The Trump Warrant Had No Legal Basis

The DOJ nor the FBI nor you will ever be able to square this unprecedented action on a former president to the people no matter how hard you try.... they blew it big time.....
You think Americans are going to be on the side of the guy who stole hundreds of classified documents and shoved him in his closet and refused to return them?

No. That’s just the cultists.

This is an incredibly stupid scandal and it is all because Trump is an incredibly stupid man.
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Biden took orders from the band of Oligarch crooks to order the FBI to break with their Oaths of Duty to uphold the Constitution, and not criminal bosses who ignore the Constitution!!!!!!! Everiything about their little panty raid was illegal and smacks of Third World Rule, which is the aim of Communist countries whose greedy leaders pick a pocket or two. And you well know that's the truth if you have even a quarter of your cerebellum in good order.
Your ugly shoes argument ain't going to fly. Try again. We are still waiting on your explanation as to how it is illegal big mouth?
That's crazy. Donald Trump was not consulted by anyone about this raid, and they knew he was someplace else when they did the cru-ditty.
He consulted the classified documents himself after leaving office. That's why the search happened. He hid some in his closet. That's why the search happened. His lawyers signed off that all the documents were out of the house. They lied. That's why the search happened. Why would you consult with a liar who illegally has classified documents?
The search was not unreasonable because there was probably cause.
Way more than that. They lied in June telling authorities all of them were out of the house. That bastard pos had some in his fucking closet.
Well, well, well! " Way Too Long , Didn't Read."

That's what the prevailing sociocommunists believe. So much so, Nancy Pelosi developed a criminal approach to passing laws. Fill the bill with a thousand pages of wishful spending, place a few kick Republican and the Constitution fair equality laws in the middle somewhere, and nobody will read what the ultimate takeover laws will do for the exclusive enjoyment of Democrats and the complete ruin of worker ant Republicans! And I only wrote 3 or 4 paragraphs. You can't stand it because I calls 'em as I sees 'em, and that would make the Constitution fair again, and trust me, the Democrat think that means "Constitution is fair play to destroy." We Conservatives think NOT!!!! Why do you think the Democrats are shilling to put Trump Supporters in their political trash can? Okay, I'll answer that in one sentence: The Democrats want criminal takeover of the Free World that puts a dent in fairness and places power in the hands of monarchs, totalitarians, military takeovers, criminal takeovers, all concentrated in the hands of Democrats and their apparatchik kissups. Why do you think they made rich the 20,000 omeurta mules who took away Donald Trump's win and gave it to BASEMENT DWELLER JOE BIDEN.

Edit: errors.
Your grotesque ignorance of the law is on call here.
That’s false. Go back and read the warrant.
The demonic raid done in the dead of night says EVERYTHING what the Democrats in power is all about. Sneak, lie, cheat, take things that don't belong you, ignore your Oaths of office, and basically, beating the dead horse the Democrats keep trying to bring life back to. The raid they did was wrong because Trump let it be known he would cooperate with them. That is now past because of their abuse to his wife and family. We don't need communism in the land of the free. Like Kruschev said when I was a kid watching news with my parents, "We (communists) will bury you!" as he beat the podium with his shoe for emphasis.
The demonic raid done in the dead of night says EVERYTHING what the Democrats in power is all about. Sneak, lie, cheat, take things that don't belong you, ignore your Oaths of office, and basically, beating the dead horse the Democrats keep trying to bring life back to. The raid they did was wrong because Trump let it be known he would cooperate with them. That is now past because of their abuse to his wife and family. We don't need communism in the land of the free. Like Kruschev said when I was a kid watching news with my parents, "We (communists) will bury you!" as he beat the podium with his shoe for emphasis.
It wasn't a raid you bumbling fool. It was carrying out lawful duties by way of a search. Get a hold of yourself. You're losing your shit.
Your grotesque ignorance of the law is on call here.
I've put up the 4th Amendment picture several times around the forum. You Democrats make decent cops defunded, confused, and afraid for their jobs when you are in power. Your infuriating butt-saving lies get 3 pinnochios.
Maybe because she deleted what they wanted.
There’s no doubt that Trump destroyed vast quantities of documents on his way out.

The question is about turning over what wasn’t destroyed. There was no reason to search Clinton’s house because there was nothing retained there.

Unlike Trump.
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