and he is furious that the dems don't want him to run again... he and Kamala (never been to the border) Harris.... both said they are running no matter what... so will you vote for murderers?....
Oh the the Saudi's told Joe to Fuck Off no oil for you....
To be fair, Xiden does NOT personally kill anyone. He just entices them to their deaths. A more subtle way satisfying the liberal desire to murder. But it does require thinking of those dead as just the beneficiaries of somewhat-late-term abortions.
Like Manson......

Folks this is just getting started. We know that there were illegal efforts within the Trump Cult ranks to assist him in overthrowing the 2020 Presidential election and that the Justice Department is hot on the perpetrators trails.

The MAGA crowd, so supportive of law enforcement, should welcome these investigations since they know that Trump is so innocent that it hurts. Bigly!!!

folks, we all know this bullshit is bullshit.
Should anyone around Trump, including Trump himself, be punished if it is found that they committed crimes?
sure. but that goes for anyone.

however, hating someone doesn't make them guilty. hate or love someone, all rights are the same. when you can't see past your emotional blinders, you are part of the problem.

since trump has not committed any actual crimes, there is nothing to find him guilty of. the fact they are still twisting in the wind throwing whatever shit they can on the wall in hopes that it sticks is proof.

the left has "made up" so many crimes and EVIL TRUMP bullshit and caught in so many lies to frame him, their credibility is less than 0.
Murder Donald... he is killing migrants everyday.... and he is furious that the dems don't want him to run again... he and Kamala (never been to the border) Harris.... both said they are running no matter what... so will you vote for murderers?....
Oh the the Saudi's told Joe to Fuck Off no oil for you....
I'm not even going to attempt a discussion with you until you behave like an adult and stop your childish spamming.
I'm not even going to attempt a discussion with you until you behave like an adult and stop your childish spamming.
Spamming?... what spamming?.... you missed my perfectly clear answer twice....

Folks this is just getting started. We know that there were illegal efforts within the Trump Cult ranks to assist him in overthrowing the 2020 Presidential election and that the Justice Department is hot on the perpetrators trails.

The MAGA crowd, so supportive of law enforcement, should welcome these investigations since they know that Trump is so innocent that it hurts. Bigly!!!

Is that Andew McCabe? the guy that got fired from the FBI in disgrace for lying to his fellow agents in an attempt to help Clinton get elected?
The hypocrisy in this nation, and in the culture, is almost making any interaction or discussion with folks of subnormal IQ, that can't comprehend what is going on, at this point, boring.

Can't you fucking read?... try reading my post again dummy....
Are you proud that Joe is killing migrants?... does that make you want to vote for him again... lets hear an answer.... Come On Man....

Rambunctious said:
If proven first man... we have the evidence of 50 dead bodies in a trailer... so should Biden be punished?....
You act like a spoiled brat, but then make an impassioned plea to others to answer your loaded questions!

Your poorly behaved chickens are coming home .................
You act like a spoiled brat, but then make an impassioned plea to others to answer your loaded questions!

Your poorly behaved chickens are coming home .................
and pray tell, how is this prancing around you are doing now coming across to others?

far worse than a spoiled brat. more like a pseudo intellectual who never wants it known that the 5th grade was the hardest 4 years of his life.
You act like a spoiled brat, but then make an impassioned plea to others to answer your loaded questions!

Your poorly behaved chickens are coming home .................
If any chickens are coming home its the cheating democrats house the are coming to... and I can't wait.... Please be here the day after the midterms....

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