The top ten reasons not to vote Republican in the midterms

Then you'll throw your vote away.

Exactly...the old argument " I won't vote simply for the lesser of two evils," is silly...if you don't vote for the lesser of two evils...then you are helping the greater of the two evils assume power...does that make any sense at all...
IMO, one should always vote for the lesser of two evils - if those are the only choices. Otherwise, you may get the greater of two evils. That's why I vote Democrat.
...and should the Senate become a Republican majority, Democrats will become the party of no and veto.

I'm sure both parties will find a way to pass more entitlements, taxes, police surveillance, and increase corporate power.

Just a guess, or maybe the sun really won't come up in the morning after all.
Both parties suck - it's just that Republicans suck so much more than Democrats. I used to vote more Republican than Democrat - but no more since Reagan. Republicans have become downright fucking evil.

what makes them evil=they don't believe in giving you the wealth of others

or they oppose moronic gun control laws
Republicans voted against Democrat schemes to loot and enslave the productive members of society.

By not allowing the Koch Brothers to rape, pillage, and pollute to save a buck?

You mean by bringing the entire economy to a screeching halt?

Stopping the Koch Brothers from raping, pillaging, and polluting to save a buck would put a screeching halt to the entire economy? Care to expand on that?

Please provide evidence that the Koch Brothers are doing the things you described.

Here are over 200 examples

Koch Industries PolluterWatch
Republicans voted against Democrat schemes to loot and enslave the productive members of society.

By not allowing the Koch Brothers to rape, pillage, and pollute to save a buck?

You mean by bringing the entire economy to a screeching halt?

Stopping the Koch Brothers from raping, pillaging, and polluting to save a buck would put a screeching halt to the entire economy? Care to expand on that?

Please provide evidence that the Koch Brothers are doing the things you described.

Here are over 200 examples

Koch Industries PolluterWatch

Now, I know your claims of high income are bulls&&T.

These are environmental violations. They are nothing different than what other companies deal with.

How that equates to raping, pillaging, and polluting is beyond me.

The first one is a Chlorine Dioxide LEAK. A the Koch brothers woke up one morning and said, lets dump chlorine dioxide into the environment.

BTW: Reading through the rest...the term "known carcinogen" is a waste of bandwidth. The term applies to everything.

Don't believe Don Ames.....he's the one who came up with the infamous Ames test that you whackjobs just loved and held to until....he suggested they use it on vegetables and started finding that things like carrots were more carcinogenic than dioxin.....

Here is Ames...

He argued against the banning of synthetic pesticides and other chemicals such as Alar which have been shown to be carcinogenic.[2] He was concerned that overzealous attention to the relatively minor health effects of trace quantities of carcinogens may divert scarce financial resources away from major health risks, and cause public confusion about the relative importance of different hazards. Ames considered himself a leading “contrarian in the hysteria over tiny traces of chemicals that may or may not cause cancer", and said that "if you have thousands of hypothetical risks that you are supposed to pay attention to, that completely drives out the major risks you should be aware of."[11]

Bruce Ames - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia the end...your polluters watch might as well be called a bag of environmentalist fags.......

When you've got something substantial.....let us know (it will be a first).
Now, I know your claims of high income are bulls&&T.

These are environmental violations. They are nothing different than what other companies deal with.

How that equates to raping, pillaging, and polluting is beyond me.

The first one is a Chlorine Dioxide LEAK. A the Koch brothers woke up one morning and said, lets dump chlorine dioxide into the environment.

BTW: Reading through the rest...the term "known carcinogen" is a waste of bandwidth. The term applies to everything.

Don't believe Don Ames.....he's the one who came up with the infamous Ames test that you whackjobs just loved and held to until....he suggested they use it on vegetables and started finding that things like carrots were more carcinogenic than dioxin.....

Here is Ames...

He argued against the banning of synthetic pesticides and other chemicals such as Alar which have been shown to be carcinogenic.[2] He was concerned that overzealous attention to the relatively minor health effects of trace quantities of carcinogens may divert scarce financial resources away from major health risks, and cause public confusion about the relative importance of different hazards. Ames considered himself a leading “contrarian in the hysteria over tiny traces of chemicals that may or may not cause cancer", and said that "if you have thousands of hypothetical risks that you are supposed to pay attention to, that completely drives out the major risks you should be aware of."[11]

Bruce Ames - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia the end...your polluters watch might as well be called a bag of environmentalist fags.......

When you've got something substantial.....let us know (it will be a first).

I see you glossed over the leak isn't the first, but a pattern, both before and after Koch Industries purchased the company.
Now, I know your claims of high income are bulls&&T.

These are environmental violations. They are nothing different than what other companies deal with.

How that equates to raping, pillaging, and polluting is beyond me.

The first one is a Chlorine Dioxide LEAK. A the Koch brothers woke up one morning and said, lets dump chlorine dioxide into the environment.

BTW: Reading through the rest...the term "known carcinogen" is a waste of bandwidth. The term applies to everything.

Don't believe Don Ames.....he's the one who came up with the infamous Ames test that you whackjobs just loved and held to until....he suggested they use it on vegetables and started finding that things like carrots were more carcinogenic than dioxin.....

Here is Ames...

He argued against the banning of synthetic pesticides and other chemicals such as Alar which have been shown to be carcinogenic.[2] He was concerned that overzealous attention to the relatively minor health effects of trace quantities of carcinogens may divert scarce financial resources away from major health risks, and cause public confusion about the relative importance of different hazards. Ames considered himself a leading “contrarian in the hysteria over tiny traces of chemicals that may or may not cause cancer", and said that "if you have thousands of hypothetical risks that you are supposed to pay attention to, that completely drives out the major risks you should be aware of."[11]

Bruce Ames - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia the end...your polluters watch might as well be called a bag of environmentalist fags.......

When you've got something substantial.....let us know (it will be a first).

I see you glossed over the leak isn't the first, but a pattern, both before and after Koch Industries purchased the company.

And the far left propaganda continues.

Heavy Hitters Top All-Time Donors 1989-2014 OpenSecrets

Not even in the top 25...
And the far left propaganda continues.

Heavy Hitters Top All-Time Donors 1989-2014 OpenSecrets

Not even in the top 25...

Documented cases of preventable polluting are far left propaganda?

And the far left deflects as they care not what they post as long as it conforms to their programming..

But then again what do you expect from a far left poster that hails Apple for exploiting Chinese children in substandard factories for over priced electronics to show their status in society..
And the far left deflects as they care not what they post as long as it conforms to their programming..

But then again what do you expect from a far left poster that hails Apple for exploiting Chinese children in substandard factories for over priced electronics to show their status in society..

I NEVER hailed Apple.
And the far left deflects as they care not what they post as long as it conforms to their programming..

But then again what do you expect from a far left poster that hails Apple for exploiting Chinese children in substandard factories for over priced electronics to show their status in society..

I NEVER hailed Apple.

Yes you have, you voted twice for it..

Obama hails Jobs as brave bold and talented 8211 CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
How is the democratic party more worthy of being called the "racist party of ignorance" than the republicans. Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races. They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science. If that doesn't constitute "racist" or "ignorant" I don't know what does.
BS... the issue is George Soros and the kenyan in the black... err... used to be white house...

BS....It's the irresponsible corporate leaders such as the Koch brothers that also fund the racist, sexist, antisemitic, violent kochbagger pukes like you.

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