The True People of Color

Don't ignore the question, because this IS about the topic. I admire the European culture and tradition, but I do not admire them because they are white. Hell, I'm German, I should know about this! If the only good thing going for you is the color of your skin, than why live at all.
The old harpy and other self hating whites want to make the thread about their beauty standards. I don't care who you lust after.
.Clearly that is EUROPEANS.

ALL OTHER RACES are shades of black and brown. Only whites are PEOPLE OF COLOR
The old harpy and other self hating whites want to make the thread about their beauty standards. I don't care who you lust after.
.Clearly that is EUROPEANS.

ALL OTHER RACES are shades of black and brown. Only whites are PEOPLE OF COLOR

Are you fucking retarded?

"ALL OTHER RACES are shades of black and brown". What what the hell do you think white people are? Pale with varying shades of sunburn? The white race is just a race, and is not more diverse if you're just going by Europeans.
Well, I dunno. I have seen some really gorgeous Indian chicks (India indian), some stunning black chicks and guys, hot hispanic guys, cookin' middle eastern dudes. So..I guess it's according to taste and racial preference. For is beauty....but that doesn't count the INSIDE underneath all that beauty.

Your own mileages may vary.
gorgeous Indian chicks

Are you fucking retarded?

"ALL OTHER RACES are shades of black and brown". What what the hell do you think white people are? Pale with varying shades of sunburn? The white race is just a race, and is not more diverse if you're just going by Europeans.
Yes. He is retarded. And a racist. He is the PERFECT example of what that word means.
I don't trust women when it comes to commenting on other women's looks.
Really? judge beauty and art by skin color, race, sex? Must suck to be you. I am an artist. I see the beauty in many things, doesn't mean I wanna fuck 'em. For the record, I am very straight. Licking a womans twat turns my stomach about as much as seeing handsome men butt fucking another man. They may be pleasing in features, but something is wrong with them in my opinion. I don't hate them, I just don't want what they do in the bedroom shoved in my face.

I guess artists see things differently. Like in the very old days, heavyset women were THE choice of rembrandt, for example. 15th, 16th, 17th century art featured buxom, heavy woman according to todays standards. Its still beauty. But you see filth, innuendo, SKIN color.

You and Death Angel are not conservatives. You are skinheads and are blinded.
And, I could give a rats ass if you trust me or not, skinhead. Yer a stranger on the internet, waving your hood around proudly. Loser.
Got an answer for ya, and its on your fucked up topic:

More diverse, you ask? Those of mixed blood, that's who. And it damn sure isn't lily white europeans you seem to focus on. Half black, half white, half asian, have indian, quarter of all, partial to some. THAT is what you call "diversity. And most of them are extremely pleasing to look at. Unless yer a skinhead.

Now...argue that one, dickhead.
Really? judge beauty and art by skin color, race, sex? Must suck to be you. I am an artist. I see the beauty in many things, doesn't mean I wanna fuck 'em. For the record, I am very straight. Licking a womans twat turns my stomach about as much as seeing handsome men butt fucking another man. They may be pleasing in features, but something is wrong with them in my opinion. I don't hate them, I just don't want what they do in the bedroom shoved in my face.

I guess artists see things differently. Like in the very old days, heavyset women were THE choice of rembrandt, for example. 15th, 16th, 17th century art featured buxom, heavy woman according to todays standards. Its still beauty. But you see filth, innuendo, SKIN color.

You and Death Angel are not conservatives. You are skinheads and are blinded.
You're an artist...Good for you.
I judge beauty by appearance and worth by character.
There are many attractive people who are ugly people and there are many unattractive people who are beautiful people.

If I were you, I'd adjust to fact that not everyone has the same definition of visual beauty.

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