The truth about joe biden and the democrat party....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.

And yet the blacks on this board and in America will still defend the democrat party and vote for Biden... talk about brain washed... like the ignorant bitch and her pathetic trolling "yawn" comment above.
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A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.

Cant wait for the BLM to show up in your neighborhood and start burning down your house....
A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...
God, I'll need to take my anti-depressants to wade through this. And to think, this could be the democrats NEXT offering for LEADER OF OUR COUNTRY after hanging us over a barrel first with OBAMA, then HILLARY, and now BIDEN? Who next time, AOC?
Notice how your choices have progressively gotten worse every election cycle?

I guess that's what progressive means.....progressively worse than before.
A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.

Democrats love racists.

Just see how they voted for black face in Virginia.
Notice how your choices have progressively gotten worse every election cycle? I guess that's what progressive means.....progressively worse than before.
You're right. Obama is actually looking almost kinda good at this point. I miss the "good ol' days" when all I had to worry about was whether my president was even a real American.
A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.


A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.

Cant wait for the BLM to show up in your neighborhood and start burning down your house....
Would she want an AR15 of just lay there and take it?
He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate.
He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate.
Nothing like voting more Male,Pale and Stale to show that diversity eh?

Well, its either Biden or the Blob. Both are male, pale and stale. I'd rather have Harris at the top of the ticket but....the political reality is what it is.
He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate. post that while the democrat party terrorists groups, antifa and black lives matter marxists burn, loot and kill in democrat controlled cities.........? Actual burning, looting and killing........? And you have to keep pretending that Trump is the racist.......while the democrat party terrorists, antifa, and black lives matter burn, loot and kill in primarily Black neighborhood........
He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate. post that while the democrat party terrorists groups, antifa and black lives matter marxists burn, loot and kill in democrat controlled cities.........? Actual burning, looting and killing........? And you have to keep pretending that Trump is the racist.......while the democrat party terrorists, antifa, and black lives matter burn, loot and kill in primarily Black neighborhood........

I posted that? I think you've inhaled too much gun powder chump.

True or false; most white nationalists (like yourself) support the blob. True...right?

Do you think that 900,000 (or whatever your numbers are) white nationalists just have it wrong?
A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.

The Republican Party has been taken over by neo-nazis, white supremacists and other right wing hate groups. They pursue the same policies that Adolph Hitler pursued in his rise to power. The Republican Party is against blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women and every other group you can think of except white men. Their power relies on uneducated people. Republicans want a country that is run by the rich and powerful at the expense of ordinary people. The Republican Party needs to be driven from power.
Yeah but is Joe Biden still running for president he hasn't had a news conference in 3 months. :eusa_think:
Held one on the 5th of June and 4 days ago..
Oh gee. Can you show us one? How many of the press were there? How many questions asked? Who picked them? How many were hostile news outlets with hostile questions? How long did the interview go on? It wasn't in his basement over video feed was it? Can Joe stand on his own on a stage in public? In 2016, Trump held 3 interviews every day, any outlet, any question. At this rate, Biden will only have three more interviews before the election for a total of maybe 15 minutes, on cherry-picked questions.

But then we know the dummfuck Left would be happy to pick Joe if he slept from now to November and never told us ONE answer to what his plans would be as POTUS! They'd vote for Joe if he was comatose in a bed with a hose up his nose.
A look at who joe biden is....and the party he represents...

Old Joe Biden is a classic Democrat racist. There is a fifty-year record of his anti-black comments and policies. He opposed integration. In 1977, he was proud to announce that he did not want his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That is who Joe Biden was and is.

Like the rest of the Democrats, he has long assumed that black Americans are naïve enough to believe all the unfulfilled promises the party has made for over fifty years while bringing exactly none of those promises to fruition. LBJ’s Great Society effectively destroyed the black family. Now Black Lives Matter wants to eradicate the nuclear family altogether! It’s on their website. Biden and the Democrats embrace BLM, Antifa, and any and all other like-minded groups who have been carefully taught to hate the country people from all over the world would love to come to and live. All these anti-American organizations are funded by far-left people like George Soros, Tom Steyer and others who have made billions of dollars thanks to capitalism and now mean to prevent others from having the same opportunities they had by stamping out capitalism.

The Republican Party has been taken over by neo-nazis, white supremacists and other right wing hate groups. They pursue the same policies that Adolph Hitler pursued in his rise to power. The Republican Party is against blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women and every other group you can think of except white men. Their power relies on uneducated people. Republicans want a country that is run by the rich and powerful at the expense of ordinary people. The Republican Party needs to be driven from power.

You have to stop mixing booze with your meds.......

Nothing in your post is true, accurate or based in reality...............

You post that as the democrat party sent it's terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter, to burn, loot and kill in primarily Black Neighborhoods........just before an election where Trump has had higher approval among Blacks and Hispanics than other republicans...........
He's not the he's got my vote.

Most white nationalists support Trump; there is a good reason for that. He validates their hate. post that while the democrat party terrorists groups, antifa and black lives matter marxists burn, loot and kill in democrat controlled cities.........? Actual burning, looting and killing........? And you have to keep pretending that Trump is the racist.......while the democrat party terrorists, antifa, and black lives matter burn, loot and kill in primarily Black neighborhood........

I posted that? I think you've inhaled too much gun powder chump.

True or false; most white nationalists (like yourself) support the blob. True...right?

Do you think that 900,000 (or whatever your numbers are) white nationalists just have it wrong?

The only racist here is you, and the democrat party you support, the home of racism in this country.......the party that uses race to gain power and money......

There are a grand total of 6 white nationalists in the country.......and you post your post as the democrat party terrorist groups, antifa and black lives matter marxists are burning, looting and killing people in primarily Black neighborhoods........during an election year when Trump had higher approval ratings among Black and Hispanics than other Republican Presidential candidates.....a guy who has actually done more for the Black community than democrats have done in the last 60 years...........

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