The Trump hate machine is faltering

The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
You are an idiot, who must follow what the Lame Stream Media tells you, the rest of US are free people.

..the US had been going down for a long time.....

Aren't you a Trump fan? He was just President.

but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around

So has the USA been going down for a long time or not? I'm confused...

the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast
What makes you say that the Obamas hate the US? Usually folks run for President because they love the US.

The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014

Why, what happened in 2014?

Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

They did depose him in 2020 election.
It only took a Marxist asshole like Barry, to become president, and finally the tranny was proud of the country...such a racist comment.
Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA - YouTube
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.

Boy are you full of shit.

Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus. This country was doing great. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm and it was a long way from "losing everything." LOL

You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you voted for.

Sure..whatever. Trump skated for three years on the growing economy and falling UE that his predecessor left him. Like it or not, all Donny had to do was not screw it up. Which he did.
The first time his Presidency is tested he falls flat on his incompetent face. Again, case in point why you don't elect a former reality TV game show host as President. Over a half a million
people dead.

Biden might be a stumbling, gaffe prone drooler. But he's head and shoulders above the useless fuck that used to occupy the chair. So far, I haven't seen Biden holding one pep rally,
haven't seen him golfing yet, haven't heard he watches a lot of TV, and don't see a lot of rage tweeting. That tells me, he's working. He's actually interested in doing the job. Unlike
the previous shit stain they had to hose off the chair after he left.

The adults are back in charge. And don't bet the farm on the GOP taking things back in 2022. I can already see that mess heading into the dumpster..where it will make a great fire. :)
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.

Boy are you full of shit.

Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus. This country was doing great. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm and it was a long way from "losing everything." LOL

You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you voted for.


Lowering the Unemployment rate 1.2% in 3 years isn't anything to brag about.
When the orange blob, took office, unemployment rate was 4.7%
In 2019 it was 3.5%.
What happened after that?
The Trump cult amnesia got worse than covid.
Okay dude, whatever you say. The country has been "going to shit" for a long time, despite your guy running it for a long time, and Biden has destroyed it in 71 days.
Biden has been around D.C. for near a half century. Progs had opportunities to change the Debt issues also. We are finished because we have bought into uncontrollable massive social programs and keep adding them. Debt keeps expanding here and in the world. The danger increases for a collapse of the financial system. With the bad debt we have, much higher interest rates should be in place. That would up the federal yearly debt interest to trillions of dollars a year alone. See the quandry? Trump knew this also. He was the outsider not liked and the inner D.C. sanctum did a lot to diffuse his agendas. The Federal Reserve could have derailed him by spiking interest rates. The risk is, would it put us into a deep depression. Somewhere, somehow someone or many someones have to pay for this. People die. A lot die. And then we lament it and start the process over again.
Okay dude, whatever you say. The country has been "going to shit" for a long time, despite your guy running it for a long time, and Biden has destroyed it in 71 days.
Biden has been around D.C. for near a half century. Progs had opportunities to change the Debt issues also. We are finished because we have bought into uncontrollable massive social programs and keep adding them. Debt keeps expanding here and in the world. The danger increases for a collapse of the financial system. With the bad debt we have, much higher interest rates should be in place. That would up the federal yearly debt interest to trillions of dollars a year alone. See the quandry? Trump knew this also. He was the outsider not liked and the inner D.C. sanctum did a lot to diffuse his agendas. The Federal Reserve could have derailed him by spiking interest rates. The risk is, would it put us into a deep depression. Somewhere, somehow someone or many someones have to pay for this. People die. A lot die. And then we lament it and start the process over again.
I don't care about the debt, so not really going to get into that with you.

A lot of people have already died. More than 500,000 from COVID.
..the US had been going down for a long time.....

Aren't you a Trump fan? He was just President.

but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around

So has the USA been going down for a long time or not? I'm confused...

the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast
What makes you say that the Obamas hate the US? Usually folks run for President because they love the US.

The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014

Why, what happened in 2014?

Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

They did depose him in 2020 election.
It only took a Marxist asshole like Barry, to become president, and finally the tranny was proud of the country...such a racist comment.
Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA - YouTube
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
You are an idiot, who must follow what the Lame Stream Media tells you, the rest of US are free people.

View attachment 474587

An an attempted insurrection isn't liberty, moron.
The US has laws against that.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

And the courts are undoing it.

..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.

Boy are you full of shit.

Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus. This country was doing great. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm and it was a long way from "losing everything." LOL

You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you voted for.


Lowering the Unemployment rate 1.2% in 3 years isn't anything to brag about.
When the orange blob, took office, unemployment rate was 4.7%
In 2019 it was 3.5%.
What happened after that?
The Trump cult amnesia got worse than covid.
Typical of a prog slave, to blame the President instead of China who colluded with the XiBiden campaign to release the Kung Flu upon US the year of elections, where Joe would never of been able to beat the President with his roaring economy. Then when the Blue states Governors started murdering the elderly, you dumbasses swooned over them like they were some prog masters......You guy remind me of other socialists who were in the 1930s
..the US had been going down for a long time.....

Aren't you a Trump fan? He was just President.

but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around

So has the USA been going down for a long time or not? I'm confused...

the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast
What makes you say that the Obamas hate the US? Usually folks run for President because they love the US.

The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014

Why, what happened in 2014?

Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

They did depose him in 2020 election.
It only took a Marxist asshole like Barry, to become president, and finally the tranny was proud of the country...such a racist comment.
Michelle Obama: First Time proud of USA - YouTube
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.
You are an idiot, who must follow what the Lame Stream Media tells you, the rest of US are free people.

View attachment 474587

An an attempted insurrection isn't liberty, moron.
The US has laws against that.
Do you know what an insurrection is? You prog slave...

Okay dude, whatever you say. The country has been "going to shit" for a long time, despite your guy running it for a long time, and Biden has destroyed it in 71 days.
Biden has been around D.C. for near a half century. Progs had opportunities to change the Debt issues also. We are finished because we have bought into uncontrollable massive social programs and keep adding them. Debt keeps expanding here and in the world. The danger increases for a collapse of the financial system. With the bad debt we have, much higher interest rates should be in place. That would up the federal yearly debt interest to trillions of dollars a year alone. See the quandry? Trump knew this also. He was the outsider not liked and the inner D.C. sanctum did a lot to diffuse his agendas. The Federal Reserve could have derailed him by spiking interest rates. The risk is, would it put us into a deep depression. Somewhere, somehow someone or many someones have to pay for this. People die. A lot die. And then we lament it and start the process over again.
I don't care about the debt, so not really going to get into that with you.

A lot of people have already died. More than 500,000 from COVID.
Oh my 500,000 died of the Kung Flu.

FastStats - Deaths and Mortality (
Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
  • Heart disease: 659,041
  • Cancer: 599,601
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 173,040
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 156,979
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 150,005
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,499
  • Diabetes: 87,647
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 51,565
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 49,783
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,511
Source: Mortality in the United States, 2019, data table for figure 2

Only chicken littles like you believe that your prog masters give a shit about you. As for being quite stupid, an ounce of gold was $20 back in 1932 and there was very little debt. Thanks to FDR, the dollar was inflated 25% and the debt started to soar.
The real insurrection began on the day Trump was elected....powerful forces decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

The Walkaway movement to leave the Democratic Party started 2 years ago and now has more than 506,000 members
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.
ahahahhaha fact---hahhahahahahahahah
Biden has fkd up this country in just a few months
..Mr Trump was trying to make it better
OBVIOUSLY this immigration/refugee/etc crap is fking up the US in many ways
Jojo Biden has only been in office 2 months and already 35 states are suing him:
22 for the pipeline, 11 for the Border mess and 2 for other matters. I think that is a record.
35 is 70% of the states.
Last edited:
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.

Boy are you full of shit.

Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus. This country was doing great. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm and it was a long way from "losing everything." LOL

You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you voted for.

