The top 10 % should pay 70% of the taxes

Because they are supposed to pay their share like everyone else

So you want to penalize the rich for the pork spending of the government?
How about we do this tax the rich at 70% and cut out foodstamps welfare government housing, no more government chesse no more government hand outs.

In the bizzaro world of conservatopia, the poor would pay all the taxes and the rich would get off scott free.
In the bizzaro world of conservatopia, the poor would pay all the taxes and the rich would get off scott free.

iN MY WORLD THE POOR WOULD WORK FOR THEIR MONEY AND THEY WOULD REAlize what it meant to have something of their own without asking for a handout.
No. I have no dog. I need yours. No one needs more then one dog. You have more then one. Let me have that one.

When dogs become legal tender, you argument might make some sense.

Until then, find another analogy. That one's stupid.

Even for you.

Well then what do you say rich is. How much money until a person is rich ? And the dog is cute.

Rich is defined as having more than the average hood rat waiting on their govt cheese.
In the bizzaro world of conservatopia, the poor would pay all the taxes and the rich would get off scott free.

iN MY WORLD THE POOR WOULD WORK FOR THEIR MONEY AND THEY WOULD REAlize what it meant to have something of their own without asking for a handout.

And everything there work brought them would mean so much more to them. The food would taste better, the beer colder, the movies better.
If I owned 70% of the dogs in the world I would gladly give you one
So you people actually think most of the people at poverty level dont work for a living?
If I owned 70% of the dogs in the world I would gladly give you one

I would want 30% I really love dogs. You care for that dog. That dog probably eats better then most people. Good for you. You should not have to give me your dog. Especially just because I think you should because you have more then one. People should not have to pay some one else's way just because they can.

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