The Trump hate machine is faltering

..the US had been going down for a long time.....

Aren't you a Trump fan? He was just President.

but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around

So has the USA been going down for a long time or not? I'm confused...

the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast
What makes you say that the Obamas hate the US? Usually folks run for President because they love the US.

The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014

Why, what happened in 2014?

Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

They did depose him in 2020 election.
another hahahhahahahahahah
the Obamas hate America/whites/cops--I've posted many links on this in other threads
..I posted a link in THIS thread!!!
what don't you understand about GODDAMN America????
..and since he left office, he's said all kinds of RACIST crap
leftist stupid.jpg
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

ending with the steal, where in the battle states they extended election day to be able to know how many fraudulent ballots to count to steal the victory from Trump. The demofks think we ain't smart and can't add 2+2 and get 4. I know their answer is always 5, but intelligent folks know the answer is 4. Just like intelligent folks know the reason for the extension on election week was to falsify as many ballots as necessary. WE AIN'T STUPID DEMOTURDS!!!!
Hate is an exaggerated and harsh way of describing how Americans feel about Trump. Despise and disrespect is a more accurate description.
Naw, you hate him. you hate with every fiber of your being. We know that. you can't even be honest about that. man, your soul has burned.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
nope, election night Trump won. there is no legal reason to extend an election from one day to five. so the insurrection and steal was done then. you should actually read up.
Hate is an exaggerated and harsh way of describing how Americans feel about Trump. Despise and disrespect is a more accurate description.
Naw, you hate him. you hate with every fiber of your being. We know that. you can't even be honest about that. man, your soul has burned.
Says one of the most hateful posters on USMB. Simply disagreeing with any of his opinions puts you in his hate box and a NAZI.
Okay dude, whatever you say. The country has been "going to shit" for a long time, despite your guy running it for a long time, and Biden has destroyed it in 71 days.
Biden has been around D.C. for near a half century. Progs had opportunities to change the Debt issues also. We are finished because we have bought into uncontrollable massive social programs and keep adding them. Debt keeps expanding here and in the world. The danger increases for a collapse of the financial system. With the bad debt we have, much higher interest rates should be in place. That would up the federal yearly debt interest to trillions of dollars a year alone. See the quandry? Trump knew this also. He was the outsider not liked and the inner D.C. sanctum did a lot to diffuse his agendas. The Federal Reserve could have derailed him by spiking interest rates. The risk is, would it put us into a deep depression. Somewhere, somehow someone or many someones have to pay for this. People die. A lot die. And then we lament it and start the process over again.
I don't care about the debt, so not really going to get into that with you.

A lot of people have already died. More than 500,000 from COVID.

You don't care about the debt?? lol Someday you're going to care, it's not sustainable and it will come crashing down. At this point it's not a matter of 'if' it happens, but a matter of 'when' it happens, and it's not going to be pretty. The only positive about it is that maybe, finally, people will truly understand what it is to struggle and people with character and integrity will be a few of the better outcomes from it. Right now your generation has it too soft, everything handed to you, everything propping you up from failure, no real or serious hardships to suffer through, hell you can't even take being told there are only two genders. Compare that to the generation of young men and women in the 40's who saved this country and many others from fascist destruction, the difference is truly sad. Perhaps your generation needs its own Great Depression to get your act together.
Says one of the most hateful posters on USMB. Simply disagreeing with any of his opinions puts you in his hate box and a NAZI.

You ARE a Nazi, Camp - a follower of the Nazi democrat Reich.

Camp, you follow a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.

Go ahead and lie to me, Camp, but don't lie to yourself. You ARE a Nazi; you are part of the Nazi party.
Their world view is almost completely binary. You're either good (them) or evil (everyone else).
Thats no different than your accusations against trump supporters

the quote above for instance
Their world view is almost completely binary. You're either good (them) or evil (everyone else).
Thats no different than your accusations against trump supporters

the quote above for instance
And another lie. A specialty of yours.

You're not evil. You'll never see me call you evil. You're just badly misguided.

My opinion.
Says one of the most hateful posters on USMB. Simply disagreeing with any of his opinions puts you in his hate box and a NAZI
I call them as I see them. Stop violating others would be a good start. You won’t, but it is advice
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
Trumps people got mad that our government stole the election---------and wanted to make things right. Trust me, we trump supporters are only getting madder by the day.

As biden continues to destroy the US for his puppet masters who hope to use him as the scape goat---------trump supporters and those that are just now started to see the lib lies are going to be rising up more and more.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

Thanks for the thread! :eusa_doh:
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

I told you the government establishment would strike back. It really pissed them off that we elected Trump and not their bought and paid for puppet.

Yah, Democracy is like that. Damn that Constitution. How dare they follow it instead of following your bunch.

Dems will be destroyed.

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