The Trump Warrant Had No Legal Basis

There’s no doubt that Trump destroyed vast quantities of documents on his way out.

The question is about turning over what wasn’t destroyed. There was no reason to search Clinton’s house because there was nothing retained there.

Unlike Trump.
Nothing but her illegal server.
The demonic raid done in the dead of night says EVERYTHING what the Democrats in power is all about. Sneak, lie, cheat, take things that don't belong you, ignore your Oaths of office, and basically, beating the dead horse the Democrats keep trying to bring life back to. The raid they did was wrong because Trump let it be known he would cooperate with them. That is now past because of their abuse to his wife and family. We don't need communism in the land of the free. Like Kruschev said when I was a kid watching news with my parents, "We (communists) will bury you!" as he beat the podium with his shoe for emphasis.
I have plenty of reason to doubt your assertion that Trump let it be known he would cooperate.

And even if he did claim such, accepting him at face value is foolish. Trump isn’t the most honest person in the world.
I've put up the 4th Amendment picture several times around the forum. You Democrats make decent cops defunded, confused, and afraid for their jobs when you are in power. Your infuriating butt-saving lies get 3 pinnochios.
You put it up, but you're too damn dumb to understand it. The Fourth said, "THEIR PAPERS." None of those papers were Trumps. Most children past toddler age understand that. WTF ails you?
It wasn't a raid you bumbling fool. It was carrying out lawful duties by way of a search. Get a hold of yourself. You're losing your shit.
Is that the best rebuttal you got, bub? Didn't work. "lawful duty" to an FBI agent means knowing and practicing the Constitutional law is mandatory.
You deep state commies failed to follow the Constitution. You have introduced the government from hell to the United States of America, and it will be a black mark upon the Democrat Party for all time. If you think a few word misrepresentations can destroy freedom-loving people, it's a long way to the ground when you're uppity about it.
The demonic raid done in the dead of night says EVERYTHING what the Democrats in power is all about. Sneak, lie, cheat, take things that don't belong you, ignore your Oaths of office, and basically, beating the dead horse the Democrats keep trying to bring life back to. The raid they did was wrong because Trump let it be known he would cooperate with them. That is now past because of their abuse to his wife and family. We don't need communism in the land of the free. Like Kruschev said when I was a kid watching news with my parents, "We (communists) will bury you!" as he beat the podium with his shoe for emphasis.

Sorry, but the raid wasn't done in the dead of night as you claim. The FBI showed up around 10:00 am on a Monday morning.

Sources told ABC that the search was related to the 15 boxes of documents -- some classified -- that Trump allegedly took to Mar-a-Lago.

The search, beginning about 10 a.m., focuses on areas of the club where Trump's offices and personal quarters are located, including a storage area in the basement. Trump is not present. (He is in New Jersey preparing to be deposed in a separation investigation in New York.) Federal agents remove several boxes of material.

Your whole post is hyperbole and bullshit.
I have plenty of reason to doubt your assertion that Trump let it be known he would cooperate.

And even if he did claim such, accepting him at face value is foolish. Trump isn’t the most honest person in the world.
He's a 24/7 liar.
You put it up, but you're too damn dumb to understand it. The Fourth said, "THEIR PAPERS." None of those papers were Trumps. Most children past toddler age understand that. WTF ails you?
Under no circumstances will you creeps from the deeps destroy my life as a freedom-loving daughter of a guy who took shrapnel to his casket after serving his country for many years in the military and the CIA. Bleh!
My info sez their first buzzers were casing the joint in the middle of the night. So bleh, twice!
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Sorry, but the raid wasn't done in the dead of night as you claim. The FBI showed up around 10:00 am on a Monday morning.

Sources told ABC that the search was related to the 15 boxes of documents -- some classified -- that Trump allegedly took to Mar-a-Lago.

The search, beginning about 10 a.m., focuses on areas of the club where Trump's offices and personal quarters are located, including a storage area in the basement. Trump is not present. (He is in New Jersey preparing to be deposed in a separation investigation in New York.) Federal agents remove several boxes of material.

