The Trump admin is trying to spin the Flynn

Go fish some more - Pelosi was a House Speaker on 4/4/2007

That makes it ok to undermine the President on foreign soil? "How stupid/ biased are you?"

Retard, read the law:

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

Logan Act - Wikipedia

Pelosi at the time was an elected representative, Flynn was an unauthorized citizen.

Nice to know Pelosi's not a citizen...when is she being deported?

Wow you are an idiot.

Is Pelosi a citizen? Was she authorized to conduct foreign policy relations with a terrorist supporting state? No! In fact the President of the United States rejected her request to visit Assad. How much more unauthorized can you get?

Or do you wrongly believe that negotiating non-commerce related foreign policy is a power bestowed to Congress. Well, it's not. Now you know.

You are simply making shit up as you go along, Pelosi, elected representative conducting official business doesn't need Bush's explicit permission to visit Assad, just as Republicans didn't need it.

three Republican congressmen — Robert Aderholt of Alabama, Joe Pitts of Pennsylvania and Frank Wolf of Virginia — visited Syria separately and met with Mr. Assad on Sunday.

Pelosi Meets With Syrian Leader
Today Spicey stated that Flynn did nothing wrong except for "forget" to tell the administration all the details of his calls with Russia, which "eroded" trust. They are injecting "misleading" "didn't properly inform" "he forgot details" trying to allude to an accidental oversight rather than acknowledge that it was a deliberate lie... Plain and simple, Flynn lied, stop dancing around it!

They can't reenforce the spin because they know there are transcripts that, if released, would show the truth of the matter.

The real question is... If Flynn did nothing wrong with discussing sanctions with Russia, then why did he lie about it?
You are correct it was foolish for Flynn to have lied to Pence about the discussion with the Russian ambassador since there was nothing wrong about it.

Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russian Ambassador WHEN PRESIDENT OBAMA WAS IN OFFICE. And you say there's nothing WRONG with that?
How stupid/ biased are you?
There is nothing at all wrong with it unless he was trying to influence how the Russians or the Obama administration was behaving at that time. Since he was only talking about what might happen once Trump took office, there was nothing wrong with it. However, if he hadn't gotten permission from Trump to discuss these things, that's a problem between them and when he lied to Pence for whatever reason, that's another problem, but these are internal problems in the administration and not with anything else.
Today Spicey stated that Flynn did nothing wrong except for "forget" to tell the administration all the details of his calls with Russia, which "eroded" trust. They are injecting "misleading" "didn't properly inform" "he forgot details" trying to allude to an accidental oversight rather than acknowledge that it was a deliberate lie... Plain and simple, Flynn lied, stop dancing around it!

They can't reenforce the spin because they know there are transcripts that, if released, would show the truth of the matter.

The real question is... If Flynn did nothing wrong with discussing sanctions with Russia, then why did he lie about it?
You are correct it was foolish for Flynn to have lied to Pence about the discussion with the Russian ambassador since there was nothing wrong about it.
So why did he do it? Any thoughts?
I don't know, but my guess is that he didn't clear it with Trump before discussing it with the Russian ambassador.
Today Spicey stated that Flynn did nothing wrong except for "forget" to tell the administration all the details of his calls with Russia, which "eroded" trust. They are injecting "misleading" "didn't properly inform" "he forgot details" trying to allude to an accidental oversight rather than acknowledge that it was a deliberate lie... Plain and simple, Flynn lied, stop dancing around it!

They can't reenforce the spin because they know there are transcripts that, if released, would show the truth of the matter.

The real question is... If Flynn did nothing wrong with discussing sanctions with Russia, then why did he lie about it?
and why did trump let flynn continue to lie about it? and why did Trump not tell Pence and let pence find out from the media on feb 9th?
Today Spicey stated that Flynn did nothing wrong except for "forget" to tell the administration all the details of his calls with Russia, which "eroded" trust. They are injecting "misleading" "didn't properly inform" "he forgot details" trying to allude to an accidental oversight rather than acknowledge that it was a deliberate lie... Plain and simple, Flynn lied, stop dancing around it!

They can't reenforce the spin because they know there are transcripts that, if released, would show the truth of the matter.

The real question is... If Flynn did nothing wrong with discussing sanctions with Russia, then why did he lie about it?

Actually, I think the REAL questions is this: Did Flynn's discussions with the Russian ambassador about Obama's sanctions against Russia take place because of instructions from and/or direction from president-elect Trump?
Today Spicey stated that Flynn did nothing wrong except for "forget" to tell the administration all the details of his calls with Russia, which "eroded" trust. They are injecting "misleading" "didn't properly inform" "he forgot details" trying to allude to an accidental oversight rather than acknowledge that it was a deliberate lie... Plain and simple, Flynn lied, stop dancing around it!

They can't reenforce the spin because they know there are transcripts that, if released, would show the truth of the matter.

The real question is... If Flynn did nothing wrong with discussing sanctions with Russia, then why did he lie about it?