Sure..whatever. Trump skated for three years on the growing economy and falling UE that his predecessor left him. Like it or not, all Donny had to do was not screw it up. Which he did.
The first time his Presidency is tested he falls flat on his incompetent face. Again, case in point why you don't elect a former reality TV game show host as President. Over a half a million
people dead.

Biden might be a stumbling, gaffe prone drooler. But he's head and shoulders above the useless fuck that used to occupy the chair. So far, I haven't seen Biden holding one pep rally,
haven't seen him golfing yet, haven't heard he watches a lot of TV, and don't see a lot of rage tweeting. That tells me, he's working. He's actually interested in doing the job. Unlike
the previous shit stain they had to hose off the chair after he left.

The adults are back in charge. And don't bet the farm on the GOP taking things back in 2022. I can already see that mess heading into the dumpster..where it will make a great fire. :)
They're not told how Trump's policies created only a 2.4% GDP at the cost of a busted budget, massive increase in the debt, ane
..the US had been going down for a long time.....but Mr Trump was trying to turn that around...
..the Obamas hate the US/etc, so they allowed the US to degrade Biden is degrading it very fast

With Rump, we came remarkably close to losing ALL of it. So you would rather burn it to the ground rather than work to repair the damage. That's not a question, it's a stark fact.

Boy are you full of shit.

Before the oh so convenient Chinese Virus. This country was doing great. UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm and it was a long way from "losing everything." LOL

You won't get that with the stuttering fuck you voted for.

Sure..whatever. Trump skated for three years on the growing economy and falling UE that his predecessor left him. Like it or not, all Donny had to do was not screw it up. Which he did.
The first time his Presidency is tested he falls flat on his incompetent face. Again, case in point why you don't elect a former reality TV game show host as President. Over a half a million
people dead.

Biden might be a stumbling, gaffe prone drooler. But he's head and shoulders above the useless fuck that used to occupy the chair. So far, I haven't seen Biden holding one pep rally,
haven't seen him golfing yet, haven't heard he watches a lot of TV, and don't see a lot of rage tweeting. That tells me, he's working. He's actually interested in doing the job. Unlike
the previous shit stain they had to hose off the chair after he left.

The adults are back in charge. And don't bet the farm on the GOP taking things back in 2022. I can already see that mess heading into the dumpster..where it will make a great fire. :)
The Dems and the Left are being honest about Biden. It's right here, on this thread. This, after four years of the most intense emotional adoration I've ever seen -- which continues, of course -- for an embarrassing, vulgar, pugilistic, narcissistic, ignorant, childish orange buffoon.

Just one of the many vast improvements. What a relief. What an improvement. Let 'em bitch.
Yah, Democracy is like that. Damn that Constitution. How dare they follow it instead of following your bunch.


What would you, or any Nazi know about the Constitution? :dunno:

Article 1

Sec. 4

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Hmm, that doesn't fit with HR.1 - the "Fuck America Act" that the democrat Reich is trying to foist on America.
The real insurrection by the Trump cult happened January 6th.
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took no matter how underhanded or illegal to try and depose a legally elected President.

They failed, just like their dear leader, who has been a failure his entire life.
Not to worry, the my pillow moron, thinks his daddy will take office in August.


Everyone drink.

Nazi to English dictionary:



Peaceful Protest:
The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

Slight correction, the real insurrection started in 2014, backed by the traitor Obama, and continues to this day.

Nazi to English Dictionary:



Peaceful Protest:
The real insurrection by the BLM happened in 2014
Mostly, retards, inbreds and cult members decided to do whatever it took
..BLM/MSM/Dems tried for four years to depose Mr Trump, a fairly/legally elected POTUS

Slight correction, the real insurrection started in 2014, backed by the traitor Obama, and continues to this day.

Nazi to English Dictionary:


Peaceful Protest:


  • 1617196060902.png
    90.6 KB · Views: 12
Hate is an exaggerated and harsh way of describing how Americans feel about Trump. Despise and disrespect is a more accurate description.

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