The Trump danger still exists

Do you have any proof that the election wasn't stolen, jackass?
Lol...What are ridiculous statement. Provide proof that you have a brain.
That's one of those Trumpster posts you read twice, just to make sure you didn't imagine it.
You are dodging the question, Mac.

Why are you dodging the question?
Most intelligent adults are aware of (and more importantly, understand) the saying "you can't prove a negative".

In your case, maybe you should look it up.
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And it exists because of massive stupidity within the Trump Cult because of the "stolen election" lies that he continues to screech about and the "go along" attitude of his adherents in Congress, all of whom are egged on daily by the Fox News propaganda machine.

We should ask ourselves one critical question. If, as the Cult widely believes, the 2020 election was nefariously "stolen" from the archangel Trump, why did not the Supreme Court of the United States, the Trump court, step up and correct the alleged steal. Why!!!

Because, no steal occurred, and even the Trump SCOTUS repeatedly acknowledged that. Yet, Trump and Tucker continue to work tirelessly brainwashing the flock, a flock that does not have enough intelligence to resist and are really victims themselves. Sad, so sad. Bigly!!!
Yes, the Trump danger never abates.

In fact, he hides under your bed an night............waiting......................

Just say'in
Do you have any proof that the election wasn't stolen, jackass?

Do you mean other than over 200 recounts (machine & hand) signature matches, audits, Donald's AG, Donald's cyber-security chief, Republican governors/ secretaries of state and 64 judges including eight appointed by Donald himself?

No, I guess not. :lol:

We should ask ourselves one critical question. If, as the Cult widely believes, the 2020 election was nefariously "stolen" from the archangel Trump, why did not the Supreme Court of the United States, the Trump court, step up and correct the alleged steal. Why!!!
Because, Skid Mark, the Supreme Court was obviously NOT in Trump's pocket. Duh!

Aside from Alito and Thomas the court sat on their thumbs and with John Roberts throwing a hissy fit
because the case would even be taken up (even though it was never seriously dealt with and
dismissed as quickly as it was picked up) the Supremes waved their hands around like medieval wizards
and with a few magic words of mumbo jumbo Texas and twenty-two other states had their voters all
instantly disenfranchised

And Pennsylvania (and Michigan and other key swing states)
awarded Slow Joe Biden a tainted illegitimate victory by ignoring the law and illegally creating new law
specifically for this election.

I don't know if you are bright enough to comprehend this all. I doubt it judging by your other posts.
But there were LOTS of Lincoln-Project type republicans who "backed" Trump the way members of the
Roman senate backed Julius Caesar. And by "backed" I mean they stuck knives in his back.
Let that sink into your nearly impermeable skull.
Fake News is an oxymoron. It seems only the brainwashed use the phrase created by Limbaugh decades ago. It is genius, it provides those who disagree with an article in the MSM to dismiss it with this simple little phrase, "fake news". It has taken root in the culture of a small but loud minority to avoid debate and to rebut the news with facts and evidence.

TDS is another placeholder, it is the classic idiot-gram.
Do you have any proof that the election wasn't stolen, jackass?
Lol...What are ridiculous statement. Provide proof that you have a brain.
That's one of those Trumpster posts you read twice, just to make sure you didn't imagine it.
You are dodging the question, Mac.

Why are you dodging the question?
Most intelligent adults are aware of the saying "you can't prove a negative".

In your case, maybe you should look it up.
Don't make negative assertions such as "the election wasn't stolen", and you will not put yourself in the unenviable position of having to prove a negative in order to back up your assertion.

Logic 101
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Do you have any proof that the election wasn't stolen, jackass?
Lol...What are ridiculous statement. Provide proof that you have a brain.
That's one of those Trumpster posts you read twice, just to make sure you didn't imagine it.
You are dodging the question, Mac.

Why are you dodging the question?
Most intelligent adults are aware of the saying "you can't prove a negative".

In your case, maybe you should look it up.
Don't make negative assertions such as "the election wasn't stolen", and you will not put yourself in unenviable position of having to prove a negative in order to back up your assertion.

Logic 101
I'll do as I please.

And that includes not taking you seriously.

And it exists because of massive stupidity within the Trump Cult because of the "stolen election" lies that he continues to screech about and the "go along" attitude of his adherents in Congress, all of whom are egged on daily by the Fox News propaganda machine.

We should ask ourselves one critical question. If, as the Cult widely believes, the 2020 election was nefariously "stolen" from the archangel Trump, why did not the Supreme Court of the United States, the Trump court, step up and correct the alleged steal. Why!!!

