The True Purpose of ObamaCare

What was the true purpose of ObamaCare

  • Improving the healthcare system

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Putting government in control of healthcre

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It was sold as a big benefit to the uninsured, that it would lower premiums and give more choice and not disrupting the current insured policies.

What was the real point of it was it savings or control?
[ame=]Remy: Healthcare Mash - YouTube[/ame]
It was sold as a big benefit to the uninsured, that it would lower premiums and give more choice and not disrupting the current insured policies.

What was the real point of it was it savings or control?

It is the first step to a single payer system. Well single payer for all but the wealthy, who will always be able to afford top flight care. The rest of us, even upper middle class people, will be forced to use government clinics with government level service.

Think The DMV, but with sick people.
It was sold as a big benefit to the uninsured, that it would lower premiums and give more choice and not disrupting the current insured policies.

What was the real point of it was it savings or control?

It is the first step to a single payer system. Well single payer for all but the wealthy, who will always be able to afford top flight care. The rest of us, even upper middle class people, will be forced to use government clinics with government level service.

Think The DMV, but with sick people.

In France, the wealthy and the politically connected don't bother with the Health Care system they have for the common people. They go to the best Hospital in the Country.

Know what it's called?

The "Hopital Americain" :eek:,d.cWc


It is NOT part of the French Healthcare System. Cash only, please :lmao:
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It was sold as a big benefit to the uninsured, that it would lower premiums and give more choice and not disrupting the current insured policies.

What was the real point of it was it savings or control?

It is the first step to a single payer system. Well single payer for all but the wealthy, who will always be able to afford top flight care. The rest of us, even upper middle class people, will be forced to use government clinics with government level service.

Think The DMV, but with sick people.

Yes....and the Website going down was part and parcel of the plan to move the sheeple along to single payer, at government clinics with student nurses, as our clinicians, if they aren't too busy to see us before we expire....
It was sold as a big benefit to the uninsured, that it would lower premiums and give more choice and not disrupting the current insured policies.

What was the real point of it was it savings or control?

It is the first step to a single payer system. Well single payer for all but the wealthy, who will always be able to afford top flight care. The rest of us, even upper middle class people, will be forced to use government clinics with government level service.

Think The DMV, but with sick people.

Yes....and the Website going down was part and parcel of the plan to move the sheeple along to single payer, at government clinics with student nurses, as our clinicians, if they aren't too busy to see us before we expire....

Ain't gonna happen, Athena.

Not after this clusterf**k

Report: White House Predicted In 2010 That 93 Million Americans Would Lose Their Health Plans Under Obamacare…


And yet Obama kept making his bullshit promise that you could keep your plan if you liked it.

Via Forbes:

On Wednesday, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius testified before Congress about the continuing issues with the rollout of Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges. “Hold me accountable for the debacle,” said Sebelius. “I’m responsible.” I attended the hearing, and I was struck by the scope, scale, and depth of the health law’s problems, problems that far exceed any one political appointee. But Obamacare’s disruption of the existing health insurance market—a disruption codified in law, and known to the administration—is only just beginning. And it’s far broader than recent media coverage has implied. [...]

Section 1251 of the Affordable Care Act contains what’s called a “grandfather” provision that, in theory, allows people to keep their existing plans if they like them. But subsequent regulations from the Obama administration interpreted that provision so narrowly as to prevent most plans from gaining this protection.

“The Departments’ mid-range estimate is that 66 percent of small employer plans and 45 percent of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfather status by the end of 2013,” wrote the administration on page 34552. All in all, more than half of employer-sponsored plans will lose their “grandfather status” and get canceled. According to the Congressional Budget Office, 156 million Americans—more than half the population—was covered by employer-sponsored insurance in 2013.

Another 25 million people, according to the CBO, have “nongroup and other” forms of insurance; that is to say, they participate in the market for individually-purchased insurance. In this market, the administration projected that “40 to 67 percent” of individually-purchased plans would lose their Obamacare-sanctioned “grandfather status” and get canceled, solely due to the fact that there is a high turnover of participants and insurance arrangements in this market. (Plans purchased after March 23, 2010 do not benefit from the “grandfather” clause.) The real turnover rate would be higher, because plans can lose their grandfather status for a number of other reasons.

How many people are exposed to these problems? 60 percent of Americans have private-sector health insurance—precisely the number that Jay Carney dismissed. As to the number of people facing cancellations, 51 percent of the employer-based market plus 53.5 percent of the non-group market (the middle of the administration’s range) amounts to 93 million Americans.

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