The Trump administration defining transgender out of existence.

"The government of U.S. President Donald Trump is attempting to strip transgender people of official recognition by creating a narrow definition of gender as being only male or female and unchangeable once it is determined at birth, The New York Times reported on Sunday."

How is a scientific fact deemed a "narrow definition"?

If you're a guy, you're a guy. Silicon implants and cutting your dick off doesn't change that. It just means your dress-up costume is permanent.
If You're a idiot you're and idiot. I was going to start this topic but was beat to it. This is what I wrote. Read it real slow and then read it again. Get help from your special ed. teacher if necessary. People like you- and Trump- will have blood on your hands if this happens:

Trumps Latest and Most Egregious Attack on Transgender People

I am hoping that at least some people here will find this latest transphobic move by the Trump Administration as disturbing as I do. Be it out of fear, ignorance, hate, or a need to pander to the moronic minions that make up the base-this policy is literally a death blow to Transgender rights, dignity, and identity.

These are people who struggling daily with the emotional impact of being transgender in a society that tends to marginalize them. it’s apparent that the architects of the reactionary and bigoted policy either do not understand the impact that this measure would have- or simply do not care. Worse, yet, I suspect this sadistic and diabolical move was well-planned and intended to do maximum harm while in no way making society better for anyone- nor will it make America great. Quite the contrary

In addition to ignoring the social aspects of it, they also care little about- or are willfully ignorant of - the biological science underlying the transgender issue, as evidence by stating that gender is fixed and immutable from birth.

This is the proposal:

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.

That right there is proof of the depths of their ignorance as I will demonstrate. It is a total dumbing down of the issue and everything that we know about transgender. There is more to what determines gender than external genitalia and it is simply not always obvious what a child is at birth,

The department argued in its memo that key government agencies needed to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of gender as determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.” The agency’s proposed definition would define sex as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with, according to a draft reviewed by The Times. Any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing.

Grounded in science? What a fucking joke!! The science is clear that not everyone is clearly 100% male or female which may or may not be obvious or even detected at all at birth. That is called intersexuality, which is not the same as transgender but is related and likely is the underlying cause of gender dysphoria. In the past, and sometimes even now, the medical response when there was a question of gender was to surgically “make the child into one gender or the other. Often the choice was the wrong one resulting in a life of torment and confusion. Case in point:

Jim Ambrose was born in 1976, with, he wrote last year, “genitals that frightened my parents and caregivers.” He had one X and one Y chromosome, but his sex organs were ambiguous, resembling a large clitoris or a small penis. Doctors have an easier time eliminating tissue than adding it, and so they decided to surgically remove the organ and the nearby testes. The baby was raised as a girl, named Kristi Bruce.

When Ambrose was twelve years old, he began to take female hormones. At eighteen, he prepared to undergo a vaginoplasty, the surgical reconstruction of the vagina. Suffering from depression, Ambrose contemplated suicide. “I knew that I wasn’t a girl,” he later told a reporter. The following year, Ambrose obtained his medical records, and discovered what had happened to him as an infant: “I was sterilized at birth—and no one ever told me.” Ambrose was born with a condition that inhibited testosterone production; after adolescence, he began to take testosterone shots, and had surgery to remove his breasts.

How will the Trump policy deal with something like this at a time when we are beginning to realize that genital mutilation of a child like this is not the wisest choice? It will likely result in a premature and possibly wrong choice- if not surgically- then certainly in terms of a forced gender social construct that will be confusing and damaging to the child.

I have to wonder why some people are so freaked out and afraid of people who may be unsure of their gender identity and who want the option of exploring their gender issues and making an informed and appropriate choice when they are ready to. ?

