The true RINO's are the TPM

I can understand why you feel the need to flatter yourself. :DThey were more susceptible to government propaganda because they lacked much in the way of alternative independent sources of information.

That's it? That's all you got? Your own paranoia fed by extreme right wing disinformation?


Joseph McCarthy

Just ONE of the lessons that might be learned from this article is that many of McCarthy's worst qualities and characteristics are now recognized (ESPECIALLY BY LIBERALS THEMSELVES) as identifiably Liberal descriptors.

That partly explains the venom he inspires from the fangs of the Libs and Dems and Progs and Leftists and Socialists and Marxists and Communists.

When they look at him and who he was they see a lot of themselves and they don't like it. And they can't help recognizing and being reminded of it.

So, whenever they can they let the arrows fly at even the mention of his name.

If only America's moderate Muslim population was as sincerely outraged at the fundamentalist and violent and non-violent Jihadi who they resemble (hell, it's impossible to know one from the next!) as today's Liberal Americans are outraged at ol' "Tailgunner Joe"!

And I haven't even finished reading this article yet! I want to wait until I can spend the time enjoying the ride with such an interesting and competent writer telling a compelling and very revealing story.

And, so I wonder, (BTW, is Derideo_Te an Australian term? What, if I might 'aks', does it mean? Is it anything close to being the utterance of a heavily accented Ozzie toddler or a drunk doing an imitation of Eddie Murphy's SNL era, "Buh Weat".

What I imagine he might have been saying is, "...the radio! [O]'tay?"

But, I digress...

He was little different in the service he performed for this country than your weekly Refuse Collectors or street cleaners or snow plow drivers or cops or EMT and Fire responders or the members of our military to our elected leaders on the local, statewide and national levels, all of whom sometimes have to perform really difficult and really dirty jobs.

These servants of the people may cheat on their wives, gamble away their weekly paycheck, do a little pot on weekends, might accidentally shoot their friends in the face or maybe even bow to Saudi leaders who are kith n kin to bin Laden himself.

What I'm getting at is that no matter what his personal faults and flaws were or are, you must try to separate your emotions from your assessment of the facts.

This article, I hope, will conclude by saying McCarthy may have had his faults as a person but there is no question he performed this country a great service.

Preaching to the rightwing choir again? You dredge up something written by a conservative with an anti-liberal agenda and it provides you with exactly the mindless fodder that you wanted. It takes all of the egregious faults of the conservative McCarthy and conveniently labels them as "liberal". It could have been written by Ann Coulter or any of the other rightwing hacks that churn out this endless stream of "red meat" to feed the fragile egos of the extreme right. :lol:

But thanks for conceding the point that your paranoia is being constantly fed by rightwing disinformation. :cool:

Oh, and if you want a hint, try Latin! :D

I must apologize for neglecting to point out yet another one of your typically liberal tendencies.

You hear what your critics accuse you of so often that the only defense left to you with which to shield your idealistic, naive, cynical and yet out-of-control "control freak" little hearts from suffering permanent damage is to parrot back to them everything you heard them say to you!

Very typical Lib tactic, but surprisingly effective.
Preaching to the rightwing choir again? You dredge up something written by a conservative with an anti-liberal agenda and it provides you with exactly the mindless fodder that you wanted. It takes all of the egregious faults of the conservative McCarthy and conveniently labels them as "liberal". It could have been written by Ann Coulter or any of the other rightwing hacks that churn out this endless stream of "red meat" to feed the fragile egos of the extreme right. :lol:

But thanks for conceding the point that your paranoia is being constantly fed by rightwing disinformation. :cool:

Oh, and if you want a hint, try Latin! :D

(Is this guy s'pposed to be Michael Flatley or somethin???)

Oh yeah???

Well, this here's for you.


Your inability to provide even a remote facsimile of a reasonable response means that you have not only conceded your position entirely but you have managed to expose everything in your "note" as being utter nonsense.

Chalk it up to a case of, "Let's don't, but say we did."

Or, I'm becoming distracted by other demands and things this Pleasant Valley Sunday, and I just jettisoned the plan.

Or, I'm leading you to wonder exactly what my real plan is. Like Obama does.

I was just recently reminded that you may be a woman. So, I might be trying to soften you up by appealing to your basic nature on a real subtle level. My feminine wiring to your feminine wiring.

We all have some of both wirings. The differences are in the degrees and who controls whom. Do we allow ourselves to be victims of our own uncontrolled emotions and impulses?

Lots of prisoners do.

Most. I'd guess.

Or do we strive and learn to control ourselves.

Which reminds me of a song by the inimitable Levi Stubbs and the fabulous Four Tops.

[ame=]The Four Tops-Bernadette (With lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

Bernadette, they want you because of the pride that gives,
But Bernadette, I want you because I need you to live.
But while I live only to hold you,
Some other men, they long to control you.
But how can they control you Bernadette,
When they can not control themselves, Bernadette,

From wanting you, needing you,
But darling you belong to me.
one little boy piss his pants coming home from school he was so frightened that the world was going to end.


Too bad. That partially explain why Libs are seldom able to prevail in debate without resorting to personal attacks and snide remarks.
You either turn a blind eye or are extremely partisan because I see a lot of right wingers hurling a lot of personal attack and snide remarks.

