The Transgender Rights Debate Summed up in one Video.

Wiskers Von Pussyboots

Senior Member
Jan 27, 2017
The Transgender Rights Debate Summed up in one Video

Through all the debates, smoke, an mirrors, the Trangender Rights Depate can be summed up in the following video. I want you to think of this video everytime you hear another bathroom debate. It seems the growing trend is to succum to "those struggleing against reality."
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The guy leans so far right I'm surprised he can stand up. Did you really not think there would be protests? Trump and his decisions will divide this country as far as it possibly ever has been... up to the point of when the U.S. was in the Civil War.

He was on the list of 20 he provided to the public before he was elected. How much more transparent can he be?

What does that have to do with what I said? Do you not see that Trump is doing opposite of what he said he would do? He isn't looking out for the common people, he is making decisions based on his personal beliefs.
He has done more for the common man in a week and one half than what they have seen in 8 years.

Bullshit, he has the lowest approval rating of any U.S. President in DECADES. He's had more problems since becoming President than most have in 4 years in office. You're fucking retarded if you don't see that.

I could say the same about your myth and why should it have any say in anything.

Transgender people are at least real.

Haha...perfect video for the occasion.
And Matthew you're right...Trans people are "real"....REAL eff'd up in the head.

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