Here is a little more on the issue

Trump Admin. Preparing to Deny Trans People Exist, Erase Protections
“Setting a destructive precedent, the Trump-Pence administration intends to erase LGBTQ people from federal civil rights protections and eviscerate enforcement of non-discrimination laws,” said HRC President Chad Griffin in a press release. “Defining ‘sex’ in this narrow language tailored to the talking points of anti-equality extremists is part of a deliberate strategy to eliminate federal protections for LGBTQ people. This is a direct attack on the fundamental equality of LGBTQ people and, if this administration refuses to reverse course, Congress must immediately take action by advancing the Equality Act to ensure that LGBTQ people are explicitly protected by our nation’s civil rights laws.”

Boy, girl. The rest is just nuts.

See what I mean? Republicans are just nasty people. They prove it every day on the USMB .

But it’s honest people like me who are likely to be banned.

Most conservatives are ignorant and frightened, and their ignorance and fear soon manifest as hate – in this case an unwarranted hatred of gay and transgender Americans.

You do not know most conservatives, what they think, or what they are ignorant, and/or frightened of. The fact that people disagree with or disapprove of your lifestyle, does not make them ignorant, or frightened of you or your lifestyle. One of the benefits of individual freedom, is that I am not required to like you, your lifestyle, your horse, your dog, or your friends.

Seeking a clarification of the legal meaning of the word sex when written into law, is not banning anyone.
"The government of U.S. President Donald Trump is attempting to strip transgender people of official recognition by creating a narrow definition of gender as being only male or female and unchangeable once it is determined at birth, The New York Times reported on Sunday."

How is a scientific fact deemed a "narrow definition"?

If you're a guy, you're a guy. Silicon implants and cutting your dick off doesn't change that. It just means your dress-up costume is permanent.
If You're a idiot you're and idiot. I was going to start this topic but was beat to it. This is what I wrote. Read it real slow and then read it again. Get help from your special ed. teacher if necessary. People like you- and Trump- will have blood on your hands if this happens:

Trumps Latest and Most Egregious Attack on Transgender People

I am hoping that at least some people here will find this latest transphobic move by the Trump Administration as disturbing as I do. Be it out of fear, ignorance, hate, or a need to pander to the moronic minions that make up the base-this policy is literally a death blow to Transgender rights, dignity, and identity.

These are people who struggling daily with the emotional impact of being transgender in a society that tends to marginalize them. it’s apparent that the architects of the reactionary and bigoted policy either do not understand the impact that this measure would have- or simply do not care. Worse, yet, I suspect this sadistic and diabolical move was well-planned and intended to do maximum harm while in no way making society better for anyone- nor will it make America great. Quite the contrary

In addition to ignoring the social aspects of it, they also care little about- or are willfully ignorant of - the biological science underlying the transgender issue, as evidence by stating that gender is fixed and immutable from birth.

This is the proposal:

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.

That right there is proof of the depths of their ignorance as I will demonstrate. It is a total dumbing down of the issue and everything that we know about transgender. There is more to what determines gender than external genitalia and it is simply not always obvious what a child is at birth,

The department argued in its memo that key government agencies needed to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of gender as determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.” The agency’s proposed definition would define sex as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with, according to a draft reviewed by The Times. Any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing.

Grounded in science? What a fucking joke!! The science is clear that not everyone is clearly 100% male or female which may or may not be obvious or even detected at all at birth. That is called intersexuality, which is not the same as transgender but is related and likely is the underlying cause of gender dysphoria. In the past, and sometimes even now, the medical response when there was a question of gender was to surgically “make the child into one gender or the other. Often the choice was the wrong one resulting in a life of torment and confusion. Case in point:

Jim Ambrose was born in 1976, with, he wrote last year, “genitals that frightened my parents and caregivers.” He had one X and one Y chromosome, but his sex organs were ambiguous, resembling a large clitoris or a small penis. Doctors have an easier time eliminating tissue than adding it, and so they decided to surgically remove the organ and the nearby testes. The baby was raised as a girl, named Kristi Bruce.

