The Trump hate machine is faltering

at the cost of a busted budget,
explain what was busted?
Mac1958 , so Trump didn’t do what you said! I thought that was the case
His signature on the budget massively increased the budget and the debt, even though the economy was growing, making Keynes look like Ron Paul.

He said "who cares about the budget!" Yeah. That's a quote.

You probably haven't been told about these things in your universe, and it is not my responsibility to educate you.
another lie. A specialty of yours.

You're not evil. You'll never see me call you evil. You're just badly misguided.
Its true that you have not called me evil

but you are no less binary than what you accuse others of being
another lie. A specialty of yours.

You're not evil. You'll never see me call you evil. You're just badly misguided.
Its true that you have not called me evil

but you are no less binary than what you accuse others of being
Wrong again. I disagree with both parties on most issues, and I'm more than happy to discuss that.

You would know that if you were curious enough to just ask questions about my actual positions.

Instead, you just keep trying to make me something I'm not. I'm not like you. Fortunately. Sorry.
The Trump hate machine is faltering
No, the tRumplings are increasing the amount of hate they spew if anything.
Well yah, the Trump effect continues as the gop lurches to Trump's tune. Voting and purging those not agreeing to overturning an election.

IT's not a strategy for appealing to a maj, and even biz is objecting. But that is the point. A minority gaining control in a republic.

But the danger for the dems is that their policies of 2016 were not all that popular in some instances. Essentially Biden went back to Obama's immigration policy while he tried to formulate his own
Instead, you just keep trying to make me something I'm not. I'm not like you. Fortunately. Sorry.
You obviously have a different view of yourself than what the rest of us see

you are a dedicated hater of all things trump.

and that is quite « binary » as you attack others for
..the US had been going down for a long time.....

Aren't you a Trump fan? He was just President.

but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around

So has the USA been going down for a long time or not? I'm confused...

the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast
What makes you say that the Obamas hate the US? Usually folks run for President because they love the US.

The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014

Why, what happened in 2014?

Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

They did depose him in 2020 election.
Obama ran on transforming America, you don't transform something you love. Hence Trump's make America great again.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....

Aren't you a Trump fan? He was just President.

but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around

So has the USA been going down for a long time or not? I'm confused...

the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast
What makes you say that the Obamas hate the US? Usually folks run for President because they love the US.

The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014

Why, what happened in 2014?

Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

They did depose him in 2020 election.
It only took a Marxist asshole like Barry, to become president, and finally the tranny was proud of the country...such a racist comment.
Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA - YouTube
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
You are an idiot, who must follow what the Lame Stream Media tells you, the rest of US are free people.

View attachment 474587

An an attempted insurrection isn't liberty, moron.
The US has laws against that.
Was the take over of Seattle by CHOP an insurrection, or fiery but peaceful protest?
at the cost of a busted budget,
explain what was busted?
Mac1958 , so Trump didn’t do what you said! I thought that was the case
His signature on the budget massively increased the budget and the debt, even though the economy was growing, making Keynes look like Ron Paul.

He said "who cares about the budget!" Yeah. That's a quote.

You probably haven't been told about these things in your universe, and it is not my responsibility to educate you.
Yeah, I was disappointed by the increase in the budget, I was for letting DC rot. It seems no demofk gave a shit either. that's sad. But don't say it was only Trump, like it wasn't only Obammy. Congress is the instigator that delivers the bill, give a president line item veto and let's talk. Until then, that's a shallow statement from you.

And that's what separates me from you, you are not for limiting congress spending.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....

Aren't you a Trump fan? He was just President.

but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around

So has the USA been going down for a long time or not? I'm confused...

the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast
What makes you say that the Obamas hate the US? Usually folks run for President because they love the US.

The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014

Why, what happened in 2014?

Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

They did depose him in 2020 election.
Obama ran on transforming America, you don't transform something you love. Hence Trump's make America great again.
dude, I never thought about that that way, thank you!!!!
Wrong again. I disagree with both parties on most issues, and I'm more than happy to discuss that.
so where's your input on term limits and line item vetoes? where? you plug along in here acting all tough, this party, that party and you never offer any solutions to people you supposedly don't support, and nothing to change it. Once you admit demofks control everything, the closer to a solution you might get. Until that happens, the GoP has no majority to change demofk rule. Been that way since before North America was ever founded.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

I was standing in line at the store the other day and I overhead this one black saying to the other.....damn bro dat diden mudderrucker gonna give us everything free....sheet bout damn time.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
not an insurrection--that's total bullshit
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
not an insurrection--that's total bullshit

"Not an insurrection" Revolt?
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
What????? The lawsuits against Biden have nothing to do with the election. They are related to executive orders he issued after becoming president. Listen, jackass. Nobody can prevent a lawsuit from being filed. All 35 suits were filed by the Attorney Generals of states, experienced attorneys who know the law.
You obviously know nothing about the law.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
not an insurrection--that's total bullshit

"Not an insurrection" Revolt?
An insurrection tries to overthrow the government. It is done with armed troops. This was a demonstration-people, mostly unarmed who thought their candidate lost because the election was not done legally. None of them tried to remove any officials from office and nobody was arrested. After it was over, they all went home.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
What????? The lawsuits against Biden have nothing to do with the election. They are related to executive orders he issued after becoming president. Listen, jackass. Nobody can prevent a lawsuit from being filed. All 35 suits were filed by the Attorney Generals of states, experienced attorneys who know the law.
You obviously know nothing about the law.

Ain't that America. Suits have been filed against Ga.'s new laws as well.

..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
not an insurrection--that's total bullshit

"Not an insurrection" Revolt?
An insurrection tries to overthrow the government. It is done with armed troops. This was a demonstration-people, mostly unarmed who thought their candidate lost because the election was not done legally. None of them tried to remove any officials from office and nobody was arrested. After it was over, they all went home.

A Stupid Strong Arm Robbery will still land you in jail. Vigilante election justice should not be tolerated. The ones who brought the tender to the scene and who sparked the flames of the assault on Congress should be held accountable in the next few elections.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
not an insurrection--that's total bullshit

"Not an insurrection" Revolt?
An insurrection tries to overthrow the government. It is done with armed troops. This was a demonstration-people, mostly unarmed who thought their candidate lost because the election was not done legally. None of them tried to remove any officials from office and nobody was arrested. After it was over, they all went home.

A Stupid Strong Arm Robbery will still land you in jail. Vigilante election justice should not be tolerated. The ones who brought the tender to the scene and who sparked the flames of the assault on Congress should be held accountable in the next few elections.

Garbage absolute garbage.....your thoughts stink to high heaven....btw The Boston Tea Party was illegal.

As we know Thomas Jefferson said....... 'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.'

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