The foundation of what MIGHT have been the key to their winning the debate, or deciding to better fight another battle with better odds, or even shifting one's allegiance to the "strong horse,' as the Arabs might say, if ONLY they'd bothered to read a little bit more. Have a little more curiosity.
Oh, you misunderstood my comment. Just because I didn't bother to read your partisan gibberish doesn't mean that I don't read anything. I just don't waste my time on the same old same old that is being regurgitated day in and day's the same crap over and over.

Oh well.

Pretty is nice, too.
Let's see how long you can keep from hurling attacks and snide remarks and disclose your true self. :eusa_whistle:
Yeah, but whatever other effects it had it sure put the fear of GOD into you miserable misguided America hating Commie 'basterds'.

And it's been all of about 50 years and during that period we haven't had many of your kind of vermin to worry about.

Well, what do you know.....I guess I spoke too soon. Weren't you claiming liberals resorted to personal attacks and snide remarks? some crow.
(Is this guy s'pposed to be Michael Flatley or somethin???)

Oh yeah???

Well, this here's for you.


Your inability to provide even a remote facsimile of a reasonable response means that you have not only conceded your position entirely but you have managed to expose everything in your "note" as being utter nonsense.

Chalk it up to a case of, "Let's don't, but say we did."

Or, I'm becoming distracted by other demands and things this Pleasant Valley Sunday, and I just jettisoned the plan.

Or, I'm leading you to wonder exactly what my real plan is. Like Obama does.

I was just recently reminded that you may be a woman. So, I might be trying to soften you up by appealing to your basic nature on a real subtle level. My feminine wiring to your feminine wiring.

We all have some of both wirings. The differences are in the degrees and who controls whom. Do we allow ourselves to be victims of our own uncontrolled emotions and impulses?

Lots of prisoners do.

Most. I'd guess.

Or do we strive and learn to control ourselves.

Which reminds me of a song by the inimitable Levi Stubbs and the fabulous Four Tops.

[ame=]The Four Tops-Bernadette (With lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

Bernadette, they want you because of the pride that gives,
But Bernadette, I want you because I need you to live.
But while I live only to hold you,
Some other men, they long to control you.
But how can they control you Bernadette,
When they can not control themselves, Bernadette,

From wanting you, needing you,
But darling you belong to me.

At this point it has come down to the basics.

1. What substances are you abusing, and;

2 Why aren't you sharing?


Have a nice day!
The TeaTards have cost the GOP the Senate in the last two elections. Lets see if they can lose the House
The TeaTards have cost the GOP the Senate in the last two elections. Lets see if they can lose the House

The loberal RETARDS have won the Senate in the last two Dejections. Let's see if we can stop them from ruining the Republic.
The TeaTards have cost the GOP the Senate in the last two elections. Lets see if they can lose the House

Given that they haven't learned the lesson of the shutdown it certainly looks like they could well do so. The TV ads won't be able to keep up with them after they start campaigning in their districts bragging about how they almost destroyed the entire economy over Obamacare.
I haven't seen any indications that the t-potties have learned learned that being rabidly anti-Americans is a turn-off for MOST voters. All they seem to care about is screwing over the working class and taking rights away from women, gays and people of color.
I haven't seen any indications that the t-potties have learned learned that being rabidly anti-Americans is a turn-off for MOST voters. All they seem to care about is screwing over the working class and taking rights away from women, gays and people of color.

Hi Luddly Neddite and CC: Rightwinger:

Given that you are still namecalling, using terms like "t-potties" or "tea tards"
(and that other post using "nutters" where I pointed out this was like calling people "*******")

Luddly where you are "fighting for equal rights and against bigotry and hatred,
yet you CANNOT make the simple EFFORT to stop using hate-charged words,
such as the above,

HOW do you expect to see "any indications" of "learning" on any BIGGER scale?
HOW can you expect to see bigger changes if you cannot make small ones you can control?

If you can't even take these little EASY steps to tone down the "rabid" hatred?

Rightwinger: If Luddly does not get this point, can you please explain it better?
Thank you, Gentlemen
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The TeaTards have cost the GOP the Senate in the last two elections. Lets see if they can lose the House

The loberal RETARDS have won the Senate in the last two Dejections. Let's see if we can stop them from ruining the Republic. shutting down the government

Tea Party candidates must get creative...must understand that the tired old mantra of smaller government and lower taxes is not a winning strategy. In a nutshell they must understand who the electorate is and how they can devise a strategy to appeal to the largest group of voters who have the numbers and possible motivation to vote for a conservative if they can be convinced the conservative truly has their best interests at heart.

Unfortunately....there is a huge stumbling block in the conservative movement and it is known as the mainstsream republican party or liberal/moderate republican or fat cat republicans or elitist republicans...all of whom have a death grip on the republican party and if not curtailed will allow another democrat to sneak into the offal office....tea partiers and other true conservatives must organize and recruit...otherwise the so called mainstream republicans will enable another huge disaster...I do no think America can absorb many more disasters like Obama.

UPDATE: White Republicans Wins 'Long Shot' Election After Leading Voters To Believe He's Black...

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