When Ambrose was twelve years old, he began to take female hormones. At eighteen, he prepared to undergo a vaginoplasty, the surgical reconstruction of the vagina. Suffering from depression, Ambrose contemplated suicide. “I knew that I wasn’t a girl,” he later told a reporter. The following year, Ambrose obtained his medical records, and discovered what had happened to him as an infant: “I was sterilized at birth—and no one ever told me.” Ambrose was born with a condition that inhibited testosterone production; after adolescence, he began to take testosterone shots, and had surgery to remove his breasts.

How will the Trump policy deal with something like this at a time when we are beginning to realize that genital mutilation of a child like this is not the wisest choice? It will likely result in a premature and possibly wrong choice- if not surgically- then certainly in terms of a forced gender social construct that will be confusing and damaging to the child.

I have to wonder why some people are so freaked out and afraid of people who may be unsure of their gender identity and who want the option of exploring their gender issues and making an informed and appropriate choice when they are ready to. ?

Here is a little more on the issue

Trump Admin. Preparing to Deny Trans People Exist, Erase Protections
“Setting a destructive precedent, the Trump-Pence administration intends to erase LGBTQ people from federal civil rights protections and eviscerate enforcement of non-discrimination laws,” said HRC President Chad Griffin in a press release. “Defining ‘sex’ in this narrow language tailored to the talking points of anti-equality extremists is part of a deliberate strategy to eliminate federal protections for LGBTQ people. This is a direct attack on the fundamental equality of LGBTQ people and, if this administration refuses to reverse course, Congress must immediately take action by advancing the Equality Act to ensure that LGBTQ people are explicitly protected by our nation’s civil rights laws.”

The sexes are male and female. That is established fact.

The rest is anomaly, i.e. abnormal.
Brilliant! Just absolutely fucking brilliant! Continue to wallow in your willful ignorance

Ignorance is a rejection of scientific fact. You seem to be a subscriber.

Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge about a subject, It is neither good, nor bad, and it has no bearing on hate or injustice. Biology is a science, and is not determined by any cultural or societal wishes. The gay community is not satisfied to be free to do their thing as they see fit, that demand that the rest of us approve of and accept their sexual choices as normal and natural.
Boy, girl. The rest is just nuts.

"The government of U.S. President Donald Trump is attempting to strip transgender people of official recognition by creating a narrow definition of gender as being only male or female and unchangeable once it is determined at birth, The New York Times reported on Sunday."

How is a scientific fact deemed a "narrow definition"?

If you're a guy, you're a guy. Silicon implants and cutting your dick off doesn't change that. It just means your dress-up costume is permanent.
If You're a idiot you're and idiot. I was going to start this topic but was beat to it. This is what I wrote. Read it real slow and then read it again. Get help from your special ed. teacher if necessary. People like you- and Trump- will have blood on your hands if this happens:

Trumps Latest and Most Egregious Attack on Transgender People

I am hoping that at least some people here will find this latest transphobic move by the Trump Administration as disturbing as I do. Be it out of fear, ignorance, hate, or a need to pander to the moronic minions that make up the base-this policy is literally a death blow to Transgender rights, dignity, and identity.

These are people who struggling daily with the emotional impact of being transgender in a society that tends to marginalize them. it’s apparent that the architects of the reactionary and bigoted policy either do not understand the impact that this measure would have- or simply do not care. Worse, yet, I suspect this sadistic and diabolical move was well-planned and intended to do maximum harm while in no way making society better for anyone- nor will it make America great. Quite the contrary

In addition to ignoring the social aspects of it, they also care little about- or are willfully ignorant of - the biological science underlying the transgender issue, as evidence by stating that gender is fixed and immutable from birth.

This is the proposal:

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.

That right there is proof of the depths of their ignorance as I will demonstrate. It is a total dumbing down of the issue and everything that we know about transgender. There is more to what determines gender than external genitalia and it is simply not always obvious what a child is at birth,

The department argued in its memo that key government agencies needed to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of gender as determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.” The agency’s proposed definition would define sex as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with, according to a draft reviewed by The Times. Any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing.