Because, no steal occurred, and even the Trump SCOTUS repeatedly acknowledged that. Yet, Trump and Tucker continue to work tirelessly brainwashing the flock, a flock that does not have enough intelligence to resist and are really victims themselves. Sad, so sad. Bigly!!!
Election was stolen and all of the stupid Biden and chinese communist trolls trying to smear and spin aren't going to change these facts.

SC bought off and scared of the new Nazi SA brownshirts aka blm and anti-fa and our corrupt socailist nazi SS aka the FBI.
Do you have any proof that the election wasn't stolen, jackass?
Lol...What are ridiculous statement. Provide proof that you have a brain.
That's one of those Trumpster posts you read twice, just to make sure you didn't imagine it.
You are dodging the question, Mac.

Why are you dodging the question?
Most intelligent adults are aware of the saying "you can't prove a negative".

In your case, maybe you should look it up.
Don't make negative assertions such as "the election wasn't stolen", and you will not put yourself in unenviable position of having to prove a negative in order to back up your assertion.

Logic 101
I'll do as I please.

And that includes not taking you seriously.
I don't give a fuck what you do, you low IQ easily brainwashed LWNJ moonbat.
Texas and twenty-two other states had their voters all instantly disenfranchised and Pennsylvania (and Michigan and other key swing states) awarded Slow Joe Biden a tainted illegitimate victory by ignoring the law and illegally creating new law specifically for this election.

You are a fool if you think “illegally created” applies to any form of reality. Trump and his cult followers cannot legitimately participate in an election and then facing the reality that they lost by seven million votes and then cry that the election was illegal only in the places the Trump cult lost most decisively. Namely big cities with large minority populations. Whining the election process was illegal after the fact reeks of sore loser-Ism and in the Trump cult case - RACISM.
Most intelligent adults are aware of (and more importantly, understand) the saying "you can't prove a negative".

In your case, maybe you should look it up.
And... People undermined their own stance when they do it.

And it exists because of massive stupidity within the Trump Cult because of the "stolen election" lies that he continues to screech about and the "go along" attitude of his adherents in Congress, all of whom are egged on daily by the Fox News propaganda machine.

We should ask ourselves one critical question. If, as the Cult widely believes, the 2020 election was nefariously "stolen" from the archangel Trump, why did not the Supreme Court of the United States, the Trump court, step up and correct the alleged steal. Why!!!

Because, no steal occurred, and even the Trump SCOTUS repeatedly acknowledged that. Yet, Trump and Tucker continue to work tirelessly brainwashing the flock, a flock that does not have enough intelligence to resist and are really victims themselves. Sad, so sad. Bigly!!!
Election was stolen and all of the stupid Biden and chinese communist trolls trying to smear and spin aren't going to change this facts.

SC bought off and scared of the new Nazi SA brownshirts aka blm and anti-fa and our corrupt FBI.

Prove the Election was Stolen. Name calling, and just calling the election stolen is not an explanation, proof or even a hypothesis. Trump lost the election, and he lost the election because he lied continuously, alienated anyone who didn't kiss his ass and fired them, and when that 3am phone call came - the pandemic - he lied and millions of Americans suffered.

And it exists because of massive stupidity within the Trump Cult because of the "stolen election" lies that he continues to screech about and the "go along" attitude of his adherents in Congress, all of whom are egged on daily by the Fox News propaganda machine.

We should ask ourselves one critical question. If, as the Cult widely believes, the 2020 election was nefariously "stolen" from the archangel Trump, why did not the Supreme Court of the United States, the Trump court, step up and correct the alleged steal. Why!!!

Because, no steal occurred, and even the Trump SCOTUS repeatedly acknowledged that. Yet, Trump and Tucker continue to work tirelessly brainwashing the flock, a flock that does not have enough intelligence to resist and are really victims themselves. Sad, so sad. Bigly!!!
you best watch your back .....buddy
And it exists because of massive stupidity within the xiden idolers because of the "stolen election" that they continue to deny.
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm

And it exists because of massive stupidity within the Trump Cult because of the "stolen election" lies that he continues to screech about and the "go along" attitude of his adherents in Congress, all of whom are egged on daily by the Fox News propaganda machine.

We should ask ourselves one critical question. If, as the Cult widely believes, the 2020 election was nefariously "stolen" from the archangel Trump, why did not the Supreme Court of the United States, the Trump court, step up and correct the alleged steal. Why!!!

Because, no steal occurred, and even the Trump SCOTUS repeatedly acknowledged that. Yet, Trump and Tucker continue to work tirelessly brainwashing the flock, a flock that does not have enough intelligence to resist and are really victims themselves. Sad, so sad. Bigly!!!
Do you have any proof that the election wasn't stolen, jackass?
Lol...What are ridiculous statement. Provide proof that you have a brain.
Provide proof that YOU have a brain.

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