The Trump/Jesus Comparison

Maybe he has something in common with Trump like being obese. It's weird.
So much envy over Trump and Mashmont. I guess I should feel complimented. But I just say anybody can do what Trump and I did, if they want to.
So much envy over Trump and Mashmont. I guess I should feel complimented. But I just say anybody can do what Trump and I did, if they want to.

You haven't done anything except drive people away from Christianity.
You haven't done anything except drive people away from Christianity.
I'm getting atheists to think. And that's more than they've ever done. Evidence of that is you're in here following me from thread to thread.
Donald Trump was the greatest, most selfless, most honest, most accomplished president in U.S. history. He accomplished more great thingsā€”unbelievable thingsā€”in his four years than any president in history. He has selflessly donated his enormous talents for the good of the country, when it would have been much easier to settle into retirement at Mar-a-Lago on his yacht. So Iā€™ve wondered, given all that, why the extreme vitriol against against this great man. Why the constant investigations, the impeachments, the lawsuits? And then I am reminded of how Jesus was treated.

Jesus Christ is the most perfect person who has ever existed, and he suffered the most ignominious murders of anyone in history. The most extreme in both directions. And so if it happens to Him, why would I be surprised that a lesser man, great as he was, like Donald Trump was treated very badly? Thatā€™s the road for people trying to do the right thing always. Itā€™s never easy. You have a share of people who hate you.

* ā€œEnter through the narrow gate;* for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.j How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few. ā€“ Matthew 7: 13-14.

Like most of my threads, I know this one will be misrepresented and lied about. People will declare blasphemy, claiming I said Trump was as virtuous as Jesus. Not saying that at all. Trump was a man of many flaws, leading a sinful life in his younger years. But in recent years and during his first term, there was ample evidence he had turned the corner. His selfless leadership exhibited that change. St Paul, we recall, was a dreadful sinner early in his life. He completely transformed and became among the greatest saints ever.

Jesus was perfect, but the atheists of His day murdered Him. The thousands of great selfless priests and sisters under the atheist Nazi and Communist regimes were led to slaughter like lambs and murdered by the thousands. Today, Christians are being murdered by the non-Christians all over the world. Just the same as when I start a thread on the said life of George Carlin, then Iā€™m labeled as the worst person on earth for daring to challenge the destruction of a drugged life, when you think Iā€™d be agreed with. Itā€™s the very same pattern. Good people trying to do the right thing will be attacked or worse by the atheists. Thatā€™s the way it always has been and the way it will be. So I neednā€™t be surprised at the unprecedently vile treatment President Trump has received at the hands of the current atheists. Itā€™s expected.

Letā€™s contrast this with the ā€˜wide easy roadā€™ enjoyed by the wicked Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton. Vile evil people who have and are committing much sin, graft and deceit. They are praised by the atheist left as heroes. As great people. Immune from criticism. They enjoy the ā€œwide easy roadā€ here on earth. We know what the bible says about that.

So my Christian friends, rest easy. Godless people crucify the virtuous. This is our lot in life. We will have the strength to handle it. Good people can handle it. Donald Trump can handle it.

I voted for Trump and considering the state of things and the other choices I'll vote for him again hands down, but....

Come on, bro. You sound ridiculous.
I voted for Trump and considering the state of things and the other choices I'll vote for him again hands down, but....

Come on, bro. You sound ridiculous.
Can you name another political leader today who has gone through one-tenth of the crap Trump has gone through?
And you and I agree he's done a great job and been a great president.
So that's my point.
Can you name another political leader today who has gone through one-tenth of the crap Trump has gone through?
And you and I agree he's done a great job and been a great president.
So that's my point.

That's a good point and I have often thought about that. He really stayed the coarse. You know what I do kind of understand what you mean about the Jesus thing, in spite of my own persuasions. They were totally out to crucify him.... PUBLICLY. It's really mind blowing that there never was an assassination attempt that we know of. Even Reagan was not as Maverick as Trump is.... And the CIA tried to bump him off with yet another MKUltra-hypnotised Manchurian Candidate. For God's sake, Reagan's vice president was the former CIA director and father of the New World Order! It was almost obviously an attempt to get him into the presidency earlier than he did to get a head start on global domination.
Quite the opposite. Obama is a happy and successful family man. He's not a bully. He's not obese. He's respected everywhere.
0bama isn't respected. He's a worldwide laughingstock. He's a punchline. He's known as a weak incompetent empty suit. He's Beto's role model in that regard.
0bama isn't respected. He's a worldwide laughingstock. He's a punchline. He's known as a weak incompetent empty suit. He's Beto's role model in that regard.