Grounded in science? What a fucking joke!! The science is clear that not everyone is clearly 100% male or female which may or may not be obvious or even detected at all at birth. That is called intersexuality, which is not the same as transgender but is related and likely is the underlying cause of gender dysphoria. In the past, and sometimes even now, the medical response when there was a question of gender was to surgically “make the child into one gender or the other. Often the choice was the wrong one resulting in a life of torment and confusion. Case in point:

Jim Ambrose was born in 1976, with, he wrote last year, “genitals that frightened my parents and caregivers.” He had one X and one Y chromosome, but his sex organs were ambiguous, resembling a large clitoris or a small penis. Doctors have an easier time eliminating tissue than adding it, and so they decided to surgically remove the organ and the nearby testes. The baby was raised as a girl, named Kristi Bruce.

When Ambrose was twelve years old, he began to take female hormones. At eighteen, he prepared to undergo a vaginoplasty, the surgical reconstruction of the vagina. Suffering from depression, Ambrose contemplated suicide. “I knew that I wasn’t a girl,” he later told a reporter. The following year, Ambrose obtained his medical records, and discovered what had happened to him as an infant: “I was sterilized at birth—and no one ever told me.” Ambrose was born with a condition that inhibited testosterone production; after adolescence, he began to take testosterone shots, and had surgery to remove his breasts.

How will the Trump policy deal with something like this at a time when we are beginning to realize that genital mutilation of a child like this is not the wisest choice? It will likely result in a premature and possibly wrong choice- if not surgically- then certainly in terms of a forced gender social construct that will be confusing and damaging to the child.

I have to wonder why some people are so freaked out and afraid of people who may be unsure of their gender identity and who want the option of exploring their gender issues and making an informed and appropriate choice when they are ready to. ?

Here is a little more on the issue

Trump Admin. Preparing to Deny Trans People Exist, Erase Protections
“Setting a destructive precedent, the Trump-Pence administration intends to erase LGBTQ people from federal civil rights protections and eviscerate enforcement of non-discrimination laws,” said HRC President Chad Griffin in a press release. “Defining ‘sex’ in this narrow language tailored to the talking points of anti-equality extremists is part of a deliberate strategy to eliminate federal protections for LGBTQ people. This is a direct attack on the fundamental equality of LGBTQ people and, if this administration refuses to reverse course, Congress must immediately take action by advancing the Equality Act to ensure that LGBTQ people are explicitly protected by our nation’s civil rights laws.”

The sexes are male and female. That is established fact.

The rest is anomaly, i.e. abnormal.
Brilliant! Just absolutely fucking brilliant! Continue to wallow in your willful ignorance

Ignorance is a rejection of scientific fact. You seem to be a subscriber.

Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge about a subject, It is neither good, nor bad, and it has no bearing on hate or injustice. Biology is a science, and is not determined by any cultural or societal wishes. The gay community is not satisfied to be free to do their thing as they see fit, that demand that the rest of us approve of and accept their sexual choices as normal and natural.


In my rash of politeness I neglected to use 'stupidity' in place of 'ignorance'.
See what I mean? Republicans are just nasty people. They prove it every day on the USMB .

But it’s honest people like me who are likely to be banned.

Most conservatives are ignorant and frightened, and their ignorance and fear soon manifest as hate – in this case an unwarranted hatred of gay and transgender Americans.

Which are you ? Gay or transgender ?
And this concrens you, how? Do you have a secret to share, James Gumb aka buffalo bill?
That question only serves to confirm the fact that you are self absorbed and selfish fuck who thinks that people should only concern them selves with injustice that impacts them directly.

Look at the Social Justice Fairy come to spray some left wing fantasy dust.

And who won't answer the question.

When we do concern ourselves with things that don't affect us directly, you simply scream whatever Alinksy driven meme you feel fits the situation (or you didn't go after people in California who voted to ban gay marriage.....yes, I know we are only not selfish if we do it YOUR way).

