The Top 3 Hottest Congressional Chicks!!


All the hottest girls are Gryffindor ...

You probably don't want to call her hot in front of her husband ...

Delete the post with that website it contains a chefishoani virus push notification. You posted the link so edit the post and delete it. You should be thanking me.
I didn't post it dude. You had this shit on your phone. I still don't have it. I don't know what to tell you. Norton on my machine detected it from the link when you notified me it was infected, but not from the site or my original post. I have reported it to the mods as it would not let me delete it either.
Your infatuation with Piglosi, of course. Its OK, your secret's safe with me. You morons get triggered so easy, its comical. What a maroon.
I detest Pelosi, you utter, useless magaturd dumbass. Search my comments for any positive comments I've made about that POS if you must. Egads, you're a stupid fuck.
Tsk Tsk Tsk, you really should work on that vocabulary, do you talk to your mother with that mouth? For shame.
My mother would likely tell you you're an adult that trolls some obscure right wing political message board. Are you really in any place to judge the morality of other people?

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