Actually, I think the REAL questions is this: Did Flynn's discussions with the Russian ambassador about Obama's sanctions against Russia take place because of instructions from and/or direction from president-elect Trump?
You're right, that is the question but I don't think the answer for that is going to come out unless there is hard evidence. It is hard to imagine Flynn doing this on his own accord and not communicating either the intent to make the calls or the results of the calls with Trump.
That makes it ok to undermine the President on foreign soil? "How stupid/ biased are you?"

Retard, read the law:

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. It was intended to prevent the undermining of the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was last amended in 1994, and violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

Logan Act - Wikipedia

Pelosi at the time was an elected representative, Flynn was an unauthorized citizen.

Nice to know Pelosi's not a citizen...when is she being deported?

Wow you are an idiot.

Is Pelosi a citizen? Was she authorized to conduct foreign policy relations with a terrorist supporting state? No! In fact the President of the United States rejected her request to visit Assad. How much more unauthorized can you get?

Or do you wrongly believe that negotiating non-commerce related foreign policy is a power bestowed to Congress. Well, it's not. Now you know.

You are simply making shit up as you go along, Pelosi, elected representative conducting official business doesn't need Bush's explicit permission to visit Assad, just as Republicans didn't need it.

three Republican congressmen — Robert Aderholt of Alabama, Joe Pitts of Pennsylvania and Frank Wolf of Virginia — visited Syria separately and met with Mr. Assad on Sunday.

Pelosi Meets With Syrian Leader

Question. What "official business" does Pelosi have with Assad involving U.S. Foreign Policy?

Answer. None at all.

Congress has NO PART in formulating or negotiating U.S. foreign policy. That makes Pelosi an UNAUTHORIZED CITIZEN. Period.

Spin it any way you want. Pelosi is a citizen of the United States. She was NOT AUTHORIZED to discuss U.S. foreign policy with Assad. Being a member of the House of Representatives does not include a free pass to violate U.S. law!

Just because the truth doesn't fit your agenda doesn't make it any less true.

It's been 10 years, when is she going to resign?
Today Spicey stated that Flynn did nothing wrong except for "forget" to tell the administration all the details of his calls with Russia, which "eroded" trust. They are injecting "misleading" "didn't properly inform" "he forgot details" trying to allude to an accidental oversight rather than acknowledge that it was a deliberate lie... Plain and simple, Flynn lied, stop dancing around it!

They can't reenforce the spin because they know there are transcripts that, if released, would show the truth of the matter.

The real question is... If Flynn did nothing wrong with discussing sanctions with Russia, then why did he lie about it?
and why did trump let flynn continue to lie about it? and why did Trump not tell Pence and let pence find out from the media on feb 9th?
Good question... My thoughts are that Trump has his "policy insider" guys like Pence and Prebus, these guys are there to work congress and get the political stuff done. Then he has his inner circle Flynn, Bannon, and the son-in-law. These guys I believe act more as strategy advisors and are likely the ones that are in the know about the shady business. There is nothing about Trump that even resembles integrity so I have little doubt that he will do whatever he thinks he can get away with to get his desired results.

His supporters seem confused as to why there is such a strong resistance against Trump. I believe it is his dangerous personality that makes many people defensive so there is extra effort to keep his powers in check.
If Flynn lied to the FBI about it, it's a felony.

Sure right after Hillary is fitted with an orange prison jumpsuit.
If you don't want to be a hypocrite, and if you think Hillary should be locked up for lying to the FBI then you'd have to support Flynn being locked up for lying as well... Would that be a fair statement?
If Flynn lied to the FBI about it, it's a felony.

Sure right after Hillary is fitted with an orange prison jumpsuit.
If you don't want to be a hypocrite, and if you think Hillary should be locked up for lying to the FBI then you'd have to support Flynn being locked up for lying as well... Would that be a fair statement?

Do you really want to have a contest on who lied more Hillary vs Flynn? Be careful what you wish for :laugh::laugh::laugh:
If Flynn lied to the FBI about it, it's a felony.

Sure right after Hillary is fitted with an orange prison jumpsuit.
If you don't want to be a hypocrite, and if you think Hillary should be locked up for lying to the FBI then you'd have to support Flynn being locked up for lying as well... Would that be a fair statement?
Here's the thing though, the FBI said Hillary never lied to them when they interrogated her, not once.
If Flynn lied to the FBI about it, it's a felony.

Sure right after Hillary is fitted with an orange prison jumpsuit.
If you don't want to be a hypocrite, and if you think Hillary should be locked up for lying to the FBI then you'd have to support Flynn being locked up for lying as well... Would that be a fair statement?

Do you really want to have a contest on who lied more Hillary vs Flynn? Be careful what you wish for :laugh::laugh::laugh:
More? Why does that matter? It's a question of principle. If you think Clinton should be jailed for her lies then you would have to support the same for Flynn. Quantity doesn't really matter. Severity could make a difference.
If Flynn lied to the FBI about it, it's a felony.

