The Trump hate machine is faltering

..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
not an insurrection--that's total bullshit

A pig by any other name is still a pig.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
What????? The lawsuits against Biden have nothing to do with the election. They are related to executive orders he issued after becoming president. Listen, jackass. Nobody can prevent a lawsuit from being filed. All 35 suits were filed by the Attorney Generals of states, experienced attorneys who know the law.
You obviously know nothing about the law.

And they may not even get a case number. Frivolous lawsuits never make it past the Law Clerk.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
not an insurrection--that's total bullshit

"Not an insurrection" Revolt?
An insurrection tries to overthrow the government. It is done with armed troops. This was a demonstration-people, mostly unarmed who thought their candidate lost because the election was not done legally. None of them tried to remove any officials from office and nobody was arrested. After it was over, they all went home.

And they have rounded up over 300 of them as of today. Some have been allowed to return home pending court dates but others are locked up pending court dates as being too dangerous to release. You sort of left out that little tidbit.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

Well, his dumb fatass is gone now so that’s all that matters lol
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.

You mean the ones that support the Insurrection of Jan6th? Or the ones that tried to overturn their own states election process? How many more of these frivolous lawsuits are going to be tolerated by the courts until they start clamping down on them.
not an insurrection--that's total bullshit

"Not an insurrection" Revolt?
An insurrection tries to overthrow the government. It is done with armed troops. This was a demonstration-people, mostly unarmed who thought their candidate lost because the election was not done legally. None of them tried to remove any officials from office and nobody was arrested. After it was over, they all went home.

A Stupid Strong Arm Robbery will still land you in jail. Vigilante election justice should not be tolerated. The ones who brought the tender to the scene and who sparked the flames of the assault on Congress should be held accountable in the next few elections.

Garbage absolute garbage.....your thoughts stink to high heaven....btw The Boston Tea Party was illegal.

As we know Thomas Jefferson said....... 'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.'

So go find some tea to spill in some harbor then. But don't invade Congress trying to get your King installed. The People spoke, get used to it.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

Well, his dumb fatass is gone now so that’s all that matters lol

.... and what price did we pay because some people did not like his personality?
A humanitarian crisis at the border. 11000 jobs lost. A huge tax hike to hit 80% of Americans.
Thousands of illegal aliens flooding in to suck up welfare benefits and cost millions to care for. We will lose energy independence and pay higher gas prices. Iran and Russia will get rich selling the oil people used to get from us. And, for a bonus, we get a new Cold War with Russia because of Biden's big mouth.Any chance for peace in Korea is now lost.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

Well, his dumb fatass is gone now so that’s all that matters lol

.... and what price did we pay because some people did not like his personality?
A humanitarian crisis at the border. 11000 jobs lost. A huge tax hike to hit 80% of Americans.
Thousands of illegal aliens flooding in to suck up welfare benefits and cost millions to care for. We will lose energy independence and pay higher gas prices. Iran and Russia will get rich selling the oil people used to get from us. And, for a bonus, we get a new Cold War with Russia because of Biden's big mouth.Any chance for peace in Korea is now lost.
Lol quit pretending you cared about the humanitarian crisis at the border while Trump was president. Also, where do you people get this ridiculous idea illegal aliens are on welfare?
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

Well, his dumb fatass is gone now so that’s all that matters lol

.... and what price did we pay because some people did not like his personality?
A humanitarian crisis at the border. 11000 jobs lost. A huge tax hike to hit 80% of Americans.
Thousands of illegal aliens flooding in to suck up welfare benefits and cost millions to care for. We will lose energy independence and pay higher gas prices. Iran and Russia will get rich selling the oil people used to get from us. And, for a bonus, we get a new Cold War with Russia because of Biden's big mouth.Any chance for peace in Korea is now lost.

No more crisis at the border than before when the weather was good. And they are building relief sites and buildings to take the pressure off. That money that was squandered by your "Deity" is finally being spent to a good cause.

The Tax Hike was going to happen anyway. At least he didn't lie about it like your "Gawd" did.

Around here, we already have energy independence. We have oil, gas, shale, hydroelectric, solar. We export all of it including electricity that doesn't come from fossil fuels of any kind. I can't help it that we "AM" smart and you and places like Texas "IS" dumber than a box of rock. Not a box of rocks because that would give you too much credit.

AS for a new cold war with Russia, it's been a chilly war since Putin. Your "Orange One" lied to you. I wonder what he's going to do when Russia cashes in those loans.

NK still is building Nukes and even testing their launch vehicles. That never ended no matter what the Fat Slob told you.

Damn, you are gullible.
The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.


Everyone drink.

Nazi to English dictionary:


View attachment 474624

Peaceful Protest:
View attachment 474625

One is a store. (arson)
One is the seat of government (insurrection)

  • S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection. Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
Obamas hate America-YOU hate America

Trump hates America, al ways has, his cult tried to overthrow the government, they hate America.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters. › article › us-trump-china-idUSKCN1GG015

The Trump cult cheers for communism, insurrection and installing their dictator for life.

January 6th, they failed at all three.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
Trumps people got mad that our government stole the election---------and wanted to make things right. Trust me, we trump supporters are only getting madder by the day.

As biden continues to destroy the US for his puppet masters who hope to use him as the scape goat---------trump supporters and those that are just now started to see the lib lies are going to be rising up more and more.