Why don't you pick up a large rock and go for a long walk on a short pier ?
Trump administration trying to define transgender out of existence: NY Times | Reuters

This won’t be the first attack on the gay community and it certainly won’t be the last now that they have Kavanaugh in office.

Republicans are funny. They think that they can just attack the gay community and attack blacks and attack Hispanics and that’ll be the end of it.

But when you start following these Nazi tactics. That’s never the end of it. It’s only the beginning.
With all due respect, Mr. Deanrd, you're trying to make something bad out of nothing bad.
Trump administration trying to define transgender out of existence: NY Times | Reuters

This won’t be the first attack on the gay community and it certainly won’t be the last now that they have Kavanaugh in office.

Republicans are funny. They think that they can just attack the gay community and attack blacks and attack Hispanics and that’ll be the end of it.

But when you start following these Nazi tactics. That’s never the end of it. It’s only the beginning.

Finally. See yah wouldn't want to be yah don't let the door hit yah . . . well maybe let it do that, just wittle bit.
The science is clear that not everyone is clearly 100% male or female which may or may not be obvious or even detected at all at birth.

Mr. Patriot, Science can still determine with precision whether the child is male or female in spite of such anomalies, and I quote "The infants who have ambiguous genitals are examined carefully to determine their actual sex. Often blood tests are necessary. Since males have XY pattern and females have XX pattern of chromosomes, the blood test to determine the chromosomal make-up correctly detects the sex of the infants." Neonatal Genital Defects (Male And Female Defects) - You Ask MD Answers

Trump administration trying to define transgender out of existence: NY Times | Reuters

This won’t be the first attack on the gay community and it certainly won’t be the last now that they have Kavanaugh in office.

Republicans are funny. They think that they can just attack the gay community and attack blacks and attack Hispanics and that’ll be the end of it.

But when you start following these Nazi tactics. That’s never the end of it. It’s only the beginning.
Excellent, there is far too much bullshit in todays society most of it PC.
What I have noticed is that mental illness has been increasing among the right every time advances are made in society that rattles there sense of security in their ridged and narrow comfort zone.
We noticed since liberalism has become a mainstay on college campuses that body mutalatoon has become a fad with the mentally unstable!
You are revealing your willful ignorance.
And you, your mentally disorder!
Thank you so much for your informative and cogent comment on an important topic. You are a indispensable asset to the intellectual quality of the discourse on the USMB Keep up the good work. We'll all be looking forward to your next riveting post
The Trump Administration Isn’t ‘Dehumanizing’ Transgender Americans

The administration is proposing to conform the law to the truth.

Today I learned something truly new. I’d lived my life on this earth almost 49 years before I understood that federal anti-discrimination law defines human existence. Changing that law can thus literally “negate the humanity of people.”

At least that’s what I’m learning in response to the news that the Trump administration is considering rolling back the Obama administration’s lawless expansion of Title IX, the federal civil-rights statute banning sex discrimination in federally funded education programs. At issue is the definition of the word “sex.”

In April 2014, the Obama administration quietly expanded the definition — without an act of Congress or even a regulatory rulemaking process. In a document called “Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence” it stated that “Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity.”

Empowered by this new definition, the Obama administration issued extraordinarily aggressive mandates to schools across the nation, requiring that schools use a transgender student’s chosen pronouns and that they open bathrooms, locker rooms, overnight accommodations, and even some sports teams to students based not on their biological sex but their chosen gender identity.

Again, this was done without an act of Congress and without even a regulatory rulemaking process. Democratic members of Congress had tried — and failed — to amend federal nondiscrimination statutes many times. So the Obama administration did it without Congress. Obama’s legendary “pen and phone” purported to change the law.

When the Trump administration gained power, it rolled back Obama-era transgender directives, including the sweeping education mandates, but it has not formally responded to the previous administration's expansion of the scope of the statute.

Read more at ...

These unfortunate people need medical help with their mental issues. Not surgical enablement of their abnormal ideations.
The National review?


