The Trump Administration's Hundred Day Effort Of Getting Their Sea Legs!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Today the Trump Administration is marking their hundred days in office one thing you got to give them credit for is that in large part they are doing what they said they would do. Candidate Donald Trump said that if he is elected President he would issue numerous Executive Orders repealing initiatives made by the President Obama administration which he characterizes as Presidential overreach and make no mistake he's delivered on that commitment since taking office. I just wish President Trump would issue some executive orders blocking his own administration's overreach!

For instance the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) chairman, Ajit Pai, is pursuing changing the rules that have been in place for around three years that require and protect net neutrality on the internet. To try to make clear to ordinary American's what were referring to here is that net neutrality means that internet providers are not permitted to penalize certain types of internet traffic like video downloads which utilize more of their internet system than other users; internet providers have to treat all internet traffic equally. Mr. Pai's rationale is that if you repeal the net neutrality rules it makes the system free internet providers would be free to charge more for better service for internet traffic generators which would incentivize and cause to be built better and more expansive internet systems. There is another side of this issue which makes a more compelling case. The system already has good incentives to create a faster and better internet system, internet providers can use these better features if they create them to attract and sign up customers to their service. Secondly, if the FCC turns back the clock to before America had net neutrality rules it will see the same problems where high system users like Netflix would be charged more to send their video traffic over the internet and when these high system users are charged more they're going to pass their costs on to their customers the American people; plus some of these high system users will be small companies that cannot afford the higher cost and so this new system will suppress small business growth. This Chairmen Pai initiative is a plain and simple give away to big business in this case cable and wireless internet providers and the businesses that build and provide parts for their system over the American people a typical right wing Republican move. One kind of funny aspect of this whole development is that really smart internet companies like Comcast who are supposed to be the beneficiaries of this move through their Chairman Brian Roberts have sent signals that they don't want the Federal government to do away with the rule on net neutrality because they know that the government in doing so is just opening Pandora's box with this move the American public will be against this move big-time when the effects of this move start taking hold.

This net neutrality issue is another major issue that the Trump Administration is causing it never has to be it is like the North Korea issue the President of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is on track to get an intercontinental ballistic missile that can reach the coast of the U.S, and be armed with a nuclear weapon. Kim Jong-un possessing nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles is a bad development but it is not worth getting into a shooting battle with North Korea over that will bring about the death of 100,000 plus of our friends in South Korea. So the guy will have this terrible weapon he is not going to use it because to do do would bring suicide to himself and his country with America's definite response. Granted Kim Jong-un is a psycho but he is not totally and completely insane enough to commit suicide which using such a missile would necessitate but the Trump administration could drive him to that point with their continual provocations and escalations against him.

President Trump is holding his one hundred day Presidential anniversary celebration in Harrisburg maybe he is doing so because he wants to tap into the state Republican Party's great power, power within the state anyhow where they firmly control the state House and Senate. President Trump would be prudent to remember that although the Pennsylvania Republican Party has their good points like they consistently hold the line on increasing the state income tax they over do it on their ideology in a lot of areas to the detriment of the citizens of Pennsylvania and Donald Trump would be prudent not to follow suit. The Republican Party wants to push out a large part of the Philadelphia public school system and replace it with charter schools which will not solve the education problem in Philadelphia. Charter schools in many cases are good and in many cases are bad. The Republican party should not be tying the hands of the School Reform Commission so that the SRC is unable to only maintain a charter school system that the City of Philadelphia can afford because if they are unable to do this then they will have to shortchange the Philly public school system which will cause some of these schools to fall into a bad school status. The Trump Whitehouse is playing down the importance of the one hundred day mark I agree with them it is not that important as long as they learn the lessons that this track record provides them!
Are you aware than you don't make any more sense than drumpf does?

For example:

"This net neutrality issue is another major issue that the Trump Administration is causing it never has to be it is like the North Korea issue the President of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, is on track to get an intercontinental ballistic missile that can reach the coast of the U.S, and be armed with a nuclear weapon."


Try adding some puncuation and putting paragraphs in the correct places. If need be, take a remedial course in reading and writing.

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