The top ten reasons not to vote Republican in the midterms

Republicans voted against Democrat schemes to loot and enslave the productive members of society.

By not allowing the Koch Brothers to rape, pillage, and pollute to save a buck?

You mean by bringing the entire economy to a screeching halt?

Stopping the Koch Brothers from raping, pillaging, and polluting to save a buck would put a screeching halt to the entire economy? Care to expand on that?
How is the democratic party more worthy of being called the "racist party of ignorance" than the republicans. Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races. They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science. If that doesn't constitute "racist" or "ignorant" I don't know what does.

There are no policies that encourage unequal outcomes. That is the greatest Democrat myth ever. The Dems keep minorities down by constantly race baiting and encouraging government dependency.
Anyone who earns that kind of money wouldn't come off likr a complete numskull as OnePercenter does.

You state that if the Koch Brothers were to follow the rules the entire economy would come to a screeching halt and you call me a complete numskull?
Republicans voted against Democrat schemes to loot and enslave the productive members of society.

By not allowing the Koch Brothers to rape, pillage, and pollute to save a buck?

You mean by bringing the entire economy to a screeching halt?

Stopping the Koch Brothers from raping, pillaging, and polluting to save a buck would put a screeching halt to the entire economy? Care to expand on that?

If you're going to stop Koch Industries from polluting, I imagine that would mean you intend to stop all industries from polluting. Since it's impossible to for any industry to produce zero pollution, the only way to do it is shut them all down. You can't even drive to work without polluting,

Accusing the Koch brothers of polluting is about as meaningful of accusing them of breathing. However, such idiocies are the liberal stock in trade.
How is the democratic party more worthy of being called the "racist party of ignorance" than the republicans. Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races. They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science. If that doesn't constitute "racist" or "ignorant" I don't know what does.

There are no policies that encourage unequal outcomes. That is the greatest Democrat myth ever. The Dems keep minorities down by constantly race baiting and encouraging government dependency.

Treating everyone equally encourages unequal outcomes because people aren't equal. That's what a liberal means by "encouraging unequal outcomes."
Good. The less Congress does, the better. Your property and your money are never safe while Congress is in session.

Why anyone would believe shear volume of legislation is a way to measure the quality of Congress escapes me.

Another Koch talking point. Less government, less Congress, makes it easier for the 'Bros' to rape and pillage. True red coat thinking.

Um...The Koch brothers are Republicans. Brian is an anarchist. Are you really that stupid? Seriously?

Which is why he's a kochbagger....racist, anti-semiotic, violent. Are you really that stupid? Seriously?

I'm neither racist nor anti-semiotic [sic]. Neither are the Koch brothers.
How is the democratic party more worthy of being called the "racist party of ignorance" than the republicans. Rebublicans continuously try to maintain policies that have unequal outcomes for different races. They also, in many instances, openly deny some of the most prominent research produced by science. If that doesn't constitute "racist" or "ignorant" I don't know what does.

There are no policies that encourage unequal outcomes. That is the greatest Democrat myth ever. The Dems keep minorities down by constantly race baiting and encouraging government dependency.

Treating everyone equally encourages unequal outcomes because people aren't equal. That's what a liberal means by "encouraging unequal outcomes."

The left blames policies or people for other's lack of ability to make a living. Nothing is expected of the individuals who are whining.

If a person has done everything in their power to make themselves appealing to employers, like completing their education, dressing appropriately for interviews and treating people with respect, then it's possible racism plays a part when good candidates don't get considered. I am sick of some who don't do shit to better themselves, then claim that people don't hire them because of color. Gee, it couldn't be the total lack of qualifications combined with a bad attitude. When young minorities do take school seriously and dress more conservatively, they are likely to get beat up at the bus stop. That is how it was near Trenton, N.J. If your kid didn't leave the house wearing stupid baggy pants and acting like some tough guy, there was hell to pay because of some nasty kids. I drove my kids to school because of the number of fights and the most foul language you ever heard coming from 7th graders. The bus stop shelters were redone every year and vandalized immediately. None of the punks had an ounce of respect for people or property. Most of them never made it to graduation. Many were in trouble in the law during their teen years and some ended up doing hard time.

You can predict the future of some of these young punks and the parents either lost control or never tried to keep them in line. Some of the parents were just as bad. It's no surprise that we don't have equal outcomes and it's not because of policies.

There are no policies mandating that minorities must speak poor English (aka Ebonics) and do their best to alienate as many people as possible by doing so. There are no laws forcing kids to dress to imitate gangs and prisoners. No one is forcing people to pick fights, steal, do drugs or quit school.

Is anyone stupid enough to think they can apply for a professional job when they walk in the door wearing tacky t-shirts, boxers sticking out and talking Ebonics? Of course, the minority who speaks well and dresses professionally is called Uncle Tom and traitor. If you are smart and actually strive to improve yourself and impress employers, you are impugned by others who seem to think that they should be given a good job just so an employer can prove they aren't racist.
Top Ten reasons to vote Democrat.


I can't think of one, much less ten.
I can think of one reason why people would want to vote democrat
Being stupid.
Good. The less Congress does, the better. Your property and your money are never safe while Congress is in session.

Why anyone would believe shear volume of legislation is a way to measure the quality of Congress escapes me.

Another Koch talking point. Less government, less Congress, makes it easier for the 'Bros' to rape and pillage. True red coat thinking.

Um...The Koch brothers are Republicans. Brian is an anarchist. Are you really that stupid? Seriously?

Which is why he's a kochbagger....racist, anti-semiotic, violent. Are you really that stupid? Seriously?

I'm neither racist nor anti-semiotic [sic]. Neither are the Koch brothers.
Hell I thought being anti semiotic was a good thing now lol
Good. The less Congress does, the better. Your property and your money are never safe while Congress is in session.

Why anyone would believe shear volume of legislation is a way to measure the quality of Congress escapes me.

Another Koch talking point. Less government, less Congress, makes it easier for the 'Bros' to rape and pillage. True red coat thinking.

That is not a Koch talking point.
It is our Founders ideology.
Republicans voted against Democrat schemes to loot and enslave the productive members of society.

By not allowing the Koch Brothers to rape, pillage, and pollute to save a buck?

You mean by bringing the entire economy to a screeching halt?

Stopping the Koch Brothers from raping, pillaging, and polluting to save a buck would put a screeching halt to the entire economy? Care to expand on that?

Please provide evidence that the Koch Brothers are doing the things you described.
I won't vote Republican... But I sure as fuck won't vote for the racist party of ignorance, Democrat.

Then you'll throw your vote away.
Obala Nairobi is a far greater threat to the USA than Ebola-Zaire

VOTE GOP and limit the damage of Obala Nairobi

Open your eyes. It's uncontrolled Republican/corporate America/wall street greed.

you're a moron. its Democraps who are mainly wall street Crony capitalists

look at all the money Goldman Suchs gave Obola/Biteme
Both parties suck - it's just that Republicans suck so much more than Democrats. I used to vote more Republican than Democrat - but no more since Reagan. Republicans have become downright fucking evil.

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