Your whole post is hyperbole and bullshit.
The FBI never should have shown up. A third world show of power with 0 legality behind it, just the persecution of political enemies.
Is that the best rebuttal you got, bub? Didn't work. "lawful duty" to an FBI agent means knowing and practicing the Constitutional law is mandatory.
You deep state commies failed to follow the Constitution. You have introduced the government from hell to the United States of America, and it will be a black mark upon the Democrat Party for all time. If you think a few word misrepresentations can destroy freedom-loving people, it's a long way to the ground when you're uppity about it.
You aren't presenting a coherent/informative/ intelligent argument. The Fourth Amendment does not apply, and your cowardly chicken shit commie statements are worth shit. You are running.
Under no circumstances will you creeps from the deeps destroy my life as a freedom-loving daughter of a guy who took shrapnel to his casket after serving his country for many years in the military and the CIA. Bleh!
You are destroying yourself with your own willful ignorance. How do we know? Have you countered my Fourth argument argument? NO! Because you can't. "THEIR PAPERS?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: WTF? How does that apply to Trump? Or is it all commie deep state trash talk running from the debate that you have to offer? Grow a pair. Can you debate the truth or not? Get your shit together or get lost. You're starting to get boring with your childish nonsense.
The FBI never should have shown up. A third world show of power with 0 legality behind it, just the persecution of political enemies.
Trump had FBI, NSA, And CIA papers. Why shouldn't they have shown up?
He's a 24/7 liar.
The you are refuting Trump's innocence of failure to find evidence that there were no findings that he did anything wrong according to the Mueller Report that dragged on for two stinking lie-filled years of Democrat false accusations and two rotten-to-the-criminal-core phony impeachments inflicted on President Trump by Nancy "Gold Pens" Pelosi! More Blehs!!!
Under no circumstances will you creeps from the deeps destroy my life as a freedom-loving daughter of a guy who took shrapnel to his casket after serving his country for many years in the military and the CIA. Bleh!
My info sez their first buzzers were casing the joint in the middle of the night. So bleh, twice!
Taking shrapnel has got shit to do with this debate. You lie and make up nonsense all on your own.
The you are refuting Trump's innocence of failure to find evidence that there were no findings that he did anything wrong according to the Mueller Report that dragged on for two stinking lie-filled years of Democrat false accusations and two rotten-to-the-criminal-core phony impeachments inflicted on President Trump by Nancy "Gold Pens" Pelosi! More Blehs!!!

Now let's talk about the Mueller report, seeing that you can't talk about the Fourth. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: Losers keep losing.
You are destroying yourself with your own willful ignorance. How do we know? Have you countered my Fourth argument argument? NO! Because you can't. "THEIR PAPERS?" :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: WTF? How does that apply to Trump? Or is it all commie deep state trash talk running from the debate that you have to offer? Grow a pair. Can you debate the truth or not? Get your shit together or get lost. You're starting to get boring with your childish nonsense.
Apparently you were not privy to reading all about Hillary "I forget" Clinton's college dissertation was a lovelorn Alinsky-method-of-turning-a-society of free people into an easy-to-manage Socio-Communist State!!!! And her chum Nancy Pelosi was a card-carrying communist before she swept her hatefulness toward America a secret before she ran for Federal Office. Even more blehs tuya.
Taking shrapnel has got shit to do with this debate. You lie and make up nonsense all on your own.
I had to live with the outcome of a father being in pain 24-7. It wasn't a life on the good ship lollipop you blissfully blind Demonrats live in. You oughten't argue with a former Military brat like me, because I don't take the Democrat trash-talk as gospel like you blindies do.
The you are refuting Trump's innocence of failure to find evidence that there were no findings that he did anything wrong according to the Mueller Report that dragged on for two stinking lie-filled years of Democrat false accusations and two rotten-to-the-criminal-core phony impeachments inflicted on President Trump by Nancy "Gold Pens" Pelosi! More Blehs!!!
You really have lost your shit;

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