The only one trying to steal an election was Trump.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
Trumps people got mad that our government stole the election---------and wanted to make things right. Trust me, we trump supporters are only getting madder by the day.

As biden continues to destroy the US for his puppet masters who hope to use him as the scape goat---------trump supporters and those that are just now started to see the lib lies are going to be rising up more and more.

The only ones trying to steal an election was Trump.

“The people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry, and there's nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated,” Trump said on the call. "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break." › Politics › trump-demands-georgia

And Trumps cult on January 6th.
Okay dude, whatever you say. The country has been "going to shit" for a long time, despite your guy running it for a long time, and Biden has destroyed it in 71 days.
Biden has been around D.C. for near a half century. Progs had opportunities to change the Debt issues also. We are finished because we have bought into uncontrollable massive social programs and keep adding them. Debt keeps expanding here and in the world. The danger increases for a collapse of the financial system. With the bad debt we have, much higher interest rates should be in place. That would up the federal yearly debt interest to trillions of dollars a year alone. See the quandry? Trump knew this also. He was the outsider not liked and the inner D.C. sanctum did a lot to diffuse his agendas. The Federal Reserve could have derailed him by spiking interest rates. The risk is, would it put us into a deep depression. Somewhere, somehow someone or many someones have to pay for this. People die. A lot die. And then we lament it and start the process over again.

Trump cared about the debt?
$152 million on golf?
Gave farmers a $48 billion bailout?

February 19 2019
Trump added the second-most debt of any recent president. According to the Treasury data, the US added $2.07 trillion — $2,065,536,336,472.90 to be exact — in new debt between Trump's inauguration on January 20, 2017, and February 11, when the country pushed past $22 trillion. (The US added another $2.8 billion through February 15, the latest daily figures available.) › trump-national-debt

That was a year before the virus, the Trump cult and republican only care about the deficit/debt, when 'others" are in power.

“I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me,” Trump told Norah O’Donnell in an interview that aired on “CBS This Morning.”

You sure are.
Yeah, when China has us shackled in chains building their pyramids because we didn't meet the needs to be the Superpower in the world - you can tell the guy next to you "Well atleast I was always concerned with the debt"
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
Obamas hate America-YOU hate America

Trump hates America, al ways has, his cult tried to overthrow the government, they hate America.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters. › article › us-trump-china-idUSKCN1GG015

The Trump cult cheers for communism, insurrection and installing their dictator for life.

January 6th, they failed at all three.
yours is a very immature reply
the Obamas hate America ...stop your double talk babble
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

Well, his dumb fatass is gone now so that’s all that matters lol

.... and what price did we pay because some people did not like his personality?
A humanitarian crisis at the border. 11000 jobs lost. A huge tax hike to hit 80% of Americans.
Thousands of illegal aliens flooding in to suck up welfare benefits and cost millions to care for. We will lose energy independence and pay higher gas prices. Iran and Russia will get rich selling the oil people used to get from us. And, for a bonus, we get a new Cold War with Russia because of Biden's big mouth.Any chance for peace in Korea is now lost.
Lol quit pretending you cared about the humanitarian crisis at the border while Trump was president. Also, where do you people get this ridiculous idea illegal aliens are on welfare?
It's what they're told in their universe, so it's God's Troof.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

Well, his dumb fatass is gone now so that’s all that matters lol

This pretty much sums up the intellect and reasoning behind the self-proclaimed genuinues that elected a demented man and a far-left, Socialists nut. Trump is dumb and fat. Na na na boo boo.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

Well, his dumb fatass is gone now so that’s all that matters lol

.... and what price did we pay because some people did not like his personality?
A humanitarian crisis at the border. 11000 jobs lost. A huge tax hike to hit 80% of Americans.
Thousands of illegal aliens flooding in to suck up welfare benefits and cost millions to care for. We will lose energy independence and pay higher gas prices. Iran and Russia will get rich selling the oil people used to get from us. And, for a bonus, we get a new Cold War with Russia because of Biden's big mouth.Any chance for peace in Korea is now lost.
Lol quit pretending you cared about the humanitarian crisis at the border while Trump was president. Also, where do you people get this ridiculous idea illegal aliens are on welfare?
It's what they're told in their universe, so it's God's Troof.

Your universe is the MSM. You have and continue to be completrly manipulated by their spin and lies. And oh yeah, most importantly to TDS folks, Trump is fat, orange and his mother dresses him funny.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
Obamas hate America-YOU hate America

Trump hates America, al ways has, his cult tried to overthrow the government, they hate America.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters. › article › us-trump-china-idUSKCN1GG015

The Trump cult cheers for communism, insurrection and installing their dictator for life.

January 6th, they failed at all three.
yours is a very immature reply
the Obamas hate America ...stop your double talk babble
Sure they do but RWNJ's cant provide ANY evidence to support their claims.
Just repeating it enough times, doesn't make it true.

October 15 2020

At the rally, Trump said of the world leaders: ‘One thing I’ve learnt, President Xi of China’s 100%. Putin of Russia, 100%. Kim Jong-un – by the way what happened to that war we were supposed to be in? – Kim Jong-un of North Korea, 100%.’
" These people are sharp and they are smart". › news › trump-claims-kim-jong-un

Projection is in RWNJ's, DNA.

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