"The Trump that comes after Trump will be even more dangerous. There will be more Trumps"

After Trump Will Be Another Trump — and This One Could Be More Dangerous

Liberals ecstatic over this month’s election must not forget: Even after this demagogue is finished, a new one will rise in his place

This is what the democrats have to fear.....Trump has shown the next generation of Republican politicians...and libertarians...that the press doesn't have to control them...that the cowards in the Republican party are...cowards...so Trump 2.0 will be more polished, and just as combative...and he will be more effective too...while the democrats stay the same race baiting haters they have always been....
'There will be more Trumps....'

:p Bwuhahahaha....

No more Dynasties....

Bush 1, Bush 2, Clinton 1...Clinton 2...

Thank God 'Clinton 2' was stopped short of the WH. Last time she was in the WH she stole everything that wasn't nailed down on the way out.... I'm glad she didn't get her foot in the door this time.

No need to geel bad for her and Bill, though. They collected millions from the Russians as a 'consolation Prize'. :p

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