The Trump Warrant Had No Legal Basis

You replied to me loser.
Nobody here is a loser. Most of us are Constitution-favoring Americans. And the Constitution is within the capability of understanding by people with average intelligence. I have not seen one single person including you who is any less here at USMB, even if we disagree politically.
It's a mafia way of telling someone else they're vacation will be in hell. Grow up.
I’m not in the mafia so I have no idea what you’re talking about.

It’s just that you seem a little wound up. People can go a little crazy if they’re on the internet too much. You need some actual R and R.
Nobody here is a loser. Most of us are Constitution-favoring Americans. And the Constitution is within the capability of understanding by people with average intelligence. I have not seen one single person including you who is any less here at USMB, even if we disagree politically.
Defending the constitution will get you labeled a Nazi by Trump supporters. I guess Im not feeling the love.
Didn't they serve a subpoena to Trump requesting the return of the gov't documents?
With all due respect, sir, those documents were not only declassified, President Trump told the FBI he would furnish whatever he had that they requested.
This entire scenario was Hollyweird theater. The Democrat oligarchs who are running this country want President Trump to disappear, but the bodyguards we the people give to all past Presidents won't let them harm a single hair on his head. They're pulling out judges from Hillary's hit list of people with something they don't want wives or husbands to know about to do their dirty work, and the judges they pick do what they are demanded to do by deep staters or they will wind up in messy family haymakers that happen when their sin is disclosed to a spouse or other member of the family instead of a nice cash gift to their offshore account. Nobody wants their children humiliated, whether the child is young or old. The kind of stuff Hillary pidgeon-holed when she was First Lady looking to fry anybody in the world who might interfere with her influence with FBI Files furnished by her wealthy supporters.

The democrats need to find traditional means to tell Americans why their ways are better, but since that doesn't work consistently, they select deep state tactics and they abuse their own power by making uncooperative persons cooperative after their FBI dossier is optioned directly in their faces. You know how Maxine Waters gets in people's faces, you know. Here's her stalking demand to her apparatchiks, just in case you forgot the criminal side of stalking and inciting criminal stalking:

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CC sez: "Trump hired multiple convicted felons."

^^^^^What total bullcrap looks like in print.^^^^^
Yep, you're doing coke again.

Either that or you were asleep while nearly everyone in the senior positions his campaign was charged with a felony.
With all due respect, sir, those documents were not only declassified, President Trump told the FBI he would furnish whatever he had that they requested.
This entire scenario was Hollyweird theater. The Democrat oligarchs who are running this country want President Trump to disappear, but the bodyguards we the people give to all past Presidents won't let them harm a single hair on his head. They're pulling out judges from Hillary's hit list of people with something they don't want wives or husbands to know about to do their dirty work, and the judges they pick do what they are demanded to do by deep staters or they will wind up in messy family haymakers that happen when their sin is disclosed to a spouse or other member of the family instead of a nice cash gift to their offshore account. Nobody wants their children humiliated, whether the child is young or old. The kind of stuff Hillary pidgeon-holed when she was First Lady looking to fry anybody in the world who might interfere with her influence with FBI Files furnished by her wealthy supporters.

The democrats need to find traditional means to tell Americans why their ways are better, but since that doesn't work consistently, they select deep state tactics and they abuse their own power by making uncooperative persons cooperative after their FBI dossier is optioned directly in their faces. You know how Maxine Waters gets in people's faces, you know. Here's her stalking demand to her apparatchiks, just in case you forgot the criminal side of stalking and inciting criminal stalking:

I'll take word soup for $200 Alex.