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

This is a highly biased opinion piece the completely ignores the damage the Trump Administration is about to inflict on human lives. It alleges that Obama skirted the law, and rule making procedures by extending tittle lX protections to Trans people but defends Trump's move to declare - in defiance of science, common sense, and human decency that gender is fixed at birth and immutable. Give me a fucking break with this horseshit

"The government of U.S. President Donald Trump is attempting to strip transgender people of official recognition by creating a narrow definition of gender as being only male or female and unchangeable once it is determined at birth, The New York Times reported on Sunday."

How is a scientific fact deemed a "narrow definition"?

If you're a guy, you're a guy. Silicon implants and cutting your dick off doesn't change that. It just means your dress-up costume is permanent.
If You're a idiot you're and idiot. I was going to start this topic but was beat to it. This is what I wrote. Read it real slow and then read it again. Get help from your special ed. teacher if necessary. People like you- and Trump- will have blood on your hands if this happens:

Trumps Latest and Most Egregious Attack on Transgender People

I am hoping that at least some people here will find this latest transphobic move by the Trump Administration as disturbing as I do. Be it out of fear, ignorance, hate, or a need to pander to the moronic minions that make up the base-this policy is literally a death blow to Transgender rights, dignity, and identity.

These are people who struggling daily with the emotional impact of being transgender in a society that tends to marginalize them. it’s apparent that the architects of the reactionary and bigoted policy either do not understand the impact that this measure would have- or simply do not care. Worse, yet, I suspect this sadistic and diabolical move was well-planned and intended to do maximum harm while in no way making society better for anyone- nor will it make America great. Quite the contrary

In addition to ignoring the social aspects of it, they also care little about- or are willfully ignorant of - the biological science underlying the transgender issue, as evidence by stating that gender is fixed and immutable from birth.

This is the proposal:

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law.

That right there is proof of the depths of their ignorance as I will demonstrate. It is a total dumbing down of the issue and everything that we know about transgender. There is more to what determines gender than external genitalia and it is simply not always obvious what a child is at birth,

The department argued in its memo that key government agencies needed to adopt an explicit and uniform definition of gender as determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.” The agency’s proposed definition would define sex as either male or female, unchangeable, and determined by the genitals that a person is born with, according to a draft reviewed by The Times. Any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified using genetic testing.

Grounded in science? What a fucking joke!! The science is clear that not everyone is clearly 100% male or female which may or may not be obvious or even detected at all at birth. That is called intersexuality, which is not the same as transgender but is related and likely is the underlying cause of gender dysphoria. In the past, and sometimes even now, the medical response when there was a question of gender was to surgically “make the child into one gender or the other. Often the choice was the wrong one resulting in a life of torment and confusion. Case in point:

Jim Ambrose was born in 1976, with, he wrote last year, “genitals that frightened my parents and caregivers.” He had one X and one Y chromosome, but his sex organs were ambiguous, resembling a large clitoris or a small penis. Doctors have an easier time eliminating tissue than adding it, and so they decided to surgically remove the organ and the nearby testes. The baby was raised as a girl, named Kristi Bruce.

When Ambrose was twelve years old, he began to take female hormones. At eighteen, he prepared to undergo a vaginoplasty, the surgical reconstruction of the vagina. Suffering from depression, Ambrose contemplated suicide. “I knew that I wasn’t a girl,” he later told a reporter. The following year, Ambrose obtained his medical records, and discovered what had happened to him as an infant: “I was sterilized at birth—and no one ever told me.” Ambrose was born with a condition that inhibited testosterone production; after adolescence, he began to take testosterone shots, and had surgery to remove his breasts.

How will the Trump policy deal with something like this at a time when we are beginning to realize that genital mutilation of a child like this is not the wisest choice? It will likely result in a premature and possibly wrong choice- if not surgically- then certainly in terms of a forced gender social construct that will be confusing and damaging to the child.

I have to wonder why some people are so freaked out and afraid of people who may be unsure of their gender identity and who want the option of exploring their gender issues and making an informed and appropriate choice when they are ready to. ?

