The Trump/Jesus Comparison

Odd, how you don't refute; you just insult. This is what leftwingers do. We're done.
Why refute such an absurd claim as yours? It's clear from the article that CNN only reported what officials claimed. CNN never indicated that those officials were accurate. If you claim Elvis is still alive, I won't refute that either, but I will ridicule you.
Chimpy had two goals upon entering politics: 1) to enrich himself and live in luxury with the white people, which he's done, and 2) degrade the country to make it more susceptible to full on Marxist takeover which he has made great strides toward.

Neither of these has to do with character or morality; in fact they have to do with the opposite.

Obama is intelligent and well educated.. he's also idealistic.

Decency and integrity matter unless you're some kind of Christian fanatic.
Obama is intelligent and well educated.. he's also idealistic.

Decency and integrity matter unless you're some kind of Christian fanatic.
Chimpy isn't intelligent or well-educated. He got into several universities because of race, even with horrible grades, and has never released his transcripts. He's a crack-smoking fraud.
Chimpy isn't intelligent or well-educated. He got into several universities because of race, even with horrible grades, and has never released his transcripts.

No president ever releases their grades. Even yours and mine are sealed. You must be a racist.
Chimpy isn't intelligent or well-educated. He got into several universities because of race, even with horrible grades,
Of course, Obama never threatened to sue schools before his grades were even thought about being released.
Trump did.

and has never released his transcripts.
Either did any president, TRUMP, unless that president was in the military, then that transcript could be made public.
He's a crack-smoking fraud.
Sure, he was, MORON.
Harvard ALWAYS gets the crack addicts to be their next president of the Hard law review.

February 6 1990
Receiving support and praise from students and professors, Barack H. Obama was named the 104th president of the Harvard Law Review, becoming the legal journal's first Black leader.

The election, which drew national media attention, puts Obama in charge of a staff of 80 which edits and publishes articles by legal authorities eight times per year.

While many said yesterday that they believed the election was of historical significance, Obama downplayed its importance.

"It's a significant change from the Harvard Law School of the past," said Obama. "[But] for every one of me, there are a whole bunch of young Black people who, because of drugs, poverty, or whatever, aren't getting the opportunities I have," he said.
Chimpy isn't intelligent or well-educated. He got into several universities because of race, even with horrible grades, and has never released his transcripts. He's a crack-smoking fraud.
You don't become leader of the Harvard Law Review without being intelligent.
You don't become leader of the Harvard Law Review without being intelligent.
Odd how nobody at Harvard seems to remember Chimpy. Or at Columbia. Or at Occidental. Seems odd that a future president was such a cypher. Unless of course he's a fraud.
Odd how nobody at Harvard seems to remember Chimpy. Or at Columbia. Or at Occidental. Seems odd that a future president was such a cypher. Unless of course he's a fraud.
The Harvard Law Review remembers him just fine. Was trump ever head of anything that he didn't buy his way into?
The Harvard Law Review remembers him just fine. Was trump ever head of anything that he didn't buy his way into?
"Fox News contacted some 400 of his classmates and found no one who remembered him." -WSJ

Very odd for a future president, don't you think?

But let me help. This guy was a manufactured 'leader' exactly like AOC. like David Hogg, like Greta Thuneberg. He was a marionette for the Marxists. He was an actor. And actors don't have much of an academic background. Mostly, they were nobodies. And this is why nobody remembers the empty-suit 0bama at Harvard or Columbia.
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"Fox News contacted some 400 of his classmates and found no one who remembered him." -WSJ

Very odd for a future president, don't you think?

But let me help. This guy was a manufactured 'leader' exactly like AOC. like David Hogg, like Greta Thuneberg. He was a marionette for the Marxists. He was an actor. And actors don't have much of an academic background. Mostly, they were nobodies. And this is why nobody remembers the empty-suit 0bama at Harvard or Columbia.
Of course you crazies will keep repeating that debunked claim, because reality doesn't mean anything to you. However, it never has, and never will help you.

In 1981, Obama transferred to Columbia University in search of a closer connection to the African American community, according to his memoir Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance ( , see page 115). Columbia lists Obama as an alumni here . He graduated in 1983 with a major in political science ( here ).

Obama has recalled his time in Columbia as a quieter period. In an interview with Columbia College Today published in Jan. 2005, he said “mostly, my years at Columbia were an intense period of study,” adding, “I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn’t socialize that much. I was like a monk.’” ( here )

Obama’s former roommates and friends from his time at Columbia Phillip Boerner and Sohale Siddiqi recalled their experiences together here and here .

As a senior at Columbia University, Obama wrote an article for the student publication the Sundial, titled “Breaking the War Mentality.” The piece, published on the March 10, 1983 issue is visible here .

Just as the Jews in the days of Jesus sought diligently to bring an unjust accusation against the Christ, so to do the fiends of our modern day seek diligently to bring an unjust accusation against Donald Trump. Evil doesn't change much in nearly 2000 years.
Just as the Jews in the days of Jesus sought diligently to bring an unjust accusation against the Christ, so to do the fiends of our modern day seek diligently to bring an unjust accusation against Donald Trump. Evil doesn't change much in nearly 2000 years.
So trump is your Jesus? You're a pathetic little idiot, aren't you?
My Christianity would never let me vote for the former POTUS. I won't vote Democrat either. Jesus was against earthly wealth so the first two are easily eliminated from my vote.
Complete and utter nonsense. Trump is a grifter and a con-artist who has no problem lying when it suits him. He has cheated hundreds, if not thousands, of people with his scams.

The fact that someone who has been banned from having charities is someone you see as "Christ-like" is simply pathetic.
I don't consider paying $2.00 a gallon for gas, the greatest economy of our lifetimes, no new wars, getting us a vaccine in record time, getting a tyrant (rocket man) to stop launching missiles etc. being 'cheated' by Trump.

I do consider killing our fossil fuel industry, shutting down a whole country for a seasonal flu, keeping children out of school, raising taxes, spending trillions of our tax dollars to forgive loans only for a certain segment of society, calling half of American citizens fascists for supporting Biden's opponent, being cheated because NOBODY voted for this clusterfuck Biden. This is not to mention his treasonous business with his son in taking illegal money from foreign sources using the full, faith and credit of the U.S. vice presidency to bribe a prosecutor.

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