My Dad was too a Democrat before Nancy "free gold pens" Pelosi started fucking the Constitution with her Mafioso leanings and George Soros' money to finance her arrogant power grabs as Speaker of the House. You think it was an accident that a mob boss's daughter is the one destroying the American Constitution, defunding the police that put a stopper on criminal activities such as theft and screwing little baby girls of color who cross the border without their parents? Really.
Defunding the police? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Says the lawless party wanting to defund the FBI. Folks her shit is priceless.
The things and place to be seized were specified in the warrant.
They took E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. And there wasn't a 300-item list, now, was there. Oh, yeah, and the President Trump's 3 passports were totally and absolutely not listed either. That is telling of their orders, including raiding Melania's private bedroom including her undies drawer. Shame, shame, shame. Furthermore, 100% of those "classified" documents were declassified rightly and legally by President Trump, so quite frankly, they took President Trump's private property away from him, and some of it had information that documented Hillary Clinton's diabolical fictitious "Steele Dossier" proof that she colluded with a spy from a foreign country to diminish her political rival in a Presidential Contest, which was the same thing she lied her ass off about through her personally disgusting additions of a salacious event that never took place that was alleged to show poor little miss victim Hillary (sniff, sniff, sniff) disrespected, since she spent the night on that same bed when she was a guest there. America sat transfixed for two stinking years watching the proceedings of the Mueller Special Council determination as to whether President Trump "colluded" with Russia's important people to get dirt on Hillary, which never took place, and Hillary merely projected what she in fact did to dirty President Trump's chances for a successful presidency. She smeared him with pee in order to gain ulgly, vicious, lying, nasty revenge on the Donald's good name. I think I'm gonna hurl just thinking about what a rotten egg Hillary "I forget" Clinton has always been since the day she threatened her college administration by carrying a loaded AK-47 into the Administration building to show how powerful women are. Source: Books by David Horowitz (Author of DARK AGENDA)
Mounds of paper piled on his desk. Framed magazine covers and keepsakes lining the walls. One of Shaquille O'Neal's giant sneakers displayed alongside football helmets, boxing belts and other sports memorabilia, crowding his Trump Tower office and limiting table space.

Well before he entered politics, former President Donald Trump had a penchant for collecting. And that lifelong habit has culminated in a federal investigation by the Biden administration.

The search of Trump's Mar-a-Lago club earlier this month to retrieve documents from his White House years was an unprecedented law enforcement action by his political opponents against a former president who is widely expected to run for office once again.

Many have argued the move amounts to political persecution, noting the judge who approved the warrant has given money to Democrats.

Then there's the claim the presidency granted him unlimited power to unilaterally declassify documents without formal declaration.

David Laufman, the former chief of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence section, said it is true that there is no statute or order that outlines procedures the president must abide by to declassify information.

John Bolton, who served as Trump’s third national security adviser, said he doubted that Trump had taken documents for nefarious reasons, and instead thought Trump likely considered them “souvenirs” like the many he’d collected through his life.

“I think he just thought some things were cool and he wanted them,” Bolton said. “Some days he liked to collect french fries. Some days he liked to collect documents. He just collected things.”

Source: AP
A lifelong habit of saving 300 classified documents too right? Save us the tears. Your complicity makes one want to puke.
They took E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. And there wasn't a 300-item list, now, was there. Oh, yeah, and the President Trump's 3 passports were totally and absolutely not listed either. That is telling of their orders, including raiding Melania's private bedroom including her undies drawer. Shame, shame, shame. Furthermore, 100% of those "classified" documents were declassified rightly and legally by President Trump, so quite frankly, they took President Trump's private property away from him, and some of it had information that documented Hillary Clinton's diabolical fictitious "Steele Dossier" proof that she colluded with a spy from a foreign country to diminish her political rival in a Presidential Contest, which was the same thing she lied her ass off about through her personally disgusting additions of a salacious event that never took place that was alleged to show poor little miss victim Hillary (sniff, sniff, sniff) disrespected, since she spent the night on that same bed when she was a guest there. America sat transfixed for two stinking years watching the proceedings of the Mueller Special Council determination as to whether President Trump "colluded" with Russia's important people to get dirt on Hillary, which never took place, and Hillary merely projected what she in fact did to dirty President Trump's chances for a successful presidency. She smeared him with pee in order to gain ulgly, vicious, lying, nasty revenge on the Donald's good name. I think I'm gonna hurl just thinking about what a rotten egg Hillary "I forget" Clinton has always been since the day she threatened her college administration by carrying a loaded AK-47 into the Administration building to show how powerful women are. Source: Books by David Horowitz (Author of DARK AGENDA)
Zero evidence of those documents being declassified, when they were marked classified. And some were in his closet. No wonder they went through Melania's closet. You are a habitual liar on this forum.
Nobody here is a loser. Most of us are Constitution-favoring Americans. And the Constitution is within the capability of understanding by people with average intelligence. I have not seen one single person including you who is any less here at USMB, even if we disagree politically.
No you aren't. Any one who believes in the Constitution believes in the rule of law. You don't, because you defend a criminal, and you don't understand the Fourth Amendment. When and how were those documents "THEIRS?"
Zero evidence of those documents being declassified, when they were marked classified. And some were in his closet. No wonder they went through Melania's closet. You are a habitual liar on this forum.
And while you are going off topic, we now find out Bill Barr's analysis of the Mueller report was a lie. We also found out that team Trump colluded with the Russians. And you want to talk about the Dossier? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: U.S. has new intel that Manafort pal gave Trump campaign data to Russia

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