Here is a little more on the issue

Trump Admin. Preparing to Deny Trans People Exist, Erase Protections
“Setting a destructive precedent, the Trump-Pence administration intends to erase LGBTQ people from federal civil rights protections and eviscerate enforcement of non-discrimination laws,” said HRC President Chad Griffin in a press release. “Defining ‘sex’ in this narrow language tailored to the talking points of anti-equality extremists is part of a deliberate strategy to eliminate federal protections for LGBTQ people. This is a direct attack on the fundamental equality of LGBTQ people and, if this administration refuses to reverse course, Congress must immediately take action by advancing the Equality Act to ensure that LGBTQ people are explicitly protected by our nation’s civil rights laws.”

Boy, girl. The rest is just nuts.

Another genius heard from !!
The science is clear that not everyone is clearly 100% male or female which may or may not be obvious or even detected at all at birth.

Mr. Patriot, Science can still determine with precision whether the child is male or female in spite of such anomalies, and I quote "The infants who have ambiguous genitals are examined carefully to determine their actual sex. Often blood tests are necessary. Since males have XY pattern and females have XX pattern of chromosomes, the blood test to determine the chromosomal make-up correctly detects the sex of the infants." Neonatal Genital Defects (Male And Female Defects) - You Ask MD Answers

I don't suppose that you bothered too read the story that I posted about the child who was incorrectly determined to be a girl at birth-for the sake of expedience- and the ensuing ordeal. ?? What you posted is outdated, dumbed down crap, that goes against the grain of what is considered best practices today.
Last edited:
We noticed since liberalism has become a mainstay on college campuses that body mutalatoon has become a fad with the mentally unstable!
You are revealing your willful ignorance.
And you, your mentally disorder!
Thank you so much for your informative and cogent comment on an important topic. You are a indispensable asset to the intellectual quality of the discourse on the USMB Keep up the good work. We'll all be looking forward to your next riveting post
The Trump Administration Isn’t ‘Dehumanizing’ Transgender Americans

The administration is proposing to conform the law to the truth.

Today I learned something truly new. I’d lived my life on this earth almost 49 years before I understood that federal anti-discrimination law defines human existence. Changing that law can thus literally “negate the humanity of people.”

At least that’s what I’m learning in response to the news that the Trump administration is considering rolling back the Obama administration’s lawless expansion of Title IX, the federal civil-rights statute banning sex discrimination in federally funded education programs. At issue is the definition of the word “sex.”

In April 2014, the Obama administration quietly expanded the definition — without an act of Congress or even a regulatory rulemaking process. In a document called “Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence” it stated that “Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity.”

Empowered by this new definition, the Obama administration issued extraordinarily aggressive mandates to schools across the nation, requiring that schools use a transgender student’s chosen pronouns and that they open bathrooms, locker rooms, overnight accommodations, and even some sports teams to students based not on their biological sex but their chosen gender identity.

Again, this was done without an act of Congress and without even a regulatory rulemaking process. Democratic members of Congress had tried — and failed — to amend federal nondiscrimination statutes many times. So the Obama administration did it without Congress. Obama’s legendary “pen and phone” purported to change the law.

When the Trump administration gained power, it rolled back Obama-era transgender directives, including the sweeping education mandates, but it has not formally responded to the previous administration's expansion of the scope of the statute.

Read more at ...

These unfortunate people need medical help with their mental issues. Not surgical enablement of their abnormal ideations.
The National review?


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

This is a highly biased opinion piece the completely ignores the damage the Trump Administration is about to inflict on human lives. It alleges that Obama skirted the law, and rule making procedures by extending tittle lX protections to Trans people but defends Trump's move to declare - in defiance of science, common sense, and human decency that gender is fixed at birth and immutable. Give me a fucking break with this horseshit

But YOU'RE not biased!.....Give us a break!
See what I mean? Republicans are just nasty people. They prove it every day on the USMB .