Sure right after Hillary is fitted with an orange prison jumpsuit.
If you don't want to be a hypocrite, and if you think Hillary should be locked up for lying to the FBI then you'd have to support Flynn being locked up for lying as well... Would that be a fair statement?
Here's the thing though, the FBI said Hillary never lied to them when they interrogated her, not once.
Perhaps not, she did say plenty of "half truths" and probably some lies as well. Most politicians do, unfortunately it is part of the game and there is an acceptability threshold. But you can't have it both ways, like the "Lock her up" crew apparently want to have it. If they supported her going to the big house then they have to hold the Trumpsters to the same standards
Today Spicey stated that Flynn did nothing wrong except for "forget" to tell the administration all the details of his calls with Russia, which "eroded" trust. They are injecting "misleading" "didn't properly inform" "he forgot details" trying to allude to an accidental oversight rather than acknowledge that it was a deliberate lie... Plain and simple, Flynn lied, stop dancing around it!

They can't reenforce the spin because they know there are transcripts that, if released, would show the truth of the matter.

The real question is... If Flynn did nothing wrong with discussing sanctions with Russia, then why did he lie about it?

Actually, I think the REAL questions is this: Did Flynn's discussions with the Russian ambassador about Obama's sanctions against Russia take place because of instructions from and/or direction from president-elect Trump?
You're right, that is the question but I don't think the answer for that is going to come out unless there is hard evidence. It is hard to imagine Flynn doing this on his own accord and not communicating either the intent to make the calls or the results of the calls with Trump.

I think there's going to be an investigation. I mean a REAL investigation where each and every person's story will be compared and contrasted with everyone else's story. That's the way investigators chip away to get at the truth.

Here's my belief and fear: A man in the private sector who runs his own empire (like Trump, naturally) is so accustomed to lying so easily and so casually for so many years with no real consequences that it probably would never occur to him to change his stripes after winning a national election. I mean, talk about a massive power trip, right? If anything, his ego was only boosted. How else could anyone explain away the massive whoppers (like millions of illegals voting in the election) that Trump kept on telling over and over again? But when we're talking about national security and matters of real importance as opposed to silly things like beauty pageants and TV show ratings, most sane people would understand that the rules of the game had changed. However, a man with ego-maniacal tendencies would likely not even consider anything of the sort.
Today Spicey stated that Flynn did nothing wrong except for "forget" to tell the administration all the details of his calls with Russia, which "eroded" trust. They are injecting "misleading" "didn't properly inform" "he forgot details" trying to allude to an accidental oversight rather than acknowledge that it was a deliberate lie... Plain and simple, Flynn lied, stop dancing around it!

They can't reenforce the spin because they know there are transcripts that, if released, would show the truth of the matter.

The real question is... If Flynn did nothing wrong with discussing sanctions with Russia, then why did he lie about it?

Why on God's green earth would there be transcripts?
So there are no charges against Flynn.

So now it's just not a matter of leaks, it will be crucial to find out who hid the investigation from President Trump for so long.

Sally Yates warned Trump about Flynn's potential to be blackmailed. It's part of the reason he fired her.
Funny since Trump is probably also being blackmailed by Putin.
I know the Trump excuse is that he lied. It's hard to believe that Flynn would try to discuss removing sanctions without full knowledge and approval from Trump. I doubt he lied about anything, but using that as an excuse is a way for Trump to pretend he wasn't involved. Trump, and his team were in collusion with Russia throughout the election. Flynn's conversations were just a continuation of those discussions.
That is a very likely scenario but as of now there is no evidence of it so i'm trying not to get ahead of ourselves. You do make a great point though, it is very hard to imagine Flynn telling Russians not to worry about the US sanctions without discussing it with Trump first.

Someone needs to see the transcripts. The American public need to see them.

Why would there be transcripts? Unless of course someone in the federal government under the Obama administration would be illegally wiretapping.
If Flynn lied to the FBI about it, it's a felony.

Sure right after Hillary is fitted with an orange prison jumpsuit.
If you don't want to be a hypocrite, and if you think Hillary should be locked up for lying to the FBI then you'd have to support Flynn being locked up for lying as well... Would that be a fair statement?

Do you really want to have a contest on who lied more Hillary vs Flynn? Be careful what you wish for :laugh::laugh::laugh:
More? Why does that matter? It's a question of principle. If you think Clinton should be jailed for her lies then you would have to support the same for Flynn. Quantity doesn't really matter. Severity could make a difference.

You people have no credibility, zero. After 8 years of Obama and decades of the Clinton's your credibility on virtually any issue is 0.00% Pick a topic, lies, dishonesty, corruption. ignoring laws and court rulings, ethics, infidelity, all zero. So when you people start foaming at the mouth over Trump or his cabinet I say talk to the hand. :eusa_hand:


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