You're confused. Obama is both liked and respected. Trump made a fool of himself at the UN and at G7, shoved the president of Montenegro, stole art from the US embassy in Paris. Even Putin said he was tired of explaining things to Trump over and over again.
Donald Trump was the greatest, most selfless, most honest, most accomplished president in U.S. history. He accomplished more great thingsā€”unbelievable thingsā€”in his four years than any president in history. He has selflessly donated his enormous talents for the good of the country, when it would have been much easier to settle into retirement at Mar-a-Lago on his yacht. So Iā€™ve wondered, given all that, why the extreme vitriol against against this great man. Why the constant investigations, the impeachments, the lawsuits? And then I am reminded of how Jesus was treated.

Jesus Christ is the most perfect person who has ever existed, and he suffered the most ignominious murders of anyone in history. The most extreme in both directions. And so if it happens to Him, why would I be surprised that a lesser man, great as he was, like Donald Trump was treated very badly? Thatā€™s the road for people trying to do the right thing always. Itā€™s never easy. You have a share of people who hate you.

* ā€œEnter through the narrow gate;* for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.j How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few. ā€“ Matthew 7: 13-14.

Like most of my threads, I know this one will be misrepresented and lied about. People will declare blasphemy, claiming I said Trump was as virtuous as Jesus. Not saying that at all. Trump was a man of many flaws, leading a sinful life in his younger years. But in recent years and during his first term, there was ample evidence he had turned the corner. His selfless leadership exhibited that change. St Paul, we recall, was a dreadful sinner early in his life. He completely transformed and became among the greatest saints ever.

Jesus was perfect, but the atheists of His day murdered Him. The thousands of great selfless priests and sisters under the atheist Nazi and Communist regimes were led to slaughter like lambs and murdered by the thousands. Today, Christians are being murdered by the non-Christians all over the world. Just the same as when I start a thread on the said life of George Carlin, then Iā€™m labeled as the worst person on earth for daring to challenge the destruction of a drugged life, when you think Iā€™d be agreed with. Itā€™s the very same pattern. Good people trying to do the right thing will be attacked or worse by the atheists. Thatā€™s the way it always has been and the way it will be. So I neednā€™t be surprised at the unprecedently vile treatment President Trump has received at the hands of the current atheists. Itā€™s expected.

Letā€™s contrast this with the ā€˜wide easy roadā€™ enjoyed by the wicked Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton. Vile evil people who have and are committing much sin, graft and deceit. They are praised by the atheist left as heroes. As great people. Immune from criticism. They enjoy the ā€œwide easy roadā€ here on earth. We know what the bible says about that.

So my Christian friends, rest easy. Godless people crucify the virtuous. This is our lot in life. We will have the strength to handle it. Good people can handle it. Donald Trump can handle it.

Jesus H. Christ.... (and they say it's not a cult)
You're confused. Obama is both liked and respected. Trump made a fool of himself at the UN and at G7, shoved the president of Montenegro, stole art from the US embassy in Paris. Even Putin said he was tired of explaining things to Trump over and over again.
0bama may have been 'liked' because he was a soft touch, but he certainly wasn't respected. Not when he gave every concession in the book to these dictators. His generals certainly didn't respect him. The military didn't respect him. The police didn't respect him. The border partrol didn't respect him. Businessmen didn't. Nobody did.
0bama may have been 'liked' because he was a soft touch, but he certainly wasn't respected. Not when he gave every concession in the book to these dictators. His generals certainly didn't respect him. The military didn't respect him. The police didn't respect him. The border partrol didn't respect him. Businessmen didn't. Nobody did.

You're wrong on all counts.. What sort of experience do you have in other countries? Are you a racist? Obama has more morality and integrity in his little finger than Trump has in his whole 300 pounds.
I can't think of a single national Democrat who is more Christlike than Trump in their actions. Not a single one. And obviously not Biden.
Trump has been a cheat his whole life. He cheated contractors, vendors, investors, bankers and all three of his wives. Maybe you're the man with no morality.
I can't think of a single national Democrat who is more Christlike than Trump in their actions. Not a single one. And none of you can either.

Damn I missed the bible story about about Christ fucking a porn star while his wife was home recovering from child birth.

Can you give that passage to me?
You're wrong on all counts.. What sort of experience do you have in other countries? Are you a racist? Obama has more morality and integrity in his little finger than Trump has in his whole 300 pounds.
Chimpy had two goals upon entering politics: 1) to enrich himself and live in luxury with the white people, which he's done, and 2) degrade the country to make it more susceptible to full on Marxist takeover which he has made great strides toward.

Neither of these has to do with character or morality; in fact they have to do with the opposite.
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Damn I missed the bible story about about Christ fucking a porn star while his wife was home recovering from child birth.

Can you give that passage to me?
St Paul and St. Augustine did some pretty bad things before they did great things. Did you have a point?

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