But it’s honest people like me who are likely to be banned.

Most conservatives are ignorant and frightened, and their ignorance and fear soon manifest as hate – in this case an unwarranted hatred of gay and transgender Americans.

You do not know most conservatives, what they think, or what they are ignorant, and/or frightened of. The fact that people disagree with or disapprove of your lifestyle, does not make them ignorant, or frightened of you or your lifestyle. One of the benefits of individual freedom, is that I am not required to like you, your lifestyle, your horse, your dog, or your friends.

Seeking a clarification of the legal meaning of the word sex when written into law, is not banning anyone.
You don't seem to have a real good grasp of the issue. It is not about agreeing with, liking or accepting anyone. It is about allowing people to express who and what they are. It is about respect for personal freedom. The legal definition that they are trying to establish flies in the face of the known science, human decency and common sense. And, you like T-Rump are ignoring the real damage that will be done to trans people.
You are revealing your willful ignorance.
And you, your mentally disorder!
Thank you so much for your informative and cogent comment on an important topic. You are a indispensable asset to the intellectual quality of the discourse on the USMB Keep up the good work. We'll all be looking forward to your next riveting post
The Trump Administration Isn’t ‘Dehumanizing’ Transgender Americans

The administration is proposing to conform the law to the truth.

Today I learned something truly new. I’d lived my life on this earth almost 49 years before I understood that federal anti-discrimination law defines human existence. Changing that law can thus literally “negate the humanity of people.”

At least that’s what I’m learning in response to the news that the Trump administration is considering rolling back the Obama administration’s lawless expansion of Title IX, the federal civil-rights statute banning sex discrimination in federally funded education programs. At issue is the definition of the word “sex.”

In April 2014, the Obama administration quietly expanded the definition — without an act of Congress or even a regulatory rulemaking process. In a document called “Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence” it stated that “Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity or failure to conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity.”

Empowered by this new definition, the Obama administration issued extraordinarily aggressive mandates to schools across the nation, requiring that schools use a transgender student’s chosen pronouns and that they open bathrooms, locker rooms, overnight accommodations, and even some sports teams to students based not on their biological sex but their chosen gender identity.

Again, this was done without an act of Congress and without even a regulatory rulemaking process. Democratic members of Congress had tried — and failed — to amend federal nondiscrimination statutes many times. So the Obama administration did it without Congress. Obama’s legendary “pen and phone” purported to change the law.

When the Trump administration gained power, it rolled back Obama-era transgender directives, including the sweeping education mandates, but it has not formally responded to the previous administration's expansion of the scope of the statute.

Read more at ...

These unfortunate people need medical help with their mental issues. Not surgical enablement of their abnormal ideations.
The National review?


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

This is a highly biased opinion piece the completely ignores the damage the Trump Administration is about to inflict on human lives. It alleges that Obama skirted the law, and rule making procedures by extending tittle lX protections to Trans people but defends Trump's move to declare - in defiance of science, common sense, and human decency that gender is fixed at birth and immutable. Give me a fucking break with this horseshit

But YOU'RE not biased!.....Give us a break!
I have my biases- but I back them up with facts. You people have nothing but dumbed down horseshit
The science is clear that not everyone is clearly 100% male or female which may or may not be obvious or even detected at all at birth.

Mr. Patriot, Science can still determine with precision whether the child is male or female in spite of such anomalies, and I quote "The infants who have ambiguous genitals are examined carefully to determine their actual sex. Often blood tests are necessary. Since males have XY pattern and females have XX pattern of chromosomes, the blood test to determine the chromosomal make-up correctly detects the sex of the infants." Neonatal Genital Defects (Male And Female Defects) - You Ask MD Answers

I don't suppose that you bothered too read the story that I posted about the child who was incorrectly determined to be a girl at birth-for the sake of expedience- and the ensuing ordeal. ?? What you posted is outdated, dumbed down crap, that goes against the grain of what is considered best practices today.
What did you not understand about scientific chromosomal identification?

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